Bandit Camp

Chapter 231 The Second Lockdown

Chapter 231

That is to say, Lao Mu saw his behavior of swapping packages, but he deceived everyone. Taking advantage of the gap when everyone left, he switched the two batches of goods by himself.

Hundreds of wooden boxes weighing tens of catties had to be replaced, and I really don't know how much strength Lao Mu has.Ye Tufei recalled that when they came to load the ship, Lao Mu seemed a little tired. At that time, he thought that Lao Mu had a hangover, but now it seems that he was negligent.

Since the cause of the matter was on Lao Mu, Ye Tufei had nothing to say, the more he explained the matter, the more unclear it became, especially when Suzuki Chuan was still around.

If he couldn't explain clearly, he simply shut up, and Ye Tufei turned a deaf ear to Captain Zhu's yelling.

Captain Zhu snorted coldly, and called the guerrillas under him to come over and tie up Ye Tufei and the others.

"Bah! Dog traitor! Bah! Little Japan! Luckily for you, you can live a few more hours. When Lao Mu and Captain Fan come back, you just wait and go on the road!"

Captain Zhu had enough scolding, waved his hand, and ordered his subordinates to imprison Ye Tufei and others.

Ye Tufei, Suzuki Chuan, Xiao Zhonghe, and Duguyu were dangerous people, and they were locked up in a specially reinforced room, while the boat boss and his crew were locked in another room.

Even though they were all tied up, even though their mouths were stuffed and they couldn't communicate, but these were not a problem for Ye Tufei and the others.If you can't speak, you can make eye contact, Ye Tufei told Xiao Zhonghe and Duguyu not to act rashly.

In the middle of the night, Ye Tufei guessed that the guards at the gate were starting to feel sleepy, so he started his activities.

The five-flower tie seems to be tightly tied, but in fact it is just a trick. For Ye Tufei, it is not too difficult to untie it by itself.

Ye Tufei made preparations as early as when Captain Zhu arranged for everyone to wipe their bodies and change their clothes. He hid a short knife that Xiao Zhonghe carried close to his body in his sleeve. When you stand up, you have room to move.

A few minutes later, Ye Tufei released the restraints on his body, rubbed his slightly sore arms, and went over to untie the ropes for Xiao Zhonghe and Duguyu.

"Hush! Be quiet!" Ye Tufei came to Suzuki Chuan's side, and pulled out the rag stuffed in Suzuki Chuan's mouth.

Suzuki Chuan was almost desperate, tired and hungry, and was half asleep, when he suddenly saw Ye Tufei approaching him freely, he couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Fortunately, Ye Tufei was well prepared, and covered Suzuki Chuan's mouth and nose tightly with one hand: "Shut up, someone is watching outside!"

Suzuki Chuan also knew something was wrong after he exclaimed. After Ye Tufei finished speaking, he blinked and apologized to Ye Tufei.

"Okay, Suzuki-kun, let's run away now, remember, don't make a sound, follow me closely!"

Suzukigawa rolled his eyes and nodded vigorously.

At this time, Duguyu had already helped Suzukichuan untie the rope on his body.

"Sixth Lord, we are..." Duguyu pointed to the sky, then to the door.

That means to ask, shall we make a hole in the roof and go out, or rush out through the door.

Ye Tufei was already full of resentment, and now he just wanted to vent, so he pointed at the door, and signaled to Duguyu, not only to rush out of the room in a big way, but also to teach him a lesson. These mud legs.

Suzuki Chuan also understood Ye Tufei's body language, he quickly waved to Duguyu, and pulled Ye Tufei to the corner of the room.

"Sixth Master, you can't do it! There are so many of them. Isn't there an old saying in China that two fists can't beat four hands?"

Ye Tufei shook his head and said, "Don't worry, nothing will go wrong, just teach them a lesson."

Suzuki Chuan said solemnly: "Now our mission has failed, if there is an accident, the loss will be too great!"

As soon as Suzuki Chuan mentioned the mission, Ye Tufei was startled. If he went back like this and went to the warehouse by the river to check, the batch of medicines stored in the warehouse were also real medicines, and this matter would be exposed.

"Mission failed? Mr. Suzuki, you think too highly of Lao Mu. The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind. Lao Mu can't be the oriole, at most he is just a mantis."

Suzuki Chuan blinked, as if he didn't understand Ye Tufei's words, and asked: "Listen to you, Lao Mu and the others got fake medicine?"

Ye Tufei really wished that what Lao Mu and the others got was really fake medicine!But out of anger, Suzuki Chuan still had to lie: "Old Mu was idle when the ship was loaded. I put a mark in those two shipments that only I would find out. Lao Mu thought his first The second bag swap concealed it from us, but how could anyone expect me, Ye Tufei, to do the third bag swap!"

When loading the ship, not only Lao Mu was idle, but Suzuki Chuan also failed to intervene. Everyone thought they were in control, and they had to pretend that it had nothing to do with them.Only Ye Tufei, he couldn't avoid laziness, because he borrowed the boat, and he also found the guys on the boat, so he had to explain how to do the work.

Suzuki Chuanxi said: "You mean you had already discovered Lao Mu's problem at that time, but why didn't you tell us earlier, otherwise, we wouldn't be in the current danger."

Ye Tufei smiled and said: "I told you earlier, this kind of thing will not happen tonight. However, that old Mu will also feel strange. If he becomes suspicious and tests the batch of medicine again, wouldn't our previous efforts be wasted?" gone?"

Suzuki Chuan pondered for a while, and thought what Ye Tufei said made sense.

During this process, Ye Tufei's performance has been very calm, as if he had expected it long ago. Moreover, when Captain Zhu arranged for everyone to wash their bodies and change their clothes with hot water, he was actually checking the items they were carrying. In this case, Ye Tufei was able to hide a dagger, which shows that Ye Tufei was indeed prepared.

Suzuki Chuan firmly believed Ye Tufei's words.

"Since this is the case, I don't think there should be any conflict with them." Suzuki Chuan pursed his lips, frowned, and analyzed seriously: "Now, they think that everything is under their control and they are punishing us. , If we want to teach them a lesson, wouldn’t it be a bit of a conflict in reason? I think at this time we should act like a guilty conscience and abscond in fear of crime. In this way, they will be more able to believe the current conclusion.”

Suzuki Chuan's analysis is not unreasonable, after this conversation, the anger in Ye Tufei's heart also subsided a lot.If you really go to teach them a lesson, I'm afraid it will kill people.Although Lao Mu's actions are a bit shameless, it is reasonable to think in another way.As for Captain Zhu's guerrillas, they were even more innocent.

keep them!Leave them to go shopping with Little Japan.

Ye Tufei made up his mind: "Okay, listen to you, let's abscond in fear of crime!"

In a house, the doors and windows can be strengthened, but it is difficult to strengthen the roof.Xiao Zhonghe put his hands on the ground, Duguyu used his strength to jump, and easily climbed up to the beam of the house, and within a few strokes, he pulled out a hole in the roof.

Xiao Zhonghe connected the four ropes that tied him up, threw them to Duguyu, and then climbed up the beam along the ropes.

The two sent Duguyu to the roof in the form of a human ladder, and then hung down the rope.

First Xiao Zhonghe, then Suzuki Chuan, and finally Ye Tufei, the four of them climbed onto the roof silently.

The rain had turned to snow, and a thin layer had accumulated on the roofs.

"Be careful with the soles of your feet! It's too slippery!" When Dugu Yugang got up to the roof, he almost slipped and fell, so after everyone came up, he had to explain something.

After Ye Tufei also came up, Xiao Zhonghe said with a smile: "Master Liu! Why is this scene so familiar? In just a hundred days, you have already been arrested twice by the Communist Party!"

Ye Tufei replied with a wry smile: "This is also destined, the Communist Party is born to be my nemesis, Ye Tufei!"

Suzuki Chuan, who was freed from the cage, was in a good mood, and comforted Ye Tufei, saying: "In exchange, you, Ye Tufei, should be said to be the natural nemesis of the Communist Party!"

Ye Tufei shook his head, sighed again, and said, "Without the support of you Japanese, even if I, Ye Tufei, were the nemesis of the Communist Party, I wouldn't be able to cause much trouble!"

The four walked cautiously on the roof.After all, Suzuki Chuan is a literati who can use pen and ink. For him, walking on the ridge itself is a very difficult task. Coupled with the layer of snow on the roof, Suzuki Chuan is almost unable to move an inch.

Fortunately, Ye Tufei and the others were really skilled. Xiao Zhonghe and Duguyu supported Suzuki Chuan on one side, although they didn't walk like flying, they moved freely.

The four of them chose a random direction and walked about three to forty meters. They estimated that they had already jumped out of the guerrilla's defense range, and then fell from the roof to the ground.

As soon as his feet hit the ground, Suzuki Chuan let out a long breath: "Thank you two, if it weren't for you two, I, Suzuki Chuan, would definitely fall down."

Ye Tufei patted Suzuki Chuan on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "The two of them took advantage of it. If you fight on the left and the right, it's like finding a fulcrum for themselves. Wouldn't it be safer to walk? What's this called? This is called supporting each other!"

Ye Tufei's pun touched Suzuki Chuan a lot, and he replied excitedly: "There is an old saying in China that a hero has three gangs, Mr. Ye Liu, from now on we will support and support each other..."

Ye Tufei answered in a timely manner: "Let's fight together for ***!"

Suzuki Chuan smiled and added: "You can't give up your personal interests."

With Suzukigawa's identity and experience, he can be considered a politician anyway.For a politician to say such a thing, it only shows that he has bound himself with Ye Tufei.

Ye Tufei listened to Suzuki Chuan's words, and showed a comfortable smile. This trip is not all a heartwarming thing, at least Suzuki Chuan is gathered, which will have a great impact on his future behavior. help.

(End of this chapter)

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