Bandit Camp

Chapter 251 During this time

Chapter 251 During this time
Peng Youming shook his head, looked up at the skylight above the cell, and said with a wry smile: "How else can you think of a way to get me out? Ye Tufei, calm down, be rational, and stop making unnecessary sacrifices for me!"

Ye Tufei couldn't convince Peng Youming for a while, and he didn't want to waste time on this issue, so he took the initiative to change the subject: "Old Peng, is there something wrong with you internally?"

Peng Youming sighed heavily, staring at the skylight above without saying a word.

Following Peng Youming's gaze, Ye Tufei saw a sparrow standing on the edge of the window frame, happily looking for food.

"People die for money, and birds die for food. I really didn't expect that an old comrade with more than ten years of party experience would be so greedy for life and afraid of death. It's all my negligence, and my indecision. For the party, for the organization, It's done so much damage."

After being silent for a long time, Peng Youming spoke these words slowly, before the words fell, his face was already full of tears.

Ye Tufei became a little anxious, and paced up and down in the cell: "Old Peng, what you say is not pleasant, it's useless to regret! The most important thing now is to get rid of this person, otherwise, you will suffer even greater losses ah!"

Peng Youming changed his sad look just now, and his eyes were like a torch, and he replied decisively: "After my accident, the organization has launched an emergency plan. This person will not be alive for a few days."

Ye Tufei was stunned for a moment, and said: "When I came over, Keigo Yamashita also said that one of your lesbians was captured just now."

Ye Tufei knew that Peng Youming was already in prison, and it was impossible to know what was going on outside, but he still couldn't help it, he still wanted to ask Peng Youming.

Ouyang Xueping, this woman who once occupied an important position in his life, seemed to have been forgotten for a while.However, when danger appeared, Ye Tufei was still worried about her.

Peng Youming shook his head and said, "It's Ouyang, I'm sorry, Brother Ye, I failed to protect her well."

Ye Tufei was almost mad, and asked: "Didn't you say that your organization has launched an emergency plan? Why is Ouyang Xueping still being arrested?"

Peng Youming sighed, and replied with regret: "Ouyang was arrested at the same time as me."

Ye Tufei turned his head in pain, two lines of hot tears came out.

When Ye Tufei calmed down a little, Peng Youming told Ye Tufei what happened during this period.

When he was in Erlang Mountain, Hu Xiaozhou submitted a report of distrust of Ye Tufei to the organization because he learned that Ye Tufei had joined the military command, and asked the organization to screen Ye Tufei.When the party group held a meeting to study this issue, Peng Youming, Yan Xiwen and Wei Xiangdong all held different opinions.

However, Ye Tufei admitted it, which made Peng, Yanwei and the others very passive.

This matter came from Ouyang Xueping, and Ouyang Xueping also stood by Hu Xiaozhou's side.

Although Peng Youming had great opinions on Hu Xiaozhou's suggestion from the bottom of his heart, but thinking of the task he entrusted to Ye Tufei, he also felt that this was an opportunity, so he acquiesced in Hu Xiaozhou's screening of Ye Tufei.

It was during this period that Peng Youming received an order from above and needed to travel far away. When he came back, he learned how Hu Xiaozhou treated Ye Tufei.

However, Hu Xiaozhou held the truth on the surface, after all, Ye Tufei's departure can be attributed to absconding.

However, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and this matter was known by many brothers in the bandit camp. Since then, Hu Xiaozhou's prestige in the team has been declining, and he has even been despised by everyone.

In order to restore the party's image in this team, Peng Youming transferred Hu Xiaozhou from Erlang Mountain after reporting to his superiors for approval.

Hu Xiaozhou was transferred to Lingbi Mountain by the organization to serve as the director of the political department of Lu Yao's department, but Hu Xiaozhou was quite emotional about this transfer and made many excuses to stay in Erlang Mountain.

The stalemate lasted until last week, when Hu Xiaozhou had no choice but to set off under the strict orders of his superiors, but it happened so coincidentally that Hu Xiaozhou encountered a small group of Japanese soldiers on the road.

It stands to reason that it is normal to encounter one or two Japanese troops on the nearly three hundred miles from Erlang Mountain to Lingbi Mountain. Under normal circumstances, our side will choose to hide and avoid the Japanese troops.

However, when Hu Xiaozhou was in Erlang Mountain, not only was his prestige low due to his feud with Ye Tufei, but another important reason was that he did not know how to command and fight at all. For this reason, Hu Xiaozhou always felt wronged.Encountered a small group of Japanese troops this time, Hu Xiaozhou saw that the number of people on his side was more than double that of Little Japan, and he had the idea of ​​eating up this small group of Japanese troops.

The battle is so easy to fight!

Hu Xiaozhou commanded the reinforced platoon that escorted him, not only failed to eat up the Japanese army, but was bitten by them, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter what, until the little Japanese reinforcements arrived.

A reinforced platoon returned only three fighters.

Hu Xiaozhou was injured and arrested, and the organization immediately started rescue work, but unexpectedly, Hu Xiaozhou surrendered to Little Japan before he could survive for three days.

The Japanese who got Hu Xiaozhou's confession were overjoyed and immediately prepared to clear up Lingbi Mountain and Erlang Mountain.Peng Youming got this information and rushed to Xuzhou City in person, hoping to find out the Japanese battle plan.

Peng Youming took such a risk because of Hu Xiaozhou's ignorance of underground work.

Unexpectedly, one of Peng Youming's traffic officers was recognized by Hu Xiaozhou, and it was through this traffic officer that Keigo Yamashita finally waited for a rabbit and caught Peng Youming.

"When I was surrounded by little Japan, I suddenly remembered that my traffic officer had worked with Hu Xiaozhou. Hey, it's all because of my negligence!"

Although Ye Tufei judged that there must be a traitor around Peng Youming, he never expected that this traitor turned out to be a high-minded Hu Xiaozhou. At that moment, he really didn't know whether to be sad or happy.

"It's been so long, and your people haven't got rid of him yet? Old Peng, if you agree, I'm willing to do it."

Hu Xiaozhou nodded silently.

"Old Peng, according to my observations, Little Japan's operation may start within a few days. I wonder if Commander Lu and Erlangshan are ready?"

Peng Youming looked sad, and replied: "I must have made some preparations, but it may not be enough to say that it is done well. Little Japan has obtained the information provided by Hu Xiaozhou this time, and has a good grasp of the situation in our two base areas." It is very clear that they spent a lot of money on this operation. They assembled no less than five infantry brigades, three artillery brigades, and one armored brigade. According to intelligence, Hashimoto Taro also sought the support of the Japanese Air Force..."

While Peng Youming was talking, Ye Tufei was thinking that the troops assembled by Little Japan were all odd numbers, which meant that their distribution of troops in this operation must be biased, so what about Lingbi Mountain and Erlang Mountain? One is the focus of Little Japan's attack?

Peng Youming seemed to have seen Ye Tufei's thoughts, he sighed, and said: "Don't think about it, even if you determine the focus of Little Japan's attack, so what? Even if you can pull Han Hongxun in, the three parties will fight together, What are the chances of winning? Tu Fei, Little Japan is cruel this time, I'm afraid we won't be able to keep both Lingbi Mountain and Erlang Mountain!"

It was the first time Ye Tufei encountered such dejected words from Peng Youming's mouth. He stared blankly at Peng Youming, not knowing what to say.

Peng Youming didn't care about Ye Tufei's feelings at all, and continued according to his train of thought: "The gray mule contacted me that day. Before I saw the gray mule, I was about to send a telegram to the base, telling them not to force it this time. Immediately organize the team, withdraw from the base area in a hierarchical manner, and avoid its edge. But the gray mule brought me your plan. If this plan can be completed before the Japanese move, it may be possible to smash the small Japan's action this time, even if it can't be completely smashed, at least it can disrupt Little Japan's battle plan."

Peng Youming's analysis was good, and Ye Tufei couldn't help nodding his head to express his agreement.

"The gray mule drove all night. When he saw me, he cried out that he was too hungry. I asked someone to get him something to eat. While he was eating, I sent a telegram to Erlang Mountain, asking them Get ready. Hey, self-defeating! What I am most worried about now is that Erlang Mountain will lose the time to retreat and transfer because of my telegram!"

Ye Tufei was startled suddenly.

Peng Youming was right, the heavy troops gathered by Little Japan this time were by no means something that the forces of Lingbi Mountain and Erlang Mountain could contend with, and the only strategy was to avoid being provoked.However, if the brothers in Erlangshan delayed their retreat and transfer because of that telegram, the consequences...

"Old Peng, take care of yourself. If you stay a few more days, I'll go to Mount Erlang and try to save you when I get back." Ye Tufei patted Peng Youming on the shoulder, stood up and was about to go out.

Peng Youming was inadvertently slapped by Ye Tufei and pulled to the wound, grinning his teeth in pain, he resisted the excruciating pain, and grabbed Ye Tufei: "Tufei, listen to me, compared to the burden on you, What is our loss? You can't go, you can't ruin the foundation you have laid so hard now."

Ye Tufei cast a cold look at Peng Youming.

To Peng Youming, Ye Tufei respected him from the bottom of his heart as an upright man. This man could suffer losses or even be wronged by himself in order to organize a good situation for the joint resistance against Japan. However, there were also characteristics in him that Ye Tufei could not tolerate. , is the so-called organizational discipline, which is the thinking of the overall situation he just mentioned.

"I can tell you clearly, Lao Peng, after the Nomonkan battle, the Japanese will never provoke the Soviet Union again, let alone a large-scale offensive operation. Not now, nor in the future. Also, sooner or later the Japanese will They will expand this war. They will go south to attack Southeast Asia, the Philippines, and Southeast Asia. They will declare war on the United States and Britain, and this time will not be too long. Maybe it will be early next year, maybe it will be the end of next year, but it will definitely not be delayed until later Year."

After Ye Tufei said this, he suddenly felt his heart opened up a lot. He cleared his throat, and then said: "You Communists are willing to sacrifice yourself. For the sake of the overall situation, you can sacrifice your own life. But I, Ye Tufei, can't do it. For this plan of yours, I have abandoned my brothers. I can't just watch them being slaughtered by Little Japan while I live alone. Well, Lao Peng, I'm not talking nonsense. If I can live from Erlang Mountain Come back, and I will definitely save you from here."

(End of this chapter)

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