Bandit Camp

Chapter 213

Chapter 213
From last Thursday to this Tuesday, in four cities in five days, the cumulative distance is as high as 5000 kilometers. I am so tired of the old smoke. I almost never turn on the computer. Every time I go back to the hotel, I wash up and sleep. Fortunately, the result I'm pretty satisfied.

After the matter is done, our update will return to normal. It's still the same sentence, the promise we made before must be fulfilled.


Another important reason why Ye Tufei wanted to dismiss Ji Xiaohai was that he really wanted to hear Fei Quan's story, especially what happened tonight.

Ye Tufei led the crowd to the restaurant where Ji Xiaohai took them to supper last time. The owner of the restaurant was very shrewd and recognized Ye Tufei. Knowing Ye Tufei's taste last time, he arranged a dozen dishes.

Fei Quan's five brothers borrowed water and soap from the hotel owner, trying to wash away the traces of disguise, but after a long time, all five of them turned into disfigured faces.

Fei Quan slapped his thigh abruptly, and said, "I really forgot about it! Xiao He, hurry up and drive with me, your second brother is still locked up by me!"

Ye Tufei and Xiao Zhonghe were taken aback at the same time, and asked in unison: "Second Guo? You tied the second Guo?"

Fei Quan smiled wryly and said, "Isn't this just an emergency! Besides Brother Guo, I really don't know who has the ability to disguise himself."

Xiao Zhonghe was very curious, and asked again: "How did you know about Guo Lao Er's ability?"

Fei Quan waved his hand and said, "It's a long story, let's invite Second Brother Guo over first, and let me speak slowly, okay?"

Ye Tufei smiled and said: "Xiao Lao Liu, you should hurry up and go with your senior brother! Guo Lao Er's temper is very twisted, he must have suffered a lot for being able to submit to Senior Brother Fei, you should go and comfort him Bar!"

Xiao Zhonghe stared at Fei Quan, Fei Quan looked ashamed.

The place where Fei Quan imprisoned Guo Zhonglin was not far from the hotel. He drove back in less than half an hour.

Guessing that Xiao Zhonghe also told Guo Zhonglin the whole story on the way, when Guo Zhonglin saw Ye Tufei, not only did he not look angry, but his face was full of joy: "Liu Ye, Liu Ye, you can think of me as a scholar!" Die!" Guo Zhonglin didn't care who else was in the room, he jumped at Ye Tufei as soon as he came up, hugged him tightly, and refused to let go.

Ye Tufei managed to persuade Guo Zhonglin to let go of his arms, and when he looked at Guo Zhonglin again, his face was already full of tears.Xiao Zhonghe silently handed over a towel, Guo Zhonglin took it, wiped his face indiscriminately, and suddenly saw the five painted-faced brothers, couldn't help but burst out laughing, "It's what you deserve! The one named Fei, has he been punished? "

Fei Quan accompanied him with a smile and said, "Second Brother Guo, what Fei Quan did was wrong, he accepts punishment and accepts punishment, and only asks Second Brother Guo to forgive him."

Guo Zhonglin said with a smile: "Forgive or not, you are going to deal with Gao Qiaoxin, even if you take the life of our poor scholar, we poor scholar will not blame the brothers! The surname Fei, you say you Why didn't you make it clear to us earlier?"

Fei Quan continued to laugh and said, "Second Brother Guo is right to reprimand you, all because of Fei Quan's recklessness."

Guo Zhonglin waved his hand and said, "Okay, I won't talk about it, it's easy to make things easy, but it's very easy to unload, let the shop owner bring some shochu over, wash it and it'll be clean."

At this time, all the dishes were served, and the ten brothers chatted while eating and drinking.Xiao Zhonghe was the first to ask Fei Quan why he asked someone to bring back the news of his death.

Fei Quan thought for a moment, put down his chopsticks, and said, "Okay, I'll just babble about the past few years, but I'm sorry for the sixth master Guo Erge and Dugu brother, we need you to deal with our senior brother's affairs." Suffering will accompany you to listen."

Ye Tufei smiled and said: "Where is it, Xiao Laoliu is our brother, and his business is our business. Besides, I am really curious about you, and I really want to hear your story."

Fei Quan smiled lightly and began to tell his story.

After Li Xingfeng was killed by Takahashi Shin, Fei Quan vowed to avenge his master. Judging from the cause of his master's death, the murderer should be a Japanese ninja. At that time, the three eastern provinces were the places where most Japanese gathered.

Fei Quan concealed his identity and went to the three eastern provinces, where he found a job in a Japanese organization and conducted secret investigations.

The reason why he asked someone to bring back the news of his death was only to prevent the Japanese from tracing his origin. At that time, he had already become a small leader of the peripheral organization formed by the Black Dragon Society in the local area.

In the three northeastern provinces, Fei Quan learned some Japanese, made friends with many Japanese, and learned more and more information about Japanese ninjas.Later, I heard that a master of martial arts in Tianjin also died at the hands of ninjas, and the way of death was very similar to his master. Therefore, Fei Quan went to Tianjin. The firm asked for an errand.

Afterwards, he discovered that the Japanese businessman was inextricably linked to the Japanese ninja world. In order to investigate further, Fei Quan hooked up with the Japanese businessman's daughter.However, when he had some clues, Xiao Zhonghe discovered it and secretly poisoned the family's dinner.

Fei Quan was also poisoned that day.Coincidentally, Fei Quan was not feeling well that day, and he ate very little. Moreover, Fei Quan understood Xiao Zhonghe's method of poisoning, so he saved himself in time by saving himself.However, the owner of the Japanese firm and his family were all poisoned to death, and the clues were interrupted.

When Fei Quan knew that his younger brother had become a killer on the road, he was worried about his younger brother's comfort, so he dropped his route and followed Xiao Zhonghe secretly all the way to Xuzhou and Jiajiawang.

Xiao Zhonghe followed Ye Tufei up the mountain, he was temporarily safe, but Fei Quan had to earn a living, so he joined the military command and became Xing Wanli's secret killer.The main purpose of Xing Wanli's recruitment of Fei Quan is to deal with Yamashita Keigo. During this process, Fei Quan accidentally discovered the secret of Takahashi Shin, and his intuition told Fei Quan that this Takahashi Shin may be related to the death of the master.

When Fei Quan basically concluded that Gao Qiaoxin was the murderer of his master, Gao Qiaoxin was transferred to Nanjing, so Fei Quan followed him to Nanjing.Relying on his experience of entering the periphery of the Black Dragon Club in the three eastern provinces, he recommended himself and became a killer hired by Takahashi Nobu, with the target of Kenji Doihara.

But not long after that, Ye Tufei came to Shanghai. When Takahashi Shin found out that Ye Tufei had met Doihara Kenji, he adjusted his goal.

That time, at the gate of Ji Xiaohai's house, Fei Quan also acted on orders.He was very curious about Ye Liuye, who made his younger brother admire him, so in the process of ambush Ye Tufei, it was more to test Ye Tufei's ability, so when Ye Tufei adopted the strategy of going first, Fei All stopped his subordinates, especially Gao Qiaoxin's direct descendants.

Gao Qiaoxin didn't expect Fei Quan's ambush to succeed either, his trump card against Ye Tufei was Ji Xiaohai, and what happened tonight.Takahashi Xin thinks that Fei Quan is an outsider, and Fei Quan has expressed to Gao Qiaoxin many times that he really wants to compete with Ye Tufei. Gao Qiaoxin is also a martial arts practitioner, so he can understand Fei Quan's attitude. Therefore, he was easily deceived by Fei Quan.

After Fei Quan learned of Gao Qiaoxin's plan, he went to Erlang Mountain overnight and tied Guo Zhonglin to Shanghai.Fei Quan has been secretly protecting Xiao Zhonghe, so he knows the characteristics of the brothers in Zhongyi Hall very well.

How did Guo Zhonglin know Fei Quan, even though Fei Quan's mouth was worn out, Guo Zhonglin just refused to cooperate with him, so in desperation, Fei Quan had no choice but to play tricks on Guo Zhonglin.

Guo Zhonglin was a scholar, so he definitely couldn't stand Fei Quan's tricks, plus he had been in the green forest for many years, and he understood the truth that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, so Guo Zhonglin gave in and helped Fei Quan.

The reason Gao Qiaoxin was able to successfully tie Ji Xiaohai was because he bought Zheng Dayong. That night, Zheng Dayong drove Ye Tufei and the other three to the harbor. As soon as they stopped, Gao Qiaoxin knew that Ye Tufei and his party were It was three people, because he had an agreement with Zheng Dayong, when Ye Tufei came, he would flash the lights a few times.

Takahashi Shin responded immediately and asked Fei Quan to deal with the other two.

Fei Quan knew the people around Ye Tufei well. He was very familiar with the characteristics of his junior brother. However, Duguyu was indeed the one who made the decision that night.

Fei Quan only said one thing to Xiao Zhonghe at that time: Gao Qiaoxin was the murderer who killed the master.

Xiao Zhonghe immediately understood the painstaking efforts of the elder brother, and the three of them conspired to make this bitter plan, just to lure Takahashi Shin to tell the truth.

After Fei Quan finished telling this story, he apologized to Ye Tufei again: "Sixth Master, Fei Quan made you suffer for revenge against the master. From now on, Fei Quan will be useful, and Fei Quan is willing to do his best."

After hearing Fei Quan's story, Ye Tufei had a new understanding of Fei Quan.At first he thought that Fei Quan was just a person with high martial arts skills, but he didn't expect that this person could be so forbearing and tenacious, and he couldn't help admiring Fei Quan a lot in his heart.

"Brother Fei, in front of you, Ye does not dare to be called the sixth master. The name of the sixth master is only used in Erlang Mountain. From now on, you can call me A Fei!" Ye Tufei held up his wine glass and toasted Fei Quan.

Although Fei Quan was a few years older than Ye Tufei, he respected Ye Tufei's chivalry and courage, so naturally he refused to exaggerate in front of Ye Tufei.However, after following Xiao Zhonghe and calling them Liu Ye, Fei Quan also felt awkward, so after thinking about it, he changed his name to Ye Tufei as Brother Ye.

"Brother Ye, let me call you Brother Ye!" Fei Quan responded to Ye Tufei, and then asked: "Brother Ye, there is something I haven't figured out. Can you help me clear up this doubt?"

Ye Tufei smiled, and said, "Brother, just say what you want."

Fei Quandao: "Brother Ye's skills are not inferior to Fei Quan's, but Fei Quan can't see the source of Brother Ye's inheritance. I wonder if Brother Ye would like to tell you, this stupid brother, that your apprenticeship is..."

Xiao Zhonghe rushed to answer Ye Tufei: "Brother, it's useless for you to ask, Sixth Master himself can't figure it out."

Fei Quan was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what this meant.

Ye Tufei smiled bitterly and said: "I have amnesia, and I have forgotten all the previous things. Now I only have some memory fragments in my mind, but it is very strange. I don't know if these memories are true or not. As for the inheritance, senior brother, really Sorry, I don't remember anything."

(End of this chapter)

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