Bandit Camp

Chapter 256 Coping

Chapter 256 Coping
The top of the phoenix top has a 'convex'-shaped geographical structure. This protruding top can form an effective shield for various artillery. Unless the small Japanese artillery is covered all around the top of the Phoenix, otherwise, this structure It can always form a certain dead angle of artillery fire.

Not so with bombers.

Fenghuangding is more than [-] meters above sea level, and it is already the highest mountain in Erlang Mountain. If Japan uses bombers, it can reach the sky of Fenghuangding accurately without setting up bombing signs.

The bomber can adjust the dive angle arbitrarily. This "convex" structure is not only useless, but also increases the harm of aviation bombing.

Bombing plus machine gun fire in the air, the brothers guarding the top of the phoenix, if they weren't massacred, what could they do?

Although Yan Xiwen has not personally experienced a battlefield being bombed and strafed by bombers, he has at least received a combat report of such a situation and knows its power.

But how could the other brothers imagine how powerful Little Japan's planes are, and none of them took it seriously.

It was Yan Xiwen's turn to get angry, he pointed at the sky, and said angrily: "Don't take any chances, Master Liu is right, the Phoenix Ding can withstand the artillery fire of the little Japan, but it definitely cannot withstand the planes of the little Japan. As for us, if we still stay on the top of the Phoenix, Little Japan only needs three or four planes and three or four 10 minutes to beat us to death!"

After all, Wei Xiangdong had stayed in the Puppet Manchukuo army, and had seen the Japanese planes do their best. He heard what Ye Tufei and Yan Xiwen said, and couldn't help shivering. He looked around again, and couldn't help saying: " Sixth Master, Political Commissar Yan, if that’s the case, why don’t we hurry up and evacuate Phoenix Peak?”

When Wei Xiangdong spoke, although he called Liu Ye at first, he kept looking at Yan Xiwen while speaking.

It is respect to call the sixth master first, and it is the rule to keep looking at Yan Xiwen, because the supreme commander of this team is still Yan Xiwen after all.

At this time, Yan Xiwen's state of mind has returned to the first battle of Jiajiawang more than a year ago. In that battle, whether it was the Communist Party's Peng Youming Yan Xiwen or the Kuomintang's Han Hongxun, they all obeyed the words of this Erlangshan leader. Convincing reached 100%.

Now, although the Erlangshan team has already belonged to the Communist Party, and although Ye Tufei has no position in this team, Yan Xiwen knows that at this moment, no one can replace Ye Tufei.

Yan Xiwen didn't feel embarrassed at Wei Xiangdong's question, he pointed at Ye Tufei, and replied simply and neatly: "Don't interrupt, just listen to Master Liu's arrangement!"

"We still have half an hour." Ye Tufei looked at his pocket watch, then looked up at the sky, "We still have half an hour, Boss Feng, I'll give you 10 minutes. Three hundred brothers from the Death Squad followed me to stop the attack, and the others, led by Yan Xiwen, withdrew from Erlang Mountain according to the route I gave.”

Feng Zhongliang didn't dare to neglect, and immediately started to do it.

Ye Tufei warned again: "Those who have sons and daughters under their knees don't need to be recruited, and those who have parents and are only children don't need to be recruited either. Well, just these conditions, you go ahead and do it."

After Feng Zhongliang left, Ye Tufei turned to make arrangements for Yan Xiwen: "Old Yan, I will draw you a map now, you can read it carefully, and ask me anytime if you don't understand anything."

Yan Xiwen frowned, and made a comment: "Brother Ye, why do you want to give up what is easy and ask for difficulty? I will stay and fight against it, and you lead the brothers to retreat!"

Ye Tufei glared at Yan Xiwen, and scolded: "When the hell is it, how much time is there to waste? Why are you becoming more and more ignorant the more you live?"

Yan Xiwen's heart shuddered, and he didn't dare to be stubborn anymore.

Ye Tufei brought the paper and pen, and while talking and drawing, he told Yan Xiwen as clearly as possible the secret path that only he and Xiao Zhonghe knew.

"Is everything clear?"

Yan Xiwen nodded.

"Old Yan, I know that your Communist Party is not afraid of death, and you dare to sacrifice yourself for the benefit of the collective. But today is different. Although this road is safe, the road is difficult, the marching speed will be very slow, and you cannot carry any heavy weapons. Even The amount of ammunition carried can only be very small. I lead the retreat with greater certainty and faster speed than yours, but you absolutely cannot guarantee that the time for sniping will be enough for the brothers to retreat. "

Yan Xiwen listened quietly, without any movement or even expression.

"I don't mean to look down on your old Yan's tactical command ability by saying this. It's just that our blocking brothers can survive under the little Japanese aircraft artillery with this strength."

Yan Xiwen finally couldn't bear it any longer, and asked back: "Then you can hold on with the brothers?"

Ye Tufei finally showed a rare smile: "I entered Erlang Mountain. For Keigo Yamashita, it is the best opportunity to destroy me. He will never let this opportunity pass. Moreover, Hashimoto Taro also hates me. His teeth itch, he will definitely support Keigo Yamashita. In this way, Little Japan may change its original strategic intention, from destroying Erlangshan armed forces to killing Ye Tufei without knowing it. Old Yan, this Erlangshan has a radius of [-] Yu Li, I took them to play hide-and-seek, which not only ensured the evacuation time of the brothers, but also achieved the result of self-protection."

After a short pause, Ye Tufei said again: "If I disappear, Little Japan will not be able to change their original strategic intention, and the result will be death."

After hearing Ye Tufei's explanation, Yan Xiwen was convinced. He stood up and gave Ye Tufei a military salute: "I obey your command! Ye Tufei, I assure you, I will definitely complete the task you entrusted to me, and send brother Let's get out of Little Japan's encirclement safely!"

At this time, Feng Zhongliang had also completed the formation of the Death Squad and ran over to report to Ye Tufei.

Ye Tufei returned a military salute to Yan Xiwen very solemnly, and then held Yan Xiwen's hands again: "Old brother Yan, lead the brothers to live well, China will win! Little Japan will lose!"

After seeing off Yan Xiwen, Ye Tufei, accompanied by Feng Zhongliang, came before the three hundred warriors.

Most of these three hundred warriors are brothers of Lao Zhongyitang.

Ye Tufei was very satisfied with the result, smiled and nodded to everyone.

After nodding his head twice, Ye Tufei found Wei Xiangdong and Shi Heizi standing in the line.

"Why do you two stay here?" Ye Tufei put away his smile.

Shi Heizi rushed to reply: "Report to Master Liu, we have no parents and no children, we are alone, we are completely in line with Master Liu's selection of team members."

Wei Xiangdong then replied: "Sixth Brother Xiao told me just now that Master Liu had already executed Gao Qiaoxin, a bastard in Shanghai. Let's fight!"

Ye Tufei asked coldly: "In the next battle, if we want to stop the enemy to the greatest extent, we must use any means. Wei Xiangdong, Shi Heizi, when the means I choose violate the organizational discipline of your Communist Party, what will you two do?" How to decide?"

This question stumped the two of them, especially Shi Heizi, whose black face turned into a deep purple, panting heavily, and didn't know how to answer.

Wei Xiangdong was stunned for a moment, then took out all the items on his body, and set them on fire in front of everyone.

"From now on, I will have no name or name!" Wei Xiangdong pointed to the pile of burning objects: "As for the future, I will leave it to fate!"

Shi Heizi gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, roaring, "I, Shi Heizi, are just like the captain of the guard!"

With the attitude of these two people, it seems that they cannot be driven away. Ye Tufei has always respected these two honest heroes, so he let them go.

Turning to Feng Zhongliang, he asked, "Is the banner of our bandit camp still there?"

Feng Zhongliang nodded, and replied in a muffled voice: "It was ruined by Hu Xiaozhou, so we asked someone to do it again in private."

"Change the flag!"


When the battlefield commander of the Japanese army called Hashimoto Taro and reported that a person named Ye Tufei had found him with the certificate issued by the Kagesa frame Zhaomei agency and the personal letter of Commander Matsui, Hashimoto Taro Immediately called Keigo Yamashita.

Keigo Yamashita was shocked when he heard the news.The gendarmerie squad he sent to monitor Ye Tufei was the highest quality squad among all his gendarmerie teams. He couldn't figure out how Ye Tufei could easily get rid of his 25 elites.

Taro Hashimoto is not interested in the why, what he wants is the result.

Yamashita Keigo immediately came out of the startled state, and after a second thought, he made up his mind.

"Let that Ye Tufei persuade him to surrender!" Yamashita Keigo tried his best to hide his ferocious face in front of the head of the division: "Your Excellency, head of the division, let Ye Tufei go in, and then we will attack immediately!"

Hashimoto shook his head, and said: "Erlang Mountain has a radio station. If we do this, if Ye Tufei reports it to Commander Nanjing Matsui, it will be difficult for us to explain clearly."

Keigo Yamashita thought for a while and adjusted his strategy: "Then we will give Ye Tufei an hour, and when the time is up, we will immediately launch a full-scale attack. Your Excellency, Division Chief, Ye Tufei only goes back and forth, and one hour is enough to be nervous. , not to mention that he still needs to use all his tongue to deal with the Communist Party."

Hashimoto Taro showed a sinister smile: "Well, this is very good. It can not only solve the problem, but also give an explanation to the higher-ups. Yamashita-kun, I hope you can go to Erlang Mountain to command the battle in person with a fearless spirit!"

Keigo Yamashita was secretly delighted to have the opportunity to personally execute Ye Tufei, and he immediately expressed his determination to Taro Hashimoto: "Please rest assured, Commander-in-Chief, Yamashita will surely fulfill his mission!"

Hashimoto Taro showed a knowing smile, and said: "I don't care what method you use, start to act in an hour, as long as the dead don't live!"

(End of this chapter)

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