Bandit Camp

Chapter 240 4 dishes

Chapter 240 Four Courses

Ye Tufei followed Ying Zuo Zhao Zhao's subordinates to the lounge arranged by Ying Zuo Zhao Zhao.

A few minutes ago, in front of Ying Zuo Frame Zhao, Ye Tufei went through a difficult choice. Although holding Ying Zuo Frame Zhao could gain a ray of life, but at the moment before the attack, Ye Tufei's intuition told Ye Tufei that this was not a good choice. s Choice.

This intuition does not mean that Ye Tufei sensed the murderous aura of Kimura, the bodyguard invited by Ying Zuo Frame Zhao who was ambushing in the back room. Kimura is the top expert in the Japanese military system. No matter what, he couldn't feel Kimura's existence.

Ye Tufei's intuition came from Yingzuo Framezhao's eyes, which seemed calm, but mixed with expectations and worries.

Ye Tufei couldn't figure out why Yingzuo Frame Zhao had such a complicated look in his eyes for a while, and Ye Tufei chose to wait and see when the matter hadn't come to the end and was not completely clear.

Since such a choice is made, then life and death can only be determined by fate.

Thinking about it this way, Ye Tufei felt relieved. He stretched in the lounge, yawned, and then put on the bed with his clothes on. Not long after, he really fell asleep.

The psychological expert in charge of monitoring judged from Ye Tufei's posture, breathing rate, breathing depth and other factors that Ye Tufei was really asleep.

After Yingzuo Frame Zhao, who was still thinking in the office, got this information, his judgment and thinking became even more confused.

Ye Tufei's importance to Zhao Ming is unquestionable, and the value of Mei's organization lies in Zhao Ming's new government.In other words, Ye Tufei is equally important to his shadow assistant frame Showa Mei organization.

If Ye Tufei was really wrong, then how should he face Zhao Ming, and how should he face himself.

It was a coincidence that Lao Mu Cuncui was arrested on the 76th. They were eyeing another underground intelligence line of the Communist Party in Shanghai. Just when the special operations team on the 76th was about to close the net, Lao Mu suddenly appeared and contacted this line. An important person from above took over.

The members of the Communist Party are tough, No. 76 did not get useful information from them, and even failed to find out the identity of Lao Mu.

However, a small batch of medicine was found on the seized items, and this small batch of medicine was brought to Shanghai by Lao Mu.Starting from these medicines, it is easy to find the source, which is the batch of medicines that Ye Tufei and Lao Mu traded.

Ying Zuo frame Zhao immediately figured it out, Lao Mu must have brought these medicines to Shanghai for testing.

At that time, Yingzuo Framezhao was just disappointed, because once the people in northern Jiangsu had the idea of ​​testing, it meant that they had doubts about the fake medicines. use.In other words, Ye Tufei's counterfeit medicine plan failed at the last link.

However, the final test report showed that the batch of drug samples brought to Shanghai by Lao Mu were all genuine drugs!

The medicines that Ye Tufei personally escorted to Subei were all real medicines!
And the result that Ye Tufei reported was an absolutely fake medicine!
Kagezuo Frame Zhao had to re-examine the matter.

He knew that the possibility of obtaining the truth from Lao Mu was extremely slim, so he ordered the people on No. 76 to treat Lao Mu kindly and not to conduct any form of interrogation on Lao Mu. At the same time, he passed the news of Lao Mu's arrest to Nie Hengzi.

In order to avoid alarming the enemy, Ying Zuo Frame Zhao only used the method of monitoring Ye Tufei's brothers from a distance.

Yingzuo Frame Zhao pinned his hopes on the observation of Ye Tufei.

He designed a package for Ye Tufei.

The first dish of this set meal was to see Nie Hengzi's reaction. Ying Zuo frame Zhao concluded that once Nie Hengzi knew the news of Lao Mu's arrest, he would definitely try his best to notify Ye Tufei as soon as possible.

The letter that Nie Hengzi asked Suzuki Chuan to carry, Yingzuo Framezhao organized espionage experts to conduct research, and soon discovered the techniques used by Nie Hengzi, Yingzuo Framezhao believed that once this letter was delivered to Ye Tufei hands, then Ye Tufei will definitely get the news.

The second dish is the private communication between Yingzuo Frame Showa and Ye Tufei, telling Ye Tufei the news of Lao Mu's arrest, and watching Ye Tufei's reaction at the same time.

Ye Tufei pretended to be very similar, completely ignorant and surprised.This result aggravated Kagezuo Frame Zhao's suspicion.

Therefore, Yingzuo Framezhao served Ye Tufei a third course: concealed, but also clearly expressed his doubts.

Ye Tufei is a smart person, he can fully understand the true meaning of his own words, if Ye Tufei has ghosts in his heart, then when the two of them get along in the office, it is the only time Ye Tufei can get a chance to survive Analysis, Ye Tufei, who has a ghost in his heart, will definitely not give up this opportunity.

And once Ye Tufei tried to hold him hostage, Kimura, who was ambushing in the back room, would shoot and kill Ye Tufei without hesitation.

At the most critical moment, he and Ye Tufei once had eye contact. At that moment, he seemed to see a killing intent in Ye Tufei's eyes.

However, the murderous intent only passed by in a flash, so fast that Ying Zuo frame Zhao wondered if he had an illusion.After the killing intent flashed by, Ye Tufei remained calm and completely obeyed his instructions.

In desperation, Ying Zuo Frame Zhao could only pin his hopes on the last dish of the set meal he prepared for Ye Tufei, and observe Ye Tufei's reaction when he was alone.

Psychologists told Yingzuo Framezhao that if Ye Tufei really had a problem, he would definitely show signs of anxiety when he knew that he had been suspected, was in danger, and was alone. In form, it may be pacing back and forth in the room, or fidgeting, or other behaviors, in short, it is impossible to settle down in the room.

Yingzuo Frame Zhao asked at the time: "Then what if he has no problems?"

The psychology expert replied: "If he is loyal to the new government and our Great Japanese Empire, then after Zai You clearly doubts him, he will be wronged and even angry."

But the final result was beyond everyone's expectations. Ye Tufei was neither anxious nor upset, but fell asleep peacefully.

The whole set designed by Yingzuo Acupuncture has been used, but the result is still uncertain. He can only sigh, dismiss the psychologist, and say to himself in his heart: "Let him sleep for a while, wait for him to sleep." Wake up, and by the 76th, everything will be clear."

Ye Tufei slept soundly this time, and he didn't wake up until night approached.

After waking up, Ye Tufei checked the time and realized that he had slept for more than three hours.

It's really life and death!

Ye Tufei washed up briefly, and while washing up, he smiled wryly at the mirror.

The reason why he can treat life and death so calmly is not because he is so sure about the result that is about to happen. On the contrary, Ye Tufei believes that this level is very difficult to pass. The probability is at most [-]%.

When he walked into this lounge, Ye Tufei had already made up his mind that if things were irreparable, he would take all the responsibilities on himself, and at the same time use the secret of Japan's strategic direction as a coercion condition in exchange for for the safety of your brethren.

As for his own life and death, Ye Tufei really didn't care.

He has a strange idea, since he has traveled over here, his life should not disappear in this era, or in other words, at the moment he travels, his life should be the moment of end, since God did not Arranging for him to die, then the years after time travel will be equivalent to enjoying welfare, which is an extra reward from heaven.

For an atheist, for a believer in materialism, this kind of thinking is not strange.

The root cause of why such weird thoughts arise is that the beliefs that I have pursued for more than ten or twenty years have been completely subverted.

Survival is the nature of human beings, while seeking death is the pursuit of those who have lost confidence in life.Ye Tufei's beliefs were completely overturned. He lost his direction, lost his sense of mission, and at the same time lost his instinct to survive.

It's just that things didn't seem to be too bad, and Ye Tufei wouldn't have the thought of dying.

This is the fundamental reason why he can sleep peacefully in this situation.

Of course, Kagezuo Frame Zhao couldn't understand the reason.

Even Ye Tufei himself was confused about this, seeming to understand and yet not understanding.

The cause leads to the effect.

Yingzuo Framezhao, who couldn't figure it out, was eager to figure it out, so he spent more than three hours in torment, and when Ye Tufei finished washing up, he couldn't wait to take Ye Tufei to the Entered the No. 76 felon detention room.

Half an hour later, Ye Tufei met Lao Mu in No. 76's detention room for serious offenders.

There are no windows on all sides of the detention room, only a narrow iron door on one wall, and even the ceiling is bare and nothing else.There is a thick table in the middle of the room, and two chairs are placed on both sides of the table, one of which is very thick and has something like a chain lock on it, presumably for the prisoners.

There is only one desk lamp on the table in the whole room. The power of the desk lamp is not strong, and the whole room looks dim and depressing.

As soon as Ye Tufei sat down on the other chair, Lao Mu was brought in.

The secret agent of No. 76 skillfully locked Lao Mu on the prisoner's chair, and then smiled at Ye Tufei: "Brother Ye, you can start now. Mr. Yingzuo said that you and this person are old friends, and specially told us to Leave him for your interrogation. Well, we will go out first and wait for your good news!"

With a bang, the iron door was closed.

Under the dim light, Ye Tufei and Lao Mu could only vaguely see each other.

(End of this chapter)

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