Bandit Camp

Chapter 232 Ready to go to Tokyo

Chapter 232 Ready to go to Tokyo

Three days later, Ye Tufei and others returned to Shanghai.

Ji Xiaohai's riverside warehouse couldn't be occupied all the time, so the first thing Ye Tufei did after arriving in Shanghai was to cooperate with Suzuki Chuan to bring out the batch of medicines.

When picking up the goods, Ye Tufei specially hired a professional to inspect the goods, and the result was that it was the real medicine.

In other words, what Lao Mu got was a genuine fake medicine!

Suzuki Chuan firmly believed in this reasoning, and reported to Kagezuo Frame Akira!

Coincidentally, because of Lao Mu's report, Subei still had doubts about the batch of drugs, so they didn't put them into clinical use in the first place, but took samples for testing.

The conditions in northern Jiangsu are poor, unlike Shanghai, where the test results can be obtained within an hour or two, while over there, the results last close to a week.

During this week, the condition of many wounded deteriorated, and the death rate increased greatly.

On the 76th, an eyeliner was planted in northern Jiangsu, and the situation was reported. After passing it to Yingzuo Frame Zhao, he was mistaken for the counterfeit medicine that had played a role.

Yingzuo Framezhao was very excited about this, "Now, let's just wait for them to fight each other! Mr. Ye, this business is doing well! It not only made them money, but also disrupted their internal relationship. I think that the underground Communist Party organization in Shanghai will be suspected because of this. It is not important whether this matter can be clarified. The important thing is that their organization will be completely replaced. Old people will leave and new people will come in. Large-scale personnel transfer will definitely be a loophole This is a great opportunity for No. 76!"

Suzuki Chuan was also very excited, following the topic of Kagesa Frame Akira, expressed his point of view: "This operation is really full of twists and turns, with ups and downs, if Mr. Ye is not resourceful and experienced, I am afraid that it will still fall short in the end. I helped the enemy. Now everything is going according to our plan, Mr. Ying Zuo, I suggest that Mr. Ye be credited!"

Kagezuo frame Zhao nodded with a smile.

Ye Tufei smiled slightly, waved his hands lightly, and said: "It doesn't matter whether you deserve credit or not. The important thing is that I, Ye Tufei, finally vented my anger. Also, during the whole process, Suzuki-kun performed very well. If so, I suggest that this credit should be recorded in the name of Suzuki-kun."

Yingzuo framed Zhao Zhao and said with a smile: "Okay, you two should stop giving in to each other. In this matter, both of you are heroes, and Yingzuo will praise the two outstanding performances. However, it is not yet When you are celebrating, you two still need to work hard again, and when you return from Tokyo, I will definitely hold a banquet to celebrate the two of you!"

Then they exchanged some pleasantries, and Ye Tufei took Zhao Ming's waiting as an excuse, and bid farewell to Yingzuo Frame Zhao.

Before leaving, Yingzuo Framezhao suddenly remembered the remaining batch of medicines and asked, "Mr. Ye, what do you plan to do with the remaining batches of medicines?"

Ye Tufei smiled lightly, and replied: "I am determined not to sell to the Communist Party. If the Kuomintang wants to buy it, Mr. Ying Zuo absolutely disagrees. My buyers are only the new government and your Japanese military. Earn money from Mr. Zhao." Money, that means putting the money in the left pocket into the right pocket, meaningless. So, my only way out is the Japanese military.”

Yingzuo Framezhao nodded, and said: "Would you like me to contact you for you? It's better to have the goods in your hands than to change them."

Ye Tufei smiled and said: "I won't bother Mr. Yingzuo. Businessmen are always very cunning. Now the Japanese military doesn't need these medicines very much, so they can't sell them at a good price. I'll just wait until the time is right." At that time, I severely slaughtered General Matsui."

In order to gain the support of the Japanese military, Yingzuo Frame Zhao spent a lot of money on high-level military figures, so when Ye Tufei expressed that he wanted to make more money from the Japanese military, he felt very comfortable.

"Well, I support you, it's best to earn back all the money Mr. Zhao spent on them!" Ying Zuo Zhao Zhao half-truthfully joked with Ye Tufei.

After bidding farewell to Ying Zuo Frame Zhao, Ye Tufei went to Zhao Ming's place.

At this moment, Ye Tufei seemed to be Zhao Ming's right-hand man, and when he went to see Zhao Ming again, he didn't need to make an appointment at all.

Lian Fang welcomed Ye Tufei into the living room of Zhao Ming's mansion.

"Brother Ye, I really envy you!" Lian Fang gave Ye Tufei to the sofa, served tea for Ye Tufei, and exchanged greetings with Ye Tufei.

"What is there to be envious of? You don't know, your big brother Ye almost lost his life in the place where no shit in the north of Jiangsu." Ye Tufei took the tea that Lian Fang handed over, and joked.

Lian Fang sat next to Ye Tufei, and asked curiously: "Is there such a thing? It must be thrilling!"

Ye Tufei took out a bulging envelope from his bosom, and handed it to Lian Fang: "It must have been extremely thrilling, otherwise, I wouldn't have said that I almost lost my life. Oh, there is 5000 yuan in it, Brother take it to drink tea."

Where is Lian Fang willing to accept, he refuses to accept.

Ye Tufei pretended to be angry: "Why are you a mother-in-law? You have to wait for Mr. Zhao to come and see? Besides, without you and brothers, how would Brother Ye be today?"

5000 yuan is a drop in the bucket for Ye Tufei, but for Lian Fang, maybe three years' salary plus one yuan is not enough.

Such a tempting, how could Lian Fang not be tempted, how could he not be grateful to Ye Tufei.

Besides, with such refusal, if Zhao Ming really saw it, even if Lian Fang didn't take the money, Zhao Ming's impression would be very bad.

Therefore, Lian Fang no longer declined, and happily accepted the 5000 yuan.

The two chatted about Ye Tufei's experience in northern Jiangsu, and Lian Fang was deeply moved when he heard it. When the chat got excited, Zhao Ming came back.

"Oh, Xiaoye is here! Lian Fang, you are so serious, why didn't you take out my pot of Mingqian Longjing and give Xiaoye a taste?"

Zhao Ming's pot of Mingqian Longjing was kept in his study, and the owner was not at home, so how could Lian Fang go to his study privately as the captain of the guard?But in order to show Ye Tufei his special care for Ye Tufei, Zhao Ming's words were more sincere than polite.

In other words, at least half of what Zhao Ming said was really blaming Lian Fang.

What can Lian Fang say?

Fortunately, Ye Tufei smoothed things over for Lian Fang in time: "I don't know how to drink tea, and even my brother knows it. Wouldn't it be a waste of money to drink your former Dragon Well tea?"

Zhao Ming patted his forehead and said with a smile: "That's right, I'm so busy that I have forgotten Xiaoye's preference. Our Xiaoye is a hero in the world. We don't like tea but wine. I just happen to have a bottle of high-quality tea here Xinghua Village, stay at home for dinner tonight!"

That night, Ye Tufei stayed at Zhao Ming's mansion after dinner, Zhao Ming didn't drink, and arranged for Lian Fang to have a drink with Ye Tufei.

Lian Fang has been with Zhao Ming for almost ten years, and he is Zhao Ming's confidant, so he naturally doesn't shy away from speaking.

"Xiaoye, what do you think about going to Tokyo this time?"

Ye Tufei had already considered Zhao Ming's question on the way here. At this moment, he pondered for a moment and began to state the answer he had already thought about.

"Before that, Mr. Kagesa gave me some information about Prime Minister Minai, and I also asked Mr. Kagesa about some of Japan's political tendencies and ideas. I think the main reason why Minai Mitsumasa became Prime Minister is that The emperor of Japan. Then, why did the emperor of Japan choose Mitsumasa Minai to form a cabinet? You must know that in Japan, there are many people who are more influential than Mitsumasa Minai."

Zhao Ming has also thought about this issue many times. Mitsumasa Yonei is not considered the top politician in Japan. This time he became the prime minister to form a cabinet, which really surprised many people.

Zhao Ming thought about many reasons, but he was not sure. At this moment, when he heard Ye Tufei also talk about this issue, Zhao Ming regained his energy.

"I've been thinking about this question for a long time, but I can't get a convincing answer. Xiaoye, what do you think, tell me quickly."

Ye Tufei didn't rush to speak, but had a drink with Lian Fang before saying: "Look, I deliberately neglected you, Mr. Zhao, but you don't take it seriously, why?"

Zhao Ming smiled and said, "You really caught me by asking this question."

Ye Tufei explained: "Because Mr. Zhao trusts me a lot and thinks that I can help Mr. Zhao solve the problem at this stage. Therefore, Mr. Zhao will take a tolerant attitude towards me."

After hearing this, Zhao Ming felt a little far-fetched, but he couldn't refute it for a while.

Ye Tufei smiled, and then said: "Similarly, there are many people who are better than Ye Tufei, why doesn't Mr. Zhao reuse those people? It's very simple, because those people cannot gain Mr. Zhao's trust."

Zhao Ming agrees 100% with Ye Tufei's words. The people he wants to use have ability only on the one hand, and the more important thing is safety.Ye Tufei once saved his life, based on this, Zhao Ming concluded that Ye Tufei would not harm him.

Ye Tufei poured himself a drink, and then said: "Transfer this mentality to the Emperor of Japan and Mitsumasa Yone, and the reason is very clear. First, Yone's personality is not very flamboyant, and the Emperor of Japan will think that Yone is better. Second, at this stage, the Emperor of Japan must have hoped that Minai will help him complete a certain matter, and regarding this matter, Minai Mitsumasa's attitude must be consistent with that of the Emperor of Japan .”

Zhao Ming was inspired by Ye Tufei, and his thoughts became active: "Well, it makes sense! Minai's introverted personality is easier to gain the trust of His Majesty the Emperor. As for the ability, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that His Majesty will think that Minai is the prime minister. At least it won't ruin his event."

Ye Tufei was quite disgusted with Zhao Ming's mouthful of His Majesty the Emperor, and couldn't help but frowned, but then realized his gaffe, and quickly covered it up: "That's the truth, the key is that the important thing that the Japanese Emperor has in mind is What? After figuring this out, Mr. Zhao, I think our trip will be rewarding."

(End of this chapter)

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