Bandit Camp

Chapter 235 One Point Breakthrough

Chapter 235 A Little Breakthrough

After the luncheon, Nobuyuki Abe invited Zhao Ming and Ye Tufei to his study.

"Are Mr. Abe satisfied with this study?" Zhao Ming asked with a smile as soon as he entered the study.

Three months ago, when Nobuyuki Abe was still serving as the prime minister, Zhao Ming went to Tokyo to visit Abe. At that time, Nobuyuki Abe also invited Zhao Ming to his home. It was also that time that Zhao Ming wanted to decorate a room for Nobuyuki Abe. A Chinese-style study room.

All the raw materials are shipped from China, which is the top golden nanmu. All the craftsmen are also invited from China. The leader is said to have made furniture for the Qing Dynasty palace.

It is a pity that the study was completed, and Abe Nobuyuki also fell.

Fortunately, Nobuyuki Abe was not influenced by Chinese Fengshui culture, so he would not think that this study broke his political Fengshui.

Abe Nobuyuki called his servants to make tea for Zhao Ming and Ye Tufei, and replied to Zhao Ming with a smile: "I am very satisfied. Now, I spend one-third of my time in this study."

This sentence, Abe Nobuyuki said the truth, but Zhao Ming felt extremely desolate when he heard it.After a politician fell from power, his surroundings were so deserted that he could only spend one-third of his time alone in his study.

Abe Nobuyuki asked the two to sit down in the study, and then asked Ye Tufei with great interest: "Young man, Mr. Zhao told me that you are very good. I would like to hear your understanding of the current situation. no?"

Nobuyuki Abe can't speak Chinese, but fortunately, Zhao Ming and Ye Tufei's Japanese level is not bad, so there is no obstacle in communication.Abe Nobuyuki made a request, which hit Ye Tufei's arms. He wanted to drag Abe Nobuyuki down and become a pawn that he could leverage on. Then he had to show Abe Nobuyuki his point of view and persuade Abe Nobuyuki to agree with him the opinion of.

"Since Mr. Abe has made a question, this junior will be on his own. If something is wrong, please take care of senior Abe!" Ye Tufei spoke, and his Japanese with a pure Tokyo accent attracted the favor of Abe Nobuyuki. "Japan's future will definitely not be satisfied by ending the war between China and Japan. In other words, all Japan's current actions towards China are just preparations for its lofty goal. This lofty goal is to dominate the world!"

"Dominate the world?" Abe Nobuyuki repeated Ye Tufei's words. This is an unspoken secret. Most Japanese people have such a dream, but in terms of diplomacy, Japan has always kept this dream hidden. The fear is that it will arouse the resentment of the great powers.Now, a Chinese, a young Chinese, bluntly uttered this secret. Nobuyuki Abe sighed in his heart. It seems that time is not waiting for us. Japan really does not need to hide this ideal anymore, because Tibet also hides. Can't live, there is nowhere to tuck.

"Senior Abe, don't tell me that Japan has never had the ideal of dominating the world. If so, Mr. Zhao and I will go home immediately, because there is no hope of peace between China and Japan."

Nobuyuki Abe smiled bitterly. Why did the Japanese support the new government represented by Zhao Ming? Why did the Japanese state propose the policy of using China to govern China? Don’t they want to turn the whole of China into North Korea and Taiwan/Taiwan? ?

It's just that China is too big, and the little Japan can't swallow it at all. Even the land in the three eastern provinces has created a "Manchukuo" to be regarded as calm and settled?

It is not objective to deny the young man's statement, but if he admits it himself, Nobuyuki Abe feels that something is wrong. After all, this is Japan's national policy.It would be even more inappropriate to respond with a tone of reproach, after all, I brought up this topic myself.

Abe Nobuyuki could only use some means to avoid this topic: "Young man, go on, I don't want my opinion to affect your thinking."

Ye Tufei smiled. He had expected this result a long time ago. If Nobuyuki Abe gave a positive answer to his aggressive question, no matter whether it was affirmative or negative, it would be regarded as a loss. If so, then Nobuyuki Abe's practice is really poor A little bit.

"Only by making full preparations to solve China's problems can Japan make some attempts for its ideals. I think this is the core value of our new government!" Ye Tufei's bluntness also surprised Zhao Ming, who immediately used Eyes to stop Ye Tufei.

Abe Nobuyuki sensed Zhao Ming's eyes, smiled and said to Zhao Ming: "We are not having a diplomatic meeting, we are old friends chatting together, I admire this young man very much, what he thinks in his heart, what he expresses in his mouth, he has always said what he says " Turning to encourage Ye Tufei, he said: "Well, young man, keep talking, don't be afraid of making mistakes!"

Ye Tufei smiled lightly, and continued: "This ideal seems to be the ideal of the Japanese military, but in fact the military is just a representative. The real ideal holders are the Japanese people, your entire Yamato nation. Therefore, there is no Any force can stop this trend, and any political force that tries to dissuade the Japanese people from giving up this ideal will prove to be a mantis holding back the car."

Nobuyuki Abe nodded subconsciously when he heard this.

"For Japan, the war will only expand, and will never shrink. Once the war expands, no matter who the opponent is, the biggest contradiction in Japan is the problem between a strong military and a lack of resources. Senior Abe, let me tell you the truth Said, with the help of Mr. Zhao, I established a firm, and the main business is to hoard all kinds of strategic materials. I believe that there will be a day when the value of these strategic materials will double upwards. Moreover, this One day is not far away."

Nobuyuki Abe frowned, and said: "Although what you said is very reasonable, doing this kind of business is against the national interest."

Ye Tufei said: "How can it be said that it is against the national interest? Take oil as an example. The current market price of oil is about ten yen a barrel. Yen per barrel, and when Japan was still hard to buy, I sold it to Japan at a price of 20 yuan per barrel. Abe-senpai, do you think this is helping the country or harming the country?"

Abe Nobuyuki was lost in thought.

On the surface, this is indeed helping the country, but subconsciously speaking, there is always a feeling of making war fortune and blackmailing the country to make money.

Fortunately, Ye Tufei solved the confusion for Nobuyuki Abe in time: "Senior Abe, what we earn from doing this kind of business is only our forward-looking money. Even if it is an act of the state, doesn't it cost money to store supplies? Besides, in the case of Japan In the current diplomatic situation, it is very difficult to store these strategic materials, so the strategic concept of supporting war with war is proposed, but don’t you think the cost of this method of raising strategic materials is too high?”

Nobuyuki Abe had to admit that what Ye Tufei said was correct.

Sustaining war with war is a last resort, and it cannot fully achieve self-sufficiency in strategic materials. Whether it is Manchukuo or China's Japanese war zone, there is hardly a drop of oil to be found. Modernization Without oil, the mechanized troops will lose their rations, and any tanks and chariots will be a pile of scrap iron.

Nobuyuki Abe was the prime minister, and he is very clear about the stockpiling of strategic materials in Japan. Whether it is going north to fight against the Soviet Union, or going south to conquer the whole of Asia, as long as the war is fully started, the existing preparations for strategic materials are only enough to last for one year. about time.

It is necessary to expand the way to more fully prepare these strategic materials!
Nobuyuki Abe understands very well that Japan's strategic materials are heavily dependent on the United States, while the United States is gradually drifting away from Japan. Although it will not turn its face now, the US government has set up many overt and covert restrictions on the trade of Japanese government's strategic materials. Restrictions have caused Japan's trade volume with the United States to decline at a rate of 30.00% per quarter.According to this momentum, within half a year, it will be equivalent to the United States announcing a trade ban on Japan.

It is also not possible to go through private channels. The United States has issued a law that strictly prohibits material transactions with Japanese private parties. Otherwise, once found out, it will be punished as a crime of smuggling.As for smuggling, there is no need to think about it. When the gangs engaged in the material smuggling business in the United States hear that the buyer is Japanese, they are like seeing the plague. No matter how much money they give, they are unwilling to meet for an interview.

Hearing Ye Tufei say that he has a way to purchase strategic materials urgently needed in Japan, Nobuyuki Abe's eyes lit up. Besides, Ye Tufei didn't intend to do that kind of business that takes advantage of the fire, he just used his foresight and resources to earn money. Just some reasonable profit.

If he accepts Ye Tufei's suggestion, then when Japan encounters material difficulties after expanding the war, Nobuyuki Abe can...

Thinking of this, Nobuyuki Abe showed a knowing smile on his face, and he stretched out his hand to shake hands with Ye Tufei.

"Young man, I cannot refuse your proposal. This is a matter of mutual benefit. For the future of the Great Japanese Empire, I, Nobuyuki Abe, would like to be your partner."

Nobuyuki Abe held Ye Tufei's hand, sighed with emotion from the bottom of his heart, and then said to Zhao Ming: "Mr. Zhao, my good friend, this is the most precious gift you gave me. In return, I can only chat with Mr. Zhao about some stories about Prime Minister Minet!"

These words of Abe Nobuyuki made Zhao Ming excited.The so-called talk about Minai Mitsumasa's story actually means telling Zhao Ming that he is going to tell Zhao Ming some of Minai Mitsumasa's political views. This is a secret among secrets. With Abe's explanation, Zhao Ming will know Minai very well. Guangzheng's attitude towards the new government can be targeted, and finally won the full support of the Minet cabinet.

The new government has finally finished its preparations, and the new government can finally be successfully established!
Although Zhao Ming's face was still calm, he had already shouted in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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