Bandit Camp

Chapter 248 Direction

Chapter 248 Direction
After Wang Xing was settled, Ye Tufei didn't act in a hurry, he couldn't slap his hands. If he wanted to achieve the expected goal, he had to have the cooperation of the bandit camp brothers.

And those old brothers in the bandit camp were no longer under Ye Tufei's free will, he had to get through Peng Youming, so Ye Tufei had no choice but to stand still until he got feedback from Zhang Luohui.

It was three days in a flash.

In the past three days, Wang Xing came to talk to Ye Tufei many times, and his words kept implying that Ye Tufei had many dreams!

How could Ye Tufei not understand the reason why nights are long and dreams are many?You must know that there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and the news that Wang Xing is planning to join the new Nanjing government is not a top secret. I believe that the Chongqing side has been alerted for a long time. The reason why there is no movement against them until now is because Wang Xing is still There was no substantive action, and the second reason was that the Chongqing side really couldn't make a move.

Now Ye Tufei has already contacted Wang Xing on behalf of the Nanjing government, which means that Wang Xing has already made substantive actions. Even if the Chongqing side is unable to take action to deal with it, it is only temporary. After a long time, maybe something will happen. What a moth.

In the past few days, Ye Tufei has also repeatedly calculated, logically, Zhang Luohui should have met Peng Youming a long time ago, so whether Peng Youming's attitude is in favor or not, it should have been passed on to Ye Tufei by now.However, Zhang Luohui disappeared without a sound like a mud bodhisattva crossing the sea.

What happened to Zhang Luohui?

Or Peng Youming...

Ye Tufei didn't dare to think about it.

On the fourth day, Wang Xing couldn't sit still anymore. He found Ye Tufei impatiently and reported that the troops from Chongqing were gathering in his direction. The specific purpose is not yet known, but depending on the momentum, it is not aimed at him or why. ?
Ye Tufei knew in his heart that what Wang Xing said was true, if he stayed any longer, his own safety would be a problem even if he planned to go bankrupt.He was quite helpless, so he had to give an order: "Let the troops move out! Let's wait for the news over there!"

Fortunately, Wang Xing's division was not far from Dangshan County, and the whole division had already made various preparations. With the order, the team set off immediately, but within two or three hours, the team jumped out of the threat range of the Chongqing Army.

After entering the sphere of influence of the Japanese, Wang Xing let out a sigh of relief. Whether he can earn a record or not is an afterthought, but he can't put all his years of business into it for the record!However, once he was sure of his own safety, the allure of the record came out again, and Wang Xing suggested to Ye Tufei: "Commissioner Ye, we are safe and secure now, should we stop and wait?"

Why didn't Ye Tufei want to wait?

However, once it entered the sphere of influence of Little Japan, it showed that Wang Xing's division had surrendered to the Nanjing government. Although the safety of the team was guaranteed, at the same time, every word and deed could not be concealed.

Once stopped, it will only arouse suspicion from others.

All that can be done is to slow down the pace of the march.

When Ye Tufei explained the stakes to Wang Xing, Wang Xing was obviously disappointed.He knew that the time gained by slowing down the marching speed was only a day and a half. This amount of time was like a drop in the bucket for Ye Tufei's two-dimensional plan. of.

Ye Tufei expressed his thanks to Wang Xing, and explained: "Before I came here, I have arranged manpower to contact those old brothers. Don't worry, my old brothers are absolutely loyal to me. I guess, this must be the Communist Party The control over my old brothers is too strict, and I can't take over for a while."

Wang Xing is no stranger to Jianghu affairs, he believes what Ye Tufei said about the loyalty of those old brothers to Ye Tufei, and he can understand the difficulty of secretly manipulating this matter that Ye Tufei said.However, what he couldn't understand was, with the astuteness shown by Commissioner Ye, why couldn't he think of a better way to delay the time?

And he has an excellent delaying method in mind.

"Commissioner Ye, excuse me for being stupid, why can't we find a reason to rest in Xuzhou and then go to Nanjing? If we can go to Xuzhou to rest, we will have time and the route will be smooth. Wouldn't it be more convenient?"

Ye Tufei didn't think about this method,
But is it useful to procrastinate?If Zhang Luohui can find Peng Youming smoothly, and if there is no difference between the two parties in the process, three days is enough time.It is already the fourth day, but there is no news yet. If there is a problem with Zhang Luohui or Peng Youming, it will be futile to wait any longer. It will only be more troublesome and there will be no turning point.

This is just one of them.

The second reason is the grievances between Ye Tufei, Yamashita Keigo and Hashimoto's division commander. Ye Tufei believes that these two people absolutely don't want to let him go. He could only be polite to himself, but this kind of politeness was based on the fact that Ye Tufei had no reason to be caught by the two of them.

Bringing Wang Xing's team to Xuzhou, who can guarantee that Wang Xing and his five brothers will not reveal to outsiders?
Apart from this, there is a third reason why Ye Tufei would not make such a choice.He still has Xiao Zhonghe and Duguyu in his hands. Duguyu is not very familiar with the old brothers in the bandit camp. Or if Li Zhongyun and the others take over, even without Peng Youming's dispatch, Ye Tufei estimates that his plan will be more than [-]% sure.

One thing more is worse than one thing less, so Ye Tufei insisted on not making excuses to bring the team to Xuzhou City.

"Mr. Wang, you don't know something. It's easy to bring the team to Xuzhou, and it's true as you said, there will be enough time to operate this matter when we arrive in Xuzhou. However, we have time, but we don't have the initiative. Yes. Think about it, if we arrive in Xuzhou, if we try to act again, won’t it be easy for the Japanese to find out? What if the Japanese find out about our plan, what if they want to attack? A group of young Japanese Officers are also eager for achievements!"

Wang Xing thought about it, and felt that what Ye Tufei said made sense, so he stopped insisting. Ye Tufei struck while the iron was hot, completely paralyzing Wang Xing: "Mr. Wang, I know you are in a hurry, but in fact, I am more anxious than you. No matter how anxious you are, you have to wait patiently. If there is no news tonight, don’t I still have two brothers by my side? Just send them out.”

Wang Xing saluted Ye Tufei with cupped fists, and said, "Brother Ye, since I've got rid of you in this matter, then I'll listen to you."

After Wang Xing settled down, the group leaders were no longer a problem, and the whole division followed Ye Tufei's instructions and moved slowly in the direction of Nanjing.

It was not until dark that the team walked out of the Dangshan boundary.

Not far ahead is Lingbi Mountain, and Lu Yao in Lingbi Mountain is not a man to provoke, Ye Tufei doesn't need to say more about this, Wang Xing understands it better than anyone else.

So they stopped the team at the edge of Lu Yao's range of activities, set up camp, and prepared to spend the night waiting for dawn before detouring over Lingbi Mountain.

That night, Ye Tufei tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.Until the middle of the night, Xiao Zhonghe's voice was suddenly heard from outside the tent: "Master Liu, are you asleep? There is something urgent!"

Ye Tufei responded and let Xiao Zhonghe come in to speak.

"Master Six, Gray Mule is back."

Ye Tufei was stunned for a moment, not understanding what was going on, if Zhang Luohui came back, why didn't he come to him immediately, but let Xiao Zhonghe pass the message.

"Master Six, Gray Mule was injured, and now he is lying on my bed and cannot move."

Ye Tufei was startled, and hurriedly put on his clothes, "Go, take me to have a look!"

Zhang Luohui was shot twice, one shot hit his left arm and the other shot hit his left leg. Fortunately, no bone was injured, but he couldn't deal with it in time after the injury, and he bled a lot.

When seeing Ye Tufei, Zhang Luohui was already very weak, he forced himself to say something to Ye Tufei, and then passed out.

"Master Liu, Secretary Peng, he was arrested by the Japanese!"

Ye Tufei asked eagerly: "What did you say? Say it again? When was Peng Youming arrested?"

However, Zhang Luohui passed out after saying this, and he couldn't answer Ye Tufei's series of questions.

"Sixth Master, what should we do?" Xiao Zhonghe asked subconsciously.

Ye Tufei sighed, and replied: "What can we do? It's midnight, the situation is unknown...Xiao Laoliu, just work hard tonight and take care of Gray Mule. I've seen his injuries. He didn't hurt his bones, but he was bleeding. There are too many of them, I hope this mule has a strong foundation and can withstand it. You are so good, as long as you don’t have a fever, you will recover after a night of sleep!”

Hearing Ye Tufei's explanation, Xiao Zhonghe quickly touched Zhang Luohui's forehead.

"How did the gray mule contact you? Did anyone else see you?" Ye Tufei was not too worried about Zhang Luohui's injury. What he was worried about was that Zhang Luohui was forced to contact Xiao Zhonghe directly because of his injury Wang Xing learned.One must know that Tang Zhen, Zhang Luohui's regiment leader, has always opposed Wang Xing's defection to Nanjing, Tang Zhen's deputy regiment leader and Ye Tufei's deputy have mixed together at this time, what can explain it?

Even if nothing can be explained, a big question mark will suddenly rise in Wang Xing's heart!This question mark is likely to put the brothers in a dangerous situation that will never be restored.

Xiao Zhonghe smiled and said: "Hui Mule uses the unique contact method I taught him. Those soldiers will never find out. When I brought Hui Mule over, I also took precautions. Don't worry, Liu Ye, absolutely Safety."

Ye Tufei was stunned, silent for a moment, and sighed quietly: "Perhaps, we should accept Mr. Wang's suggestion and go to Xuzhou City to stay for a while."

Xiao Zhonghe looked up at Ye Tufei, smiled and said in a low voice: "Master Liu, Secretary Peng is indeed a man who can be a brother."

(End of this chapter)

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