Bandit Camp

Chapter 233 Beauty Diplomacy

Chapter 233 Beauty Diplomacy
Today, I reviewed a fragment of the history of the Anti-Japanese War, and suddenly found that there was a huge mistake in this book: In Japan, it was August 1940, when Konoe’s second foreign minister, Yosuke Matsuoka, first proposed the ‘*** **Circle' concept, and this book only went to the beginning of 8... This is no different from 'eight years of the War of Resistance, this year is already the seventh year...'

Here, I would like to apologize to everyone.


Zhao Ming was completely caught up in Ye Tufei's thinking, and he didn't notice the subtle changes in Ye Tufei's expression at all. He followed Ye Tufei's train of thought and said, "For a country, it is nothing more than domestic conflicts and international conflicts. The former Prime Minister Nobuyuki Abe fell because of the deviation in the direction of diplomacy, which led to the opposition of many domestic forces, so how will Mitsumasa Yonei become Prime Minister, how will he choose?"

Ye Tufei searched his memories of this period of Japanese history as much as possible, but unfortunately, he can only recall that the two cabinets of Nobuyuki Abe and Mitsumasa Yonei were short-lived cabinets, and the time for adding the two cabinets together is not enough. One year, other than that, I can't think of any other information.

I couldn't remember it, so I had to ask.

Ye Tufei asked: "Mr. Zhao, can you tell me in detail what happened to Nobuyuki Abe's diplomacy?"

Zhao Ming pondered for a moment, and then said: "Abe Nobuyuki mainly misjudged the situation in Europe. Xiaoye, do you know what is happening in Europe right now?"

Ye Tufei nodded and replied, "Germany!"

Zhao Ming nodded slightly, and then said: "Yes, Germany. Mr. Hitler launched a lightning offensive against Poland in early September last year, but within a month he fully occupied the entire Poland, showing the world the powerful military of the new Germany. Power. Britain and France overestimated their capabilities and declared war on Germany. Then, the question before Japan came, whether to support Britain and France or stand on the side of Germany.”

Ye Tufei could remember that Japan finally signed a treaty with Germany, but he was not very clear about the process. Hearing what Zhao Ming said now, he realized that Japan had conflicts and disputes in the choice of direction in the early days of World War II.

"The current Japanese government is actually a government that has been kidnapped by the military. His Majesty, including the Emperor, will be more or less influenced by the military's intentions. Among the Japanese military forces, the army has the most important right to speak. As far as I know, among the Japanese army, the vast majority advocates a treaty with Germany, and the two continents of Europe and Asia echo each other, and jointly dominate the world. But in the end, Nobuyuki Abe rejected Germany, claiming that Japan does not interfere In European affairs, I only want to solve the Chinese problem. This proposition has been opposed by most people in the military, and it is inevitable to step down." When Zhao Ming made this statement, his voice was quite low, as if he felt sorry for Abe Nobuyuki.

Ye Tufei could understand Zhao Ming's feelings. Nobuyuki Abe absolutely supported the establishment of the new Chinese government, and even provided Zhao Ming and the others with an interest-free loan of 2000 million yen.It is a pity that the Abe cabinet was short-lived, and the new government was still being conceived, and Abe Nobuyuki has become history.

Then, after Mitsumasa Minai came to power, he would definitely make adjustments to Nobuyuki Abe’s foreign policy. However, the question is, since Nobuyuki Abe was forced to step down by the opposition faction centered on the army, why did the Emperor of Japan not choose a successor from within the army? , but chose Minai Mitsumasa who was born in the navy?

Ye Tufei recalled his initial analysis of the reason why the emperor chose Mitsumasa Minai, and the mystery in his heart gradually became clear.

"Mr. Zhao, do you think that Nobuyuki Abe's diplomatic strategy has been influenced by the Emperor? Otherwise, with Nobuyuki Abe's qualifications in the Army, he should be able to predict the Army's attitude towards Europe!"

Ye Tufei's words finally woke up Zhao Ming.

Although Ye Tufei has the most knowledge of this period of history from his previous life, he is not very comprehensive after all. If it is only about politics, he is far behind Zhao Ming.

Ye Tufei just thought of it, but Zhao Ming suddenly understood everything because of Ye Tufei's words.

"Yes! That's right! That's right, the reason why Nobuyuki Abe did this must be under the pressure of His Majesty the Emperor. He is just a scapegoat. The real two sides of the game are His Majesty the Emperor and those important members of the military department. Oh, that's why His Majesty the Emperor chose Mitsumasa Minai, and only Mitsumasa Minai would willingly continue to be His Majesty's cannon fodder puppet."

Zhao Ming, who had figured it out, was very excited, and even wanted to drink while excited, but unfortunately, the bottle of Xinghua Village was almost drunk by Ye Tufei and Lian Fang brothers, so Zhao Ming had no choice but to give up.

After eating, Zhao Ming was still unsatisfied, and brought Ye Tufei into the study to continue the preparatory discussion for the trip to Tokyo.

"Xiaoye, you are not an outsider, so I won't pretend to be arrogant with you. According to our understanding, this Minai Mitsumasa is very lustful, and Mr. Kagesa also suggested that I adopt a policy of beauty diplomacy. I agree with this strategy, but Ah, after all, it doesn’t sound good to spread the word, so this matter must be kept extremely secretive.”

Ye Tufei nodded.

Although he felt that this kind of practice was a bit dirty, it was undeniable that this kind of dirtyness could play an extraordinary role.Thinking about it again, if the beauty used to seduce Mi Nei can be controlled by him, then it is tantamount to placing an eyeliner beside Mi Nei, which will be of great help to what he wants to do.

Thinking of this, Ye Tufei immediately thought of Keiko Tanabe.In terms of beauty, Keiko Tanabe is good enough, and in terms of charm, after nearly two years of love affairs, Keiko Tanabe knows how to attract men.

Moreover, this is also a good home for Keiko Tanabe, at least there is no need to worry about food and clothing, and it can also draw a big end with the club.

But the question is how to recommend Keiko Tanabe to Zhao Ming?

Just thinking of this, Zhao Ming, who paused because of making tea, went on to talk about his thoughts: "Mr. Ying Zuo originally suggested that I choose a good-looking person from No. 76 to do this job, but I think Come and see, no one can see it. Xiaoye, do you have any suggestions?"

The real meaning of Zhao Ming's words is do you have a suitable candidate?

Ye Tufei heard what he wanted, so he suppressed his joy, pretended to be thinking, and was stunned for a few seconds.

"Mr. Zhao, I really have a suitable candidate." Immediately afterwards, Ye Tufei briefly described Keiko Tanabe's situation to Zhao Ming.

"Well, I believe in your vision. If you are kind to her, she will definitely repay you. However, if you do this just to repay you, I always feel a little uneasy!"

Ye Tufei smiled and said: "We haven't asked her opinion, who knows her true attitude towards this matter?"

Zhao Ming smiled and said: "That's right, I'm just worrying too much, Xiaoye, take care of this matter, we're leaving for Tokyo the day after tomorrow, time is running out, we must hurry up!"

Since Zhao Ming requested this, and Ye Tufei also had such a plan, it was really necessary to hurry up.

That night, after Ye Tufei came out of Zhao Ming's residence, he went straight to Keiko Tanabe.

Ye Tufei brought Keiko Tanabe out of the Japanese military club and arranged for him to help in the tavern run by Guo Zhonglin, that is to say, Ye Tufei did not shy away from Tao Zhenzhen.

Tao Zhenzhen's advantage is generosity, this woman has no jealousy towards Tanabe Keiko's arrival, but within three or two days, she and Tanabe Keiko became good sisters.

Good sisters naturally have to accompany each other. Tao Zhenzhen simply took Keiko Tanabe to his home, and ate and slept together.

Ye Tufei wanted to meet Keiko Tanabe, so naturally he couldn't avoid Tao Zhenzhen.

Tao Zhenzhen always thought that Keiko Tanabe was really a good friend of Ye Tufei. When Ye Tufei expressed his thoughts to Keiko Tanabe in front of Tao Zhenzhen, Tao Zhenzhen realized that he had misunderstood Ye Tufei.

After the joy, Tao Zhenzhen worried about Keiko Tanabe again.

In Tao Zhenzhen's mind, apart from Ye Tufei who can be relied on, he would jump into the fire pit with other men.

Before Keiko Tanabe made a statement, Tao Zhenzhen took the lead in yelling: "Keiko just crawled out of the fire pit, and she hasn't lived a good life for two days, you are going to push her into the fire pit again!"

Tao Zhenzhen's bluntness made Ye Tufei a little embarrassed. To be honest, it was really dirty to ask Keiko Tanabe to do this.

Fortunately, Keiko Tanabe resolved the situation for Ye Tufei in time: "Brother Ye, I am willing!"

Tao Zhenzhen was taken aback, and shouted at Keiko Tanabe: "Why did you agree! Keiko, you don't need to worry about this Ye, you stay here, my sister takes care of you!"

Keiko Tanabe smiled lightly, and replied: "Sister Zhenzhen, Keiko would like to thank you for your kindness. But I am sincerely willing to do what Brother Ye said. If I can succeed, I will have the capital to ask the bastard Ampere for help. Return to justice."

The bastard Ampere that Keiko Tanabe called was the key member who sent her to the Soldiers Club and became a high-level comfort woman.

After hearing Keiko Tanabe's explanation, Tao Zhenzhen couldn't yell any more.

Ye Tufei sighed, and said: "Miss Huizi, no matter what your starting point is, I, Ye Tufei, will always thank you. Tell me, what else do you want?"

Keiko Tanabe smiled and said, "I told you, will you promise me?"

Ye Tufei was stunned for a moment, and replied: "As long as I can do it, I will definitely promise you!"

Keiko Tanabe giggled, "I want you to come tonight..."

Ye Tufei blushed immediately, and Tao Zhenzhen was also trembling in shock.

Keiko Tanabe smiled even more happily. She pointed at Tao Zhenzhen and said with a smile, "I want you to stay with her tonight!"

Ye Tufei's face turned purple, while Tao Zhenzhen gave a warning, covered his face with his hands, and ran back to the bedroom.

"Sister Zhenzhen is a good girl, Brother Ye, you can't miss it. Huizi has no other request, but wants Brother Ye to marry Sister Zhenzhen."

Ye Tufei didn't know how to answer for a while, so he could only respond in silence.

But Keiko Tanabe refused to let go: "Brother Ye's words don't count, if you promise Keiko, as long as you can do it, you will definitely promise Keiko."

Ye Tufei gritted his teeth and squeezed out six words: "Okay, I promise you."

(End of this chapter)

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