Bandit Camp

Chapter 217

Chapter 217
As the saying goes, pear blossoms bring rain, and I feel pity for them. The silent crying of women is the most likely to arouse men's distress.

When Ye Tufei saw Tao Zhenzhen with tears all over his face, he couldn't help but thump in his heart.That's right, he had known this woman a few years ago, and she had clearly placed her heart for him there. No matter how Ye Tufei treated her, she never complained.

Just for a moment, Ye Tufei's heart surged with warmth. He stretched out his arms, gently wrapped Tao Zhenzhen's shoulders, and said softly, "Why are you crying? Who bullied you?"

Nie Hengzi spoke from the side: "Do you still need to ask? You were bullied by that big villain surnamed Ye and named Tufei?"

It was the first time Tao Zhenzhen was embraced by Ye Tufei with such gentle hands, the sweetness in his heart could still accommodate Nie Hengzi's gags?She glared at Nie Hengzi, raised her leg as if to kick him, and defended Ye Tufei, saying: "You are the only one talking too much, he cried happily, how could Liu Ye ever bully me!"

Nie Hengzi dodged Tao Zhenzhen's pretentious kick, and said with a smile: "Hehe, hum, I'm afraid there is someone who thinks about it day and night, so I hope to be bullied by that Ye!"

These words just hit Tao Zhenzhen's heart, if it is an ordinary woman, she must be extremely shy, even ashamed.But Tao Zhenzhen is also a woman who has experienced scenes after all, and she has quite a lot of experience in dealing with Nie Hengzi's teasing.

"Don't just look at other people's jokes, Mr. Sixth Nie, but also look at yourself when you have time. When you were thrown by the sixth master to the Japanese, who swore behind your back and said that you would break up with the sixth master? And who is so stupid? Can't you drive away even if you follow behind the sixth master?"

Nie Hengzi was overjoyed, pointed to his nose, and said with a smile: "This person's surname is Nie and his name is Hengzi. He is the sixth eldest son at home, and his friends gave him the nickname of Mr. Nie Liu. What's the matter? Mr. Nie Liu is thick-skinned, and he likes to be called by this Ye bully, what's the matter? Are you as thick-skinned as me if you have the ability?"

Nie Hengzi's happiness was not because Tao Zhenzhen had so much fun, but because he hadn't seen Tao Zhenzhen so relaxed for two whole years.

Because of Ye Tufei, Nie Hengzi met Tao Zhenzhen, and he had an inexplicable affection for this girl.It's like liking, but it's not the relationship between a man and a woman. It's like brother and sister, but there are some impure things mixed in all the time.

For the past two years, Nie Hengzi watched Tao Zhenzhen suffer day by day in missing him. His heart ached, but he was helpless.He knew that in Tao Zhenzhen's heart, no one could replace Ye Tufei.Nie Hengzi could only care for Tao Zhenzhen silently, like a real big brother.

It is precisely because of Nie Hengzi's concern that Tao Zhenzhen survived, otherwise, she might give up on herself and give up on herself.

Talking and laughing, Tao Zhenzhen let Ye Tufei and Nie Hengzi into the room, and made a pot of tea for them. Seeing that it was just about time for lunch, he asked tentatively: "Master Liu, Brother Nie, can you stay for lunch at noon?"

Ye Tufei just wanted to decline.The warm current came and went quickly, and Ye Tufei, who calmed down immediately, realized that he could not bring Tao Zhenzhen into this vortex. What he did was a highly dangerous thing. Little Japan or the agents of the new government have smelled it, and I am afraid that it will be the result of being decapitated.

This girl is innocent, and she cannot be allowed to fall into danger with her.

Therefore, Ye Tufei wanted to tell Tao Zhenzhen that he just stopped by to have a look, and he would leave after a while.

But as soon as Ye Tufei opened his mouth, Nie Hengzi's voice sounded over there: "If we don't have lunch with you, why don't we just drink tea when we are hungry?"

After saying a word, Nie Hengzi seemed to know Ye Tufei's thoughts, and said to Ye Tufei: "If you don't plan to try the real girl's craft, I won't force you, the door is over there, please go Time to close the door."

Ye Tufei was gagged by Nie Hengzi, and swallowed what he wanted to say abruptly. He smiled at Tao Zhenzhen and said, "I've known you for so long, but I really haven't tasted your skills. Respectful!" It's better to obey, then I will work hard for you today."

How can it be hard work for a woman to make lunch for the man she loves?That should really be called happiness.

Tao Zhenzhen showed a cheerful smile, tied up her apron with a smile and went into the kitchen.

In the living room, Nie Hengzi paused, and said to Ye Tufei: "A Fei, there is something I need to discuss with you."

Ye Tufei thought that Nie Hengzi wanted to tell him about Tao Zhenzhen, so before Nie Hengzi could talk about it, he blocked the way first: "I know what you want to say, well, my sixth son, what should I do?" So I know it in my heart, I..."

Nie Hengzi looked stunned, and interrupted Ye Tufei's speech, saying: "You put a donkey's head on my horse's mouth, and you know what I'm going to say? Shit! You and Tao Zhen really have such a shitty thing. Mr. Nie is too lazy to care about it!"

Only then did Ye Tufei realize that he was thinking too much, and quickly apologized: "I'm a donkey, I'm a donkey, okay, Mr. Nie, now you can talk about your horse mouth?"

Nie Hengzi put away his playful face, and said seriously: "Two days ago, people from northern Jiangsu found me, and hoped that I could help them get a batch of medicine."

Ye Tufei was taken aback for a moment, he knew that the people in northern Jiangsu that Nie Hengzi mentioned meant the New Fourth Army that was active in the Nantong area of ​​Yancheng.

"You promised them?"

Nie Hengzi shook his head and said, "As long as you have money, it's not difficult to buy these medicines. The hard part is how to hand them over. Even if the handover is successful, how to transport them out of Shanghai safely. There can be no mistakes in these links. One thing I didn’t do well, I was tracked down by the Japanese, and I couldn’t bear the end. I was timid, so I didn’t dare to promise them, I just told them that I would find a way to contact them.”

Ye Tufei glanced at Nie Hengzi, this playboy-like Nie Hengzi thought about it quite carefully, this matter was indeed as he analyzed, it was easy to buy medicine, but difficult to deliver it!
According to Ye Tufei's character, no matter how difficult this kind of thing is, he has to do it. As long as it is beneficial to the small Japan, he definitely regards it as his own responsibility, so he nodded subconsciously and said: "The people in northern Jiangsu It is indeed very difficult, and when you can help, you must..."

While talking, Ye Tufei suddenly realized a problem, how did this Nie Hengzi get involved with the people over there?How many things about this Nie Hengzi I don't know.

Ye Tufei was startled suddenly.

It's not that he doesn't trust Nie Hengzi, but he is worried that Nie Hengzi's experience in dealing with the Japanese is still inexperienced. If he gets too close to the KMT and the Communist Party, he will easily be discovered by the Japanese, which will hurt his fundamentals mission.

"By the way, how did you get acquainted with people from Subei? Mr. Nie, this doesn't look like your style!"

Nie Hengzi smiled wryly twice, and replied: "You think I took the initiative to find them? Hey! I really didn't expect that they actually became dancers in order to hide their identities. I asked why she would treat me like this." Alright, I thought it was Mr. Nie's handsome and graceful Yushu Linfeng who attracted her, but I didn't expect that in the end, he was just using my identity as a cover."

Ye Tufei laughed, at this moment he had almost guessed: "You mean Yujuan?"

Yujuan is a dancer under the care of Nie Hengzi. For her livelihood, Nie Hengzi specially set up a business firm for her, using the resources of Citibank and Nie's own resources to let the firm go through an intermediary to earn a little difference. .After Ye Tufei came to Shanghai, Nie Hengzi handed over the business to Ye Tufei to take care of it, because Yujuan was really not a person who knew how to do business.

After Ye Tufei pulled Nie Hengzi to set up Gongrong Commercial Bank, he persuaded Nie Hengzi to close Yujuan's firm. Nie Hengzi followed Ye Tufei's advice, but when cleaning up the accounts, he found many problems .

Yujuan did a lot of illegal transactions behind Nie Hengzi's back.

Under Nie Hengzi's repeated questioning, Yujuan told the truth, saying that she was from northern Jiangsu, and that all the prohibited business she did was for the anti-Japanese armed forces in northern Jiangsu.

When Nie Hengzi heard the truth, he was speechless. He didn't know how to deal with it.From the bottom of his heart, he felt that he should help Yujuan. Even if it wasn't for the overall situation of the War of Resistance, he and Yujuan were still husband and wife after all.

However, when facing Yujuan, he felt fear all the time.After all, Yujuan is different from Ye Tufei. Ye Tufei does not belong to any party. What he does is to corrupt the new government and the high-level Japanese army. The only danger is that he may be assassinated as a traitor.

But what Yujuan did was different. Once exposed, she would definitely lose her head.

Nie Hengzi was not too worried about being assassinated, he knew that Ye Tufei would protect him.But Nie Hengzi was terrified of the Japanese's pursuit. When Ye Tufei threw him at the Japanese base in the early years, he had really seen the methods of the Japanese.

When Nie Hengzi was still in fear, Yujuan did not expect that Yujuan made a new request to him, asking him to help get a batch of western medicines that the troops urgently needed, and told him a lot of revolutionary truths. Zi had no choice but to nod, saying that he should plan and think of a way first, and then decide how to act.

As for Nie Hengzi's analysis of the drug production in his words just now, it is not his intellectual property at all, but what Yujuan said, and he just sold it once.

That's the situation, Nie Hengzi explained everything to Ye Tufei.

After Ye Tufei finished listening, he smiled and said, "You tell Yujuan, we'll take over this matter!"

Nie Hengzi suddenly showed surprise, and said, "A Fei, have you thought of a good way?"

Ye Tufei shook his head, and said, "I'm not the Tathagata Buddha, and my magic power is boundless. However, this kind of thing is a duty for any Chinese."

While talking, Tao Zhenzhen had already prepared four small dishes, put them on the table, took out a bottle of wine from the cabinet, and said with a smile to the two of them: "You two brothers, eat first, I still have two dishes Enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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