Bandit Camp

Chapter 264 rush out

Chapter 264 rush out

Ye Tufei went to the entrance of the cave to inquire. After such a blast, the rocks rolled down almost filled up one-third of the valley below the cave. If it happened again, the carefully crafted path at the entrance of the cave would lose its advantage. It is still difficult for infantry to attack, but it is no longer able to defend against the armored vehicles of Little Japan.

After such an analysis, Yamashita Keigo's trick became clear.

Ye Tufei immediately thought that Little Japan probably wanted to use tank guns instead of flat-firing guns to block the entrance of the cave with artillery fire.

How to crack this conspiracy of Little Japan?
Ye Tufei found a quiet place and lay down slowly. He couldn't be in a hurry, he had to calm down.He told himself that there was still time. Little Japan had been quiet for more than three hours before the explosion this time, so it would take at least three hours to complete the next explosion.

Three hours later, the sky was completely dark, and Little Japan's movements would be even slower. Maybe he could survive tonight, but what about tomorrow?

Yan Xiwen has not sent back the telegram that he is out of trouble. Did he get lost in Erlang Mountain or was blocked by Little Japan again?

Xiao Zhonghe has not heard from him until now. He went to look for Han Hongxun. Did he see Han Hongxun or did he not see Han Hongxun?Did Han Hongxun agree to send troops to help or not?

All of a sudden, all kinds of questions popped up, lingering in Ye Tufei's eyes and ears, lingering and lingering.

In this state, how can we come up with a good strategy to deal with Little Japan.

It was getting dark, and Duguyu brought Ye Tufei a freshly prepared meal, a bowl of stewed pork and potatoes plus two big steamed buns.

"Master Liu, looking at the momentum of Little Japan, he wants to fill in the path to attack the mountain!"

Ye Tufei was also relieved, he ate the steamed buns with vegetables, and replied vaguely: "Yes! If they do it again, they will basically be able to drive the tank to our door."

"Rush out?" Duguyu finished picking out the sliced ​​meat in her bowl, and then looked for the target in Liu Ye's bowl: "You have the most meat in this bowl, and you robbed the rich and gave to the poor, ha ha."

"What did you say?" Ye Tufei suddenly put down his chopsticks and asked eagerly.

"Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor?"

Ye Tufei ignored Duguyu, he stood up, paced back and forth, muttering to himself: "Rush out? Rush out! Well, it's better than waiting here to die!"

Duguyu quickly pulled out the sliced ​​meat from Ye Tufei's bowl, and stuffed it into her mouth: "Well, ¥%@&..."

Ye Tufei stopped, turned to look at Duguyu: "What did you say?"

Dugu Yu swallowed the piece of meat in his mouth, and repeated what he said just now: "Little Japan never imagined that we would fight trapped beasts."

Ye Tufei frowned: "Surprisingly, it is natural to have a three-point advantage, but Little Japan's troops at the foot of the mountain are not ordinary, and it is not very sure to rush out!"

Duguyu continued to pick and pull in Ye Tufei's bowl twice, but he couldn't get any more meat, so he gave up. He rolled his eyes and replied, "Then, doesn't the little Japanese still want to get some stones?"

Ye Tufei suddenly smiled and said: "Good idea! Dugu, this pork is really worth it!"

What Duguyu reminded Ye Tufei was that they could take advantage of the timing of the rolling rocks and rush down the mountain after the rocks. This idea seemed unreliable at first glance. The rolling rocks do not have any patriotic spirit. If you get hit, your head will be bloody.

If the time to rush out was too early, the brothers would be mixed among the rolling rocks, and before they saw Little Japan, there would probably be almost as many casualties.If the time to rush out was too late, failing to keep up with the momentum of the rolling rocks, and allowing Little Japan to deal with it calmly, the nearly 200-meter downhill road would have become a living target.

But this kind of difficulty is very simple for Ye Tufei.

Although the movement of the rolling rocks on the mountain is chaotic, it can be heard clearly in the cave. The sound of the rolling rocks above the cave entrance and the rocks that have already fallen below the cave entrance can be heard in the cave. is completely different.

"Let the brothers hurry up to eat and rest, and when Little Japan explodes again, we will rush out!"

Although it was safe to be nested in the cave, it was very aggrieved. When the gang of bloody men heard that Ye Tufei was going to lead them out, they all became excited, and the cave was filled with howling and howling.

Three hours later, Little Japan carried out the second mountain rock blasting.

This time, the movement was even bigger than last time.

Ye Tufei waited at the entrance of the cave, listening to the sound of rocks rolling from above the cave.


Ye Tufei rushed out of the cave first when he judged that the rocks above the cave entrance were scattered.

I really want to thank Little Japan for preparing for Ye Tufei's charge.The mountain road originally built by Ye Tufei was not suitable for charging at all, and the narrowest section could only accommodate a single person. If he rushed down the mountain like this, I am afraid that Little Japan could send everyone away with a single machine gun.

Now, both sides of this mountain road are full of rocks. Although it is quite difficult to jump on the rocks, it is not too difficult for these guys who have been hanging out on the mountain.

The three hundred brothers rushed down along the momentum of the rolling rocks.

When the momentum of the rolling rocks slowed down and stopped, Ye Tufei and the others who rushed to the front had already exchanged fire with Little Japan.

The little Japanese soldiers at the forefront of the Japanese army's position were completely unprepared. They were still immersed in the shock of the rolling rocks just now. Under the sudden blow, they would inevitably lose their positions.

In addition, those who rushed to the front were all god-like figures, Ye Tufei, Duguyu, Li Zhongyun, Luo Zhonggang... Those who played with guns were all killed by one shot, and the rest of them were not very good at playing with guns. Luo Zhonggang carried a backpack of special hand grenades.

Luo Zhonggang's special grenade is very interesting. The iron skin wrapped on the outside is very thin, and the lethality when it explodes is not great, but the explosives inside are very distinctive, and they belong to the kind of special effects that have been added.

The little Japanese, who was a little bit more excited, immediately realized that those murderous gods who were killing people with guns and guns were not terrible. It is definitely a blessing to die happily after being shot by them. If they are targeted by that guy who throws bombs everywhere Yes, if you throw one on your side, the taste...can make people choke to death!

After the God of Killing came out, there was Ye Tufei, a group of special forces trained by himself behind him, and this group of people was not much worse than the previous few in playing with guns.

A big hole was torn open in Little Japan's forward position, and the hole continued to expand rapidly and deeply.

Three hundred heroes of Erlang Mountain charged at the opening with the fastest speed, and soon the battle turned into hand-to-hand combat.

When charging down from the mountain, Ye Tufei took two shell guns. Now that he ran out of bullets, he didn't have time to change the magazine, so he snatched a small Japanese long gun with a bayonet, and pierced three small guns in a row. Japanese throat.

Duguyu's skill is no less than that of Ye Tufei, he was influenced by Xiao Zhonghe, and he always carries a thin knife on his body. At this moment, this thin knife is flying up and down in Duguyu's hand, specially stabbing the pair of Japanese Zhaozi, in a blink of an eye, the two little Japanese said goodbye to Guangming.

Although Li Zhongyun is best at sniping, when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, it is difficult to pick out an evenly matched opponent among the small Japanese. He used a trick to deceive a small Japanese in front of him, and then swung the butt of his rifle, It hit the little Japanese hard on the forehead.Just after finishing cooking this one, another little Japanese rushed over with a bayonet in his hand. Li Zhongyun flipped the spear in his hand, turned the direction of the spear, and shot with a 'snap', hitting the one who had just jumped up. The eyebrows of Little Japan.

With these three big killers rushing to the front, and dozens of special forces members, these little killers followed closely behind, Little Japan's formation quickly collapsed.

However, Little Japan has strong and well-trained troops after all. In a short period of time, the second formation naturally formed and launched a counterattack against the heroes of Erlang Mountain.

Although the level of hand-to-hand combat of the three hundred soldiers in Erlang Mountain is obviously higher than that of Little Japan. In the first wave of fighting, they even achieved a killing result of more than 1:10, but these heroes are after all ordinary people with physical bodies. Not a steady stream, but a gradual consumption.

Little Japan killed a batch and added another batch. After killing the second batch, the third batch was waiting.

Gradually, the strength of the heroes of Erlang Mountain could no longer be sustained, and the number of casualties began to increase and accelerate.

"Horizontal rush!"

Ye Tufei assessed the situation and made timely adjustments.

The brothers also realized that if they continued fighting like this, although everyone could pull at least two or three Little Japans to be the bottom, it would be difficult for people like themselves to survive, so they quickly changed the tactics of hand-to-hand combat.

At the beginning, the brothers charged and slashed at will, but now they were not strong enough, so they consciously took out the formation that they usually practiced. Three people formed a group, and the three groups formed a character formation, taking care of each other. , Retreat with the attack.

The three hundred brothers formed a formation of more than thirty, followed Ye Tufei, changed the direction of the attack, and attacked the flank of the Japanese position horizontally.

Little Japan is not a vegetarian either. The frontal pressure eased a little, and he immediately realized that the enemy had changed the direction of attack. Without the command of the commander, a squadron rushed over and blocked the hero of Erlang Mountain head-on.

Just when Ye Tufei and the others were besieged again and could only fight with all their strength, there was a sudden burst of intensive gunshots right in front of them, that is, right behind the Japanese squadron that blocked the way of Ye Tufei and the others.

Amidst the random gunshots, a slightly hoarse voice rang out: "Master Six! Here we come!"

However, although this voice was loud, it was still drowned out by the gunfire, and almost none of the heroes of Erlang Mountain could hear this voice.

Except for senior practitioners like Ye Tufei and Duguyu, who have excellent ears.

Duguyu took a break during the slaying, looked sideways at Ye Tufei, and said, "It's a gray mule!"

(End of this chapter)

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