Bandit Camp

Chapter 249

Chapter 249
After a sleepless night, Ye Tufei finally decided to go back to Xuzhou to save Peng Youming.

Zhang Luohui's foundation is really hard, after sleeping all night, he regained his sanity early the next morning.As soon as he woke up here, he hurriedly told Ye Tufei what happened to him in Xuzhou City.

According to Ye Tufei's instructions in advance, after Zhang Luohui arrived in Tang Town, he immediately handed over the command of the team to Wang Xing, and then the two went to Xuzhou to find Peng Youming.

The two of them first went to Lingbi Mountain, found Lu Yao, and through Lu Yao, they contacted Peng Youming, who was organizing the spying on the Japanese army's summer raid in Xuzhou City.

After seeing Peng Youming, Zhang Luohui simply told Peng Youming about Ye Tufei's recent situation, and at the same time told Peng Youming about Ye Tufei's plan to eat this division.

When Peng Youming heard Ye Tufei's plan, he immediately became happy.His intelligence network shows that the Japanese army in Xuzhou is organizing a summer mopping operation, the main purpose is to target Lv Yao's troops in Lingbi Mountain. Peng Youming has mobilized all resources in Xuzhou to conduct reconnaissance on the Japanese army's movements in the past few days. It was detailed, the more nervous he felt.

This time, the head of Hashimoto's division really put his blood into dealing with Lingbi Mountain. According to various information, Hashimoto mobilized more than [-] troops for this operation. The Royal Association Army fighting together.

If before the Japanese army took action, according to Ye Tufei's plan, this army that had just defected to the new Nanjing government would be eaten up, it would not only have a negative effect on the morale of the two sides, but also the preparation of weapons and ammunition for the other side. It is already enough to make a lot of money.

Even this one action can shatter Little Japan's action plan.

Peng Youming was overjoyed, and immediately discussed with Zhang Luohui, perfecting Ye Tufei's plan.

Just when Zhang Luohui was about to bid farewell to Peng Youming and was about to rush back to report to Ye Tufei, the Gendarmerie of Little Japan surrounded them.After a fierce battle, Zhang Luohui used his superhuman water skills to escape from the old Yellow River Road, while Peng Youming was seriously injured and captured.

After listening to Zhang Luohui's narration, Ye Tufei fell into deep thought.

Peng Youming is a senior underground party member, and he has experienced at least two dangerous situations. It stands to reason that he would be more cautious. How could he be so careless and be targeted by the Japanese?
Ye Tufei still has a good understanding of Peng Youming's style, he doesn't believe that Little Japan succeeded this time because of Peng Youming's negligence.

There is only one explanation, and that is that there are traitors around Peng Youming.

"Heal your wounds with peace of mind! Oh, by the way, where is Head Tang of Tang Zhen?"

Zhang Luohui shook his head slightly, and replied: "I don't know, the two of us entered the city together, I went to see Secretary Peng, and we made an appointment to meet at the west gate of the city that night, but..."

Ye Tufei patted Zhang Luohui on the forehead, and said with a smile: "Okay, I know, if you want something to eat and drink, tell Xiao Lao Liu and let him serve you, gray mule, it's rare that you have such treatment, take care Cherish it, I will arrange the rest of it."

Back to Xuzhou!Peng Youming must be rescued!
Otherwise, if Peng Youming is gone like this, who will justify his name?

Thinking of this, Ye Tufei couldn't help laughing bitterly, and the appearance of Peng Youming appeared in front of his eyes again, this buddy... Ye Tufei sighed.

The idea of ​​diverting to Xuzhou was approved by Wang Xing, especially Ye Tufei's words, which made Wang Xing very complacent. What Ye Tufei said was: "Brother Wang, I thought about it carefully last night, and I think it's still your suggestion. It is more preferable, even if the Japanese earn the first merit, it is better for us to lose two merits and three merits than nothing!"

On the question of whether to go to Xuzhou or not, Ye Tufei always weighed the pros and cons by whether his division, Wang Xing, could gain military exploits. He never considered whether he could pull out his old brothers and old team from Erlang Mountain. Wang Xing admired him very much, coupled with Ye Tufei's humility, he said that he carefully considered his opinion after going back, and finally felt that what he said was right, Wang Xing's self-esteem and vanity were greatly satisfied, and Ye Tufei There is no doubt about his backlash.

Then it's a matter of finding an excuse.

Wang Xing had been prepared for a long time: "The troops have differences, and small-scale riots have occurred, and they need to be stationed nearby for rectification."

Ye Tufei gave Wang Xing a thumbs up: "Mr. Wang is really experienced, okay, I will do as you say!"

With Ye Tufei's consent, Wang Xing immediately drafted a telegram and asked Nanjing and Xuzhou for instructions.

In less than half an hour, both Nanjing and Xuzhou made approvals and fully agreed with the request here.

After finishing these things, the troops had already had breakfast, and with Ye Tufei's consent, Wang Xing gave the order to march towards Xuzhou.

During the march, Ye Tufei found a stretcher for Zhang Luohui.Regarding the sudden addition of a wounded person beside Ye Tufei, Wang Xing didn't ask too much, just pretending that he didn't see it.

Wang Xing's division was really shabby. The whole division didn't even have a car, and all the luggage was pulled by livestock. Officers from Wang Xing and below could only use horsepower as a means of transportation.

Because of the wounded Zhang Luohui, Ye Tufei simply abandoned his horse, and accompanied Xiao Zhonghe Duguyu on both sides of Zhang Luohui's stretcher.

With a clear goal, the marching speed of the troops was significantly faster. By evening, they had already arrived near Xuzhou City.

"Mr. Wang, let's rest here. It's getting late, and the Japanese will definitely not allow us to enter the city." When Wang Xingpidianpidian ran over to ask Ye Tufei if he would enter the city, Ye Tufei denied it. .

Wang Xing didn't insist anymore, and arranged for the troops to stop and rest.

Now that it was decided to rest in place, it was natural to set up a tent and build a stove. The soldiers had just started to work when a sentry ran over nervously to report that the Japanese were coming.

When Wang Xing heard that the Japanese were coming, he seemed flustered, and hurriedly asked how many people had come, how far they were from his side, and how many weapons they had.

Ye Tufei couldn't help laughing, and said, "Mr. Wang, why are you nervous? We are allies and friends with the Japanese now!"

Only then did Wang Xing come to his senses, wiped off the sweat that had just emerged from his forehead, and explained with a little embarrassment: "Yeah, yeah, it's not an enemy anymore, it's a friendly army, yes, a friendly army."

Ye Tufei turned and instructed the sentinel who came to report: "Lead the way ahead, Master Wang and I will meet these Japanese!"

To Ye Tufei's surprise, Keigo Yamashita came in person.

"Ye Sang, I've been waiting here for almost two hours, how about you, be friends!" Yamashita Jingwu enthusiastically extended his hand when he saw Ye Tufei: "Your marching speed is too slow!"

Ye Tufei pointed at Wang Xing, and explained: "Mr. Wang is a simple one. The troops are reluctant to discard a lot of luggage, so the speed is a bit slower."

Yamashita Keigo turned to Wang Xing and said, "Oh, this is Mr. Wang?"

Wang Xing was already nervous when he saw the Japanese soldiers, and since Keigo Yamashita was a senior officer, he was even more nervous, he shivered for a long time after paying a military salute.

Yamashita Keigo didn't care, and told Ye Tufei why he was waiting here: "Ye Sang, the city is crowded, and I really can't find a suitable place to place these teams, but I have allocated Tongshan Town in the south of the city to Wang. The division commander is stationed to rest, but today is too late and it is inconvenient to rush there, so you have to work hard all night. Ye Sang, I have arranged a banquet in Xuzhou City, and all officers above the regiment will follow me into the city!"

Yamashita Keigo's move is not unwise.Who knows whether this division really surrendered or pretended to surrender, an established division is stationed not far outside the city, if it launches a sneak attack on the city at night, it will not be a problem, but at least it will be a big trouble.

Invite the officers above the regiment to the city and watch him under the nose of Keigo Yamashita, so that he can be completely relieved.

Ye Tufei blinked, and then figured out the intention of Yamashita Keigo, while Wang Xing looked flattered, and almost knelt down to thank Yamashita Keigo.

After entering the city and eating, Keigo Yamashita still refused to let these officers go back, but arranged a place near his gendarmerie.Wang Xing and several of his regimental officers were a little nervous, and secretly asked Ye Tufei for advice. Ye Tufei chuckled, put his arm around Yamashita Keigo's shoulders, and said, "Don't misunderstand the kindness of Yamashita Taijun."

After settling down those officers, Yamashita Keigo invited Ye Tufei to his office to drink tea. Ye Tufei shirked that it was too late and needed to rest, Yamashita Keigo said with a smile: "Ye Sang, you should agree to my request. After drinking tea, I will take you To see an old friend."

Ye Tufei was startled suddenly, realizing that the old friend Keigo Yamashita mentioned should be Peng Youming.

That being the case, Ye Tufei didn't want to play around with Keigo Yamashita anymore, he directly pointed out Keigo Yamashita's hidden meaning: "Old friend? Is it the Communist Party or the Kuomintang?"

Yamashita Keigo said with a smile: "Let's drink tea first, after drinking tea, you will be able to see him!"

Ye Tufei snorted coldly, and said: "Whether it's the Communist Party or the Kuomintang, I'm sorry, Mr. Yamashita, I, Ye Tufei, are not interested, I'd better go back to sleep."

Yamashita Keigo was sent to the army, and there was a trace of ferocity on his face, which flashed for a moment, and then he smiled again: "Ye Sang, don't you want to know how I caught your old friend? And , don’t you want to know what your old friend has explained?”

Ye Tufei smiled lightly, and replied: "Shanxia, ​​you don't need to be tricky to me. I'll tell you the truth. Back then, I pulled a team to compete with you Japanese because of the territory. Only with the territory can I have a good life. Now I, Ye Tufei, There is no team, and there is no capital to fight with you Japanese, so now, I just rely on the new government to make some money and live a good life. As for those life-and-death struggles, don’t involve me anymore. "

(End of this chapter)

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