Bandit Camp

Chapter 253 Before the crisis

Chapter 253 Before the crisis
Erlang Mountain, Phoenix Peak.

Yan Xiwen was arguing with Feng Zhongliang.

Nine days ago, Hu Xiaozhou left Erlang Mountain. On that day, there were smiles on the faces of more than a thousand brothers up and down Erlang Mountain.No one will explain why they laugh, but they understand each other very well.

Eight days ago, the three guards who escorted Hu Xiaozhou to Lingbi Mountain returned to Erlang Mountain with injuries. Several leaders immediately knew the news of Hu Xiaozhou’s arrest. Except for the first leader, the other brothers didn't know anything, and everyone still had smiles on their faces.

Six days ago, Peng Youming sent a telegram saying that Hu Xiaozhou had defected and surrendered to the Japanese, and asked Erlangshan to prepare for battle immediately. At that time, several leaders did not realize the seriousness of the situation.War preparation is a long-term task. After Hu Xiaozhou's incident, several leaders think that it is enough to strengthen vigilance.

Four days ago, Peng Youming sent a telegram again, saying that Ye Tufei was going to send a big gift to Erlangshan.When the leaders heard that Ye Tufei was coming back with such a generous gift, they all burst into smiles.Several leaders were unwilling to enjoy this kind of good news to themselves, so it quickly spread among the brothers.The sixth master is coming back, which is Erlang Mountain's top happy event, and the smiles on the faces of all the brothers are even brighter.

However, after waiting for three days, there was no news from Ye Tufei, and Peng Youming also lost contact.

Just yesterday, the brothers in charge of security at Erlangshan discovered that a large number of Japanese soldiers were gathering at Erlangshan.

The speed and efficiency of Little Japan's action this time greatly exceeded the expectations of the leaders of Erlangshan. However, after only a few hours, Erlangshan was in a dangerous state with strong enemies in front and blocking troops behind. .

Yan Xiwen immediately realized that he had to break out of the siege without hesitation, otherwise, the entire army would be wiped out.However, the brothers of Lao Zhongyi Church represented by Feng Zhongliang firmly opposed it.

"Breakthrough? Military division, let's not discuss whether we can break out. Even if we successfully break through, what should we do if Liu Ye comes back at this stall? Isn't that forcing Liu Ye to a dead end? No way, you can’t do this! Master Liu almost died once in Erlang Mountain, and we brothers can’t watch him encounter danger again.” Feng Zhongliang spoke very strongly, staring at Yan Xiwen and said: “Now break out rashly, Then the right time and place will be lost, the chance of success is too small, even if it can stand out, the casualties of the team..."

After Hu Xiaozhou was transferred away, Yan Xiwen served as the political commissar of the anti-Japanese armed forces, and Feng Zhongliang was the captain.Although the captain is the chief military officer, in the ranks of the Communist Party, the party has always commanded the guns, so on issues of principle, the weight of the political commissar is much greater than that of the captain.

To understand it from another level, the political commissar, who speaks a lot more, has a much greater responsibility than the captain.

As a brother, Yan Xiwen agrees with Feng Zhongliang's thoughts.But as a political commissar, Yan Xiwen had to put aside his personal feelings, he was responsible for the fate of the team.

Yan Xiwen also stretched his face: "Breakout now, there may be a lot of casualties, but after all, there is still hope and possibility of protruding. If we continue to delay like this, when Little Japan has set up the formation, then we have little hope of protruding." No more. Captain Feng, to tell you the truth, I really want to stay here and wait for Brother Ye, but we are now a revolutionary team, and we have to..."

Feng Zhongliang interrupted Yan Xiwen rudely: "Because we are a revolutionary team, we should pay more attention to integrity. Ye Liuye is dedicated to us, but we only ignore Liuye for our own interests. This kind of thing If we, Feng Zhongliang, can't do it, we believe that even the thousands of brothers in Erlangshan's team can't do it either!"

The two couldn't agree on arguing. According to the habit of the Communist Party, a meeting of the party group should be held to vote on the principle of the minority obeying the majority.

There are five members of the party group of this Erlang Mountain Anti-Japanese Armed Forces. In addition to the two old party members Yan Xiwen and Wei Xiangdong, there is also Shi Heizi, a veteran under Wei Xiangdong, and Shi Heizi, who was transferred from Lingbi Mountain to help but failed to return. Zhao Zibin, the last one is Feng Zhongliang, the team leader who just joined the party not long ago.

Yan Xiwen is very confident. He believes that he will definitely get the support of the majority of comrades at the party meeting.

Feng Zhongliang was a kind person by nature, although he knew that the composition of the party members was not good for him, but the party rules were in front of him, so he reluctantly accepted Yan Xiwen's suggestion.

The meeting of the party group was very concise. Yan Xiwen just talked about the situation, and then voted on whether to break through or wait.

On the top of the Phoenix, five people formed a small circle, and Yan Xiwen raised his hand first: "I insist on breaking through immediately, comrades who agree with my opinion, please raise your hand."

Yan Xiwen didn't expect that, except for his one hand raised alone, he never saw the second hand raised.

Shocked, Yan Xiwen cast his eyes on Wei Xiangdong first, Wei Xiangdong smiled apologetically, and then calmed down.Yan Xiwen cast his eyes on Zhao Zibin again, Zhao Zibin hesitated for a moment, then raised his hand reluctantly.

The key depends on Shi Heizi's attitude.

But Shi Heizi yelled directly: "Political Commissar, you don't need to look at me, I listen to the captain."

Yan Xiwen sighed, and was just about to say to Shi Heizi about the pros and cons of the overall situation when he heard Zhao Zibin's statement: "Political commissar, I want to make a new decision. I think the team leader's choice is right. Breaking through now is really not a good idea." It’s a good choice, let’s stick to the top of the Phoenix, maybe Ye Liuye will bring troops over, and when the time comes, we will cooperate internally and externally, and the chances of breaking through will be greater.”

Four to one, Yan Xiwen was in the minority and had to obey Feng Zhongliang, who represented the opinion of the majority.

Feng Zhongliang looked around everyone, forced himself to calm down, and analyzed in a calm tone: "Military division... oh no, Commissar Yan, comrades, we admit that the strategy of standing defense is a bit personal, but , we also have to seriously analyze Little Japan. Such a large-scale operation is obviously not a sneak attack, but a strong attack. Under this situation, wouldn’t Little Japan think that we are going to break through? Also, Little Japan’s formation It has been set up, but it has been reluctant to attack for a long time, does this not explain the problem?"

After Feng Zhongliang's analysis, Yan Xiwen gasped: "You mean that Little Japan is waiting for us to break through?"

Zhao Zibin used to be the chief of the combat section of Lu Yao's department, and his tactical thinking was passed down by Lu Yao. He had already considered the possibility Feng Zhongliang said, but he was caught between the political commissar and the captain and couldn't express his views directly.Now that Feng Zhongliang has explained the problem, Zhao Zibin has no worries.

"The captain's analysis is correct. Judging from the information we obtained from our reconnaissance, Little Japan has assembled at least three infantry brigades and two artillery brigades this time. In addition, Hu Xiaozhou surrendered to the enemy, and we must be sent to Erlang Mountain. The family background has been explained. Little Japan came prepared, and the reason why it has not launched an attack for a long time is very likely to lure us to break through."

Yan Xiwen was finally convinced: "Okay, I accept your opinion, stick to the Phoenix Peak, and wait for reinforcements!"

Speaking of waiting for reinforcements, almost everyone had wry smiles on their faces.The situation of Lu Yao's troops is not much better than that of Erlang Mountain. It is hard to say whether they can protect themselves, and it is even more impossible to support Erlang Mountain.

Since Ye Tufei left Erlang Mountain, the relationship between Han Hongxun and Erlang Mountain has also become estranged. In the past year, there has been almost no contact. Erlang Mountain has encountered danger and sent a telegram to Han Hongxun's department. Has been silent, without the slightest echo.


I can only hope to fly with Ye Tufei.

"We believe in Master Liu!" Feng Zhongliang erased his wry smile first, "We believe that Master Liu will definitely come, as long as Master Liu comes, there will be a way to deal with these little Japanese!"

Master Six?Ye Tufei!

The handsome and masculine face appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Yes, if brother Ye came, there must be a way to rescue us. We were in Jiajiawang, didn't we also be in a desperate situation? Didn't brother Ye bring us safely to Yimeng Mountain?" Yan Xiwen echoed Feng Zhongliang, cheer everyone up.

In fact, there was no need for Yan Xiwen to cheer up. When everyone thought of Ye Tufei, and Ye Tufei, who was never willing to treat his brothers badly, the blood in his body would already boil.

When the evening sun began to sink towards the top of the mountain, Little Japan finally couldn't hold back and launched the first wave of attack on Erlang Mountain.

The two artillery brigades aimed all their muzzles at the west exit of the Erlang Mountain Valley Passage. Taking the valley passage as the origin, it extended 300 meters around, and raindrops of shells whizzed down.

At that moment, it can really be called the earth shaking.

Ten minutes later, the area covered by the artillery fire was completely unrecognizable. The roots and branches of the lush forests on the hillsides on both sides were blown off. The strong bunkers were also destroyed by artillery fire and turned into stone nests.

"Look at this movement, Little Japan is equipped with a heavy cannon!" Yan Xiwen stood on the top of the phoenix, holding a telescope in his hand, and said with emotion: "This kind of cannon was originally only suitable for field troops, such as the Hashimoto Division." It is rare for a division between Type B and Type C to be equipped with this type of artillery."

Wei Xiangdong stood beside Yan Xiwen and sighed: "Fortunately, the captain withdrew the brothers guarding the entrance of the valley, otherwise, with this situation, I'm afraid..."

Yan Xiwen shook his head, and took over Wei Xiangdong's words: "It's not that I'm afraid, it's absolutely. Let alone a human, it's hard for even a mountain mouse to survive."

What is puzzling is that after this round of shelling, Little Japan did not organize the infantry charge as usual, and the battlefield suddenly became quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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