Bandit Camp

Chapter 263

Chapter 263
This book is about to end, and Lao Yan said hypocritically: Collection is not important, recommendation is meaningless, and rewards are not valued... Lao Yan just wants to know the opinions of you, and leave you in the book review area Let go of the mark, dear ones!

After learning the news of Hu Xiaozhou's arrest, Lu Yao immediately made various emergency preparations.

Especially after scouting that Little Japan was gathering heavy troops to invade Lingbi Mountain, Lu Yao even accelerated the speed of preparation.

The people in the mountainous area were evacuated as much as possible, food, cloth and other supplies were hidden in the mountains, and the troops were broken up into pieces, ready to evacuate the base area at any time...

Later, after hearing the news of Hu Xiaozhou's betrayal, Lu Yao concluded that Hu Xiaozhou's betrayal would cause the most serious and urgent harm to Erlang Mountain, and suggested that Erlang Mountain's armed forces should quickly prepare for the withdrawal of Erlang Mountain. Prepare.

But Peng Youming put forward a different opinion at that time. He said that the situation of Erlang Mountain was different from that of Lingbi Mountain. At the beginning, Erlang Mountain relied on the loyalty of the rivers and lakes to build its prestige among the common people. The confession will bring a fatal blow to the development of work in the Erlang Mountain area in the future.

In order to solve this crisis, Peng Youming decided to take the risk of personally going to Xuzhou to organize work and spy on the Japanese army's combat plan in order to smash the Japanese army's operation with a positive attitude.

Within a few days, Lu Yao learned that Peng Youming had been arrested by Little Japan.

This was a warning signal, and Lu Yao immediately started to act according to the original plan.

When Little Japanese soldiers began to invade Lingbi Mountain, he disguised a regiment as the main force of the base area, and took Little Japanese to travel around Lingbi Mountain.The other teams all took the company as a unit, quickly jumped behind Little Japan, and regrouped.

If it weren't for the heavy military strength of Little Japan this time, Lu Yaoda could launch a surprise attack on Little Japan from behind.

But this time it didn't work. Little Japan's military strength consisted of two battalions of infantry alone, followed by an artillery battalion.What troubled Lu Yao the most was that Little Japan didn't seem to be in a hurry to catch up with the team pretending to be the main force, and seemed to enjoy the feeling of chasing after them and not being able to catch anything.

For a whole day and night, Little Japan's team still gathered together.

Even if it is a surprise attack from behind, the final result is head-to-head, which is not what Lu Yao wants to see.

At the temporary assembly point, Lu Yao unfolded the map and meditated on the map.

Soon, he figured out why.

Little Japan is only restraining Lingbi Mountain, and its real intention is to deal with Erlang Mountain.

Lu Yao immediately ordered the telegraph operator to send a report to Erlang Mountain to inquire about the situation, but after the telegram was sent, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no sound.

Lu Yao didn't know that it was because Little Japan had interfered with the signal in the Erlang Mountain area, and he thought that the team at Erlang Mountain had already been dispersed by Little Japan...

Lv Yao, who was suddenly in a cold sweat, immediately ordered the team to move towards Erlang Mountain.

Even if Erlangshan's team was beaten and disabled by Japan, the whole army should not be wiped out. Lu Yao didn't dare to ask for anything else, but only hoped that he could rush there in time to clean up the mess for Erlangshan and gather the remnants.


Zhang Luohui led more than a hundred brothers dressed up as Japanese soldiers, and swaggered towards the checkpoint where the Japanese army blocked the mountain road.

Relying on his familiarity with Keigo Yamashita and the Japanese with a strong Tokyo accent that he was forced to train, Zhang Luohui successfully deceived the little Japan in the bayonet.

After entering the territory of Erlang Mountain, the brothers seized the time to take off the dog skin of Little Japan. When changing clothes, the brothers who were close to Zhang Luohui became very interested in the details of how Zhang Luohui cheated Little Japan, and pestered Zhang Luohui , and asked Zhang Luohui to chatter with them.

Changing his clothes, Zhang Luohui explained with a smile: "I told them that we were sent by the officer under the mountain to inspect the border of Erlang Mountain and see if there are any signs of breaking out of the siege."

"It's that simple?"

"It's a coincidence, didn't the little Japanese at the bayonet call Yamashita Keigo? I was so nervous that I was going to die. If I got through the phone, wouldn't we be completely exposed? Hehe, heaven has eyes, Keigo Yamashita did not stay in Xuzhou City, and the phone was not connected. If I get angry again, I threaten them that if I delay the task assigned by Chief Yamashita, hehe, wouldn’t those stupid pigs let them go quickly?”

Although the brothers saw the process Zhang Luohui described, they did not understand what happened because of language barriers.Now that they understood the whole process, everyone broke out in a cold sweat.

After changing their clothes and checking their weapons, the hundred people continued to march toward the depths of Erlang Mountain.

Zhang Luohui stayed in Erlang Mountain for nearly two years and was quite familiar with Erlang Mountain. Under his leadership, the brothers rushed to the vicinity of the cave very quickly.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, the cave was extremely calm up and down, but some figures were faintly seen moving on the top of the mountain where the cave was located.

Are those figures Erlangshan's brothers or Little Japan?
Zhang Luohui thought about it, but couldn't figure it out.

Don't think about it if you don't understand it, this is Zhang Luohui's consistent practice.

"Brothers, hide it well, hurry up and rest, when it gets dark, let's cooperate with the sixth master and beat the little Japanese hard!"

The place where Zhang Luohui led the hundreds of brothers to ambush was only a small hill away from Little Japan's buttocks. Standing on a high place, holding a telescope, he could clearly observe Little Japan's movements.

According to Zhang Luohui's instructions, the brothers each found a comfortable place to drink water and eat, but Zhang Luohui was not idle, and carefully observed Little Japan's formation with a telescope.

He needs to determine the command post of Little Japan, and he wants to take out the command post of Little Japan in one fell swoop as he did a year ago.

Before Zhang Luohui knew the location of the Japanese command post, he discovered a strange behavior of the Japanese army: Little Japan was mobilizing tanks.

How useful can tanks be in fighting in this mountainous area?

Zhang Luohui thought about it, but couldn't figure it out.


After Han Hongxun sent Xiao Zhonghe away, he immediately called all the officers above the division to discuss the war.

Most of the officers and brothers above the regiment participated in the Jiajiawang breakout battle two years ago, and they all received Ye Tufei's life-saving grace, so their feelings for Ye Tufei were not fake at all.

However, the unfair treatment that Ye Tufei received at Erlang Mountain spread to Master Han Hongxun. The brothers all complained about Ye Tufei, and some brothers who were more impatient even complained to Master Han. Come closer to their ranks.

Han Hongxun is a sensible person. Although he doesn't know what task Mr. Yunong entrusted to Ye Tufei, he knows that this task must be extremely secret and important. What happened to Ye Tufei in Erlang Mountain may have been done on purpose by Ye Tufei .

However, although Han Hongxun understood, he couldn't tell his brothers. This involved the top secret of the party state. He, Han Hongxun, could not violate the discipline of the party state because he wanted to appease his brothers' resentment.

When Han Hongxun said that he was going to help Erlang Mountain out of danger, the brothers immediately exploded.

"Go to help Erlang Mountain? Go to help that boy's ruthless Communist Party? Boss, you won't be sick and have a fever and be confused!"

"Then how did the Communist Party treat Ye Liuye? Brother, Ye Liuye is kind to us. They treat Ye Liuye like this. It's fine if we don't vent our anger on Liuye, but we have to help them instead?"

"Ye Liuye's brothers from the Loyalty Church are really true. Their sixth master has suffered such a big grievance, and these idiots are still willing to follow the Communist Party. Master, the life of their Communist Party is life, our brothers, life is not dead?"

"I just say one word, let me fight my life with Little Japan, nothing else, let me save those ruthless beasts, there is no way!"


When everyone was about to vent their anger, Han Hongxun stood up and said: "From the overall situation, what is the relationship between Erlang Mountain and us? It is a strategic lip-to-teeth relationship! You don't know the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold." Do you understand? Erlang Mountain is over, then the Japanese army in Xuzhou can join forces with the Japanese army in Suyu County to attack us, and you are not leading troops to fight every day, I don’t want to talk about this truth.”

When Han Hongxun talked about the strategic truth, all the officers and brothers shut up. They admitted that Mr. Han was right, but no matter how right he said, they were unwilling to help Erlangshan.

Han Hongxun saw all of this.

He smiled, paused briefly, and said something that instantly changed everyone's minds.

"From a small point of view, your great benefactor and good brother, Ye Tufei, the chief bandit of Erlang Mountain, Ye Liuye, is now besieged by the little Japanese in Erlang Mountain. Save it or not, you can decide!"

Han Hongxun treated the brothers' doubts with a serious expression. After 1 minute, the brothers confirmed that this was definitely not Master Han's trick, and Ye Tufei was really trapped in Erlang Mountain.

The biting northwest wind suddenly turned to a warm southeast wind.

"Master, just give me an order directly, I just have one request, our regiment must be the main force, advance forward!"

"Boss, our regiment has a brave style, and this sudden task belongs to our regiment!"

"Brother, entrust me with the sudden task. If you don't save Ye Liuye, I'll come and see you!"


Han Hongxun looked at the gang of wolves and tigers under him with a smile, and he felt solidly relieved for Ye Tufei, his brother who had been worshiped, to come here.

"Okay, you guys don't want to fight any more. If you miss the time, it's too late for you to regret it!"

Han Hongxun stopped the brothers' sudden fight, and began to arrange a battle plan.


In the evening, the preparatory work for the drilling and blasting of Little Japan on the top of the mountain was completed. Following an order, each blasting point exploded one by one, and thousands of rocks of all sizes rolled down one after another.

Not to mention, there are many capable people in the Little Japanese Army, and the level is high. After this blasting, more than [-]% of the fallen rocks and rocks rolled down the mountain according to the pre-conceived route. When the rocks rolled down, Keigo Yamashita Proud.

"Yoxi, as long as we do this again, the imperial tanks will be able to attack the entrance of the cave without hesitation! Ho, ho, uh, Ye Tufei, as long as I blow up the entrance of the cave, you can rest in peace!"

The huge blasting sound also shocked the brothers in the cave. Looking out from the entrance of the cave, although the panorama cannot be seen clearly, some of the densely rolled down rocks can still be seen.

Ye Tufei immediately understood Little Japan's plan.

"No, they want to rebuild the path to attack the mountain!"

(End of this chapter)

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