Bandit Camp

Chapter 234 2 War Spy King

Chapter 234
The German reporter that Ye Tufei mentioned was Sorge who had the title of 'World War II Spy King'.

Of course, Ye Tufei knew that Sorge was not related to Nie Hengzi, it was a memory he acquired in later generations. As for the title of 'World War II Spy King', it was also bestowed upon by later generations.

In Ye Tufei's memory, Sorge was a gentleman with an elegant demeanor. He graduated from the University of Berlin and the University of Kiel, and is a double-degree Ph.D.Eight years ago, Sorge joined the German Communist Party, and then gained the trust of the German intelligence agency, and was successfully sent to Tokyo to work as a reporter for the German intelligence agency, while at the German embassy in Tokyo , Sorge also has a part-time job.

No one would know that Sorge was actually a Soviet spy.

Ye Tufei's thinking is that since Sorge is actually working for the Soviet Union, all information that is unfavorable to the Soviet Union will attract his attention.If the evidence of the secret contact between Chongqing and the Japanese for peace negotiations can be inadvertently obtained by Sorge, then it will definitely attract his attention, and pass it on to the domestic Communist Party through the Communist International of the Soviet Union, so as to achieve the desired result. result.

As for whether Chongqing's attempt to make peace with the Japanese would be detrimental to the Soviet Union, Ye Tufei had seriously thought about it.

For the Soviet Union, Germany on the western front is the potential enemy it needs to be wary of the most, while Japan on the eastern front has always been eyeing it. Just a year and a half ago, in an area called Nomenkan, the two countries were still fighting against each other. A medium-sized battle broke out.

If the Chongqing side really made peace with the Japanese, then the millions of heavily armed Japanese troops trapped in the Chinese battlefield could be liberated, which would pose a great threat to the Soviet Union.With the military power of the Soviet Union, it is still uncertain to deal with Germany alone. If it is attacked by Germany and Japan at the same time, the consequences will be extremely serious.

Therefore, it was not Zhao Ming's new government that could tolerate the peace agreement between Chongqing and Japan the most, nor was it the Communist Party of China that insisted on fighting behind enemy lines, but the Soviet Republic under the leadership of Stalin.

Therefore, Ye Tufei concluded that as long as Sorge got strong evidence that Chongqing and the Japanese made peace, he would pass it on to the Soviet Union as soon as possible. And instructed the Yan'an side to immediately take effective measures to resolve the crisis.

The evidence provided by Zhao Ming to Ye Tufei is conclusive and sufficient, the question is how Ye Tufei should go to Sorge.He and Sorge are not familiar with each other. If he came to the door rashly, he was afraid that it would arouse Sorge's vigilance and misunderstanding.And once Sorge misunderstood Ye Tufei's motives, no matter how strong the evidence was, it would lose weight.

Ye Tufei thought about this for almost the whole night, and didn't fall asleep until the early morning, and was woken up at almost nine o'clock in the morning. "Mr. Ye, Mr. Zhao is waiting for you to have breakfast together!"

What Ye Tufei told Zhao Ming was that this person was a friend of his business partner Nie Hengzi, so Zhao Ming couldn't imagine Ye Tufei's embarrassment at all. Seeing Ye Tufei's haggard face, Zhao Ming asked with concern: "What's wrong? Didn't sleep well at night?"

Ye Tufei coped with a bitter face: "Take the bed, if you change the bed, you won't be able to fall asleep."

With an apologetic smile, Zhao Ming said, "If I knew you weren't resting well, I shouldn't have woken you up so early."

Ye Tufei waved his hand, and said: "It's nothing, just get used to it, I'm in good shape, even if I don't sleep for three days, I'm still full of energy."

Zhao Ming nodded slightly, he admired Ye Tufei's spirit very much, he personally served Ye Tufei a bowl of rice porridge, and handed it over: "You don't need to go to your German reporter friend today, we have more Important things to do."

Ye Tufei took a sip of rice porridge and asked, "What's so important? Is Mi Nei Guangzheng going to meet Mr. Zhao?"

Zhao Ming smiled and replied, "Prime Minister Minai's interview has been arranged until tomorrow. Today we are going to meet with an old friend, former Prime Minister Nobuyuki Abe."

Ye Tufei was taken aback, and asked: "Mr. Zhao, is this stall suitable for meeting Mi Nei's predecessor?"

Zhao Ming shook his head, sighed, and replied: "I also think it's inappropriate, but I can't help it! It was Nobuyuki Abe who sent us an invitation early this morning, saying that there was a family banquet at noon to entertain us. We can't go if we don't go. Politicians, we can’t afford to offend even one of us!”

Ye Tufei couldn't hold it back, yawned, and stretched again: "Yes! We can't afford to offend anyone, so we can only take one step at a time!"

He said so in his mouth, but he thought in his heart, this is the best. It just happened that he hadn't thought about how to contact Sorge. In this way, he had another day of thinking time.

Zhao Ming didn't know Ye Tufei's real thoughts, he thought that Ye Tufei's thoughts were highly consistent with his, and he was thinking about how to deal with Abe Nobuyuki's family banquet invitation: "Xiaoye, what kind of gift do you think we should give Abe Nobuyuki?" Woolen cloth?"

Before coming to Tokyo, Zhao Ming and Ye Tufei considered giving Abe Nobuyuki a gift, but the basis of their consideration at that time was that they took the initiative to visit Abe Nobuyuki.But now it was Nobuyuki Abe who took the initiative to invite his side. Compared with the consideration at that time, this kind of treatment has been improved a lot, so Zhao Ming will consider whether the originally planned gift is still suitable, and whether it needs to be improved.

Ye Tufei quickly pulled his mind away from Sorge and returned to Zhao Ming's question. He thought for a while, and analyzed: "We have an old saying that once the sea was too difficult, Abe Nobuyuki has been the prime minister for nearly half a year, and now he has no choice but to step down. , will he feel comfortable in his heart? Will he be at ease with the status quo? I'm afraid he is full of grievances now as much as us!"

Zhao Ming nodded his head to express his agreement: "Well, there is indeed a sense of sympathy for each other."

Ye Tufei smiled, and continued: "I speculate that Nobuyuki Abe's mood at the moment is to find some old friends to confide his grievances, but the heights are so cold, what can he say? Even Mr. Zhao, he can only say The words on these scenes are at best a hint of his grievances. Therefore, at this time, what is important for us is to understand him, appreciate him, and thank him. Let him understand that in China, thousands of miles away, he Abe Nobuyuki still has bosom friends."

Zhao Ming nodded slightly and said, "It makes sense, this is more precious than any gift."

Ye Tufei said: "Things on the spiritual level can completely replace the material level, but I think, if we give Nobuyuki Abe both the spiritual level and the material level at the same time to meet or even exceed expectations, what will the result be?"

Hearing this, Zhao Ming knew that Ye Tufei had already made up his mind, and unconsciously showed a happy smile: "Okay, Xiaoye, don't be a fool, tell me what you plan to do!"

Ye Tufei said: "Abe Nobuyuki retreats from a high position. This retreat will definitely fall below the starting point, and even disappear on the highest stage. Will he be willing? Certainly not, but with his cultivation and influence , Can it make a comeback again? Certainly not! This is where Nobuyuki Abe is most unwilling and wronged!"

Thinking of his experience in the domestic political arena, Zhao Ming couldn't help but sigh. What Ye Tufei said is true. If his own cultivation and the power behind him are not enough, he is doomed to failure, and it is difficult to stand up again.

"If Japan cannot reach a peace agreement with Chongqing, the war will get deeper and deeper. Moreover, in order to solve domestic economic problems, the Japanese military has always advocated expanding the war. We don't care whether Japan's future war will go north or south. There is only one result that needs to be clarified, that is, Japan's domestic war resources will become increasingly scarce. Mr. Zhao, let me say this..."

Zhao Ming's thinking is very quick, and he has already understood Ye Tufei: "You mean that the Gongrong Commercial Bank you control will play a vital role in the future!"

Ye Tufei nodded, and said: "No matter whether Japan goes north or south, it will endanger the interests of the Western powers headed by the United States. The United States, Britain and France will turn against Japan sooner or later. Once that happens, where will Japan's strategic materials come from? Although Rong Commercial Bank can only solve a small part of it, as long as the timing is in place, this small part will be infinitely magnified."

Zhao Ming praised: "Yes, the value of giving charcoal in the snow is far greater than icing on the cake."

Ye Tufei said seriously: "Give some shares of Kyoei Trading Company to Abe Nobuyuki as a gift for this meeting. When Japan's strategic materials are extremely scarce, Abe Nobuyuki's Kyoei Trading Company will solve the urgent need of the Japanese military... "

Excited, Zhao Ming tapped the table heavily with the chopsticks in his hand, and said happily, "Then Nobuyuki Abe will have the capital to re-enter the highest stage!"

The two ate breakfast while discussing, and they ate breakfast for more than an hour. It was not until the subordinates reminded that it was almost time to set off to meet Nobuyuki Abe. Too much.

At the luncheon held by Abe Nobuyuki, Zhao Ming found a suitable time to briefly inform Abe Nobuyuki about the content of his discussion with Ye Tufei.

Abe Nobuyuki is also an old politician, and he has a clear view of the future direction of Japan, so when he heard Zhao Ming's thoughts, he suddenly regained his energy, and immediately expressed to Zhao Ming that he was very grateful for what Zhao Ming had done for him. Everything, but this matter is not a trivial matter. I hope that after lunch, Zhao Ming will bring the person who made the idea together and have a detailed chat.

Here, Zhao Ming and Abe Nobuyuki were having a lively chat, and Ye Tufei was not idle there, a European who was invited by Abe Nobuyuki struck up a conversation with Ye Tufei, and handed Ye Tufei a business card.

Ye Tufei took the business card and glanced at it, he was overjoyed, there was nowhere to find it, and it took no effort at all to get it.

The business card was in Japanese, with the owner's name written on it: Richard Sorge.

(End of this chapter)

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