Bandit Camp

Chapter 221 Choose Trust

Chapter 221 Choose Trust
Zhao Yujuan saw Lao Mu, and hurriedly stood up to say hello.

Lao Mu couldn't help frowning.He was aware of the relationship between Zhao Yujuan and Nie Hengzi, but on this occasion, he couldn't tell the priority and focus, so Lao Mu was still quite dissatisfied.

"Old Mu, let them stay alone for a while, let's go inside and talk, after you finish listening to what I have to say, you will understand the two of them." Ye Tufei observed the change in Lao Mu's expression, and persuaded him from the side.

Lao Mu hesitated for a moment, but followed Ye Tufei's wishes and followed Ye Tufei up to the second floor.

"I know, you have always been suspicious of me. I believe that you must have secretly investigated me, and know that I, Ye Tufei, had some problems with your Communist Party. I don't want to give any explanation for this matter, because all explanations You are all pale before the judgment of your supervisor. I just want to tell you two points. After these two points are finished, it is up to you whether you should believe me or continue to doubt me. However, I must explain in advance that if After you have heard what I have to say, if you still have doubts about me, then the relationship between us will be terminated immediately, and from now on you will take your Yangguan road and I will take my single-plank bridge."

Ye Tufei's straightforwardness increased Lao Mu's confidence in him by another three points. If Ye Tufei really had a trick in mind and wanted to use Lao Mu to take away the entire underground party intelligence line behind him, then he would definitely not say such a thing.

Besides, Ye Tufei's request is reasonable, since he has some doubts, it's better to break it up.

"Speak, I'm all ears."

Ye Tufei smiled, and said: "What I want to say is that I have a bit of a feud with you Communist Party, but this is just a personal matter, and the little Japan invaded our land, enslaved my compatriots, raped my sisters Well, this holiday is going to be a big deal. I, Ye Tufei, came to Shanghai because of nowhere to go, and I couldn’t help but join the new government. However, I, Ye Tufei, will never be a lackey of the Japanese, let alone harm my fellow brothers matter.

This is the first point, and the second point I want to say is that I, Ye Tufei, brought my brothers to shop with Little Japan, and I know how powerful Little Japan is.Your New Fourth Army brothers in northern Jiangsu are not afraid of powerful enemies and dare to fight the little Japan. I, Ye Tufei, respect them.You know, I, Ye Tufei, and my brothers all live in the Jianghu, and what we respect most are these heroes who are not afraid of death.So, anyway, I hope to help them.

That's all I want to say, think about it carefully, I'm waiting for your final decision. "

After Ye Tufei finished speaking, he immediately got up and went downstairs.

Lao Mu stayed on the second floor, thinking about what Ye Tufei said just now.

Over the past few days, Lao Mu and his underground party organization have not only prepared for the worst and are ready to leave Shanghai at any time, but also have investigated Ye Tufei's past through organizational relations.

The comrades in the base area are very efficient, but within two days, they sent the information on Ye Tufei they had to Shanghai via telegram.

Ye Tufei's political choice has always been vacillating, but the fact that he is uncompromising with Little Japan is clear.In addition, Ye Tufei has always had a close relationship with the Xuzhou Prefectural Committee, and has a trust similar to comrades with several key members of the Xuzhou Prefectural Committee.Especially the evaluation of Comrade Lu Yao, the leader of the Lingbi Mountain base area, he believed that Ye Tufei was misunderstood and it was an unjust case.

When Lao Mu got the information, he subconsciously suspected Ye Tufei's real purpose of abandoning Erlang Mountain and coming to Shanghai. Based on his understanding of the party organization, he always felt that there must be a story in it, maybe it was a bitter plan.

This is also the main reason why he insisted on meeting Ye Tufei for a while.

Now, Ye Tufei was right in front of him, although he didn't tell himself his real purpose, but what he just said was indeed from the bottom of his heart.

Lao Mu thinks that he has seen countless people, just in the short one or two hours of contact with Ye Tufei, Lao Mu judges in his heart that Ye Tufei is a man of indomitable spirit, this kind of person is absolutely worthy of trust.

Standing at the stairs on the second floor, Lao Mu carefully looked at Ye Tufei's brothers again.

Needless to say, Nie Hengzi, after two years of observation, the organization determined that this person is a person who can develop into a revolutionary comrade.

That black and thin brother who seems to be called Dugu or something can be seen from his eyes alone, this person is infinitely loyal to Ye Tufei, and he is ready to sacrifice himself for Ye Tufei at any time.

Looking at the person next to Dugu, just like Dugu, he possesses unique skills without showing off his dew, and his speech and demeanor reveal a kind of calmness, especially his eyes towards Ye Tufei, whose loyalty is no less than that of Dugu.

Finally, there is the shop owner who claims to be the second brother. This person looks very shrewd, but there is a solid energy in his eyes, and he is definitely not a treacherous person.

Birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups, and Lao Mu believes in his intuition more and more.

He waved at Ye Tufei, and when Ye Tufei came up to the second floor again, Lao Mu stretched out his hand to shake hands with Ye Tufei.

Ye Tufei complied with Lao Mu's purpose.

When the two hands were held together, Lao Mu said: "Ye Tufei, I have made a decision, I think you are a trustworthy person!"

Ye Tufei smiled lightly, and said: "That's good! Since you have chosen to trust me, then everything must follow my arrangement. During this process, no matter what happens, you are not allowed to ask why. I, Ye Tufei, today To tell you the truth, if I fail to deliver this batch of medicines to you Comrade Subei, the head on my neck will belong to you, and you can take it away whenever you want. No complaints."

Ye Tufei's voice was quite loud when he said these words, I believe the brothers downstairs should be able to hear them clearly.Except for Nie Hengzi and Zhao Yujuan looking up to the second floor, Ye Tufei's three brothers acted as if nothing had happened, continuing to do what they should do.

Lao Mu sighed, and replied: "We have also considered the difficulty of this matter. Brother Ye, as long as you help us with all your heart, as for success or failure..."

Ye Tufei waved his hand, and said: "If you follow your original method to do this, the chance of failure is very high. But now you are doing it according to my method. As long as you cooperate well, Lao Mu, there is no possibility of failure!"

Lao Mu was infected by Ye Tufei's confidence, he excitedly held Ye Tufei's hand again, and said: "Since I have chosen to trust you, I will definitely cooperate with you with all my strength."

Ye Tufei smiled, took his hands out of Lao Mu's hands, pointed to the chair next to him, and said, "Let's sit down and talk!"

"My first request is to send Zhao Yujuan to your base area in northern Jiangsu immediately. Yujuan is a good girl who is very suitable for my brother. I sincerely hope that the two of them can grow old together. Therefore, I don't want Miss Yujuan to get involved Come to this matter. Besides, this Yujuan has too little fighting experience, and staying in Shanghai will be a weakness of mine.”

It was only then that Lao Mu understood why Zhao Yujuan was flirting with Nie Hengzi when he walked into the tavern just now.Although these two people belonged to two worlds, since the organization had plans to develop Nie Hengzi, Zhao Yujuan did not treat Nie Hengzi as an outsider. She really loved this son.

It seems that Nie Hengzi told Zhao Yujuan about Ye Tufei's plan, and the two of them were naturally reluctant to part with each other soon.

Lao Mu also felt that it was inappropriate for Zhao Yujuan to participate in this important task, so he agreed to Ye Tufei's request without hesitation.

"The second request, you prepare a sum of money immediately, and then listen to my arrangement, we will complete the deposit payment first."

Lao Mu was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand what kind of route Ye Tufei was, since he had already said his trust, why did he have to pay the deposit first?

Ye Tufei didn't give Lao Mu time to continue to figure it out, and then added: "You have to be mentally prepared, we will be monitored by the Japanese when the deposit is paid. Of course, the Japanese will pretend to be flawless, But I'm worried that you, an old Jianghu, can still find clues, so I want to say hello to you in advance, what you need to do is no matter what you find, treat it as if you didn't see it."

Lao Mu couldn't bear it any longer, and asked, "Why do you do that?"

Ye Tufei laughed, and said: "Old Mu, this is just the beginning, and you have violated my principles."

Without waiting for Lao Mu to explain, Ye Tufei greeted downstairs first, and then said to Lao Mu: "I know that you in northern Jiangsu are living in poverty, and the money to buy medicines is not easy. I will discuss it with Nie Hengzi. After that, I will support you with some funds."

As soon as he finished speaking, Nie Hengzi came up carrying a small suitcase.

"There is 10 yen in it, you take it and use it when you pay the deposit!" Ye Tufei took the small suitcase from Nie Hengzi and handed it to Lao Mu.

Lao Mu was really shocked. Instead of taking the suitcase, he sat down and said, "Why did you do this? Brother Ye, this money..."

Ye Tufei made a silent gesture, and replied: "Principle! Don't forget the principle I agreed with you at any time, don't ask me why, you just need to obey my arrangement."

Lao Mu still didn't take the suitcase, and insisted: "Tufei, Hengzi, I appreciate the kindness of you two, but our party also has its own principles, and we must not..."

Ye Tufei smiled and said: "Old Mu, you have called me from Mr. Ye to Brother Ye, and then to Tufei just now, and you only need to add a comrade after it. Thank you for your trust! Old Mu, I really want to thank you for your kindness. I have Ye Tufei's trust."

Nie Hengzi smoothed things over at the side: "Old Mu, don't take it as money, just treat it as a prop, a prop that can help us complete this task, isn't it okay?"

Lao Mu paused, pondered for a moment, and finally accepted Ye Tufei's arrangement.He took the suitcase, and solemnly said to Ye Tufei and Nie Hengzi: "On behalf of our party, I would like to express my most sincere thanks to you two."

(End of this chapter)

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