Bandit Camp

Chapter 218 Test each other

Chapter 218 Test each other
Yujuan and Ye Tufei have known each other for more than a month, but Yujuan is very wary of Ye Tufei.She learned from Nie Hengzi that Ye Tufei came to Shanghai after falling out with the Communist Party. Judging by her habitual thinking, Ye Tufei must have gritted her teeth against the Communist Party.

Yujuan had no choice but to confess her true identity to Nie Hengzi. According to the plan of Yujuan's organization, they wanted to slowly reform Nie Hengzi's thinking and draw Nie Hengzi into the revolutionary ranks. Let Nie Hengzi agree to assist them secretly.

This plan has been carried out in an orderly manner, but more than a month ago, Ye Tufei appeared in Shanghai, and everything began to become uncontrollable.

Therefore, Yujuan's attitude towards Ye Tufei is not only distrustful, but also hostile.

When Ye Tufei and Nie Hengzi faced Yujuan, Yujuan simply closed her mouth, and was so anxious by Nie Hengzi that she uttered a cruel sentence: "Yes, I am the Communist Party, but since I have been exposed , I have cut off all ties with the organization. Whether it is medicine or not, it has nothing to do with me now."

Afterwards, no matter how Nie Hengzi explained, Yujuan always said that the person surnamed Ye had defected to the Japanese and the new government. She wanted to kill her as she wished, but she wanted to follow the vine to eradicate her organization. It was a dream!
Nie Hengzi tried his best, but failed to change Yujuan's mind, so he came out angrily and shrugged at Ye Tufei, frustrated that he had tried his best.

Ye Tufei smiled instead.

With his current status, if he can easily gain Yujuan's trust, it will be a big problem. It can only show that Yujuan and the organization behind her are too superficial. Dealing with a superficial person or organization is not right. For Ye Tufei, the risk is too great.

After hearing Nie Hengzi's account of Yujuan's process of persuading him to help make medicines, Ye Tufei realized that this Yujuan was too impetuous when doing things, and lacked the calmness that an underground party member should have.He originally planned to contact the people behind Yujuan, and suggested that Yujuan be transferred back to northern Jiangsu, so as to minimize his risk.

Now it seems that the people behind Yujuan did not disappoint Ye Tufei. This Yujuan must have reacted like this after being criticized after reporting to the organization.

The same is true.

Yujuan's surname is Zhao, and she was indeed a dancer before she was developed into a peripheral party of the underground party.Dancing girls also have the right to be patriotic, and dancing girls also have the need to be positive and progressive. In addition, Zhao Yujuan was a progressive student when she was in school, so she finally realized her dream two years ago and became a member of the underground party organization in Shanghai. name periphery.

At that time, Zhao Yujuan and Nie Hengzi happened to be together.

Zhao Yujuan approached Nie Hengzi without any purpose at first, she was really infatuated with this handsome playboy.Zhao Yujuan's organization inspected Nie Hengzi and believed that Nie Hengzi should be someone who could be won over, or at least someone who could be used, so they agreed with the fact that Zhao Yujuan and Nie Hengzi were together.

In the past two years, Zhao Yujuan has used Nie Hengzi's background resources to do a lot of things for the organization in a down-to-earth manner, and her status has gradually grown from a peripheral to a core.

It's just that Zhao Yujuan's past two years have been so smooth that she's too superficial in terms of struggle and concealment.When Nie Hengzi discovered her problem, she didn't deal with it according to the organizational principles. Instead, she made her own decisions and had a showdown with Nie Hengzi.

Afterwards, Zhao Yujuan was naturally approved by her upline.

It was only then that Zhao Yujuan realized that Nie Hengzi was not dangerous, but Ye Tufei next to Nie Hengzi was very dangerous.It is very difficult for Nie Hengzi not to tell Ye Tufei about this matter, and Ye Tufei is a member of the new government, and he has turned against the Communist Party. Can he not take revenge on the Communist Party?
Although Zhao Yujuan has been in single-line contact with the organization for more than two years, and she can only be traced to her upline, but any person will leave traces of one kind or another in the long river of time. It's hard not to be spotted.

The only way is to immediately withdraw this underground organization from Shanghai.

But Zhao Yujuan disagreed, and she insisted on resolving the crisis by sacrificing herself.

Zhao Yujuan's upline agreed to Zhao Yujuan's request after asking her superiors for instructions, because the organization did not want to give up Nie Hengzi, and they had a lot of confidence in Nie Hengzi, believing that Nie Hengzi would not betray Zhao Yujuan without being sure.

This is an adventure.

It's just that this adventure was carried out under the condition of knowing ourselves and the enemy. If there is a problem in the middle, the underground party organization has already prepared to deal with it and can withdraw from Shanghai at any time.

In other words, compared with the immediate plan to evacuate Shanghai, Zhao Yujuan will lose more if the risk fails.But if the adventure is successful, what you will get is not just Nie Hengzi, but also Ye Tufei who can talk to the Japanese in the new government.

Zhao Yujuan's performance in front of Nie Hengzi was exactly what they planned in advance.

Although Ye Tufei didn't know the process, but he was quite familiar with the principles of the underground party's activities, and he was good brothers with the old underground party Peng Youming, so he could guess all about it.

Zhao Yujuan is not the key, the key person is Zhao Yujuan's upline.

Nie Hengzi didn't understand Ye Tufei's spirit of perseverance, and asked, "A Fei, since people don't trust us, why should we put a hot face on others' cold asses?"

Originally, Nie Hengzi didn't have much idea of ​​the party, all he thought about was the country. Later, after learning about Ye Tufei's experience, he also criticized the Communist Party.

Ye Tufei smiled, and said: "You can't use this kind of words to talk about things. It's only natural that they don't trust us, and it's our duty to help them. No matter how unhappy they are, it's just a personal matter, compared with the overall situation. Yes, it's all insignificant."

Nie Hengzi glanced at Ye Tufei, doubtful.

The Ye Tufei he knew was not such a tolerant person, I really don't know what wind caused him to be like this.

Ye Tufei met Nie Hengzi's suspicious gaze, and nodded slightly.

This is a hint, and this kind of hint can only be understood by brothers who understand and trust each other. After receiving this hint, Nie Hengzi immediately put away his doubts.Although he still doesn't understand Ye Tufei's intention, but at this moment he already knows that Ye Tufei did it on purpose and must have a unique intention.

Ye Tufei patted Nie Hengzi on the shoulder, and pointed to the bedroom where Zhao Yujuan was.

Nie Hengzi understood Ye Tufei's body language and knew that Ye Tufei wanted to talk to Zhao Yujuan in person, so he nodded.

Ye Tufei knocked on the door, and after receiving Zhao Yujuan's consent, pushed open the bedroom door.

"I understand what you're thinking at the moment. If it were me, I wouldn't trust Nie Hengzi's statement. Well, I admit that I have an intention to help you, but this intention is completely different from what you understand. Do you think I will hand you over to the new government or the Japanese, so as to beg for mercy in exchange for my own future. Wrong! Miss Yujuan, you are wrong! That kind of thing is the pursuit of young people, for me, there is no Unattractive."

Ye Tufei said, and observed Zhao Yujuan's expression, unfortunately, Ye Tufei didn't see what he wanted to see.

But Ye Tufei didn't give up, and continued: "Starting from you, follow the vines, and you can definitely find out all the people on your line. But, what's the point? With this little credit, I can replace Zhao Ming? Could it be that the end result is just a verbal compliment, and you may bite back and say that this is a premeditated bitter trick, just to make the new government or the Japanese trust Ye Tufei more, if this is the case , Did I not drop a stone on my own foot?"

The corners of Zhao Yujuan's mouth couldn't help twitching slightly.Ye Tufei's assumption was really one of the countermeasures they came up with.

Ye Tufei observed Zhao Yujuan's subtle expression, and felt happy, but he pretended not to see anything, and continued his statement: "Besides, can your Communist Party's underground organization be captured by grasping? Destroy it today." After one line of yours, within half a month, you guys set up a new underground intelligence line. If you can’t get it right, it will make you anxious, and I, Ye Tufei, can be regarded as an account of my life. It’s not worth it. ah!"

Zhao Yujuan's body trembled slightly.Ye Tufei also hit on one of their coping strategies. If this adventure fails, the Shanghai underground organization will include Ye Tufei in the anti-rape list and complete the task within a month.

Seeing Zhao Yujuan's reaction, Ye Tufei smiled sincerely.

"What I said is correct, isn't it? Actually, I also guessed your intentions. In fact, your organization has two days to withdraw from Shanghai. In that case, your losses will be minimal, but you But you didn't do it. Why? Because you have already made all the preparations to deal with it, and use you as bait to test out what kind of person this Ye Tufei is."

Zhao Yujuan finally couldn't bear it any longer, turned her head to look at Ye Tufei, and asked, "Then tell me, what kind of person are you?"

Ye Tufei smiled and said: "Actually, you have already mastered it, but you don't want to believe what you see. I, Ye Tufei, don't have any ambitions. What I do is just to make a living. I used to be a member of the youth gang, and later I became a bandit , for the sake of the food in my mouth, at most one more, I, Ye Tufei, are still righteous, besides myself, I also think about my brothers all the time.

Yes, I had a problem with your Communist Party, and your Communist Party almost shot me.But so what?Since then, I have been ruthless to your Communist Party?Do you have to kill them all?Hehe, even if I have the heart, I don’t have the energy!The so-called injustice has its head and its debtor has its owner. The people who want to kill me are not you, and it has nothing to do with you. "

Zhao Yujuan shook her head and said, "I still don't believe that you will help us sincerely."

Ye Tufei smiled and said: "Who said he would help you sincerely? I just treat this kind of thing as a business. You know, the more contraband, the more lucrative the profit. Nie Hengzi and I Having mentioned your demand, I roughly calculated that if this business is done well, I can earn at least [-] U.S. dollars. People make money, birds die for food, it’s as simple as that.

Miss Yujuan, bring my words to your upline. When you are all prepared to deal with it, if I, Ye Tufei, have a conspiracy in mind, the most I can do is catch you two. trouble.The Japanese will ask me to keep arresting you, and you will immediately plan to assassinate Ye Tufei. "

(End of this chapter)

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