Bandit Camp

Chapter 246 Receiving

Chapter 246 Receiving
The head of Tang that Zhang Luohui mentioned was called Tang Zhen, and he and Wang Xing were distant relatives.

According to seniority, Tang Zhen should call Wang Xing uncle.

It's just that the relationship between the relatives is too far away, and the two of them grew up together as a sweetheart, so they put aside the set of family relatives and simply called each other brothers.

As Zhang Luohui said, this Tang town is really a man. When he heard that Wang Xing was going to seek refuge in Nanjing, he immediately became impatient. Regardless of Zhang Luohui's dissuasion, he insisted on talking clearly with Wang Xing.

Is this something that can be explained clearly?

Contrary to each other, Wang Xing was too lazy to respond to Tang Zhen's questioning. Finally, when he was cornered, Wang Xing replied: "If you don't want to, then we brothers will go our separate ways!"

Wang Xing's words couldn't be more clear, but it's a pity that Tang Zhen is still relentless and insists on making Wang Xing withdraw his idea of ​​joining Nanjing.Wang Xing was cornered and ordered the guards to disarm Tang Zhen and imprison Tang Zhen.

As the leader of a division, Wang Xing is not useless, he can win over several regiment leaders under his command so firmly, this is a skill.Although he has a soft personality, he is more thoughtful than anyone else, and he knows the dynamics of the group in Tang Town like the back of his hand.

It was impossible for Tang Zhen not to arrest him, and if he really couldn't, it would be no big deal to kill him, the key was Zhang Luohui who Tang Zhen brought back.This kid is indeed good at fighting, and he has won the respect of more than 700 officers and soldiers of their regiment in such a short period of time, which shows that this Zhang Luohui really has two brushes.

Zhang Luohui must not be allowed to strike first!

Wang Xing made up his mind and secretly dispatched troops, preparing to surround Zhang Luohui's regiment and force Zhang Luohui to submit.

While Wang Xing was busy making arrangements, Zhang Luohui's phone call came first. During the phone call, Zhang Luohui respected Wang Xing very much, as if he didn't know about Tang Zhen's detention at all.

Wang Xing heaved a sigh of relief. Just as he was thinking of making up a lie to continue to lull Zhang Luohui, he heard Zhang Luohui report on the other end of the phone: "The commissioner from Nanjing has arrived, and they are at their regiment headquarters!"

Wang Xing panicked now.

Luo Hui is just teasing him with his feelings, he is using the Nanjing commissioner as a threat!

But Zhang Luohui's next sentence was beyond Wang Xing's expectation, and at the same time made him completely relaxed: "Master, I will arrange a vehicle to send the Nanjing commissioner to the division headquarters. I have too many things here, so I can't accompany him." Commissioner, when he arrives, you have to say something nice for me!"

Wang Xing naturally agreed.

At noon, Ye Tufei and his party arrived at Wang Xing's division headquarters.

After verifying his identity, Wang Xing was naturally extremely enthusiastic towards Ye Tufei, he lured Ye Tufei into the conference room, paid off Ye Tufei and took the chief seat.

Ye Tufei was not polite to Wang Xing either, after sitting down, he went straight to the topic.

One intends to vote, the other intends to accept, and the negotiation has become a mutual admiration, and it didn't take long to reach an agreement.

The next step is to discuss how to act so that we can safely get rid of the control of Chongqing and the interference of the Communist Party's armed forces.

Ye Tufei said to Wang Xing worriedly: "I heard that you have Captain Tang, who has some complaints about Mr. Wang's righteous deeds. I don't know how this matter is resolved? Mr. Wang, we don't dare to take it lightly, you know The reason why dikes of thousands of miles are destroyed by ant nests!"

Wang Xing thought about it quickly. He knew that this kind of matter cannot be concealed. If such a small matter spoils the whole event, it would really be worth the loss. Therefore, he decided to confess to Ye Tufei frankly. Let's work out a plan together.

Ye Tufei pretended to be attentive and listened to Wang Xing's description.

"Why don't you let me meet this Tang town? The affairs of the world and the brotherhood cannot be separated. I believe that as long as you move them with affection and understand them with reason, Brother Tang should be able to understand Mr. Wang's painstaking efforts. "

How could Wang Xing believe that Ye Tufei could change Tang Zhen's thinking with just a three-inch tongue?However, Ye Tufei is the reception specialist sent by Nanjing, so he must not be offended.Therefore, Wang Xing readily agreed to Ye Tufei's suggestion.

Ye Tufei met Tang Zhen alone.

From Zhang Luohui's description of Tang Zhen in a few words, Ye Tufei imagined Tang Zhen as a tall and thick man similar to Feng Zhongliang, but when they met, he discovered that Tang Zhen turned out to be a quiet and quiet scholar.

"You are the head of Tang Zhen Tang who rescued Zhang Luohui? Get to know me, I am the reception specialist sent by Nanjing, and my surname is Ye." Ye Tufei extended his hand to Tang Zhen friendly.

Tang Zhen ignored him, spat out his mouth, and turned around, leaving Ye Tufei with only a back view.

Ye Tufei laughed, and said again: "My surname is Ye, and my name is Ye Tufei. Before I went to Nanjing, I was the leader of the big bandit in Erlang Mountain."

Tang Zhen's back trembled suddenly, he turned his head slowly, his eyes widened, and asked, "Are you... Master Ye Liu of Erlang Mountain?"

Ye Tufei smiled and said, "Isn't it like that?"

Tang Zhen nodded, then shook his head again, as if he was talking to himself: "The Sixth Master Ye I know was originally a hero who stood up to heaven and earth, how could he commit himself to Nanjing and be willing to be a traitor with a long history of infamy?"

Ye Tufei smiled and said: "Brother Tang is right. In my opinion, the reason why this indomitable Master Ye Liu committed himself to the Nanjing government is either because he was blinded by lard, or he has ulterior motives."

"Have ulterior motives?" Tang Zhen only felt his eyes light up. He jumped off the bed and grabbed Ye Tufei's hand: "Master Ye Liu, please explain clearly, okay?"

Ye Tufei raised a hand, made a silent gesture, and said, "Here? Tell you clearly? Captain Tang, you should still think that Ye Liuye was deceived by lard!"

Ye Tufei said this to Tang Zhen in a joking tone. Tang Zhen is very smart, so of course he understood that what Ye Tufei said was not unreasonable.He trusted Zhang Luohui, so Ye Liuye, whom Zhang Luohui trusted so much, was completely worthy of his trust.

It's just that Ye Tufei's sudden reveal of his identity was too unexpected. Like Zhang Luohui, Tang Zhen also needed a reaction time.

Half a minute is enough for people like Tang Zhen to understand the mystery.

"If you believe me, you must follow my arrangement. Brother Tang, I, Ye Tufei, guarantee that you will not become the Imperial Army! Moreover, your team will remain intact."

"Yes! Of course I do!" Tang Zhen replied sincerely.

Before seeing Ye Tufei, Tang Zhen was already ready to commit suicide.It was absolutely impossible for him to be a traitor, but he was even more worried that Zhang Luohui would bring his brothers to rescue him, and brother killing was something Tang Zhen didn't want to see.Therefore, the only way he could think of was to die.

Now Ye Tufei appeared, bringing him new hope.Not to mention that Ye Tufei is someone I can trust, even if we meet by chance, how much loss will I have if I listen to him once?

Ye Tufei roughly explained his thoughts to Tang Zhen: "If you make such a fuss, Wang Xing will never trust you again. However, according to my observation, Wang Xing still has a little bit of brotherly affection for you. I To reconcile it, you also push the boat along the way, taking the gray mule and the others out of the team for the time being under the pretext of brotherhood. When I bring them to the set location, you Tang Zhen can wave your arms, Take the brothers from your regiment to fight back, and cooperate with the outside team to swallow Wang Xing's division."

While listening to Ye Tufei's words seriously, Tang Zhen kept nodding his head, and when Ye Tufei finished speaking, he asked rather confusedly: "Master Liu, who is the gray mule you mentioned just now?"

Ye Tufei couldn't help laughing, and replied: "It's Zhang Luohui. When he was in Erlang Mountain, the brothers called him Gray Mule. By the way, after you and Gray Mule left the team, let Gray Mule take you to find the Communist Party in Xuzhou area." The leader, his name is Peng Youming, and he is very familiar with Gray Mule, just take my words to him."

After settling down in Tang Town, Ye Tufei came out to meet Wang Xing.

Wang Xing was dubious about this result, but he flattered Ye Tufei one after another.

Of course Ye Tufei could feel Wang Xing's suspicion, and explained proactively: "People say that money can make ghosts turn the clock, it really makes sense."

Seeing that Ye Tufei took the initiative to bring it up, Wang Xing asked: "Mr. Ye, how did you persuade that stubborn head in Tang Town to give up the team? This kind of great wisdom also teaches us ignorant people, and it will be good for the new government in the future." Give more credit."

Ye Tufei imitated the demeanor of those big traitors, shook his head and explained: "I'll explain the situation to him first, if this stalemate continues, his life will be in danger, and his regiment will not have any good results. What is the general trend? If these principles are explained clearly, then Tang Zhen's psychological defense will soon collapse. Then, I will promise him a large sum of money. In this case, if he wants to lead troops in the future, he will have If he doesn't want to lead soldiers, the money is enough for him to spend the rest of his life."

This trick was originally Wang Xing's survival trick, and its effect is naturally believed in. It's only because he was forced by Tang Zhen to be in a hurry and forgot his own housekeeping skills.

Wang Xing gave Ye Tufei a thumbs up, and praised: "The commissioner is the commissioner, this move is beyond the reach of ordinary people like us, admiration!"

Ye Tufei laughed loudly, pointed at Wang Xing and said, "Mr. Wang, you are too hypocritical. Isn't this move of me, Mr. Ye, all inspired by your Mr. Wang? I should be the one who admires me!" "

These words are obviously hurting Wang Xing, but secretly they are flattering Wang Xing's face.

How could such a smart person as Wang Xing fail to understand the meaning of these words?My heart suddenly became sweet, and a bright smile appeared on my face.

(End of this chapter)

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