Bandit Camp

Chapter 250

Chapter 250
It's not that Ye Tufei doesn't want to see Peng Youming immediately, but what's the use of seeing Peng Youming now?

Although he had already made up his mind to rescue Peng Youming, Ye Tufei hadn't figured out how to do so.Going to see Peng Youming under such circumstances will only disturb my mind.

Rejecting Keigo Yamashita, Ye Tufei went back to his room, lay on the bed, and thought about a rescue plan.The first thing Ye Tufei thought of was to let Peng Youming play a fake surrender. As long as he can sneak out of the prison, he can organize enough forces to snatch Peng Youming away.

But, will Peng Youming agree?

Ye Tufei shook his head secretly.Even if the organization of the Communist Party agreed to do this, Peng Youming would not accept this method. For him, it is better to kill him than to fake surrender.

The path of false surrender is impossible, and it seems that the only way left is to rob prison.

Ye Tufei couldn't help but think of those TV dramas he had seen in his previous life, he regarded the prison in Japan as a supermarket, came roaring in, and left in style.

If this is the case, how wonderful it would be!
It's a pity that although Keigo Yamashita's gendarmerie is average in strength, it is really well equipped and equipped with proper firepower. If you want to attack by force, you don't have a hundred and ten guns, and you don't have to fight for an hour or two. purpose.However, can Little Japan give it such a long time to attack?

Ye Tufei thought of another way, digging a tunnel under the gendarmerie prison from the outside.

This method seems simple, but if it is really done, then I don't know how difficult it is!Not to mention where to choose the entrance to dig the tunnel, nor where to find the tools for digging the tunnel, just talk about the direction of the tunnel, without the support of professionals, it is absolutely impossible to complete.

Thinking of a solution in this way and then denying another solution, before he knew it, the sky was already getting brighter.

On the second day, Keigo Yamashita still retained Wang Xing and the members of the regiment, and only sent the deputies back to the army to arrange for the troops to station in Tongshan Town.

Wang Xing and the five regimental leaders looked at each other, but there was nothing they could do.Fortunately, personal freedom has not been completely restricted. Everyone can still move freely in the big courtyard that Keigo Yamashita prepared for everyone.

Called by Wang Xing, everyone got together under the pretext of having a drink together.

Wang Xing did not hide his regret in the slightest, and his dejected tone made all the team leaders dejected: "Commissioner Ye, this Japanese is really too much, don't you think? Guard us like thieves, It’s as if we’re here to poach him.”

The five team leaders also complained, depending on their personalities, some even swear.

Ye Tufei waved his hands with a smile, and comforted him: "You guys have to put yourself in another place, tell me, if these thousands of soldiers with live ammunition have evil intentions, then the Japanese can't afford to walk around? So, people call it precautionary measures, this is called strategy.”

One of the group leaders with a hot temper jumped out: "Shit! The Japanese clearly don't trust us!"

Ye Tufei said with a smile: "Trust is relative, only doubt is absolute. Well, let's not be impatient, as long as we show our sincerity, the Japanese will trust us sooner or later."

Wang Xing shook his head and said, "Mr. Ye, don't mind if I say something unpleasant!"

Ye Tufei nodded in response, "Brother Wang, but it's okay to say, we are now grasshoppers tied on a string, we will prosper and we will prosper, and we will lose when we lose."

Wang Xing pondered for a while and said: "It's normal for the Japanese not to believe us, and I can understand it completely. If the Japanese took some precautionary measures around our resident, I think it's normal, but they put us under house arrest like this. Isn't there an element of humiliation?"

Wang Xing's complaint reminded Ye Tufei.

It stands to reason that Keigo Yamashita should not be an unthinking person. He has also led troops for a long time, and he is well aware of the importance of the new government to their Japanese country. These newly recruited troops should be treated with hospitality. How can they be treated like this? Woolen cloth?

Unless Keigo Yamashita couldn't mobilize the strength to deal with this team.

This reason seems a bit far-fetched, as for Wang Xing's division, Keigo Yamashita only needed to mobilize the strength of two squadrons, one in front and one behind, and it was enough to block Wang Xing's division's room for movement.

Can't the strength of the two squadrons be transferred?His gendarmerie alone is enough!


Thinking of this, Ye Tufei couldn't help shivering.

To restrain Wang Xing's division with the strength of two squadrons, what is needed is a reserve force to deal with possible changes.Keigo Yamashita can mobilize the strength of two squadrons, but he may not be able to mobilize reserve forces.

This can only show that there will be a big action in Little Japan in the near future, and the specific time will be in these few days.

Who will be the target of Little Japan's operation this time?

Ye Tufei couldn't sit still anymore, he desperately hoped to see Peng Youming immediately.

It should also be Ye Tufei's luck, the moment he wanted to meet Peng Youming, Keigo Yamashita showed up.

Yamashita Keigo seemed to be in a very good mood. Ye Tufei's negative emotions of rejecting him many times last night had dissipated. He called Ye Tufei into the courtyard and said with a smug smile: "Ye Sang, it is impossible for you to refuse again today." I'm sorry, here, this is Mr. Yingzuo's secret order. He thinks you have a good skill in interrogating the Communist Party. I hope you can help me. Also, my victory has expanded again, haha, this time, I caught It's a little beauty!"

Ouyang Xueping's appearance flashed before Ye Tufei's eyes.

Yamashita Keigo couldn't care less about observing the changes in Ye Tufei's expression, Jie Jie smiled strangely and continued his show off: "You know what? I instigated a high-ranking official of their Communist Party, haha, with him as the internal response, you can arrest whoever you want! "

If there were no traitors in the ranks of the Communist Party, then the possibility of Peng Youming being arrested would be very small. Ye Tufei had already concluded on this point.It's just that Ye Tufei is not sure how much information this traitor has on Peng Youming's organization.Now, Keigo Yamashita exaggerated so much, Ye Tufei felt relieved instead.

If it was true what Yamashita Keigo said, he could arrest whoever he wanted, would he still be here to harass Ye Tufei?
Obviously, Keigo Yamashita's intention was to disturb Ye Tufei's mind, and then find an opening from the opportunity of meeting Ye Tufei and Peng Youming, in order to expand the results of the battle.

"Okay, since Mr. Ying Zuo gave the order, I, Ye, have to make an exception and go with you to meet the Communist Party!"

The yard Keigo Yamashita arranged for Wang Xingshi and others was right next to the gendarmerie station, while Peng Youming was detained in the gendarmerie's underground prison. The two were very close to each other, but within 10 minutes, Ye Tufei saw Peng Youming.

Peng Youming had obviously been tortured, there was not a clean spot on his body, his clothes were already in tatters, and his exposed skin was covered with scars.

Yamashita Keigo brought Ye Tufei into Peng Youming's cell, coughed twice, and said, "Ye Sang, I have wronged you, the gendarmerie is too crowded, except for the punishment room, I really can't arrange the interrogation room. I think Ye Sang is Those who do not wish to torture an old friend may have to talk in the cell."

Ye Tufei picked up a fairly clean place and stopped, frowned, and said: "Mr. Yamashita, I don't care, I'm just asking you to stay here, Ye is really sorry!"

Yamashita Keigo laughed again: "Who said I'm going to stay here? You old friends will definitely have a lot to say when you meet. I'm an outsider, so it's inconvenient to get involved. Ye Sang, Peng Sang, I'm sorry, I'll take my leave first."

Before leaving, Yamashita Keigo pointed to a bell next to the iron door of the cell: "Ye Sang, you can ring this bell after meeting your old friend, and someone will take you out."

After Yamashita Keigo finished speaking, he really shook his head and went out, leaving only Ye Tufei and Peng Youming behind.

Ye Tufei couldn't believe that Keigo Yamashita would let him and Peng Youming meet and talk alone, but after carefully inspecting the cell, there were no other prisoners outside Peng Youming, and no monitoring equipment was found in the entire cell.

"Don't you understand Yamashita Keigo's intentions?" Peng Youming breathed weakly, but his words were still clear, "He gave us this opportunity, and he wanted you to accept my instructions, and then follow the vines to obtain greater results. "

Ye Tufei seemed to be juggling, and took out a bag of familiarity from his body: "Old Peng, you have suffered a lot these days, come on, I brought you something to eat, you need to mend your body first, and I will find a way to get rid of it." You saved it."

Peng Youming took the package of cooked food, put it under his nose, took a deep breath, and sighed: "It's so delicious!" After speaking, he opened the package and started to gobble it up.

Ye Tufei felt a little relieved.Being able to eat like this means that Peng Youming's body has not been destroyed and collapsed. As long as he can hold on, he will definitely think of a way to rescue Peng Youming.

Peng Youming ate up the package of cooked food three or five times, drank some water, and his energy was obviously much better than before.

"Brother Ye, you shouldn't have come." Peng Youming sighed softly, and said, "The heavy responsibility you shoulder is related to the fate of the country and the nation. How can you be affected just to save me?"

Ye Tufei smiled wryly. Peng Youming's entrustment is already a meaningless task for him. His memory has recovered, so he can already make a conclusion about the direction and outcome of this war. However, how should he tell Peng Youming? Woolen cloth?

Tell the truth?I'm afraid everyone will think that Ye Tufei is crazy.

Conceal the matter of time travel and only tell the direction and result of this war?I'm afraid that Peng Youming will think that this is Ye Tufei's subjective assumption. After all, Little Japan expanded the war for a year. If you say it now, the clearer you say it, the more no one will believe it.

Ye Tufei could only comfort Peng Youming vaguely: "I will not forget what you entrusted to me, and I will definitely do it well, but I must save your old Peng's life, otherwise, I will have no face to see those old friends and brothers. "

(End of this chapter)

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