Bandit Camp

Chapter 220 A Different Joint

Chapter 220 A Different Joint
Ying Zuo frame Zhao became interested, and asked: "Mr. Ye, you have aroused my strong interest, and I am very happy to listen to your plans and ideas."

Ye Tufei said: "You know that I, Ye Tufei, almost got shot by the Communist Party when I was in Erlang Mountain. They took away my territory and my team, so I had to go to Shanghai to find old friends Begging for food, I must avenge this revenge. I don’t think it’s meaningful to arrest a few of their underground gangsters. What I want is for them to die by the hundreds, to completely destroy them. Mr. Yingzuo, Can you understand my mood?"

Yingzuo Framezhao was silent for a moment, then nodded solemnly, and said, "If I were you, I would feel the same way."

Ye Tufei gritted his teeth, and said: "It's a very good idea to catch big fish with a long line, but for me, this idea can't satisfy my desire for revenge. How about catching a few underground gangsters? Only two or three months , they can re-establish a new underground organization."

Yingzuo Frame Zhao expressed his agreement with Ye Tufei's words, and at the same time asked: "What is Mr. Ye's plan...?"

A grin appeared on Ye Tufei's face, and he replied viciously: "Fake medicine! Sell them a large amount of fake medicine, let hundreds of their wounded die under the fake medicine, and cause chaos and chaos among them. contradiction!"

The smirk at this moment made Kagezuo Frame Zhao suddenly startled.In his heart, Ye Tufei has always had an elegant and calm demeanor, even when it comes to Gao Qiaoxin, who is at odds with him, he will definitely not lose his composure.But at this time, Ye Tufei didn't care about his own image anymore, and showed his ferocious true colors. It is conceivable how much hatred he has for the Communist Party in his heart.

At this moment, Ying Zuo frame Zhao completely believed in Ye Tufei.

As everyone knows, Ye Tufei almost cracked the mirror in the bedroom just to practice this ferocious smile.

After Yingzuo Frame Zhao believed in Ye Tufei, he began to think about the feasibility of Ye Tufei's idea of ​​fake medicine.Undoubtedly, if this plan can be implemented smoothly, it will have a huge destructive effect on the New Fourth Army in northern Jiangsu, but the key is how not to be seen by the other party.

For a while, Yingzuo framed his thoughts but couldn't clear them up, so he couldn't help asking: "Mr. Ye, I agree with your idea in principle, but at the same time I am worried about its complexity. , I'm afraid we won't even be able to catch one or two small fish and shrimps!"

Ye Tufei regained his composure, and said with a smile: "The road needs to be taken step by step, and the meal needs to be eaten in one bite. Mr. Ying Zuo, if you want to get a foolproof plan now, then I think it is impossible. What kind of changes will occur in the process? , no one could have expected it. But I think that as long as the words true and false are mixed up, the chances of success will increase a lot. Even if it fails in the end, and even one or two small fish and shrimps are not caught, but the process In the process, we will be familiar with their activity habits and rules, and it cannot be said that there is nothing to gain."

Ye Tufei's meaning is undoubtedly not to calculate the success rate, and not to consider how old the process is, but to open the door first, follow this route, and adjust as he goes.

In this way, the thoughts that troubled Kagezuo Frame Zhao became very light.Yes, what Ye Tufei said is quite right, even if he fails, it cannot be said that there is nothing to gain.

That being the case, why hesitate?

Kagezuo frame Zhao made up his mind.

He immediately came to the desk, took out a pen, and signed a special identification certificate for Ye Tufei.

This certificate is the identification of the highest-ranking agent of the May Agency, and it shows that the agent is carrying out a top-level covert operation.Holding it, not only can the power of No. 76 be mobilized at will, but even the Japanese combat units are also obliged to support its work.

Ye Tufei took the certificate, expressed his gratitude to Ying Zuo Zhao Zhao for his trust, and then asked Ying Zuo Zhao Zhao if he had anything else to say.

Ying Zuo frame Zhao was not polite to Ye Tufei, pointed to the certificate, and said: "This is the third special certificate I have issued since the establishment of the Mei Agency, Mr. Ye, I sincerely wish you a smooth completion of this plan, one day earlier But the hatred in your heart!"

Ye Tufei smiled, and replied: "With Mr. Yingzuo's auspicious words, Ye will definitely get the most satisfactory result."

Yingzuo Frame Zhao said with concern again: "If Mr. Ye needs any help, please feel free to tell me."

Ye Tufei shook the certificate in his hand, and said: "With it, logically speaking, my strength is enough, but, Mr. Yingzuo, after all, I can't carry this thing with me all the time, in case there is an inappropriate If I need support urgently, then..."

Ying Zuo frame Zhao said with a smile: "You want to borrow someone from me?"

Ye Tufei gave Ying Zuo a thumbs up, and said: "Mr. Ying Zuo is really scheming, you can see Ye Mou's tricks clearly. Well, I'll just say it straight, let you Mr. Suzuki, my assistant, let me use it! He has lived in Shanghai for almost 20 years, and he will never be able to see his flaws if he pretends to be a Shanghainese. With him by my side, I have the confidence to do things!"

Ying Zuo Frame Zhao understood Ye Tufei's pun.The so-called confidence is nothing more than wanting to prove through Suzuki that he, Ye Tufei, did not deceive Yingzuo Frame Zhao.These words also completely dispelled Ying Zuo Frame Zhao's lingering doubts about Ye Tufei.

The next thing went much smoother. Ye Tufei belonged to the kind of behavior of collaborating with the enemy on orders. Naturally, he was ostentatious and ostentatious. He would stop for a while to say hello when he met traitors and spies he knew well on the road.

All of this was seen by Lao Mu in the cafe.

Lao Mu came to connect with Ye Tufei with the determination to die. If there were other ways to get the medicine, he would definitely not choose such a risky route.There was a message from northern Jiangsu that the medicines at home had been exhausted, and hundreds of wounded were in urgent need of new medicines.

Blessings never come together, but misfortunes never come singly. Because of the betrayal of the traitors, several drug procurement channels of the underground party have been destroyed by No. 76 and the special agents of the Japanese Super High School. If you want to recover, it will not be a day, a day, a month, or two days. month thing.

Therefore, the line between Ye Tufei and Nie Hengzi is Lao Mu's only hope.

"If you have one percent hope, you will make one hundred percent effort, even if I sacrifice for it!" This is Lao Mu's final conclusion to his superiors.

After obtaining the organization's authorization, Lao Mu chose to meet at Jisfair Road. His intention was not simply to express his attitude to Ye Tufei, but the deeper intention was to hide his own activity rules and protect his organization to the maximum extent.

Before coming here, Lao Mu had envisioned many possibilities for Ye Tufei to appear, or he would wear makeup, or he would make clever arrangements to achieve the purpose of fishing for big fish with a long line, or there were no more people around the cafe, just waiting to take over. He was arrested when he got on the head.

The only thing I didn't expect was that Ye Tufei would be able to talk to him ostentatiously, regardless of everyone's eyes.

Before Lao Mu could figure it out, Ye Tufei had already walked into the cafe.

As soon as he came in, Ye Tufei shouted: "Old Mu! Old Mu! Where is your brother hiding? Are you playing hide-and-seek with your brother?"

Lao Mu, who has not figured it out, is even more confused. He has been working underground for so many years, and he has never seen or even heard of this type of joint.

However, the arrow had to be fired, no matter what Ye Tufei's purpose was, he had to show his face.If Ye Tufei wanted to catch him, even if he grew a pair of wings, it would be difficult for him to fly out.

Lao Mu, who was sitting in the corner of the cafe, knocked on the table and replied, "Brother Ye, I'm here!"

Ye Tufei turned around to face Lao Mu, took off his sunglasses, blinked, looked Lao Mu up and down, and said with a smile: "Brother Mu, I haven't seen you for a long time, you look blessed!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Tufei had already sat opposite to Lao Mu.

Lao Mu could only smile wryly.

Ye Tufei actually threw away all the previously set connection methods and code words, and connected him in such a rough way.

A guy who doesn't play cards according to common sense!

This kind of person is either a master of masters, or a fool without a brain.

Lao Mu blinked and classified Ye Tufei as the former.

Since this Ye Tufei belongs to the master of masters, then the task of making medicine this time may be really hopeful.

In an instant, Lao Mu became excited, and he felt that his adventure was worthwhile.

"Brother Ye, what do you want to drink? Brother Mu, let me treat you!" Lao Mu followed Ye Tufei's words and could only get acquainted with him.

Ye Tufei frowned, and said: "The coffee is too bitter, and the drink is too sweet, I don't like it, why don't we find a place to have a drink or two?"

Lao Mu was stunned for a moment, he was completely confused by Ye Tufei's route number, but, since he came, he was at ease, Lao Mu still agreed to Ye Tufei's invitation.

After paying the bill and walking out of the cafe, Ye Tufei whistled, and immediately two rickshaws came in front of them.

After all, Lao Mu is also a veteran of the world, and he can tell at a glance that the two coachmen are pretending.

You can see it, what can Lao Mu do?He was determined to see what kind of medicine was in Ye Tufei's gourd, so he pretended to be confused and got into the rickshaw without saying a word.

Sitting in the car, Lao Mu simply closed his eyes.Since he had made up his mind to sacrifice himself, he might as well give himself to Ye Tufei completely.

After 10 minutes, the rickshaw stopped, Lao Mu opened his eyes, looked sideways, and there was really a tavern beside him.

"Old Mu, get out of the car, this tavern was opened by my brother on the mountain back then, it's absolutely safe." Ye Tufei said, making a gesture of invitation to Lao Mu.

The two drivers stopped pretending, threw the rickshaw aside, and shouted at the hotel owner Guo Zhonglin who came out to meet him: "Shut the door, your tavern will be confiscated by Master Liu tonight!"

Guo Zhonglin gave Xiao Zhonghe and Duguyu two brothers a blank look, and replied: "You two have grown hard wings, haven't you? How dare you yell at your second brother?"

Although Lao Mu didn't know Ye Tufei's brothers, he could still see from the scene that these were Ye Tufei's own people, and had nothing to do with the traitor government or the Japanese.

A heart that had been hanging for a long time calmed down a little, he tidied up his clothes, and followed Ye Tufei into the tavern.

As soon as he came in, he saw Zhao Yujuan and Nie Hengzi chatting and laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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