Bandit Camp

Chapter 239

Chapter 239
Three days later, Zhao Ming returned triumphantly with everyone.

Yingzuo Framezhao took everyone directly from the airport to his Mei Agency. In the building of Mei Agency, Yingzuo Framezhao also held a grand celebration reception for Zhao Ming.After the reception, Ying Zuo Frame Zhao called Ye Tufei to his office.

"I have good news for you. People from No. 76 cracked an underground organization of the Communist Party in Shanghai. Guess who they caught?" Ying Zuo frame Zhao said it was good news, but there was no expression on his face.

What should come will always come, anyway, I have already reported to Ying Zuo Frame Zhao all the communication process with Lao Mu. The report made by Zuo Frame Zhao is similar.As long as he bit him to death, as long as the spies couldn't find out where Ji Xiaohai was, no one would be able to prove his guilt.

"Oh? Who was caught?" Ye Tufei pretended to be surprised.After returning from Tokyo, he hasn't had a chance to meet Nie Hengzi yet, and he still doesn't know anything about what happened in Shanghai. All he can do is pretend that he doesn't know anything.

"An old friend of yours, an old Mu of the Communist Party!"

As soon as Ying Zuo frame Zhao said the name of Lao Mu, Ye Tufei immediately gritted his teeth: "Old Mu? Where is he locked up? I have to meet him! This bastard almost killed me and Suzuki-kun." Stay in Subei."

At this time, although Ye Tufei was still calm on the surface, he was uneasy in his heart.Lao Mu had already been grasped by Ying Zuo Frame Zhao, what happened after that, and what Lao Mu said, Ye Tufei knew nothing about it.The only thing he can do is to guess based on Ying Zuo Frame Zhao's expression and body language, however, Ying Zuo Frame Zhao is so cunning, with a calm expression and almost still body, making it difficult for Ye Tufei to make any judgments.

What can remind Ye Tufei is the way Ying Zuo frame Zhao talks to Ye Tufei.Ying Zuo should have known about Ye Tufei's extraordinary skills. In a one-on-one match, Ye Tufei could kill him in a few seconds.Then, Ying Zuo still dared to have a one-on-one communication with Ye Tufei, which means that Ying Zuo Zhao Zhao didn't plan to turn against Ye Tufei at this time.

In other words, Ye Tufei judged that Yingzuo Frame Zhao hadn't grasped his evidence, or had doubts, but the evidence was insufficient.

Based on this judgment, Ye Tufei took on a look of envy, hating Lao Mu's past behavior so hard that his teeth itch.

Ying Zuo frame Zhao still had no expression on his face, it was hard to see whether he believed or doubted: "Old Mu was locked up at No. 76. After he was arrested, we kept him in the dark just to wait for you to come back."

Of course Ye Tufei would not believe what Kagezuo Chiaki said.In fact, there is a loophole in Yingzuo Framezhao's sentence. If the person arrested on the 76th had not been interrogated, how would he know that the codename of the person arrested was Laomu?You know, he and Suzuki Chuan are the only ones who have seen Lao Mu, and Suzuki Chuan has always been with him, so it is impossible to participate in the arrest of Lao Mu.

Furthermore, Ye Tufei and Lao Mu completed the drug deal, but within three days, Lao Mu was arrested by the people of No. 76. What does this mean?Presumably, there are only two possibilities. One is that Lao Mu has been in contact with people on other lines in the past few days, and the underground party on this line happened to be targeted by people from No. 76. Lao Mu was out of luck. Well, I was arrested and arrested.Another possibility is that as early as when he and Lao Mu were trading medicines, the people on No. 76 had their eyes on Lao Mu. As soon as the drug plan was completed, they immediately attacked and arrested Lao Mu.

Both possibilities have some truth, but neither fully explains the matter.

No matter which possibility it is, the result is the same, that is, Lao Mu was arrested, and the people in No. 76 have figured out the identity of Lao Mu.

Now that they have figured out the identity of Lao Mu, and Yingzuo Framezhao deliberately left Lao Mu to himself, it can only show that Yingzuo Framezhao has doubts about him in the matter of drug transactions.

Based on Ye Tufei's understanding of Yingzuo Framezhao, Ye Tufei concluded that since Yingzuo Framezhao already had suspicions, then brothers like Nie Hengzi and Xiao Zhonghe Duguyu must have been under surveillance or suffered actions limit.

These thoughts are all in an instant, Ye Tufei couldn't wait to express as soon as Yingzuo framed Zhao's voice: "Thank you, Mr. Yingzuo, for remembering the grievances between Ye and the Communist Party, well, I really can't wait Okay, Mister Yingzuo, why don't you arrange it now and let me meet that old wooden Communist Party?"

Yingzuo frame Zhao squinted his eyes and asked: "You have been bumpy all the way, and you haven't been able to take a good rest until now, should you go to sleep first before meeting that Communist Party? Oh, I can understand your urgency, How about this, you can take a nap in my lounge for a while."

This sounded like a request for advice, more like a leader caring for his subordinates, but in fact, it was an order, which meant that you can't see Lao Mu now, and you can't leave my sight now.

As soon as Yingzuo Framezhao said this, Ye Tufei immediately understood that the previous speculation was correct, and Yingzuo Framezhao did have doubts about himself.

It's just that it's impossible to make a correct judgment on how deep this suspicion is and whether he has a chance to bring the situation back.

At this moment, Ye Tufei can make two choices. One is to confirm that Lao Mu has fully confessed, and Ying Zuo Zhao Zhao just needs to confront Lao Mu himself, so now can be said to be Ye Tufei's only chance to escape, and hold Ying Zuo frame Zhao, rushed out of the location of the Mei Agency.The second is to determine that there is still room for redemption, first obey Ying Zuo Frame Zhao's instructions, and when he sees Lao Mu, the water will come and the soil will cover the soldiers to block them, and they will muddy the water when they see their tricks.

Needless to say, the second option is too dangerous.Although Ye Tufei has never been to No. 76 where the prisoners are held, he can still imagine how heavily guarded that place is. If you can't catch any important hostages, you can't even think about escaping a life from that kind of hell on earth.

At this moment, Ye Tufei had the urge to choose the first option.

Ying Zuo Frame Zhao was right in front of him, and he only needed one second to control the life and death of this person in his own hands. With Ying Zuo Frame Zhao as a hostage, not to mention his own life, even with Nie Heng With Xiao Zhonghe and the others, presumably the little Japanese would not hesitate for a moment.

Driven by this impulse, Ye Tufei glanced at the eye shadow Zuo Frame Zhao, and it was this glance that made Ye Tufei give up this impulse.Yingzuo Anran's expression told Ye Tufei that this cunning person will definitely have a countermeasure, and he will definitely not express his doubts when his own safety cannot be guaranteed.

"I'll follow your arrangement!" It took less than a second for Ying Zuo Frame Zhao's voice to land, Ye Tufei looked at Eye Shadow Zuo Frame Zhao and made such a decision.

Ying Zuo Frame Zhao showed a rare smile, rang the call bell on the table, and arranged for his subordinates to lead Ye Tufei to his lounge to rest.

As soon as Ye Tufei left Kagezuo's office, a Japanese man in military uniform with a long gun came out from the back room, and he gave Kagezaki a thumbs up: "Kagesa-kun, you really are Enough courage! That Ye Tufei is not an ordinary person, if he makes a move, I'm really not sure that I can guarantee your safety."

Ying Zuo frame Zhao smiled and shook his head, said: "Kimura-kun, you don't know this Ye Tufei, if he attacks me, he won't aim to kill me, he will definitely hold me hostage, intending to exchange him And the lives of his brothers. Kimura-kun, with your ability, you can kill him at the same time, and Ye Tufei's attack is just to hold me hostage, so I am absolutely safe."

The guy named Kimura nodded and asked, "I trust your judgment. Kagesa-kun, if you have any orders, Kimura will definitely obey them."

Ying Zuo frame Zhao picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip of tea, and said, "I won't bother Kimura-kun for the rest of the matter. If Ye Tufei passed this level, if he can sleep peacefully in the lounge, it probably means I was wrong about him."

Kimura replied with a smile: "There is such a possibility. The Communist Party is very cunning. Maybe it's because they have suffered a lot from the fake medicine, so they deliberately framed Ye Tufei."

As Kimura said, he dismantled the gun and put it in a long suitcase, and bid farewell to Kagezuo.

Ying Zuo Frame Zhao sat alone in the office, without speaking or moving for a long time.

Just now, during the confrontation between him and Ye Tufei, he caught the flash of killing intent in Ye Tufei's eyes.

Is it my own misjudgment?
Ying Zuo frame sighed, the time was too hasty, and the look in his eyes was only a flash, so it is not impossible to misjudge.

Then, what foundation does Ye Tufei's calmness come from?
Although he didn't make it clear, but with Ye Tufei's intelligence, he should be able to understand his own thoughts. The doubts about him had already been placed in front of him, and this short time was the only chance he could get to survive. He just gave up like that.

Is it for his brother's safety?

Kagezuo frame Zhao secretly shook his head.As long as he was held hostage, not to mention the lives of his brothers, even if Ye Tufei asked for an astronomical ransom, it wouldn't be too much.Ye Tufei should understand this truth.

He actually obeyed his own arrangement!
You know, once this opportunity is missed, Ye Tufei will never have the chance to take hostages to survive. When he meets Lao Mu on the 76th, what else can Ye Tufei do?

(End of this chapter)

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