Bandit Camp

Chapter 224

Chapter 224
Ji Xiaobao was very kind, and it took only two days to tidy up the warehouse according to Ye Tufei's request.

Ye Tufei took Suzuki Chuan to take over the warehouse.

"Lin Xiangli, it's not easy to find this warehouse. You see, this warehouse has two passages for land and water, and one passage for each has been abandoned. The misconception of a passage by land and water, when our medicines are transported here, it is possible to use these two abandoned passages to cheat and replace the fake medicine with the real medicine without anyone noticing."

Ye Tufei pointed to the geographical environment of the warehouse and patiently explained to Suzukigawa.

According to Ye Tufei's explanation, Suzuki Chuan formed an action scene in his mind: After the underground party inspected the goods, they would definitely arrange people to closely guard the goods, but their attention was all on the goods in use. On the two passages, and people on their side can quietly open the two abandoned passages, bring in fake medicines, and send out real medicines.

Suzuki Chuan is also a smart person. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that Ye Tufei's plan was not perfect. In an instant, he had a plan that he thought was more perfect.

"Boss, I think the risk of doing this is quite high. We can take advantage of the time difference to transport the fake medicines and hide them in this warehouse. When the real medicines enter the warehouse, we will complete the replacement of the real and fake medicines inside the warehouse." , wouldn’t it be more concealed and safer?”

Ye Tufei laughed.

He had originally thought of this method, but he didn't adopt it because he was worried that it would arouse Suzuki Chuan's suspicion. Now, since Suzuki Chuan proposed this method himself, Ye Tufei had no choice but to do it.

"Well, Lin Xiangli, the method you said is better. It is indeed as you said, it will be more concealed and safer. It's just that if you do this, you need to do some renovation work on the warehouse..."

Suzuki Chuan saw that his suggestion was appreciated by Ye Tufei, and his thoughts became active. He rushed ahead of Ye Tufei and said: "I have observed that this warehouse is composed of two independent warehouses connected together. There is no space between the two independent warehouses. There is no passage, but we can spend a little effort to connect the two warehouses through a secret passage, so that we can really be invisible!"

Ye Tufei couldn't help giving Suzuki Chuan a thumbs up.

Since it was Suzukigawa who came up with the plan, Ye Tufei saved even labor and handed it over to Suzukigawa to complete the matter.

Suzuki Chuan was also very happy to be able to provide Ye Tufei with his own opinion and it was adopted. His enthusiasm rose, and he accepted the task with joy.

Three days later, Suzuki Chuan led people to renovate the warehouse. Ye Tufei was very satisfied after seeing it, and praised Suzuki Chuan greatly.

On the same day, Nie Hengzi telegraphed the drug list from the United States, and Ye Tufei immediately handed the list to Yingzuo Frame Zhao.

Yingzuo Frame Zhao had already found an organization that produced counterfeit medicines through his upper-level connections. After getting the list, he immediately contacted the local organization.

After finishing these things, Ying Zuo framed Zhao Zhao with a smile and said to Ye Tufei: "Mr. Ye, everything is ready now and only the east wind is needed. Congratulations, you are just one step away from success."

Ye Tufei smiled back, and said: "The method agreed with Suzuki-kun requires fake medicine to arrive a day or two earlier than the real medicine. Mr. Yingzuo, the real medicine will be shipped from the United States for a week at most. I'm worried... ..."

Yingzuo Frame Zhao waved his hand and said: "Mr. Ye, you are so smart that you were confused for a while! I can't guarantee the production time of the fake medicine, but we can guarantee that the real medicine will arrive ashore later, can't we? That batch of real medicine After all, it’s still smuggling, so it’s normal to encounter some troubles on the road.”

Ye Tufei was overjoyed when he heard this: "Yeah, why did I forget this pot? After such a toss, not only will the people on the Communist Party side not doubt it, but they will even more believe in this batch of medicine. After all, it is hard to come by." ah!"

The two smiled at each other.

Ying Zuo framed Zhao's smile because he pointed out Ye Tufei's momentary confusion, and at the same time did Ye Tufei a favor.And what Ye Tufei was laughing at was that Ying Zuo Zhao Zhaocai was really smart, and he fell into his own trick in a moment of confusion, and took the initiative to follow his own way.

When two partners who do not trust each other work together, it is inevitable that they will be suspicious of each other.Although Yingzuo Framezhao chose to trust Ye Tufei, he still doubted Ye Tufei's motives deep in his heart, so during the process, Ye Tufei's words and subtle movements would arouse Yingzuo Framezhao's vigilance.

Just like the arrangement of the warehouse, if Ye Tufei proposes to connect the two warehouses together through a secret passage, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of Suzukigawa and Kagesa, and they will be more vigilant.

However, Ye Tufei led Suzuki Chuan to propose this method, and the vigilance of the two of them would be greatly reduced.

Similarly, if Ye Tufei took the initiative to ask Yingzuo Zhaozhao to hope that the batch of real medicines would have some twists and turns in the process of arriving in Hong Kong, Yingzuo Zhaozhao must be the first to consider Ye Tufei's intentions. Although Ye Tufei can explain things clearly, other After all, the effect is not as good as that first proposed by Ying Zuo Frame Zhao.

All the preparatory work has been completed, and the results have reached the state Ye Tufei hoped for. As for whether the last step can be successfully completed in the end, it can only be resigned to fate.

During the period of waiting for the genuine and fake medicines to arrive on the shore, Ye Tufei stayed with Suzuki Chuan almost 24 hours a day in order to avoid unnecessary troubles.

In order to solve the problem of eating for the brothers on weekdays, Ye Tufei arranged for Guo Zhonglin to pick up a tavern, but within a few days Ye Tufei realized that it was his mistake.Because of things like eating, unless the chef is of a very high level, otherwise, it is easy to get tired of eating in a restaurant.

Guo Zhonglin's cooking skills are average, and the chef he invited was from Shanghai. Ye Tufei was not used to it, but within three days he lost his appetite.Suzuki Chuan, on the other hand, became more energetic after eating more, but after a few days, it was obvious that his body was gaining weight.

At the critical moment, it was Tao Zhenzhen who solved Ye Tufei's problem of eating.

Tao Zhenzhen didn't want to go to the ballroom to sing again, so she cut off her source of income, but she was a stubborn woman who was unwilling to accept other people's charity, so Ye Tufei thought of a way and arranged for Tao Zhenzhen to take care of the house Bistro.

The storefront of the tavern is not big, and Ye Tufei's youth gang background and official background know that it is there, many people who have intersected with Ye Tufei will go to this small store for a few drinks every now and then, so the business is really good.

The business is good, Tao Zhenzhen is naturally very busy, but no matter how busy she is, as long as she sees Ye Tufei coming back, she will always cook for Ye Tufei herself.

People are so strange, Ye Tufei is not used to eating big restaurants, but he is only used to the small dishes prepared by Tao Zhenzhen.

In this way, a sense of dependence arises.As long as Ye Tufei is hungry, he will naturally think of Tao Zhenzhen, and whenever he thinks of Tao Zhenzhen, there will be an inexplicable warm current.And Tao Zhenzhen also got great satisfaction in the process of serving Ye Tufei's food, and he was full of energy.

Love, love in real life, is actually that simple and boring.

Only the love poured out bit by bit in real life is real love and long-lasting love.

It's just that Ye Tufei doesn't want to admit it.

Perhaps, he still couldn't let go of Ouyang Xueping and Su Yue.Perhaps, he has no so-called love impulse towards Tao Zhenzhen.But he also understands that Tao Zhenzhen is no longer a passer-by in his life, even if he is not his destined other half, he is at least a part of his life and his relatives.

A week later, Nie Hengzi sent a telegram saying that the goods would arrive at Shanghai Port within three days and asked Ye Tufei to get ready to receive the goods.However, the fake medicine from Yingzuo Jizhao has not been produced yet, so according to the plan, Yingzuo Jizhao has to come forward and temporarily withhold the batch of medicine.

Should the goods be detained directly when they arrive at the port, or should they be detained after the goods have landed?Are the goods detained on the surface in the name of incomplete formalities for prohibited varieties, or are they temporarily detained on the grounds of doubting the direction of the transaction?

Ye Tufei raised doubts to Ying Zuo frame Zhao about the method of detaining the goods.

Detaining goods is very simple, but the reason for detaining goods is very important. Otherwise, it will not be worth the loss if it arouses the suspicion of the Communist Party.

Ying Zuo framed Zhao to think carefully about Ye Tufei's doubts, and felt that they were very reasonable.

The purpose of detaining goods is only to delay time, so it should not be taken too seriously, and it should be done as if it were an accidental event.Otherwise, there would be too much movement and too many people involved, and it would be easy for rumors to leak out.

The Communist Party is not easy to eat. Over the years, it has put a lot of effort into infiltrating the new government organizations. Even the institutions directly under the Japanese have the Communist Party's eyeliner. God knows what will happen if there is a commotion.

Yingzuo Frame Zhao couldn't make up his mind for a while, and then resorted to his trick: "Mr. Ye, what do you think is the best way for us?"

Ye Tufei smiled wryly and said: "I was born as a bandit in the green forest, so I don't know anything about these procedures in the officialdom. Mr. Yingzuo, I can only disappoint you. Ye Tufei only makes demands, but there is no solution."

Ying Zuo frame clearly knew that this was Ye Tufei's excuse, but he came up with the idea of ​​withholding the goods, and now he can only solve it by himself, otherwise, his face will be damaged.

Face, for a man, for a man of status, that's a big deal.

Ying Zuo frame Zhao thought for a while, and put forward his own idea: "Mr. Ye, I want to do this, what do you think?"

"You organize people to pick up the goods, but don't carry the relevant procedures. I arranged for people to set up a temporary checkpoint outside the dock, and temporarily detain the goods due to incomplete procedures. Because the goods belong to Gongrong Commercial Bank, the people at the checkpoint have no The right to unpack and inspect the goods can only ask the person concerned to go back and complete the procedures immediately. In this case, you, Mr. Ye, can pick up the goods whenever you want, and other people will not know what the goods are."

Ye Tufei nodded calmly and said: "Well, this method is very good, Mr. Yingzuo, then follow your instructions!"

(End of this chapter)

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