Bandit Camp

Chapter 254

Chapter 254
Ye Tufei drove the car, took Xiao Zhonghe and Duguyu with him, and drove towards Erlang Mountain at a fast speed.

In order to ensure the complete victory of this operation, Little Japan has considered every link very comprehensively, among which road blockade is a necessary measure.

Fortunately, Ye Tufei has the identity of the special commissioner of the new government, and also has a special certificate issued by the shadowy Mei agency, so although he encountered many interrogations along the way, he didn't waste much time.

If so, by the time Ye Tufei arrived near Erlang Mountain, the sun had already set to the west.

"Xiao Laoliu, the war zone is ahead. Dugu and I get out of the car first to meet the commander of Little Japan. You drive to Master Han Hongxun and ask him to lead his troops to meet us on the east side of Erlang Mountain."

Xiao Laoliu was quite critical of Ye Tufei's arrangement, and asked him to go find Han Hongxun. Although this task was important, it was too ordinary for him. Old brothers fight side by side.

"Master Liu, it's enough for you to write a personal letter to Mr. Han and let Dugu take it with you. I'd better stay by your side!"

Ye Tufei immediately became angry, his eyes widened and he cursed: "Xiao Laoliu, you are a pig-headed man? Only you and I know that secret path. If you let Dugu go to meet him, he knows where to go to meet him?"

Xiao Zhonghe shuddered at being scolded.

The secret path that Ye Tufei mentioned was not actually a path at all, it was a way out of the mountain that they inadvertently discovered when dealing with the ninjas sent by Takahashi Shinobu.This way is extremely dangerous, but at the same time it is also very hidden. No one else knows about Erlang Mountain except him and Ye Tufei.

The reason why Little Japan can make such a big determination to deal with Erlang Mountain is nothing more than getting information from Hu Xiaozhou. This bastard has lived in Erlang Mountain for a year and is already very familiar with the geographical environment of Erlang Mountain.

From Hu Xiaozhou's confession, it is not difficult for Little Japan to know the secret passages of Erlang Mountain. They thought that as long as these passages were blocked, the armed forces of Erlang Mountain would be completely surrounded.

As for the secret path that Ye Tufei mentioned, Hu Xiaozhou didn't know anything about it, and even the local mountain people knew very little about this secret path.

Perhaps, this is the only way to save the Erlangshan brothers.

Xiao Zhonghe suddenly felt the weight on his shoulders, he stopped arguing with Ye Tufei, and immediately switched to the driving seat that Ye Tufei had just vacated, "Sixth Lord, don't worry, I will definitely find Mr. Han as quickly as possible."

Xiao Zhonghe turned the front of the car and galloped away, while Ye Tufei and Duguyu rushed straight to the Japanese barracks.

First, the identification of the special commissioner of the new government. The Japanese sentry shook his head after seeing it.Then there was the certificate issued by Yingzuo Framezhao's Mei Agency. After seeing it, the Japanese sentry's attitude improved obviously. They saluted Ye Tufei and the two, but still shook their heads.

Ye Tufei had no choice but to take out Matsui Iwane's personal letter.

Although the sentinel did not know Matsui Iwane's handwriting and could not determine the authenticity of the letter, the name Matsui Iwane was still recognizable. The sentinel did not dare to neglect and immediately reported to the superior.

Reported up layer by layer, the supreme commander of Little Japan on the battlefield came down with an order to let the Chinese with the letter from Commander Matsui come in to see him.

The supreme commander of the Japanese army was a senior commander, and Ye Tufei didn't know him well. When he saw this senior commander, Ye Tufei didn't bother to be polite, so he went straight to the point.

"Your Majesty, my name is Ye Tufei. I am a special assistant to Mr. Zhao of the new Nanjing government, and also a senior advisor to Mr. Yingzuo's Mei Agency." Ye Tufei introduced his identity from light to heavy.

"Well, I know everything, and I also know that you are a good friend of Commander Matsui. Ye Sang, I am directing the battle, and the time is running out. If you have any requests, please come forward as soon as possible!" The Japanese commander seemed to be prepared It seemed that Ye Tufei's sudden visit wasn't much of a surprise.

"Pause the attack!" Ye Tufei's expression was extremely serious, and his tone was extremely firm, "Pause the attack, give me an hour, and I will persuade you to surrender!"

"Persuading surrender?" The corner of the Japanese army's commander's mouth overflowed with an imperceptible sneer, "Do you think those Chinese bandits are still qualified to talk about surrender with the Great Japanese Empire?"

At this time, a Japanese combat staff officer came over and reported: "Your Majesty, the artillery battalion has been prepared, and I would like to ask whether the artillery attack will be carried out as scheduled."

The Japanese Colonel showed a sinister smile: "Order, immediately start an artillery attack on the first target of Erlang Mountain!"

The combat staff officer led the order, and the Japanese commander walked to the front of the command post, pointed to the valley entrance of Erlang Mountain, and said with a smile: "Ye Sang, in a minute at most, you will see a scene that you will never forget .”

Ye Tufei ignored the arrogance and rudeness of the Japanese commander, and continued to use his words of persuasion: "Your Excellency, I admit that what you just said is very reasonable. The armed forces on Mount Erlang are indeed unbearable in front of the heavy Japanese soldiers." However, I would like to remind Your Excellency..."

At this moment, the sound of rumbling cannons rang out, covering Ye Tufei's voice.

The Colonel of the Japanese Army didn't seem to care at all whether he could hear what Ye Tufei was saying, he raised his binoculars quite intoxicated, and observed with great interest the entrance of the valley that was devastated by the artillery fire.

Ye Tufei had no choice but to move, came to the side of the Japanese commander, and raised his voice: "I want to remind Your Excellency that these shells and these military supplies should play a greater role instead of being wasted like this. Also, the lives of your Japanese soldiers should not have been left in this barren mountain. They should have fallen in the hail of bullets on the front line instead of being buried in this meaningless battle by you stupid bastard. in battle!"

The Japanese commander turned his head slowly, looked at Ye Tufei, and said angrily, "How dare you curse me?"

Ye Tufei sneered and said, "Not only do I want to curse you, but I also want to sue you to Commander Matsui. Your behavior has seriously violated the interests of the new Nanjing government and also seriously harmed the interests of Japan. Wait for Commander Matsui to personally send you to a military court!"

A Chinese dared to talk to him like this, the Japanese army commander began to pay attention to Ye Tufei.Although the authenticity of Matsui Iwane's handwritten letter in this person's hand cannot be verified for a while, this letter was written specifically for Yamashita Keigo.The Colonel of the Japanese Army quickly thought of a good way to contact Keigo Yamashita and throw Ye Tufei, a hot potato, to Keigo Yamashita to solve it.

At this time, another combat staff officer came to ask for instructions: "Your Excellency, the first assault unit of the infantry brigade is ready, please instruct whether to charge according to the original plan!"

The Japanese commander did not answer directly, but walked back and forth in front of Ye Tufei twice, as if he had made up his mind after having a hard time: "Pass my order, the infantry will stop charging and stand by for orders!"

Turning to Ye Tufei, he said: "Ye Sang, please understand, I need to report this to the head of the Hashimoto division!"

Ye Tufei smiled, and replied, "I'm waiting for your good news."

On the way here, Ye Tufei was too lazy to respond to Xiao Zhonghe's doubts about Zhang Luohui, the main reason for which was that he had been thinking about this issue.

Since Little Japan has adopted an inevitable stance against Erlang Mountain, it must have blocked all the passages of Erlang Mountain from the front. Then, if you want to pass through the Japanese army's battle formation and enter the territory of Erlang Mountain, you must not avoid dealing with the Japanese army. , otherwise, not to mention the danger, the time alone cannot afford to delay it.

The way Ye Tufei thought of at the time was to rely on his own identity and use persuasion as an excuse to deceive the Japanese commander.

The only uncertainty in this method lies in the authority of the on-site commander of the Japanese army. The on-site commander is responsible for the outcome of the battle and can make adjustments at any time during the battle according to the progress of the battle. If there is a permanent change, the field commander loses the right to make decisions.

Even if Ye Tufei could fool the on-site commander, maybe he couldn't fool the head of the Hashimoto Division who is in Xuzhou City?
If he is not sure, then Ye Tufei has to find another shortcut.

While thinking about the state of mind of the head of the Hashimoto Division, the name of Keigo Yamashita popped up, and Ye Tufei suddenly felt a lot more open in his heart.

Jingwu Yamashita wished that Ye Tufei would join up with the old brothers of Erlang Mountain. As long as he, Ye Tufei, entered the territory of Erlang Mountain, the so-called persuasion to capitulate would lose its meaning. Together with this team from Erlang Mountain, they were wiped out.

Since Keigo Yamashita would have such an idea, Taro Hashimoto would definitely be able to support him, because Taro Hashimoto hated Ye Tufei no less than Keigo Yamashita.

Therefore, Ye Tufei smiled reassuringly when the Colonel of the Japanese Army said that he would ask the head of the Hashimoto Division for instructions.

Half an hour later, the Japanese commander reappeared in front of Ye Tufei.

"Ye Sang, the head of the Hashimoto division is quite touched by your dedication. You are right. The weapons and ammunition of the Empire of Japan should be used on battlefields with greater significance, and the lives of soldiers of the Empire of Japan should also It has a higher value, I know that many of the bandit army in Erlang Mountain are your old subordinates, if you come forward to persuade them to surrender, there is great hope!"

Ye Tufei smiled, and replied: "But they were bewitched by the Communist Party, and their thinking is a bit different now than before. However, I believe that the brothers have feelings for me. As long as I go, they should always seriously consider me. opinion. Your Excellency,
What I need most now is time. "

The Japanese Colonel laughed and said, "I don't know how much time Ye Sang needs?"

"One hour!" Ye Tufei thought for a while, and said a time that surprised the Japanese commander, "One hour, if I can't convince them, I don't have much chance of success. At that time, you just go ahead and attack. Already!"

One hour!
How is it such a coincidence?What Keigo Yamashita said on the phone is also an hour, no matter what the result is, an hour later, a full-scale attack will be launched.

As for Ye Tufei, whether he will be able to come back at that time, and whether the full-scale attack will start after Ye Tufei returns, Keigo Yamashita did not express his opinion. Don't ask this question either.

(End of this chapter)

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