Bandit Camp

Chapter 223 Preparations

Chapter 223 Preparations
Three days later, Nie Hengzi set off for the United States with Xiao Zhonghe and Duguyu.On the same day, Ye Tufei took Suzuki Chuan and Lao Mu to complete the deposit delivery.

Suzuki Chuan was pretending to be an assistant of Ye Tufei's firm. Although Suzuki Chuan's Chinese was good enough, and he could even speak pure Shanghai dialect, Lao Mu could still see his flaws at a glance.

Many habits of the Japanese do not mean that they can be completely changed by changing them. The clues left on their bodies are too obvious to Lao Mu, an old underground party with rich fighting experience.

At this time, Lao Mu was also vaguely aware of Ye Tufei's intentions, so he strictly followed the prior agreement with Ye Tufei, pretended to be a rookie, and completely regarded Suzuki Chuan as a Chinese.

Suzukigawa is very shrewd and has a very quick mind, but these characteristics are only suitable for working in an agency, so he can gain the trust and appreciation of Kagezuo Frameaki.

But when he was placed on the front line, Suzuki Chuan's weakness was exposed, his fighting experience was too weak, Ye Tufei and Lao Mu's performance made him believe in his acting skills.

After the deposit was paid, the two parties broke up immediately.Ye Tufei took out a thick wad of Japanese yen from the suitcase, and handed it to Suzuki Chuan.

Suzuki Chuan has sharp eyes, and he has already observed that there are about ten stacks of banknotes in the suitcase. He also knows that the deposit paid by Ye Tufei and Lao Mu is 10 yuan, so this thick stack of Japanese yen should be an integer of 1 yuan .

For Suzukigawa, [-] yen is not an astronomical figure. If he saves all his salary without eating or drinking, he can save [-] yen in at most five years.

Can you not be tempted?

But Suzuki Chuan is Kagezuo Frame Akira's confidant after all, and a person who can gain the complete trust of his master must be clear-headed all the time.Therefore, Suzuki Chuan resolutely rejected Ye Tufei's kindness.

Ye Tufei laughed, handed back the banknote that Suzuki Chuan stuffed back, and explained: "Mr. Suzuki, don't get me wrong, this is not a bribe."

Suzuki Chuan restrained his ambivalence, and still insisted on returning the stack of banknotes: "Mr. Ye, no matter what name it is, I cannot accept this money!"

Ye Tufei smiled lightly, and asked back: "Could it be that Mr. Suzuki doesn't intend to actively cooperate with Ye?"

Suzuki Chuan was taken aback, and said, "How do you say that?"

Ye Tufei laughed and said: "Our Gongrong Commercial Bank has done such a large business with the Communist Party, and it is a prohibited product, so the process must be very complicated, isn't it?"

Suzuki Chuan nodded after thinking for a while, and replied: "It should be so."

Ye Tufei curled his lips, and said: "Then you said that the boss and senior assistant of our Gongrong Commercial Bank should have a car?"

Suzuki Chuan showed a smile, and said, "Mr. Ye means you want me to get a car?"

Ye Tufei nodded, and said: "I know Suzuki-kun can get a suitable car without spending any money, but that's not appropriate! People in the Communist Party are very cunning. If you borrow a car from Japan, you can't say no. It will definitely reveal flaws, wouldn’t it be a pity if all previous efforts were wasted because of this? So, it’s going to be hard for Suzuki-kun to find a relationship, and rent a car that has nothing to do with Japan or the new government, okay?”

This is purely an excuse for Ye Tufei to bribe Suzuki Chuan. Nie Hengzi's car is still idle if he wants to use a car. Even if Nie Hengzi's car is not suitable and he really needs to rent a car from outside, it will not cost [-] yen.

Suzuki Chuan is not a fool, he knows the market of car rentals, even if he rents the best car in Shanghai for Ye Tufei, the [-] yen will only cost one-third at most.

To take or not to take?

Suzukigawa was caught in a contradiction for a while.

If you don't take it, you can't justify it. After all, Ye Tufei has arrangements for the money, and if you don't take it, it means you don't cooperate with Ye Tufei's work.Taking it is tantamount to accepting Ye Tufei's benefits. If there is a problem in the future, you will be tied down if you deal with it yourself.

If he made it clear to Ye Tufei that renting a car would not cost that much money, Suzuki Chuan felt that doing so would be too blunt, and it would be of no benefit to Ye Tufei if he offended Ye Tufei by not giving Ye Tufei face.

Just as he was hesitating, Ye Tufei added another sentence: "As the boss, I definitely can't drive the car myself. The driver's work has to bother Suzuki-kun. Besides, whether it's true or not, Suzuki-kun is currently helping Gongrong Trading Company to earn money from the Communist Party. , I, as the boss, can't exploit your labor for nothing, so, Suzuki-kun, please be generous with the rest of the rental car, so don't worry about more or less, it's a little reward for you."

Having said all of this, Suzuki Chuan really couldn't justify not taking the money.He cheerfully put away the stack of banknotes, and smoothed things over for himself in another way: "Mr. Ye can consider this for his subordinates, I think this business will be completed smoothly. However, I still have to talk to Mr. Ye Just a suggestion, you can no longer call me Mr. Suzuki, I am a Chinese now, my name is Lin Chuan, I am an assistant manager of Gongrong Commercial Bank, and I am a native of Shanghai."

Ye Tufei successfully bribed Suzuki Chuan, he was in a good mood, he happily accepted Suzuki Chuan's criticism: "Yes, yes, Ling...Lin Xiangli's criticism is correct, your name is Lin Chuan, you are a native of Shanghai, Ala Xie Nong! "

Ye Tufei finally made a humorous gesture, which made Suzuki Chuan burst out laughing.

Ye Tufei sent Suzuki Chuanzhi to rent a car, while he began to look for a warehouse. His ideal warehouse should be the one with more access paths, so as to facilitate the realization of his strategy.

However, most warehouses only have one passageway in and out for safety.

Ji Xiaohai helped with this problem. He provided Ye Tufei with a dock warehouse by the Huangpu River. This warehouse is located in the French Concession. For the convenience of loading and unloading goods, there are two passages by water and two passages by land.

After Ye Tufei looked at the warehouse, he felt that it would be difficult to find a more suitable one in a short time, so he told Ji Xiaohai that he would rent this warehouse, and hoped that Uncle Ji would help him to vacate the goods in the warehouse as soon as possible.

Ji Xiaohai owed Ye Tufei a big favor, and was worried that he would not have the chance to repay it. When Ye Tufei opened his mouth, Ji Xiaohai immediately agreed, promising to vacate the warehouse within three days.

Ye Tufei asked again: "Uncle Ji, help me seal up the waterway and the landway. The materials used to seal the roads should be old, as if they have been sealed for a long time, but they must be able to be opened and used easily by me. Uncle Ji, this is a bit difficult, but I believe in the level of our cousin brothers."

Although Ji Xiaohai didn't understand Ye Tufei's intentions, he knew that Ye Tufei must have a reason for such a request, so he didn't ask any further questions, and agreed with a smile: "Don't worry! We've done a lot of this kind of work, it's very simple."

After Ye Tufei finished explaining, he took out another [-] yen, which was regarded as the rent for renting the warehouse.

This time Ji Xiaohai was provoked, he opened his eyes wide and yelled at Ye Tufei: "What's the matter? Have you met Uncle Ji? Don't you treat Uncle Ji as your own?"

Ye Tufei quickly apologized and explained: "This business is not mine, Ye Tufei, I also use money to do things for others."

Ji Xiaohai's anger remained undiminished, and he shouted: "I don't care who you do things for, but this warehouse belongs to you, Uncle Ji, and you, Ye Tufei, can use it as long as you want, but you can rent it for money. , I'm sorry, your Uncle Ji is not willing to rent it to you!"

Ye Tufei had no choice but to put it another way: "Uncle Ji, if you don't take this money, I won't get it in my own pocket. Just treat it as me buying my brothers a drink."

Ji Xiaohai still didn't buy it, twisted his head, and replied: "Brothers are invited to drink, then you should come out and invite me in person, don't bother me. Hmph, Xiao Fei, you don't know your Uncle Ji's temper, do you think you can drink?" Have you been more stubborn than me?"

Ye Tufei had no choice but to put away the wad of banknotes and make an appointment with Ji Xiaohai to hand over the warehouse in three days.

The source of goods is available, and the warehouse has been found. The strategy of replacing packages with genuine and fake medicines still needs to be adaptable. Now, what is needed but not ready is only fake medicine props.

In a sense, counterfeiting is actually a high-tech industry. If you don’t have two brushes in your hands, and the similarity between the counterfeit and the original cannot reach more than [-]%, then these fakes are worthless.

When Ye Tufei threw this difficulty to Ying Zuo Frame Zhao, everyone including Suzuki Chuan made a difficult mistake.

At that time, Suzuki Chuan suggested that as long as the packaging is done well, Ye Tufei categorically rejected it: "What I want is not a little money from the black Communist Party, what I want is to let them use these fake medicines on the wounded and sick. The cause of the problem will not be clear for a while!"

Ying Zuo Frame Zhao obviously supported Ye Tufei's attitude. The ideal state he imagined was that when the New Fourth Army in northern Jiangsu got these fake medicines, they cherished them very much and used some of the special medicines on senior commanders.

"I don't think this can be done in Shanghai. We can only ask for help from the local area. Mr. Ye, once you complete the purchase in the United States, please pass the list to me immediately. Once you know the manufacturer and specifications of the drug, you can find samples. Make imitation, and when the supply from the United States arrives in Shanghai, those fake medicines will be almost imitated.”

Ye Tufei's original intention was to pose a problem to Ying Zuo Zhao Zhao, if Ying Zuo Zhao Zhao couldn't take it, Ye Tufei would take the matter over.If this goal can be achieved, then he can easily pass off real medicines as counterfeit medicines. In this way, no matter how the package is swapped, what Subei gets will be genuine medicines.

However, Yingzuo Frame Zhao didn't follow Ye Tufei's plan, which really added a lot of difficulties to Ye Tufei, but this also has an advantage, that is, Yingzuo Frame Zhao will believe Ye Tufei's real and fake medicine plan even more.

Don't worry, let nature take its course and wait for the changes, you will definitely find an opportunity!

Ye Tufei warned himself in his heart, he smiled and said to Yingzuo framedly: "Then there will be Mr. Lao Yingzuo."

(End of this chapter)

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