Bandit Camp

Chapter 242

Chapter 242
After Lao Mu was arrested, he knew that he was doomed.

He is not afraid of death. Over the years, he has been facing the danger of death all the time, but he felt sorry for Ye Tufei if he just died like this.

What made Lao Mu feel strange was that the gang of spies arrested him but did not interrogate him, and kept him in isolation, eating three meals a day, not only full but also meaty.

Lao Mu thought it was the enemy's trick to disintegrate him, so he couldn't help laughing at these dog spies in his heart, they should eat and drink, and it was wishful thinking to let Lao Mu say a word.

Half a month passed like this, until 10 minutes ago, he saw Ye Tufei.

At that moment, Lao Mu suddenly understood.

When Lao Mu told the old leader to cancel the task of testing the drug, the old leader immediately gave Lao Mu the sample drug. The old leader had no time to resist at all, so he could only be caught without a fight.

The samples of the medicine were naturally seized by the spies.

Asking Ye Tufei to interrogate him must be a ruse by Little Japan, they traced their identity through the samples of the batch of medicine.

As soon as Ye Tufei opened his mouth, he hinted to Lao Mu that although the interrogation room is bare and simple, it must be equipped with monitoring and listening equipment. It was this sentence that made Lao Mu think of a way to help Ye Tufei: try to sit in the room where Ye Tufei communicated with each other. However, there are one or two loopholes that are not easy to detect in the process of sitting on the ground. This loophole is enough to make Little Japan conclude that he is Lao Mu deliberately planting Ye Tufei.

As long as this goal can be achieved, Ye Tufei will be safe.

When Ye Tufei asked why he did this, Lao Mu sighed and replied sadly: "Ye Tufei, I must die, I only hope you can survive and continue to help our New Fourth Army."

Ye Tufei cooperated and became angry: "You are fabricating facts, you are spreading rumors!"

Lao Mu smiled: "There is no third person here, so don't pretend, Ye Tufei, when the Japanese interrogate me, I will help you get rid of the crime, so don't worry!"

Ye Tufei was 'unstoppable', stood up abruptly, and was about to punish Lao Mu, but hesitated for a while, and finally walked to the narrow iron door angrily, and smashed the door hard.

The door is closed from the outside and cannot be opened from the inside.

A young man quickly ran over from outside: "What's the matter? Brother Ye?"

Ye Tufei pointed at Lao Mu, still angry, and cursed: "What the hell is this? He had to put a back on his back before he died, obviously he wanted to put me to death!"

Then Luo laughed and said, "Don't be angry, Brother Ye, we all know that the Communist Party is cunning."

After coming out of that interrogation room, Ye Tufei saw Ying Zuo Frame Zhao, he didn't say anything, but smiled wryly at Ying Zuo Frame Zhao twice.

Yingzuo Frame Zhao still pretended that he didn't hear or see anything, "How is it? Did you find anything?"

Ye Tufei sighed, and said: "The Communist Party is a blunt bastard, Mr. Yingzuo, I'm afraid I've gotten into trouble, that old man insisted that I'm with him."

Yingzuo Framezhao laughed loudly: "Are you with him? If you, Ye Tufei, were with them, then Mr. Zhao would have passed away long ago, and the trip to Tokyo would not be a fruitful return."

Ye Tufei shook his head, and replied: "That's the truth, but the reality is that I can't wash it off even if I jumped into the Yellow River! Mr. Yingzuo, the medicine that Lao Mu brought for testing may all be real. , how can I explain clearly?"

Ying Zuo frame Zhao smiled, patted Ye Tufei on the shoulder, and said: "There is always a truth to things, Mr. Ye, isn't there a saying in your country that says that you are not afraid of the shadow if you are upright? Don't worry, we will take care of this matter." I will definitely investigate and find out the truth, and I will definitely return your innocence!" Instead, Yingzuo Framezhao waved and called the special agent in charge of the interrogation at No. 76, "Okay, it's time for you to show up, I don't care Whatever method you use, all I want is the result."

Just as Ye Tufei expected, Yingzuo Framezhao saw clearly the conversation between Ye Tufei and Lao Mu in another room, and what he heard was true, it was just to cover up the monitoring and monitoring equipment. The lights were deliberately dimmed, so that Ying Zuo Frame Zhao couldn't see the expressions on the faces of the two of them clearly when he was monitoring them.

It can be said that Lao Mu's strategy has achieved good results, at least it has made Yingzuo Frame Zhao's judgment and thinking more confused.

For Ying Zuo Frame Zhao, the most difficult thing is not to judge whether Ye Tufei has a problem, but how to balance Zhao Ming's relationship.

Just when Ye Tufei was forced to rest in his designated lounge, Ying Zuo Framezhao called Zhao Ming specifically for this matter.Zhao Ming was very sensitive to the question raised by Ying Zuo Frame Zhao.

Zhao Ming's sensitivity was not because of Ye Tufei's problems, but because he repeatedly told Ying Zuo Zhao Zhao not to misinterpret Ye Tufei, and not to offend his right-hand man.

Zhao Ming's tone and attitude are something Ying Zuo Zhaozhao has never seen before. In the past, when Zhao Ming talked to him, he always discussed with him in a tone of asking for instructions, but this time, Zhao Ming's tone clearly changed. The meaning of blame.

"I don't dare to judge Ye Tufei's attitude towards you Japanese, but he is indeed loyal to me, Zhao Ming. Without him, I would have died in the hands of the military commander! During this time, Ye Tufei's His performance is also obvious to all. If he was sent by the Communist Party, why would he spare no effort to help me? Mr. Yingzuo, you know that the Communist Party wants to eat me more than the people from Chongqing. drink my blood! You must be cautious about this matter, the future of my new government cannot do without Ye Tufei's help."

Zhao Ming's words lingered in Ying Zuo Frame Zhao's ears all the time.

If you continue to investigate, Ye Tufei will definitely be angered. If Ye Tufei really has a problem, it's okay to say, but if it turns out that Ye Tufei is innocent in the end, then Zhao Ming's attitude towards him will definitely change.The status of Mei's agency is based on Zhao Ming's new government. If Zhao Ming has a barrier and a gap between him, then a large number of Japanese politicians behind him will take advantage of the vacancy and snatch his position.

The problem with Ye Tufei is very important, but the existence of the Mei Agency is even more important.

Ying Zuo frame clearly distinguishes the importance from the urgent, when he has a little doubt about Lao Mu's motive, he has already made up his mind, and this matter is over.

The people from No. 76 tortured Lao Mu. No matter what torture equipment was used, Lao Mu insisted that Ye Tufei was with him.Three days later, the agent of No. 76 was tired and didn't want to torture Lao Mu anymore, so he reported the final result to Yingzuo Frame Zhao.

Yingzuo Frame Zhao then called Ye Tufei again.

"Mr. Ye, it seems that the grievance between you and the Communist Party is getting deeper and deeper!" Although Ying Zuo Zhao Zhao decided to let Ye Tufei go, he was always a little unwilling in his heart, and he still wanted to speculate on Ye Tufei's psychology through some details .

Ye Tufei looked at the interrogation report sent by Agent No. 76, and a hint of annoyance flashed on his face: "If it's possible, I want to shoot this bastard with my own hands!"

Regarding Ye Tufei's attitude, Ying Zuo Zhao Zhao really had nothing to say, so he had to agree.

Ever since Ye Tufei knew what Lao Mu was thinking, the unhappiness between Su Bei and Captain Zhu of the guerrilla team had been resolved, and he admired this old Mu from the bottom of his heart.He knew that Lao Mu would definitely not want to die under the guns of those traitors.

Instead of letting Lao Mu die with humiliation, it is better to come and see him off in person.

Two days later, Ye Tufei and Lao Mu met again on the execution ground.

Ye Tufei lit two cigarettes and stuffed one of them into Lao Mu's mouth, while he made an exception and accompanied Lao Mu to smoke a cigarette.

A cigarette was finished very quickly, Ye Tufei asked in a deep voice: "Old Mu, is there anything else to explain? As long as I can do it, I will definitely promise you!"

Lao Mu spit out the butt of his cigarette, and looked at Ye Tufei gratefully: "Thank you! Thank you for understanding me so well." On the execution ground, the two were far away from the others, so Lao Mu could rest assured and say a few words to Ye Tufei from the bottom of my heart. "I misunderstood you once, it was my fault, I hope you don't hold grudges."

Ye Tufei nodded, and smiled wryly: "If I still hate you, I won't come to see you off myself!"

Lao Mu showed a smile: "You understand what I want to explain, Ye Tufei, live well, for this troubled country, for our kind nation, live well!"

Ye Tufei nodded silently.

"After I die, I will possess you, and I will watch you continue to fight until I drive Little Japan back to their hometown!" Lao Mu smiled happily, and joked with Ye Tufei.

Ye Tufei also smiled, with a bright and deep smile: "I promise you, we will fight side by side until we drive Little Japan back to his hometown!"

Lao Mu slowly closed his eyes: "Come on, I'm not aggrieved to die by your hands!"

Ye Tufei drew out his pistol and pressed it against Lao Mu's heart.

"The Communist Party is really good! Lao Mu, let's go without worry. Sooner or later, the world will belong to the Communist Party, and sooner or later the Communist Party's world will become stronger!"

Gunshots sounded.

With the sound of gunfire, Lao Mu fell down.

The fallen old wood is still smiling.

Ye Tufei, who was still standing, put away his gun without saying a word, turned around and left.

The two spies who came over for the autopsy saw the dead Mu's expression, and they discussed in surprise: "It's weird, this Communist Party died so happily?"

Another replied: "These mudlegs are crazy, not like normal people!"

Ye Tufei, who had just walked a few steps and not far away, heard it, and answered the two spies loudly in his heart: "Yes! This Communist Party member did die happily, because he knew that the revolutionary cause for which he gave his life would inevitably die. Get the final victory!"

(End of this chapter)

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