Bandit Camp

Chapter 245 Brothers Reunion

Chapter 245 Brothers Reunion

When Duguyu got nervous, she forgot to scold the squad leader, she couldn't help letting go of her feet, and leaned towards Ye Tufei.

But Xiao Zhonghe smiled, and asked Ye Tufei with some doubts: "Master Liu, why do you sound like a gray mule?"

Ye Tufei laughed and said, "What does it look like? Even him, I can recognize him even when he turns into ashes."

Duguyu is not familiar with Zhang Luohui, but he also knows that this person is Ye Tufei's good brother. Hearing that Ye Tufei is so sure, he also relaxes.Originally, he wanted to get closer to Ye Tufei's side, trying to block bullets for Ye Tufei, but now he lost his motivation and turned back, continuing to deal with the squad leader.

Xiao Zhonghe couldn't bear it anymore, squeezed his throat and shouted: "Don't shoot! Don't shoot! If you kill our family's gray mule, you will lose a lot!"

The voice sounded again: "What Hui... What's the last name of your Hui Mule?"

Xiao Zhonghe continued to hold his voice and shouted: "Our gray mule is just a beast, how can it have a surname?"

There was a burst of laughter immediately: "Hahaha, Xiao Laoliu, you bastard, what kind of ghost are you pretending to be!"

Accompanied by the sound, under the reflection of the light, a figure ran over, shouting as he ran, "Xiao Lao Liu, how is the sixth master?"

Ye Tufei finally couldn't bear it any longer, and walked up to the figure: "Grey mule, your sixth master is here!"

"Master Six!"

The figure howled dryly and ran wildly, but accidentally tripped over a branch on the ground and fell to the ground.

What if it falls down?
Get up and continue to run, until you bump into Ye Tufei.

The speed was too fast and the strength was too great. The moment they collided, the two hugged each other tightly, and then rolled to the ground.

When he got up, Zhang Luohui's face was already full of tears, and Ye Tufei's eyes were also filled with tears.

"Liu Ye, how do you know I'm here?"

Ye Tufei punched Zhang Luohui in the chest: "Don't talk nonsense, hurry to your place and get me something to eat and drink, I'm starving to death!"

An hour later, the four brothers sat around a small round table in Zhang Luohui's room and started drinking.

"Sixth Master, don't say anything, let's drink this jar of wine first and then talk!"

The jar of wine that Zhang Luohui brought was more than five catties at least. Before half of it was drunk, the brothers started to feel drunk. Then it became invalid.

Zhang Luohui talked about his experience during this period.

After leaving Mount Erlang, Zhang Luohui thought about taking off his military uniform and going back to his hometown to find his parents. The money he brought with him was enough for him to honor the two old people in his hometown.

He went all the way west, and when he reached the land of Dangshan, he happened to pass by a village that had been massacred by the little Japanese. At this moment, Zhang Luohui's anger was aroused, and his plan to return to his hometown was postponed indefinitely. , a knife, wandering in Dangshan County, picking those little Japanese soldiers who were left alone.

In less than a month, there were as many as ten Little Japans killed by Zhang Luohui.

When Zhang Luohui said this, Xiao Zhonghe couldn't help but interjected: "Grey Mule, I seem to be familiar with your game, I think back then..."

Zhang Luohui interrupted Xiao Zhonghe unceremoniously: "Okay, okay! Xiao Laoliu, I know what fart you want to fart, don't you just want to say that I, the gray mule, learned from you?"

Ye Tufei waved his hand, stopping the momentum of the two of them bickering: "Grey Mule, ignore him, keep talking about you."

Zhang Luohui made Dangshan county town very noisy, Little Japan mobilized elite soldiers and generals, trying to get Zhang Luohui out.

In the past few days, the entire county was tightly sealed by Little Japan, only allowed to enter but not to exit, and then checked from house to house.Looking at the momentum, within three days, how many mice there are in Dangshan County can be checked by Little Japan.

Zhang Luohui was about to be unable to hide.

Just then, the great savior appeared.

"I'm the deputy commander now. Our leader's surname is Tang. It was Tang who saved me. Sixth Master, Tang is not in the barracks for the past two days. When he comes back, I will bring him to see you and take care of you two." Hit it off."

Listening to Zhang Luohui telling his own story, Ye Tufei was thinking that the person Zhang Luohui can approve of must be a man of the highest order. It is difficult for such a person to agree with Wang Xing's approach.

It's no wonder that Zhao Ming once said that Wang Xing's subordinates still have several wolves and tigers.

"Grey Mule, what do you think of your Master Wang?" Ye Tufei didn't rush to tell his purpose and plan, but first got to know the real situation of this division so that he could adjust his strategy at any time.

"You mean Wang Xing!" Zhang Luohui took a sip of wine, thought for a while, and said, "He's a good man, he doesn't have anything to say to the brothers, but his personality is too soft, and he dare not play seriously with Little Japan. "

Ye Tufei frowned, and asked again: "Then how can he convince everyone with his character? For example, your Captain Tang?"

Zhang Luohui curled his lips and said, "Old Tang, he can't do it alone! Liu Ye, you don't know that Wang Xing's division is actually a brigade. It is said to have as many as 1 people, but in fact However, there are less than 5000 people, and the establishment of the six regiments is not enough, and each regiment is full of troops, which is only the strength of two battalions."

Xiao Zhonghe interrupted and asked, "What does this have to do with convincing the public?"

Zhang Luohui gave Xiao Zhonghe a blank look: "Drink your wine! What do you say, a brat, when the adults are talking?" Then he continued to Ye Tufei: "If there are fewer people, you can eat nothing. Even Old Tang, it seems I am also happy to do so, not to mention the leaders."

Ye Tufei understood that Wang Xing, who is emotional, used economic means to lead this division.

"Grey mule, have you heard the news that your Master Wang is going to seek refuge in Nanjing?" Ye Tufei had a drink with Zhang Luohui, and asked the core question casually.

As soon as he heard Ye Tufei mention this matter, Zhang Luohui suddenly became furious: "Fucking Wang Xing, it's fine if he doesn't fight with little Japan with real swords and guns. He really wants to join the traitor government in Nanjing! Sixth Master, I To tell you the truth, the reason why Old Tang is not here is because he went to the division to talk to Wang Xing about it."

Ye Tufei smiled and said, "Then Captain Tang means..."

"If you beat him to death, you won't be a traitor!"

Xiao Zhonghe was about to say something, but was stopped by Ye Tufei, he asked with a smile: "Does Captain Tang mean what most people mean?"

Zhang Luohui's expression darkened, he sighed heavily, and said, "Old Tang is hard to applaud! Because of this, I even quarreled with him. I want him to bring the team out and do it alone." , but he is unwilling to abandon his big brother Wang. Yu Zhong! This old Tang, I'm afraid it will be difficult to come back this time!"

Ye Tufei was able to figure out the situation of this division, so he took out the secret letter from the Nanjing government and threw it to Zhang Luohui: "This commissioner can guarantee the safety of Captain Tang, but you have to follow my arrangement! "

Zhang Luohui was stunned immediately, with his mouth half-opened and unable to speak.

Ye Tufei laughed.

"Grey mule, don't you want to hear what Liu Ye has been through this year?"

Zhang Luohui still opened his mouth halfway, and nodded indifferently. This plot was too sudden and unexpected. With Zhang Luohui's IQ, he couldn't figure out the twists and turns.

"Xiao Laoliu, Dugu, you two, don't bother to eat, just tell Gray Mule. If there are any mistakes or things that haven't been said, I will add more. Hehe, I'm too busy listening to Gray Mule tell stories, so many I didn’t even have time to eat the good food.”

Xiao Zhonghe and Duguyu took orders, and at the beginning you talked to each other, telling the story of this young year in general.

Zhang Luohui finally understood it, and summed it up in one sentence: "Master Liu, you are going to be a spy!"

Ye Tufei was stunned for a moment, the stuffed chicken leg almost choked him, finally recovered, took a sip of wine, then nodded his head and said: "Well, it's not wrong to say that he was a spy."

Xiao Zhonghe slapped Zhang Luohui from behind: "You dead mule, why do you speak so badly? Why is Liu Ye a spy?"

Zhang Luohui touched his forehead in aggrieved way and replied, "If it's not a spy, then what is it?"

Duguyu said silently: "That's called an undercover agent!"

Zhang Luohui laughed loudly: "Aren't you still a spy!"

After a few words of bickering, Zhang Luohui brought the topic back: "Master Liu, how do you plan to deal with Wang Xing's 5000 troops?"

Ye Tufei told Zhang Luohui the plan in detail.

"The most important thing now is what to do with your regiment, especially your regiment leader Tang. If you don't deal with him well, Wang Xing may not dare to move."

Zhang Luohui thought for a while, then suddenly laughed, and said, "This matter is easy to handle!"

Ye Tufei doubted: "Easy? I didn't mean that it's inconvenient for you to come forward, and I don't want to provide you with any letters. How can it be easy?"

Zhang Luohui said with a smile: "As long as you tell him that you are Master Ye Liu of Erlang Mountain, I dare to use my mule head as a guarantee. Old Tang will definitely listen to you!"

Xiao Zhonghe shook his head and expressed doubts: "How could he listen to Liu Ye?"

Zhang Luohui gave Xiao Zhonghe a blank look again: "How many times have I told you, don't interrupt when adults talk! The sixth master was recognized by my gray mule in this life, and my gray mule is a good brother recognized by Old Tang. Do you think Old Tang will listen to Master Liu?"

Ye Tufei nodded, and said: "I believe what Gray Mule said. Well, let's not discuss this matter any more. Let's drink tonight and set off tomorrow morning to meet that Wang Xing for a while!"

The jar of wine soon ran out, but Zhang Luohui was still not satisfied, so he called the orderly and brought another jar of wine.

By the time Ye Tufei became seventy percent drunk, the three brothers were already talking about running the train and couldn't control it anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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