Bandit Camp

Chapter 241 When we meet again

Chapter 241 When we meet again
The two were silent for a moment, and Ye Tufei was the first to break the deadlock: "Old Mu, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon. I know you have a big cigarette addiction, do you want to have a cigarette first?"

Lao Mu silently nodded.

Ye Tufei prepared a pack of cigarettes for Lao Mu in advance, and also prepared two cigars for himself.He first lit a cigarette for Lao Mu, put it into Lao Mu's mouth, and then lit a cigar himself.

"This room is empty. There shouldn't be any monitoring and surveillance equipment. Old Mu, let's open up and have a good chat, shall we?" Ye Tufei didn't make any unnecessary movements in his hands during the process of lighting the cigarette. , clean.The first sentence after lighting the cigarette was to remind Lao Mu that there should be no monitoring and monitoring equipment in this room. In fact, he was telling Lao Mu that this room not only has monitoring, but also monitoring.

How could a veteran underground party like Lao Mu not understand the meaning of Ye Tufei's words.

"Hey, it's all my fault for being suspicious. I hurt myself and you too!" Lao Mu finally opened his mouth.

Ye Tufei didn't expect Lao Mu to say such a sentence, what he hoped was that Lao Mu could understand what he said, and then...

Then, so what?

Ye Tufei believed that not far away, Yingzuo Framezhao was carefully observing every movement of the two of them, listening to every word they said.

Are you expecting Lao Mu to scold him like a traitor and running dog?What would that do?

What exactly did Yingzuo Framezhao know about him to have doubts about him? How can he control the direction of the conversation with Lao Mu before he understands this point?

Ye Tufei smiled wryly, anyway, he had already made a decision to resign himself to fate, so let nature take its course!

"How can you say that it hurts me?" Although Ye Tufei decided to let nature take its course, he still had to grasp the measure. He said as little as possible or even didn't say anything. point space.

Lao Mu took a few deep puffs of the cigarette, then spit out the butt of the cigarette, smiled, and replied: "I suspect that the medicine you sold me is fake, so I took some samples to Shanghai for testing, and the result..."

"What happened?"

Lao Mu took a deep breath and let it out slowly, as if he was trying to calm down his inner emotions: "It turned out that I was arrested by these traitors and spies before I had time to do the test."

Ye Tufei smiled, took a puff of smoke, leaned back slightly, and asked: "If you are arrested, then you will be arrested. I can only say that your suspiciousness hurt yourself, so how can it be brought to me?" , you said you got me involved?"

Lao Mu showed a helpless smile and said, "Actually, I know that the test results of that batch of medicine must be real medicine!"

At this moment, Ye Tufei already knew the crux of the problem.

At the beginning when Lao Mu decided to contact him, it was determined to die. People like this would never surrender to the Japanese or traitors.Besides, although the lights in the room were dim, Ye Tufei could still clearly see whether there were traces of torture on Lao Mu's body.Without even torture, how could Lao Mu take the initiative to confess?

The reason for Yingzuo Framezhao's doubts was the batch of medicines brought by the old wood for testing.

That batch of medicine must be real medicine, and when Ye Tufei came back from Jiangsu, what he said was fake medicine. In this way, it is normal for Yingzuo Framezhao to have doubts, and it is a strange thing not to have doubts.

The crux has been found, the next thing is how to solve this crux, so that Yingzuo Frame Zhao can understand why what Lao Mu brought is not a fake medicine but a real medicine.

This goal is easier said than done.At least Ye Tufei couldn't think of any way to solve this problem for a while.

And now Ye Tufei is not allowed to calm down and think carefully about the countermeasures. He must continue this interrogation-like conversation with Lao Mu, and there should be no obvious interruptions in it.

"Well, of course it's real medicine, what's wrong? Will it hurt me if it's real medicine?"

Ye Tufei's question was obviously unreasonable, but the situation at that time did not allow him to be reasonable. The only safe way to talk was for him to keep asking.

"The Japanese will allow you to sell real medicine to us? Ye Tufei, as soon as the test results of that batch of medicine come, you should think about how to get rid of your criminal evidence!" Lao Mu's face showed a look of contempt Even though the light was dim, Ye Tufei could still see clearly.

Lao Mu's disdainful look has obvious traces of pretending!
In other words, Lao Mu's inner feelings are the opposite of what he pretended!
Ye Tufei thought quickly, since Lao Mu didn't feel contempt for him in his heart, it meant that Lao Mu actually understood him. Since Lao Mu understood his sincerity, then Lao Mu would definitely not harm him, and even He should be helped to solve the current predicament.

What Lao Mu said just now couldn't be more obvious. He was reminding himself that the most important thing now is to get rid of his criminal evidence.

Ye Tufei once again fixed his eyes on Lao Mu's face, the look of contempt on Lao Mu's face became more intense, and the traces of camouflage became more obvious, he suddenly blinked his eyelids at Ye Tufei a few times.

All of this happened in a blink of an eye, and Ye Tufei understood Lao Mu's intentions in a blink of an eye.

Lao Mu wants to be charged with Ye Tufei's crimes!
This idea seems to be to put Ye Tufei to death, but in fact, Lao Mu's purpose is also the same, to create such an impression on Yingzuo Frame Zhao.

Once Yingzuo Frame Zhao formed the concept that Lao Mu wanted to put Ye Tufei to death, the loopholes in Lao Mu's statement of reasons would be magnified, and these magnified loopholes would make Ying Zuo Frame Zhao believe that Lao Mu was lying.

The purpose of Lao Mu's lying is to put Ye Tufei to death, so if you think about it the other way around, you can show that Ye Tufei is fine.

Ye Tufei understood that Lao Mu was going to sacrifice himself to save him.

"Why did you do this?" Ye Tufei's simple question contained two meanings. The first meaning was understood by Ying Zuo Frame Zhao, why Lao Mu framed Ye Tufei, and the deeper meaning could only be understood by Lao Mu Yes, why did he sacrifice himself to save Ye Tufei.

Lao Mu snorted coldly and smiled.

Lao Mu's laughter was full of sarcasm, but his face revealed a kind of calmness.

Life is so precious, why is Lao Mu willing to sacrifice?

He is guilty of being with Ye Tufei!

At the beginning, in the warehouse by the Huangpu River, he discovered the whereabouts of Ye Tufei's packaged medicines, and arbitrarily concluded that Ye Tufei had wholeheartedly defected to the traitor government and defected to the Japanese. A mark that only you can see.

When he arrived in northern Jiangsu, he met Captain Zhu, who was in charge of supporting him, and explained the matter in a few words. He planned to leave Ye Tufei in northern Jiangsu, a land controlled by the people, to make an example to others.

But unexpectedly, Ye Tu flew away.

Fortunately, the medicine is still there.Lao Mu carefully inspected the batch of medicines, each of which had his own mark on the outer packaging, he was still uneasy, and randomly checked a few of the medicines, and finally concluded that this batch of medicines was genuine.

Subconsciously, Lao Mu took this credit to himself, because if he hadn't been vigilant enough, he would have fallen into Ye Tufei's trick.

Since Ye Tufei intentionally framed him, there was no need to act as he had ordered, making the false impression that many wounded were killed by fake medicines.

On the fourth day after Ye Tufei escaped, the North Jiangsu side cracked a case of enemy agents. From the account of the spies, Lao Mu learned that the Japanese had never fully trusted Ye Tufei, and asked the spy gang lurking in his team to monitor him at all times. Watching the final result after the arrival of this batch of medicine.

When those spies were arrested, they had already sent back the result that the medicine was real medicine.

Lao Mu realized that he might have made a mistake.

So, he risked his life, came to Shanghai again, and found Nie Hengzi.He may not trust Ye Tufei, but he can trust Nie Hengzi.After all, this Nie Hengzi was personally in charge of him. After more than two years of investigation, he planned to develop into a comrade of his own.

Nie Hengzi told him the truth, took Lao Mu to find Ji Xiaohai, and saw the batch of fake medicines.

It was only then that Lao Mu realized that the medicines that Ye Tufei used to drop packages in the riverside warehouse were also real medicines.

That day happened to be the day when Ye Tufei accompanied Zhao Ming to Tokyo.

Lao Mu and Nie Hengzi discussed it all night, but they couldn't come up with any good way to make up for this matter.

The next day, Lao Mu and Nie Hengzi went to his former leader to discuss the matter. Lao Mu's leader was a doctor in a hospital in Shanghai, specializing in laboratory tests.

Lao Mu came to him for two reasons. One was to tell the old leader that the drug test entrusted to him a few days ago could not be done.The second is to discuss with this old underground party how to help Ye Tufei pass this hurdle.

Although the old leader Lao Mu is looking for is a doctor who specializes in testing, he is absolutely authoritative in testing the authenticity of drugs. Unfortunately, the hospital he is in is a hospital controlled by the Japanese army. It is extremely difficult to carry out drug testing under the nose of the government.

But the old leader still took over the task and hid the test samples sent by Lao Mu in his home, saying that he was waiting for a good time and would get the test results soon.

Lao Mu never expected that this old leader, an old underground party much more experienced than himself, would have been targeted by No. 76 agents.

Of course, it was not convenient for Nie Hengzi to meet Lao Mu's old leader. He just drove Lao Mu to the place near the joint. Lao Mu said that he would come back soon and asked Nie Hengzi to wait for him at the original place.

This meeting turned into the second meeting, and the second meeting turned into the third meeting. When Nie Hengzi could hardly wait, he saw a team of spies walking out with Lao Mu escorted.

(End of this chapter)

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