Bandit Camp

Chapter 257 Small victory in the first battle

Chapter 257 Small victory in the first battle
The banner of the "Erlang Mountain Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Brigade" was replaced by the "Erlang Mountain Anti-Japanese Bandit Battalion" flag that Feng Zhongliang later found someone to imitate in private.

The bright red background and the golden characters are stretched on the highest part of Fenghuangding against the mountain wind.

The three hundred dead soldiers looked up at the banner that once brought them infinite longing, tearful and speechless.Most of them followed Ye Liuye during the period of Zhongyitang, although a small half joined later, it was also a period when the banner of exhibition was flying in the wind.

"Virtue is loyalty, morality is righteousness, with my virtue, I will do justice for the heavens!"

I don't know which brother was the first to shout out the oath of the Loyalty Hall, as if it was infected, first a few brothers followed, then dozens of brothers followed, and finally three hundred brothers followed in unison Roaring: "Virtue is loyalty, morality is righteousness, with my virtue, I will do justice for the sky!"

That sound, dare not say it resounded through the sky, was definitely deafening.

Ye Tufei pressed his hands down to calm down the brothers temporarily.

"Brothers! You are all good brothers who have followed me, Ye Tufei, for many years, good guys, but today, I, Ye Tufei, want to keep you here. Do you know what it means to stay?"

One of the brothers who was closer to Ye Tufei replied: "The purpose of staying here is to fight with Little Japan to buy time for the retreating brothers!"

Ye Tufei asked again: "Then are you afraid? Do you regret it?"

The answer to Ye Tufei was a burst of laughter from the brothers.

An old brother from Loyalty Hall yelled after laughing: "Master Liu, I haven't seen you for a year, how did you become a mother-in-law? Brothers, don't you think so?"

The brothers burst into laughter again.

Amidst the roar of laughter, another brother stood up. He looked up at the banner of the bandit camp and shouted loudly: "Brothers! Looking at this banner, we must not disgrace the name of our bandit camp!" Head! We gentlemen are not afraid of death, but we are afraid that after many years, people will say that our bandit camp is a coward!"

The brothers laughed again.

Amidst the roar of laughter, Feng Zhongliang stood in front of the brothers with a stern face.

"Are the brothers in our bandit camp cowards?"

Three hundred brothers shouted in unison: "Of course not!"

"Are the brothers in our bandit battalion afraid of death?"

Three hundred dead soldiers shouted in unison: "Of course I'm not afraid!"

Feng Zhongliang turned his face and turned to Ye Tufei: "Master Liu, please give me an order!"

Ye Tufei looked serious, and said in a clear voice: "Brothers, you have followed me, Ye Tufei, for nearly five years, and for more than two years. I, Ye Tufei, can't give my brothers gold and silver, that is, I have brought my brothers along. It's just a full mouth..." Ye Tufei choked up as he spoke. "As brothers, the most common thing to say is that you don't want to be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day. Today, I, Ye Tufei, can die with my brothers... It's worth it!"

Three hundred dead soldiers knelt down in front of Ye Tufei, and under the leadership of Feng Zhongliang, they shouted in unison: "I don't want to be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but I want to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day!"

Ye Tufei turned around, and secretly wiped the corners of his eyes.

"Stand up!" Ye Tufei still didn't turn around, "Little Japan's bomber is coming, I need two smarter brothers to stay on the top of the Phoenix, and the other brothers will come down from Houling immediately."

Shi Heizi was the first to stand up: "Master Liu, don't look at me because I can't speak, I'm so excited on the battlefield!"

Shi Heizi snatched the first place, the brothers didn't want to lose the second place, and challenged Ye Tufei one after another.

Ye Tufei patted Shi Heizi on the shoulder, then nodded to a brother, and ordered: "You two go to the front ridge and hide, and bring enough grenades. When the bombers of Little Japan finish bombing, the infantry of Little Japan will start to fight." When charging to the top, use grenades to stop them for a while, we need to compete with Little Japan for speed, and we must be one step ahead of them to reach the top of Phoenix. Are you two confident?"

Shi Heizi nodded and replied, "Don't worry, Sixth Master."

Ye Tufei warned again: "What I want is for the two of you to slow down the speed of the little Japan's charge, not for the two of you to fight desperately with the little Japan. After you finish throwing the grenades, you can descend from the south side of the mountain. Although the mountain is steep, But if you are smart, you can always get a chance."

Unarmed rock climbing used to be an important subject for Ye Tufei's training team, and the southern cliff of Fenghuang Ridge was the training ground Ye Tufei used the longest.

Shi Heizi and the brother Ye Tufei picked up at random happened to be good at climbing this mountain with bare hands.

The two took orders to leave, and after that, Ye Tufei made the brothers take off their clothes and hats, wrapped them in stones, and pretended to be a prostrate team on the top of the phoenix.

"The top of the phoenix is ​​too exposed, and the Japanese pilots can easily see the target clearly. If they don't make these camouflages, those pilots will not throw down the ammunition they are carrying." Ye Tufei explained to Feng Zhongliang who was quite puzzled.

Li Zhongyun on the side added: "The sixth master wants the little Japanese planes to use up all the ammunition. In this case, when they find out they have been fooled, they need to fly back to reload the ammunition. The plane is not a cannon, and it is very troublesome to reload the ammunition."

The brothers quickly made a camouflage, Ye Tufei observed it, the camouflage was very rough, it's hard to say whether it can be fooled by the little Japanese pilots, but the conditions are limited and the time is even more limited, so that's the only way to go.

After 5 minutes, all the brothers withdrew down the mountain along the back ridge of Fenghuang Ridge.

After a while, a faint roar was heard in the sky.

Four bombers flew in formation over the Phoenix Peak.

Immediately, the sound of explosions enveloped the entire valley, and thick smoke rose into the sky from the top of the Phoenix.

Little Japan was eager to destroy the resistance will of the Erlangshan armed forces, so it was the highest intensity bombing at the beginning.For this purpose, the pilots on the four bombers did not carefully observe the situation on the top of the phoenix at all, and made combat actions when they saw the 'like'.

The four bombers swooped down in turn, pouring all the ammunition they carried onto the Phoenix Peak, which was only a hundred meters in diameter.

After dropping the bombs, the four bombers triumphantly circled the Phoenix Peak twice, and then flew away from Erlang Mountain.

Seeing that Little Japan's plane changed its course, Ye Tufei gave an order, and three hundred dead soldiers rushed from Houling to Phoenix Peak immediately.

The north and south sides of Fenghuangding are cliffs, the west side is the front ridge, which is a ridge about two miles long, and the east side is the back ridge. Although it is not a cliff, it is still a rather steep hillside.

From the top of the front ridge, although the distance is relatively long, the difficulty is quite small, and it will save time compared to the top of the back ridge.

This is also the reason why Ye Tufei arranged for two smarter brothers to ambush on the front ridge.

Ye Tufei's skill is the best among the brothers, so he rushed to the first place as a matter of course, followed by Duguyu and Li Zhongyun, because Feng Zhongliang is one-armed, he really suffers from climbing such a steep hillside, and was left behind by the brothers. later.

When rushing to the middle of the mountain, there was the sound of a grenade explosion from the direction of Qianling. Obviously, it was Ishiguro and the two of them who were blocking Little Japan.


There is only one word in everyone's mind.

Climbing to the summit one step faster than Little Japan means sacrificing dozens of lives.

Ye Tufei didn't care about the speed of greeting and taking care of the brothers, he exerted his potential to the limit, and rushed to the top of Phoenix at the fastest speed.

At this time, the sound of the grenade explosion in Qianling had stopped, that is to say, Shi Heizi and the others had already thrown all the grenades they were carrying.

Ye Tufei quickly made a half-circle, and pounced on the front of the top of the Phoenix facing Qianling.

Little Japan hasn't rushed up yet!
After setting up the gun and pulling the bolt, Ye Tufei didn't bother to look in the direction of Xiangqianling.

A heroic scene caught Ye Tufei's eyes.

Ishiheizi strangled a small Japanese officer with his left hand, and held several bundled grenades in his right hand, with the fuses of the grenades in his mouth. Facing dozens of Japanese soldiers with live ammunition, he was majestic and not timid.

"Heizi! My good brother!"

Ye Tufei called Shi Heizi in his heart.

The distance is not far, that is tens of meters, if Ye Tufei utters the sound, Shi Heizi should be able to hear it.

However, Ye Tufei could only shout in his heart, otherwise, Shi Heizi's sacrifice would be worthless.

Shi Heizi seemed to have heard Ye Tufei's shout, he turned his head, glanced in Ye Tufei's direction, then smiled, bit the lead wire with his teeth, turned his head, and the bundle of grenades puffed out blue smoke.

Ye Tufei buried his head in the rubble in pain...

After a loud noise, there was only smoke in the sky, and at this time Duguyu and Li Zhongyun had already rushed to Ye Tufei's side.

"Master Liu, what's the matter?"

With tears in his eyes, Ye Tufei shook his head slowly, and said, "It's nothing! Tell the brothers to be quiet, hide yourself, and beat me hard when Little Japan rushes up!"

From the bombardment of the mouth of the valley, to the bombing of Fenghuangding by planes, until Shi Heizi and his two brothers stopped the Japanese army on Qianling, this was the first resistance of the Erlang Mountain Armed Forces. Although this resistance was heroic, the intensity of the resistance seemed It was indeed a bit inconspicuous, and the little Japanese would inevitably feel a little proud and underestimated the enemy. They thought that the two Chinese bandits who resisted with grenades were just survivors of the plane bombing just now.

With this kind of thinking, the first wave of more than 50 Japanese soldiers who attacked Fenghuangding seemed very relaxed, almost walking straight to Fenghuangding.

"Use all light and heavy firepower, Li Laosi, tell your people to pay attention to picking up leaks, I don't want to see one of these little Japanese make it back alive!"

About 30 meters away from the front of Phoenix Peak, when Li Zhongyun gave an order, there was a burst of gunshots.

Little Japan reacted very quickly. Almost at the same time as the gunshot rang out, those who were shot and those who were not shot all fell to the ground.

What is the distance of 30 meters to the sharpshooters trained by Li Zhongyun?Although the angle was not good, the little Japanese fell on the ground and became stationary targets. The ten or so sharpshooters called their names one by one, and within three to two minutes, they completed the task assigned by Master Liu.

(End of this chapter)

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