Bandit Camp

Chapter 258

Chapter 258
The Japanese army, which had been going smoothly all the way, was suddenly hit so hard. The first wave of 20 imperial warriors who attacked Fenghuang Ridge was first killed and wounded by two enemies with grenades on the ridge, and then they were only 30 meters before Fenghuang Peak. The other 10 or so soldiers were buried in a short distance, but within [-] minutes, the [-] soldiers never came back.

The chief commander couldn't help but gasped.

Before this battle, Keigo Yamashita approached him specifically and told him to be cautious when commanding the battle. The bandit soldiers of Erlang Mountain did not seem to have much combat effectiveness, but relying on the geographical situation of Erlang Mountain and the way of using troops that appeared and disappeared, The imperial soldiers fought several times but failed to get cheap.

However, the Colonel did not take Yamashita Keigo's advice to heart.

As soon as he regretted it, Yamashita Keigo rushed over. Faced with this setback, Yamashita Keigo seemed very calm.

This can only show that Ye Tufei's persuasion to surrender is purely a lie, and this weird way of using troops can only come from Ye Tufei himself.

So much the better!
In this way, Yamashita Jingwu no longer has any taboos, and he can attack Erlang Mountain with all his strength.

"Get me through the call of the commander of the Hashimoto division. I want to request the aviation unit to coordinate operations!"

With a mournful face, the Colonel reminded: "Yamashita-san, the Imperial Air Force has just sent four bombers to assist in the battle..."

Keigo Yamashita interrupted his colleagues impatiently: "Then send four more bombers to help!"

Although this Colonel is not as senior as Keigo Yamashita in terms of qualifications, he also knows that Keigo Yamashita holds the entrustment of the head of the Hashimoto Division, but this Colonel is a young officer who grew up in the field army. There is a natural contempt for colleagues who do not have much military exploits in local positions.

Keigo Yamashita kindly reminded him before the battle, and because of this emotion, he took Keigo Yamashita's reminder as a deaf ear, and now he suffered a big loss and felt ashamed.

He kindly reminded Yamashita Keigo, but Yamashita Keigo choked back arrogantly, which inevitably annoyed him.

Annoyed and ashamed, this chief is full of anger, but it's just inconvenient to have an attack because it's in the way of affection!

Before Gao Qiaoxin went to Nanjing, he had a long talk with Keigo Yamashita all night, and an important part of it was to summarize the battles between him and Ye Tufei.

Generally speaking, these few battles between Takahashi Shin and Ye Tufei were almost equal, one could not claim to have won, and the other could not be considered to have lost.

However, Ye Tufei ended in a tie between the weak and the strong, just like a dog fighting a cat. It seemed that neither had won nor lost, but in fact it was definitely the dog who was ashamed.

Shin Takahashi was also objective when summarizing. He didn't use the word failure, but failure.

The reason for the defeat lies in the right time, place and people and the three points, which he didn't account for at all.

"Needless to say the geographical advantage, this must be Ye Tufei's advantage. In terms of weather and timing, the two sides are almost the same, the key lies in the harmony of people, Yamashita-kun, if we can improve in this aspect, it will not be difficult to defeat Ye Tufei!"

These are the original words of Takahashi Shin.

What Takahashi said by this sentence means that he always felt that he was not able to do it well when commanding the Japanese troops. Actually do not buy his account.

Yamashita Keigo's understanding of this at the time was that Shin Takahashi was complaining that the division commander failed to pay attention to several operations, and the mobilized troops were obviously not enough.

Although the two had a long talk all night, and the time seemed to be sufficient, but because the content of the conversation was too much, the time was rushed.Therefore, on this issue, the two did not go deep into it. When Keigo Yamashita nodded to express his understanding and acceptance, Nobu Takahashi casually turned to the next topic.

This time, Keigo Yamashita really got the attention of the head of the division. Not only did he bring out the foundation of the division, he also got a lot of support from the military headquarters, and even the air force was transferred to participate. Fighting, isn't that enough?

Under the guidance of this kind of thinking, Keigo Yamashita didn't take the face of his colleagues seriously at all. He believed that for the benefit of the Great Japanese Empire, every soldier should unite with sincerity and dedication like he supported Nobu Takahashi. No conditions.

Keigo Yamashita connected the head of the Hashimoto division on the phone, briefly reported the situation, and then asked the division head to immediately coordinate the air force to launch a second air bombing on Phoenix Peak.

"Your Excellency, division commander, I think that this bombing should use incendiary bombs and gas bombs!"

Keigo Yamashita, who got Taro Hashimoto's consent, put down the phone, turned his face to look at the Commander General, his face was full of pride and confidence.

If Ye Tufei could see this scene at this moment, I believe that with Ye Tufei's ingenuity, he would definitely use it and intensify the conflict. I dare not say that he defeated the enemy in one fell swoop, but he could definitely smash the Japanese army's attempt.

However, at the moment Ye Tufei is still at Phoenix Peak, he doesn't know what happened in the Japanese command post, and he doesn't have time to speculate.

"Pull up the banner, and all retreat to Yingzui Cliff!" Ye Tufei, who confirmed that the first wave of Japanese soldiers who attacked Fenghuangding, did not survive, gave the order immediately.

Feng Zhongliang pointed to the two big boxes behind him: "Master Liu, our gas masks are enough for the brothers!"

Ye Tufei understood what Feng Zhongliang meant, saying that since Little Japan had no planes and he had enough gas masks on his side, he would not be afraid of Little Japan's artillery or gas bombs if he stayed at Fenghuangding. Watch for half a day and night.

Ye Tufei smiled, pointed to the sky, and said, "Do you think Little Japan is so shabby? There are only four planes? In case Little Japan flies four more bombers, what's wrong with brothers wearing gas masks all over their bodies?" use?"

Feng Zhongliang looked at the sky in the direction of Ye Tufei's finger. He didn't believe that Little Japan would send a plane, but he believed in Ye Tufei: "You two, carry the big flag, other brothers, go down the mountain immediately!"

Fifteen minutes later, just as Ye Tufei was walking with his brothers in a forest in the valley behind Fenghuangling, he heard the roar of the plane again in the sky.

This time, ten planes actually came.

"Strange? Sixth Master, look, why does Little Japan's plane look different this time?" Duguyu followed Ye Tufei all the time.

Ye Tufei was not in the mood to watch the planes coming from Little Japan. He was thinking about the next step while he was on his way, so he didn't have time to watch the excitement.But after hearing what Duguyu said, Ye Tufei couldn't help but look at the sky.

Ye Tufei didn't know much about the various planes in Japan's era, but the ten planes flying straight in the sky were really strange.

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Tufei suddenly understood.

"Brothers, hurry into the woods and take cover! No matter what Little Japan does, we can't move, let alone fight back!"

Although the brothers didn't understand Ye Tufei's order, no one would raise objections in this situation, let alone disobey Ye Tufei's order.

In the blink of an eye, the brothers were all hidden in the woods.

The ten planes skimmed over the trees.

"Out of this forest, there is a rocky hillock half a mile long ahead. After passing this hillock, there is another forest in front. Brothers, we must rush through this hillock as fast as possible and enter the next step. In a wood!"

As soon as the plane passed overhead, before the brothers could take a good breath, Ye Tufei issued a second order.

"What's the matter, Master Six?"

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Why is sixth master so nervous?"


For a while, the brothers had many doubts about Ye Tufei's order.

Doubts are questions, discussions are discussions, and executions are executions.

Although the brothers had various doubts, and inevitably had to discuss a few words, but the order to Ye Tufei was fulfilled without compromise.

It only took two minutes for the brothers to cross the Luanshigang, half a mile away. As soon as they entered the forest behind, Ye Tufei immediately ordered the brothers to disperse and hide: "This forest is larger than the forest just now. Brothers, disperse and hide." Open, the distance between people is at least five meters!"

There are still questions and discussions, and orders are still carried out to the letter.

Before the brothers could take cover, smoke from the explosion rose from the top of the phoenix.

The brothers had just taken cover, and the grove where they were hiding just now was also bombed.

When the brothers were still in a daze, there was the roar of the plane above their heads, and several bombs fell in the woods where they were hiding now.

Fortunately, the area of ​​the woods was large enough, the brothers were scattered, and the several aerial bombs only slightly injured the three brothers.

When the roar of the plane overhead disappeared, Feng Zhongliang ran over to ask Ye Tufei for instructions: "Master Liu, what should we do next?"

Ye Tufei lay on a branch of a big tree, and answered neatly: "Stay!"

"Stay?" Feng Zhongliang looked puzzled: "Shall we not go to Yingzui Cliff?"

Ye Tufei sighed, and replied, "We can't go anywhere now!"

Duguyu on a big tree next to him couldn't help asking: "Master Liu, are you worried that the plane will come back this shitty day?"

Ye Tufei sighed again, and said, "It's not that I'm worried that these damn planes will come back, but that these shitty planes never flew away at all!"

Just as they were talking, they heard the roar of the plane faintly again. The sound became more and more clear, and they were getting closer and closer to the forest. Everyone stopped talking and held their breath nervously.

It seemed that there were two planes, or maybe three planes. They circled around the woods twice, then dropped two bombs, saw nothing, and flew away again.

"Sixth Master, you are really amazing!" Duguyu patted Ye Tufei's flattery sincerely.

Ye Tufei was still lying on the branch, and lazily replied: "The god is you, Duguyu, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have observed those shitty planes, and if I didn't observe, I wouldn't have realized that little Japan This time, a reconnaissance plane was sent."

Feng Zhongliang asked: "Then what should we do?"

Duguyu smiled and said: "Gouri's planes need to drink fuel, and when they run out of fuel, they will naturally go away!"

(End of this chapter)

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