Bandit Camp

Chapter 262

Chapter 262

After meeting Ye Tufei, the hatred in Yamashita Keigo's heart grew stronger.

Although he teased Ye Tufei by giving Peng Youming poison and other despicable means, but this could not relieve his inner hatred.

Keigo Yamashita, who was almost in a frenzy, thought of another card in his hand: Ouyang Xueping.

According to Hu Xiaozhou, this Ouyang Xueping is Ye Tufei's lover.

When I caught Ouyang Xueping with Peng Youming back then, Keigo Yamashita kept her and didn't touch her. That's because Ye Tufei held the two trump cards of Kagezuka Showa and Matsui Iwane, and Keigo Yamashita didn't dare to act rashly.

Now that the face has been torn, there is nothing to be afraid of, Yamashita Keigo decided to take Ouyang Xueping out and humiliate Ye Tufei.

Having made up his mind, Keigo Yamashita postponed the fire bomb attack on the cave and escorted Ouyang Xueping from the city.

In front of the camp, Keigo Yamashita ordered several Japanese soldiers to humiliate the woman to their heart's content.

Ye Tufei saw it.

All the brothers of Erlangshan saw it.

"Fourth, is there 500 meters from here to the front of the Japanese position?"

Li Zhongyun nodded silently.

"Your Mauser should have such a long range?"

Li Zhongyun remained silent, and nodded again.

"Are you sure?"

Li Zhongyun sighed and nodded for the third time.

"Go ahead!"

Everyone knows what Ye Tufei's simple 'do it' means.

Although Ouyang Xueping has a bad temper, even if she put aside her relationship with the sixth master, just because of Ouyang Xueping's dedication to the wounded brothers in Erlang Mountain, the relationship is quite mellow.

"Sixth Master, you can't!" The brothers wailed.

Ye Tufei became furious: "Can't? So what if you can't? Could it be that she is allowed to endure the humiliation like this? Li Laosi, do it immediately!"

Li Zhongyun gritted his teeth and went to the entrance of the cave with his gun in hand.

After a gunshot, Li Zhongyun returned to Ye Tufei with a stiff face: "Master Liu, it's over!"

Ye Tufei closed his eyes and remained silent.

"She walked peacefully."

Tears welled up in Ye Tufei's tightly closed eyes.

"She smiled as she walked away."

Ye Tufei opened his eyes and smiled: "Thank you, fourth brother, thank you!"

Li Zhongyun was still stiff: "As long as you are fine, my brother, you are welcome."

Ye Tufei beckoned and called Feng Zhongliang.

"Have the brothers in the fortifications outside withdrawn?"

"There is only one observation post left, Master Six." Feng Zhongliang wanted to persuade Ye Tufei, but he opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to persuade him.

"Let's withdraw that observation post as well. Keigo Yamashita won't be so stupid as to still rely on infantry to attack."

"Yes, Master Six!"

Feng Zhongliang turned around to execute the order, and Ye Tufei called Duguyu again.

"Dugu, if I die and you live, remember that you must go back to Shanghai and take care of Zhenzhen for me. If neither of us dies, remember to force me to marry her."

Duguyu smiled: "If I die and you are still alive, but you don't return to Shanghai to marry Zhenzhen, I will definitely turn into a ghost and haunt you."

Ye Tufei finally showed a smile: "It's a deal!"

"It's a deal!" Duguyu stretched out her palm, and confronted Ye Tufei.

On the Japanese camp, Yamashita Keigo stared blankly at Ouyang Xueping's body. This woman had a smile on her face when she died?

Yamashita Keigo couldn't believe that it was a smile. How could a person who was shot dead by his own people die smiling?
However, Ouyang Xueping's face was obviously smiling, a kind of gratifying smile, a kind of mocking smile.

The more Keigo Yamashita looked at it, the more annoyed he became. From this woman's smile, he actually felt shame.

"Immediately order the artillery brigade to fire incendiary bombs at the entrance of the cave. I will burn them to death, burn them to death!" Keigo Yamashita gave the order almost frantically.

The artillery brigade of the Japanese army had already made preparations. With an order from here, dozens of cannons fired together, and the entrance of the cave was suddenly engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

As Keigo Yamashita expected, soldiers could not survive the fortifications at the entrance of the cave, let alone organize a fire blockade of the offensive route.

Ten Japanese soldiers armed with flamethrowers, under the protection of fifty infantrymen, successfully attacked a flat ground less than 50 meters from the entrance of the cave.

As long as you charge forward, you can firmly seal the cave entrance.

As long as the entrance of the cave is sealed, the flamethrower can be used to open the way and enter the cave steadily.

Unfortunately, Keigo Yamashita miscalculated a move.

Dozens of incendiary bombs were fired at the entrance of the cave, and the flames were raging right now, so the Japanese soldiers couldn't get close at all.

Even if the flames were extinguished, the local high temperature would hardly dissipate in a short period of time, and it was still difficult for the little Japanese soldiers to move forward.

Fifty Japanese infantrymen and ten special forces armed with flamethrowers huddled in the narrow flat ground, unable to enter or retreat.

In the cave, a brother climbing on the cave wall reported to Ye Tufei: "Master Liu, just as you expected, Little Japan is blocked there!"

Before Ye Tufei left for Shanghai, he had met Yunong at Han Hongxun's residence. At that time, Yunong gave Ye Tufei a gift, a military periscope.

Coincidentally, there is a crack in the rock directly above the entrance of the cave leading to the outside world. Ye Tufei asked his brothers to make great efforts to widen the crack in the rock. Not only can it secure the military periscope, but it can also accommodate a A sniper lay down there and fired a black gun.

Sixty little Japanese gathered on the flat ground at the entrance of the cave. It was obviously not enough to just fire black guns. Ye Tufei unleashed a big killer that he had prepared for a long time: fireball.

This is a round ball made of pine wood, with a diameter of more than one meter, and a thick layer of straw is tied outside.

The ball was pushed out from the entrance of the cave, passed through the flames caused by the incendiary bomb, and naturally formed a big fireball. The fireball rolled down the terrain, and it would inevitably roll to the open space where the little Japan was hiding.

When Ye Tufei was still in Erlang Mountain, Luo Zhonggang made dozens of fireballs like this. At that time, the brothers didn't understand the purpose of this thing. Now, once it comes in handy, the scene...

Dozens of little Japanese were suddenly attacked by fireballs. Before they could react, they were run over by the first few fireballs. The soldiers who managed to escape hurriedly ran down the mountain. However, once the fireball rolled, the speed became faster and faster. A person's two legs can't run at all.

Besides, the mountain road is rugged and there are many fireballs.

Except for the sixty little Japanese who were burned, they fell to the bottom of the mountain road and were thrown. Few of them managed to get back alive.

Yamashita Keigo suffered another loss, and inevitably became even more manic.

When a person is in a manic state, his IQ will drop to the lowest level.The manic Yamashita Keigo could only throw things and lose his temper in the Japanese command post, but he couldn't think of a way to deal with Ye Tufei and others in the cave.

At this time, the national advantages of Little Japan were revealed. The original commander of the Great Commander abandoned his complaints against Keigo Yamashita, and gave Keigo Yamashita a move in the spirit of dedication to the interests of the Great Japanese Empire.

Drive up the tank, use it as a flat-firing gun, and bombard the entrance of the cave. I believe that under the powerful artillery fire, the entrance of the cave will be bombed down sooner or later. As long as the entrance of the cave can be sealed, and then patiently go to find this A few vents in the cave, and then pour poison gas into them...

This method made Yamashita Keigo's eyes brighten, but it was only bright, and then dimmed: "The method is good, but the key is how to drive the tank up? The height of the cave entrance is at least 80 meters. , The road from the foot of the mountain to the entrance of the cave is not suitable for tanks at all!"

Commander Dazuo smiled secretly, and said: "The firepower point of this cave is only one point in the front. We only need to go up the mountain from other directions, gouging holes and blasting them, and paving the road to attack the cave with stones from the mountain. Isn't it easy for tanks?" Arrived at the right place?"

Yamashita Keigo thought about it carefully, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

Little Japan is busy climbing the mountain to dig holes and blast rocks, while Ye Tufei in the cave is anxiously waiting for Yan Xiwen's telegram.

Ye Tufei is not a god after all, he can calculate 90.00% of Little Japan's attack strategies, but he can't master them 100%.At this moment, Ye Tufei did not expect this attack strategy against Little Japan at all. He thought that this stalemate would continue for a long time.

War, in general, compares the real strength of both sides, including the quality and quantity of weapons, the quality and quantity of troops, and moreover, the economic strength and strategic material reserve production strength of both sides.

But from a small perspective, the quality of the combat commander has played a vital role.

Ye Tufei had calculated all the strategies of Keigo Yamashita, so he always had the upper hand in the fight against Keigo Yamashita. However, the commander's strategy was beyond Ye Tufei's expectations, and this move was vicious enough.

What will be the end of waiting for Ye Tufei and his brothers?


Xiao Zhonghe rushed to Han Hongxun's residence soon after breaking up with Ye Tufei.

For more than half a year, Han Hongxun's troops fought more than a dozen battles with the Japanese troops in Suyu County, large and small. These more than ten battles will eventually make the little Japanese in Suyu County behave, and hide in the county seat of Suyu County obediently Inside.

Little Japan is honest, and Han Hongxun's life is much easier.

When Xiao Zhonghe found Han Hongxun, Master Han was practicing boxing and kicking with a group of boys.

Han Hongxun didn't know Xiao Zhonghe very well, but he also knew that this was someone next to Ye Tufei, so he stopped quickly and brought Xiao Zhonghe into the office.

"How is your sixth master? I heard that he voted for that big traitor Zhao Ming?"

At the beginning, Han Hongxun didn't understand the relationship between Xiao Zhonghe and Ye Tufei, so he could only speak in an official tone.

Including why Han Hongxun broke contact with Erlang Mountain recently, this was all arranged by Mr. Yunong in advance, so that Ye Tufei could withstand the Japanese investigation in Shanghai.

Xiao Zhonghe didn't care about the three sevens and twenty ones, but he briefly explained Ye Tufei's experience, and also talked about the danger of Erlang Mountain and Ye Tufei's courtship.

After hearing this, Han Hongxun immediately picked up the phone, issued an order to Brigadier Huang He, and then said to Xiao Zhonghe: "You take Brigadier Huang's team and go first, and I will be there soon!"

When Xiao Zhonghe led the team of the brigade commander of the Yellow River to the exit of the secret mountain road, it was just after three o'clock in the middle of the night.

However, this wait lasted more than ten hours, and at noon the next day, the team from Erlang Mountain still hadn't come out of the mountain.

Xiao Zhonghe couldn't bear it any longer, and said to Huang He: "You lead the team to stay here, I have to go into the mountain to have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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