Bandit Camp

Chapter 212 Killing Livestock

Chapter 212 Killing Livestock


Just as Shin Takahashi raised his pistol at Fei Quan and was about to pull the trigger, an unknown object flew over and hit Shin Takahashi on the wrist.

The force of the unknown object was enormous, and Nobu Takahashi was defenseless, and the pistol in his hand was also thrown flying under the blow.

Gao Qiaoxin was taken aback, and turned his head to look in the direction of the source of the unknown object, but saw Ye Tufei sitting there with one foot bare, smiling at Gao Qiaoxin.

Nobu Takahashi was taken aback for another moment, and turned to look at his plainclothes guards, only to see that those guys put down their guns and laughed at Shin Takahashi.

Shin Takahashi suddenly panicked.

With a slight shake, Fei Quan let go of the rope on his body, and smiled at Gao Qiaoxin: "If you can bribe Ji Xiaohai's subordinates, aren't you afraid that I will bribe your subordinates?"

Xiao Zhonghe and Duguyu also untied the ropes on their own.

Duguyu hurriedly said: "Xiao Laoliu, today's matter is between you and your brother, I am innocent, because of you, I have been tied up for so long, you can't just say it, at least you have to ask I'll have a good meal!"

Without waiting for Xiao Zhonghe to answer, Duguyu turned to Gaoqiao again: "My name is Duguyu, you must have heard of this name, of course, there is no enmity or hatred between you and me, I want to find The person in charge is Keigo Yamashita, a beast, and the matter of you, a beast, has nothing to do with me, ah! When you become a ghost, don't come to me!"

After finishing speaking, Duguyu swayed to the side.

Fei Quan stretched out his hand to stop Duguyu: "Brother! Help to the end, there are dozens of young people outside, why don't you take my five brothers to go outside for activities?"

Duguyu moved her limbs and said with a smile: "This suggestion is not bad, but Xiao Laoliu, listen to me, a big meal is not enough, there must be more..."

Xiao Zhonghe was in a hurry to get rid of Takahashi Xin, so he was not willing to tease Duguyu, so he turned his head and said to Duguyu: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, and when you are done, you can do whatever you like!"

With a proud face, Duguyu whistled to the five brothers holding [-] rifles, and shouted: "Let's go brothers, listen to your elder brother, let's go out for activities."

As soon as Duguyu walked out of the warehouse with the five brothers, there were endless screams outside.

Inside the warehouse, Xiao Zhonghe waved to Gao Qiaoxin and said, "It's your turn, tell me, how do you want to die?"

Gao Qiaoxin is like a trapped animal at this moment, his eyes widened, and he growled in a low voice: "If you have the guts, come with me for a one-on-one duel!"

As soon as Gao Qiaoxin finished speaking, Fei Quan raised his foot and kicked Gao Qiaoxin: "Fuck you, it's still one-on-one!"

Gao Qiaoxin dodged, just dodged Fei Quan's kick, and Xiao Zhonghe's punch rushed over there: "Your grandma, are you still fighting?"

Takahashi Shin turned to one side, barely avoiding Xiao Zhonghe's punch, but suddenly another unknown object flew over and just hit him in the face.

With bare feet, Ye Tufei also scolded: "What kind of fuck are you?"

The three masters sandwiched Gao Qiaoxin in the middle, either you punched him or I kicked him. After a while, Gao Qiaoxin couldn't hold on anymore and was kicked in the chest by Fei Quan, and then Xiao Zhonghe slap in the face.

Just after staggering two steps, Ye Tufei came up again, hit Xin Gao Qiao's back with an elbow, and then twisted Gao Qiao Xin's right arm out of its socket.Before Takahashi Shin could cry, Fei Quan and Xiao Zhonghe's legs were already facing each other, kicking Takahashi Shin's knee at the same time.

Shin Takahashi's legs went limp, and he knelt down on the ground with a plop.

At this moment, the screams outside the warehouse had also stopped, and Duguyu returned to the warehouse with the five brothers.

"Sixth Master, Big Brother Fei, Xiao Lao Liu, let me report to you. There are 22 people outside, and now all of them have met the king of Hades. Oh, there is also a member of the Qing Gang. I knocked him out. You see how to deal with it." Let's do it!"

After Duguyu finished speaking with a smile, she picked up a wooden box next to her and sat cross-legged on it.

Gao Qiaoxin knelt on the ground with a gloomy expression. He glanced at his five plainclothes guards again, and asked rather puzzled: "You are all brothers who have followed me for many years, have you really been bought by the surname Fei?" ?”

The five brothers laughed, but did not answer Gao Qiaoxin's question.

Fei Quan came up and slapped Gao Qiaoxin, and said, "Don't be upset, your five followers didn't betray you, but they already went there before you, it's easy for me, brother. Yes. Gao Qiaoxin, if you want to blame you, you can only blame yourself for wanting to deal with Ye Tufei so much that you didn't even notice that the people around you were dropped."

Nobu Takahashi looked at the five people again, and he found that although their faces were very similar, there were still subtle differences.He sighed, and said: "Ye Tufei, maybe you are the nemesis I, Takahashi Shin, is destined to be. Well, the matter has come to this point, and it is meaningless to say anything else, you can do it!"

Ye Tufei said seriously: "Gao Qiaoxin, there is no one's nemesis in this world, you don't have to use this as an excuse for your failure, I just want to say one thing, if you do many unrighteous actions, you will kill yourself. You treat a thief as your father, shamelessly Treat yourself as a Japanese, even if you beat me, Ye Tufei today, you will still not be able to escape the fate of death without a place to die."

Fei Quan threw the dagger he was carrying with him to Gao Qiaoxin: "Killing someone like you will dirty my hands, Gao Qiaoxin, you'd better break it yourself!"

Shin Takahashi picked up the dagger with trembling hands.

He also wanted to commit suicide by cutting himself out like a Japanese samurai, holding a sword in his right hand and unbuttoning his jacket with his left.But without even undoing a button, Xiao Zhonghe became impatient and kicked Gao Qiaoxin's right hand holding the sword.

The sword stabbed into Takahashi Shin's chest.

"Uh~~~" Shin Takahashi cried out in pain, but still insisted on unbuttoning his coat.

"What a shameless bastard, he won't repent until he dies!" Xiao Zhonghe was still puzzled and only hated, so he went up and kicked again, and the one-foot-long dagger pierced Gao Qiaoxin's chest.

Shin Takahashi didn't even utter a scream, he twitched a few times, and swallowed his last breath.

Fei Quan took out a piece of silk cloth from his waist, wrapped it around the handle of the sword, pulled out the dagger, wrapped the dagger with the silk cloth, then pulled Xiao Zhonghe to face northwest and knelt down.

"Master, Mistress, you rest in peace under the Nine Springs. My junior brother and I have avenged your revenge. Also, your son Li Xia'er has also been found. He is living well now."

After the two stood up after paying their respects, Xiao Zhonghe hugged Fei Quan vigorously: "Brother, you have suffered all these years, but I...I still misunderstand you."

Fei Quan patted Xiao Zhonghe on the back, and said with a smile: "Junior brother, you are really ruthless. When you were in Tianjin, you almost killed senior brother!"

Xiao Zhonghe looked ashamed and said, "I thought you..."

Fei Quan intercepted Xiao Zhonghe's words, and said, "You think I have taken refuge with the Japanese?"

Duguyu interrupted and said, "It's not that he thinks you have taken refuge with the Japanese, he just thinks that you are a Japanese!"

Xiao Zhonghe gave Duguyu a gouged look, and said to Fei Quan embarrassedly: "Brother, I was..."

Fei Quan didn't let Xiao Zhonghe finish speaking, pressed Xiao Zhonghe's lips with his fingers, and said with a smile: "Now is not the time for us brothers to talk about the old days, let's clean up the affairs here, and we have time to talk."

Fei Quan turned to clasped his fists at Ye Tufei and said, "Master Ye Sixth, sorry for neglecting Fei Quan!"

After Ye Tufei returned the salute, he said with a smile: "Senior Brother Fei is very skilled, the sword that night almost killed Ye Mou."

Fei Quan also joked, "Didn't you return it today? For so many years, I, Fei Quan, have never been beaten so embarrassingly."

Duguyu added to the confusion at the side: "In terms of fighting, our sixth master is definitely not the opponent of senior brother Fei, but in terms of fighting hard, senior brother Fei, the two of you can't beat Liu master alone."

Although Duguyu's words were a joke, but he really hit the point. Fei Quan had fought against Ye Tufei twice, and he didn't understand Ye Tufei's kung fu. He couldn't tell which school Ye Tufei belonged to, but Ye Tufei His every move is very concise and effective, and his response is extremely fast.

Fei Quan really wanted to have a good conversation with Ye Tufei, but it was not so suitable at the moment, the most important thing now was to make the funeral arrangements properly.

"Sixth Master, Fei Quan is only thinking of avenging his master's family, and he did a little bit tonight, please forgive me." Fei Quan once again clasped his fist at Ye Tufei, "I have made my wish. From now on, you can go back to the mountains and forests, but you still have a heavy responsibility, sixth master, how do you think about this funeral?"

Ye Tufei pointed to Dongfang, and said with a smile: "The sea is not far there, throw them all into the sea and feed them to the fish!"

Fei Quan nodded and said, "Well, that's fine!" Turning to his five brothers, he said, "Well then, you guys have to work hard!"

The five brothers agreed, and then went to find a car to transport the corpse.

Here, Ye Tufei ordered Duguyu to find some cold water and splash it on Ji Xiaohai's face, finally waking Ji Xiaohai up.

As soon as Ji Xiaohai woke up, before he had time to say a polite word to Ye Tufei, he cursed: "Zheng Dayong is a bastard! He actually eats his own food, and together with the Japanese came to frame me, let's see how I deal with this bastard."

Ye Tufei smiled, and said: "Uncle Ji, you can just stop the fire, Zheng Dayong has already been released, you can deal with him as you want after you go back."

Only then did Ji Xiaohai take care of thanking Ye Tufei.

After exchanging a few words of courtesy, Fei Quan's five brothers over there also came back from their work. Ye Tufei said, "Brothers, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's hurry up and evacuate, and we can talk about it when we get back."

Back in the Concession, Ji Xiaohai wanted to let all the brothers have a supper as a thank you. To be honest, the brothers have been beating and killing all night, and they are really hungry at the moment, but Ye Tufei considered that Ji Xiaohai suffered a lot this day. He has committed a lot of crimes, so he couldn't bear to nag him anymore, so he politely declined Ji Xiaohai's invitation and asked Ji Xiaohai to go home and rest quickly. If he still has energy, he should clean up the house first. good.

Ji Xiaohai really regarded Ye Tufei as his own family, and he stopped being polite to Ye Tufei, obeyed Ye Tufei's arrangement, and went back first.

Ye Tufei said to the brothers: "Okay, now I really can't find anything else to do besides eating and drinking. Let's go, I'll treat you."


I'm working on company financing these days, so I really don't have time to code words, please bear with me, it's only two days late.

(End of this chapter)

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