Bandit Camp

Chapter 225 The Plan

Chapter 225 The Plan
Hearing Yingzuo Framezhao's arrangement, Ye Tufei quickly thought of a countermeasure. He could divide the medicine purchased by Nie Hengzi into two equal parts. After the goods landed, one of them would leave the port quickly and secretly with complete procedures. , arrived in a concealed place that was ready to be hidden, and the other one went through the procrastination process in Akari according to Yingzuo Frame Zhao's explanation.

After the counterfeit medicine in Japan is ready and shipped, find an opportunity to exchange it with the hidden medicine.In other words, the two batches of medicines that participated in the game were genuine medicines, and if they were exchanged under the noses of the Japanese, what Subei got would be genuine medicines.

As for how to replace the fake medicine with real medicine, Ye Tufei’s plan is to make the time difference enough. The most taboo thing in Little Japan is to spoil this plan, and the Communist Party will find out the flaw. Then, the fake medicine will be very hidden after it lands. It is impossible to put it directly in that warehouse, and this will create opportunities.

After calculating these, Ye Tufei smiled and expressed his gratitude to Yingzuo Frame Zhao.

Later, Ye Tufei explained to Nie Hengzi via telegram, and Nie Hengzi replied that the goods had been divided into two equal parts when they were shipped.

Ye Tufei was quite surprised when he received Nie Hengzi's reply. He had just determined this method not long ago. How could Nie Hengzi be so predictable?

These offshoots are no longer important, what is important is to prepare manpower and delivery tools quickly.Ye Tufei doesn't need to worry about the half of the medicines that Mingli is going through the motions with, but Ye Tufei needs to find a reliable helper for the half of the medicines that need to be hidden secretly.

At this time, Ji Xiaohai was the one who could assist Ye Tufei and be trusted.

Ji Xiaohai naturally agreed to Ye Tufei's request, but Ye Tufei asked Ji Xiaohai to handle the goods with care, which made Ji Xiaohai have some ideas.

"Xiao Fei, are you still telling Uncle Ji the truth? What is that batch of goods?"

Ye Tufei was stunned.He kept it from Ji Xiaohai and didn't tell Ji Xiaohai the truth, not because he didn't trust Ji Xiaohai, but because he was worried that he couldn't bear to involve Ji Xiaohai in this matter of losing his head.

But Ji Xiaohai is an old fritter who has been in the rivers and lakes for many years, and Ye Tufei will never be able to hide it from him with lies.Besides, Ji Xiaohai had already been involved in this matter from the beginning of looking for the warehouse, and if something happened, Ji Xiaohai would definitely be involved.

Since Ji Xiaohai was already asking, Ye Tufei didn't intend to hide it from Ji Xiaohai.

"Uncle Ji, those are a batch of medicines, all of which are Western medicines, and the bottles and jars cannot withstand being knocked."

When Ji Xiaohai heard that the goods were purchased from the United States and needed to be handled with care, he already guessed that they might be medicines.Therefore, when Ye Tufei told the truth, Ji Xiaohai was not surprised at all.

"Is it for Chongqing or Yan'an?"

Ye Tufei frowned, thought for a while, and then realized, and replied, "It's from Yan'an."

Ji Xiaohai showed a knowing smile, and said: "I knew that Xiao Fei would never sincerely join those traitors!"

Ye Tufei laughed and said: "If I really turn to the traitor and become a dog of the Japanese, then Uncle Ji will allow me to live through tomorrow?"

Ji Xiaohai's expression suddenly dimmed, and he said: "Uncle Ji is old, he has no energy, and the things in the gang are out of sight and out of mind."

Ye Tufei knew that Ji Xiaohai was reminded of the fact that a big boss in the gang had defected to the Japanese.

"Uncle Ji, everyone has their own aspirations. We can't ask everyone to straighten their backs. Those people, if you don't like them, just stop associating with them."

Ji Xiaohai sighed, and said: "I can only comfort myself like this! By the way, Xiao Fei, if you do business with people from Yan'an so blatantly, aren't you afraid that the Japanese will stare at you?"

For Ji Xiaohai, Ye Tufei not only trusts, but also has a special emotion.When he came to Shanghai from Jiajiawang, Ji Xiaohai treated him like a father and taught him many things.

In addition, in the whole plan, Ye Tufei was really uncertain about how to replace the batch of fake medicines with the hidden real medicines. He needed an old gangster like Ji Xiaohai to help him as a staff member.

Therefore, Ye Tufei stopped hiding from Ji Xiaohai, and told Ji Xiaohai everything.

After hearing Ye Tufei's whole plan, Ji Xiaohai couldn't help giving Ye Tufei a thumbs up: "Xiao Fei, it's lucky that you can come up with such a wonderful idea, um, yes, that's great, let the Japanese help you deliver the medicine to Suzhou Going north, not to mention helping Subei, but also gaining trust from the Japanese, yes, it is indeed a good strategy!"

Ye Tufei smiled wryly and said: "Uncle Ji, don't just praise me too much, there is still a link in this that Xiao Fei still doesn't know how to deal with!"

Ji Xiaohai smiled and said: "You mean how to switch the genuine medicine and the counterfeit medicine? It's easy to handle! I have a warehouse in the seaport, and you can hide the real medicine there. When the Japanese bring the fake medicine, I arranged for the brothers to make some troubles at the seaport pier. You must be worried that the batch of fake medicines will be exposed. I will show up at the right time and say that I have a warehouse to temporarily store the batch of goods. I believe no one will suspect anything. Wait. When you ship out those fake medicines again, wouldn’t it be easy to switch the package?”

Ye Tufei slapped his hands: "The old Jianghu is the old Jianghu, you can't accept it!"

Ji Xiaohai, who was flattering, was very comfortable. He twirled his beard at the corners of his mouth, and boasted quite proudly: "I think that on December [-]th, your Uncle Ji took his brothers to the battlefield! Xiaofei, are you I didn't catch up, I haven't seen your uncle Ji's bravery!"

Ye Tufei flattered him to the extreme: "Although I haven't seen it before, I can imagine that Uncle Ji must have beaten Little Japan so loudly back then."


Two days later, Nie Hengzi arrived at the harbor.

Everything went according to Ye Tufei's plan in an orderly manner.

As expected, Nie Hengzi didn't brag, the medicine had already been divided into two halves when it was shipped in the United States, and there was no obvious connection between them, which brought great convenience to the implementation of Ye Tufei's plan.

One of the medicines was handed over to Suzuki Chuan, who found a transportation company to load the medicines into the car, and shipped them out of the seaport under the supervision of Ye Tufei.

Ji Xiaohai had already prepared the remaining half of the medicines. Dozens of brothers worked together, and within half an hour they all went into the warehouse.

Yingzuo Frame Zhao set up a temporary checkpoint on the road from the harbor to the urban area, and as planned, the batch of medicines escorted by Suzukigawa was detained on the grounds of incomplete procedures.

That night, Ye Tufei brought Suzuki Chuan to meet Lao Mu.

The whole process was hidden from Lao Mu, so the news that the medicine was withheld by the Japanese made Lao Mu very nervous. This kind of nervousness came from the heart, and it was by no means an effect that could be achieved by pretending.

"Mr. Ye, how could such an accident happen? What if the Japanese inspect the goods..."

Before Ye Tufei could explain, Suzuki Chuan had already opened his mouth: "This matter is all my fault, and I missed a procedure, but what you are worried about will not happen. They have no right to directly purchase the goods from our Gongrong Trading Company. test!"

Ye Tufei smiled, and added fire at the right time: "Be careful sailing for ten thousand years, Lao Mu's worry is not unreasonable, if the Japanese are serious and have to open the box to inspect the goods, then we can..."

Lao Mu is really angry now. He has already reported to Subei and patted his chest, but now there is an accident and something happened.It is a trivial matter to be in danger, but it is a major matter to delay the use of medicines for the team.

"Mr. Ye, Lin Xiangli, you Gongrong Trading Company has made a promise to me!" Lao Mu was very anxious, but in front of Suzuki Chuan, he could only endure it.

Ye Tufei saw that the play was almost done, so he comforted Lao Mu and said: "The most important thing about our Gongrong Trading Company is reputation. Since we have received your deposit, this business will definitely be completed. Don't worry, we Lin Xiangli will be here There is still some relationship with the Japanese, isn't it just that the procedures are not complete? Spend some money to accommodate, and then complete the procedures, won't it be fine?"

Suzukigawa cooperated in a timely manner: "That's right, that's right, this matter is on my shoulders, and we can take that batch of goods out of the hands of the Japanese within three days at most."

Old Mu was skeptical, but seeing Ye Tufei's calm look, he didn't say anything more.

After the scene was finished and Lao Mu separated, Ye Tufei told Suzuki Chuan: "You still have to urge the local side through Mr. Yingzuo. The time difference of three or two days is not a problem, but the delay is too long. I am afraid that the Communist Party will lose confidence. You have seen the reaction of that old man today. They are really anxious to need this batch of medicine. After a long time, I am afraid they will find another way!"

Suzuki Chuan was already fully involved in the drama, and he replied without hesitation: "Don't worry, I'll report to Mr. Kagesa when I get back, and I'll make sure that the local side hurry up and deliver the goods within three days."

Ye Tufei paused, sighed, and said, "I'm still worried, let's go, let's go see Mr. Yingzuo together!"

When I arrived at Yingzuo Jiazhao's office, unfortunately Yingzuo Jiazhao was not there. After asking, I found out that Yingzuo Jiazhao had gone to Nanjing and would not be able to return until tomorrow.

Suzuki Chuan looked very disappointed, looking at Ye Tufei helplessly.

Ye Tufei shrugged his shoulders, indicating that there was nothing he could do.

Although Suzuki Chuan is in a high position, he has been staying in the agency and has never been on the front line to do anything practical. This time, he cooperated with Ye Tufei and prepared to severely harm the New Fourth Army in northern Jiangsu. The excitement in his heart was the first in decades. Second-rate.He couldn't tolerate any deviation in this matter.

So, when Ye Tufei said that there was nothing he could do, Suzuki Chuan gritted his teeth, took Ye Tufei into his office, and picked up a red phone on the desk: "I'm Suzuki Chuan, connect me to Nanjing!"

Taking advantage of the gap between the operator's connection, Suzuki Chuan said to Ye Tufei: "I hope I can find Mr. Ying Zuo on this call."

(End of this chapter)

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