Bandit Camp

Chapter 222 The Key Ring Chapter

Chapter 222 Key link
That night, after seeing off Lao Mu, Ye Tufei knocked on Ying Zuo Frame Zhao's door again.

"How's the connection going?" Yingzuo Framezhao let Ye Tufei onto the tatami, poured Ye Tufei a cup of tea he had just brewed, and asked, "Who is the person connecting with you?"

Ye Tufei took a sip of tea and replied: "It should be a middle-level leader, a gentle man under the age of 40. His hidden identity in Shanghai is a Chinese teacher in a middle school in the concession. As for which middle school, I'm too lazy to inquire. Mr. Ying Zuo, what I want to tell you is that things are going smoothly, and I should have gained their trust."

Yingzuo Framezhao refilled Ye Tufei's tea, and asked with interest: "Oh? Tell me, how did you do it?"

Ye Tufei pretended to be embarrassed, smiled, and said: "According to their ideas, you Japanese have been hurt, and then donated a sum of money to them."

Kagezuo Frame Zhao followed suit with a smile, and said: "I guess Mr. Ye didn't just hurt our Great Japanese Empire, he probably scolded us."

Ye Tufei smiled bitterly and said, "By the way, he also scolded Mr. Zhao Ming severely."

Ying Zuo frame Zhao laughed a few times.

Stopping his laughter, Ying Zuo framed Zhao and said: "That's fine, I can help Mr. Ye but the resentment in my heart is worth the scolding from the Empire of Japan and Mr. Zhao!"

Ye Tufei said: "The most important thing is the money, Mr. Ying Zuo, you haven't seen it, when the Communist named Lao Mu saw the whole suitcase of banknotes, his eyes turned green!"

Although Yingzuo Framezhao is in a high position and has never dealt with the Communist Party, he has heard some stories more or less over the years, especially the stories of traitors who were greedy for life and afraid of death after being arrested. After hearing these stories too much, Ying Zuo Framezhao left the impression that the Communist Party is poor and stingy, and there is no shortage of people in the Communist Party who are greedy for money.

When Ye Tufei said that Lao Mu's eyes turned green when he saw Qian, Ying Zuo Zhao Zhao said with a smile: "Mr. Ye must have made a big move. Where have you seen so much money in those dirt roads? Green eyes are normal, and it is only when they are not green." unusual."

Ye Tufei followed Yingzuo Frame Zhao's words, and said: "Yes, that old wood basically dispelled his doubts about me when he saw that I donated 10 yen for them. As everyone knows, the wool comes from the sheep, and we Not only can the counterfeit medicine be used to achieve the goal, but the money can also be doubled back by the way.”

Yingzuo Framezhao's concept of money is not so strong. In his thought system, as long as Ye Tufei can achieve the goal of harming the wounded of the New Fourth Army in northern Jiangsu with fake medicines, then even a little money is worth it. As Ye Tufei said, if it caused conflicts within the New Fourth Army in northern Jiangsu, it would be worth the money.

Ye Tufei has almost mastered the content that Ye Tufei reported to Yingzuo Framezhao. From the cafe on Jisi Feier Road to the tavern that Guo Zhonglin just took over, Ye Tufei has never shy away from his assistant Suzuki Chuan.Ye Tufei even invited Suzuki Chuan to pretend to be his subordinate and enter the tavern together.

Suzuki Chuan only considered that Ye Tufei has not yet gained the trust of the other party, and worried that if something goes wrong, Ye Tufei might return the responsibility to himself, so he rejected Ye Tufei's invitation.

As for what happened in the tavern, it doesn't matter, because the next process will be carried out with the direct participation of Suzuki Chuan, so Ying Zuo frame Zhao has always maintained a high degree of trust in Ye Tufei.

After all, a high level of trust is only a high level, not complete.

Ying Zuo Framezhao subconsciously still had some doubts about Ye Tufei's motives, but Ye Tufei's actions proved to him time and time again that the things in his subconscious were not correct, and Ye Tufei was indeed loyal to himself.

And during this process, for Ye Tufei, the only time he could talk to Lao Mu without acting was during the time in the tavern.After that, he would do all the things under Suzuki Chuan's nose, so he had to make an agreement with Lao Mu not to ask him why under any circumstances.

Including Nie Hengzi and other brothers, Ye Tufei also did not inform him of his plan.

This is a very difficult performance, and he needs everyone to perform without knowing it, otherwise, there may be problems with excessive acting skills, which will arouse the suspicion of the Japanese.

Fortunately, Lao Mu believed in Ye Tufei, and it was even better because Lao Mu was a person who dared to take risks.From now on, everything seemed to be under Ye Tufei's control.

The most critical link left is how to switch back and forth between the fake medicine and the real medicine like magic, so that Suzuki Chuan will have the illusion that the real medicine will be taken as a counterfeit medicine and shipped to northern Jiangsu.

When Yingzuo Framezhao was free to think about Ye Tufei's real and fake medicine plan, he had thought about this link many times. The people in Subei are not fools. They will definitely inspect the goods when they receive them. How can they be fooled? , Let them treat the fake medicine as the real medicine, Ying Zuo frame Zhao really can't think of any good way.

He really wanted to discuss this matter with Ye Tufei, but if he did so, it would seem that he was not as smart as Ye Tufei, and it would also cause Ye Tufei to misunderstand that he was not trusted, so Ying Zuo framed Zhao to hold back his own thoughts and made up his mind. He decided to let Ye Tufei do it.

Yingzuo frame Zhao didn't ask, Ye Tufei certainly wouldn't take the initiative to say it.

After he reported to Yingzuo Frame Zhao what happened that day, he said goodbye politely.

After returning, Nie Hengzi was still waiting, and when he saw Ye Tufei, he shouted: "Ye, do you dislike Zhao Yujuan? I understand that you want her to go to Subei, but there's no need to be so anxious, right?" ?”

Ye Tufei ignored Nie Hengzi's complaints, sat down and said, "It's just right that you are here, so I won't have to look for you again. Have you found the source of the medicine that Lao Mu wants?"

Nie Hengzi shook his head and replied, "If you don't apologize to me, I won't talk to you."

Ye Tufei smiled wryly, and had no choice but to submit to the young master: "Okay, okay, okay! I apologize to you! My young master, are you always thinking about problems with your butt? Yujuan stays in Shanghai, not only she will be in danger, say If it’s not good, it will implicate us so much that we can’t complete this plan, and we have no choice but to send her away. And Lao Mu said that there is a boat going to Jiangsu North just tonight, Young Master Nie, if you want to blame, you can only blame Lao Mu!”

Nie Hengzi had nothing to say, and could only answer Ye Tufei's question obediently: "I have contacted my friends in the United States, and the supply of medicines is no problem, as much as you want, but you have to pay first and then pick up the goods."

Ye Tufei breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "As long as the supply of goods can be guaranteed, money is not a big problem. Hengzi, you are more familiar with the United States, so go on a trip and organize the supply of goods as soon as possible."

Nie Hengzi nodded and asked, "How much? Is it according to Lao Mu's needs, or...?"

Ye Tufei made some calculations, and replied: "This business was approved by the Japanese, so we have to take advantage of this opportunity to buy more medicines. These things were worth more than gold during the war years. If you hold them in your hands, you can only make money without losing money. Heng Capital, I still have nearly 50 yen plus some gold bars and silver dollars, you can exchange them for US dollars, take this opportunity, and exchange them all for medicines."

Nie Hengzi also thought for a while, and said: "Although I am managing the property of the Nie family, I don't have the right to transfer funds privately, but I have also saved some private money in the past two years, which is worth more than ten or two million yuan. U.S. dollars, in this case, we can make up 20 U.S. dollars, this is not a small business!"

Ye Tufei smiled and said: "I know what you are worried about, don't worry, with Xiao Laoliu and Duguyu protecting you, nothing will go wrong."

Nie Hengzi said again: "I'm not worried about my own safety, Ah Fei, although the import of this batch of goods has been approved by the Japanese, but..."

Ye Tufei interrupted Nie Hengzi, and said: "You are right to worry, we must not let the Japanese have a clear grasp of our purchase volume, otherwise, Lao Mu will not be able to get the real goods! "

Ye Tufei inadvertently slipped his mouth and brought out true and false terms. How clever Nie Hengzi is, but with this one genuine word, he understood Ye Tufei's plan.

"What real and fake products? Oh! I understand, you want to make a trick for Little Japan to hide the truth from the real and the fake, don't you?"

Ye Tufei had no choice but to admit it.

Nie Hengzi continued to ask: "Tell the Japanese that the medicine shipped to North Jiangsu is fake, and then exchange the fake medicine with real medicine, and let the Japanese escort the real medicine to Subei personally, um, This method is really clever. But, Ah Fei, it is a difficult problem to replace the fake medicine with the real medicine, have you thought of a way?"

Ye Tufei smiled bitterly: "I've been thinking about this for the past few days, and I've thought of many ways, but none of them stand up to scrutiny, and they all have obvious loopholes. The key is that Suzuki Chuan, who is very shrewd, and wants to deceive him It's really hard."

Nie Hengzi smiled and said, "You really have to create difficulties even if you don't have any difficulties. Tell me, who asked you to take the initiative to ask for that Japanese from Sichuan to assist you?"

Ye Tufei shook his head, and said: "If Suzuki Chuan is not allowed to participate, how can I gain the trust of Kagezuo Chiaki? That Kagezuo, you look stupid, but you are actually a ghost!"

Nie Hengzi laughed twice, and said: "You deserve it! Who told you to act like a donkey, and you have to help others if you want to die, isn't it embarrassing?"

Ye Tufei laughed and scolded: "This donkey is you, Nie Hengzi, and you consider yourself a hero. Once Yujuan speaks, you won't know where things are going."

Nie Hengzi pretended: "Let's stop digging up old accounts and look forward. I just want to organize the supply of goods. As for how to exchange the real and the fake, that's up to you, Ye Tufei, and I, Mr. Sixth Nie, have nothing to do with it! "

(End of this chapter)

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