Bandit Camp

Chapter 265 Coupling

Chapter 265 Coupling
Could it be Zhang Luohui and his hundreds of brothers!

Zhang Luohui and the others have been lying in ambush on a mountain just behind the Japanese army. Not long after the ambush, Little Japan carried out the first rock blasting.

Rocks of all sizes rolled down the mountain, filling one-third of the path below the cave entrance. Zhang Luohui saw Little Japan mobilizing tanks again. No matter how slow his reaction was, Zhang Luohui could understand Little Japan's intentions Sinister intentions.

Same as Ye Tufei's reaction, Zhang Luohui also found a quiet place to lie down, he needs to think hard and see if he can come up with a good way to break Little Japan's trick.

It's a pity that there is no one around Zhang Luohui who can remind Duguyu at critical moments, and it's even more pity that Zhang Luohui can't really think deeply about a problem like Ye Tufei.

Zhang Luohui thought about it, and fell asleep.

Zhang Luohui was awakened by Little Japan's second blasting of rocks. He turned over and was just about to take a look with the binoculars when he heard gunshots from the Japanese army's position in front of him.

The gunshots were dense, but also very short, followed by shouts of killing all over the mountain.

Only then did Zhang Luohui realize that it was his brother from the cave who rushed out.

Assemble the team as quickly as possible, and then rushed down the mountain. In order to be quick, Zhang Luohui chose the route around the next mountain.

It's just such a coincidence that this detour was really the right one, and it got behind the Japanese squadron that blocked Ye Tufei and others' horizontal attack.

A Japanese squadron is less than 200 people. They are also reacting under stress. They don’t think about the backhand at all. They are alive. They only consider the backhand to slow down Ye Tufei’s lateral impact speed and buy time for other Japanese combat units. In order to re-enclose the Chinese bandit army.

The Japanese squadron with less than 200 people was rushed to the front by Ye Tufei and others, killing and injuring dozens of people, and was shot by Zhang Luohui and other brothers indiscriminately behind him, and dozens of people returned to Dongpu. The squadron became half a squadron, and the number of casualties continued to rise.

The squadron leader of the Japanese army was not an ambiguous person either, he still held his saber high, encouraging the soldiers to fight the enemy.

Before Zhang Luohui and the others attacked, Li Zhongyun was under a lot of pressure. Seeing that the Japanese squadron leader was upset, he couldn't spare his hand to greet him.

When Zhang Luohui and the others started to attack, Li Zhongyun's sense of pressure suddenly decreased. He finally found a gap, raised his gun and shot at the Japanese squadron leader.

Although this shot failed to directly kill the Japanese squadron leader, the result was better than directly killing the squadron leader.

Li Zhongyun's shot just entered the Japanese squadron leader's mouth and pierced through the ear, and knocked half of the man's face away.This kind of injury would not directly kill a person, but this kind of injury looked extremely tragic. How could the squadron leader's two attendants let the commander ignore them, and they immediately carried the squadron leader to evacuate outside the battlefield.

This withdrawal wiped out the fighting will of the little Japanese who were already falling rapidly.

Hand-to-hand combat relies most on the spirit of daring to go all out. This spirit is absolutely maintained by the will of the soldiers. Once the will to fight is gone, the entire team will lose its fighting power.

The Japanese squadron resisted a few more times symbolically, and then dispersed to both sides.

Zhang Luohui was the first to rush to the Erlangshan brothers: "Master Liu! Where are you, Master Liu?"

Ye Tufei kept rushing to the front, and of course he was the first to see Zhang Luohui: "Grey mule, I'm here!"

Zhang Luohui rushed over, before he could say anything more to Ye Tufei, he turned his head and pointed: "Master Liu, let the brothers follow me, let's retreat quickly!"

After saying hello, the brothers brought by Zhang Luohui turned around and became the front team, followed by the brothers from Erlang Mountain, and they quickly retreated towards the mountain where Zhang Luohui had ambushed.

If they can get rid of Little Japan so smoothly, then the combat effectiveness of Little Japan's team will be too weak.Ye Tufei and the others were able to meet up with Zhang Luohui and the others and evacuate smoothly, it was only because of the two consecutive sudden attacks, and there was a coincidence in it, that is, Zhang Luohui's attack point happened to block Ye Tufei's way Those little Japanese backs.

Little Japan finally woke up after a series of unexpected blows, and immediately organized forces to pursue Ye Tufei and others.

The distance between the two sides is not far, at most it is only 40 meters.

However, one is because it was dark, and the viewing distance of the pursuers was only 30 meters, and the other was because Ye Tufei and the others were too familiar with the mountain roads, they were constantly changing directions.Therefore, although Little Japan pursued closely, it was unable to effectively kill the deserters in front.

Li Zhongyun asked Ye Tufei for instructions while running: "Master Liu, do you want to turn around and bite them?"

Without waiting for Ye Tufei to answer, Zhang Luohui on the side replied: "If you want to bite, take a big bite, but now is not the time."

Ye Tufei immediately understood Zhang Luohui, this guy must have arranged for an ambush when he retreated while charging.

Sure enough, when everyone turned around a mountain ridge and there was a forest in front of them, Zhang Luohui ordered: "Everyone is there, turn around and fight!"

Before the words fell, and before the brothers had time to stop, they heard dense gunshots behind them.

What is toughness?
Toughness does not mean being able to run away after launching a surprise attack on the enemy.The real toughness is that in the process of fleeing, he dared to turn around and bite the pursuers fiercely.

Zhang Luohui was strong enough. He had ambushed more than 20 brothers on the edge of the forest to break the rear. When the guns fired by the brothers behind the rear, he asked all the brothers to stop and turn around to fight.

Ye Tufei was stronger than Zhang Luohui, and his understanding of turning around and fighting turned out to be a counter-charge.

Woods, ambushes.This was enough for the little Japanese who were chasing after them to drink a pot, but just after drinking this pot, Ye Tufei gave them another bucket.

More than 300 brothers, more than 300 guns, including dozens of light machine guns, and the counter-charge of this group of people still formed a counter-encirclement situation.

In the time it takes to make a shit, Little Japan dropped another sixty or seventy corpses.

The pursuers suddenly became deserters.


Ye Tufei accepts as soon as he sees a deal, and never loves to fight.


Xiao Zhonghe was alone, and sneaked into Erlang Mountain along the secret mountain path that only he and Ye Tufei knew.

In order to avenge his teacher, Xiao Zhonghe devoted himself to studying various skills of dealing with Japanese ninjas for the past ten years. Unknowingly, he was quite familiar with the various skills of Japanese ninjas.

For Xiao Zhonghe, walking through the mountains to debate positions is really simple.

However, Erlang Mountain is really too big, and Yan Xiwen and the others have been unable to walk out of Erlang Mountain along this secret road. They must have lost their way on the way. In this way, if Xiao Zhonghe wants to find Yan Xiwen, he can only rely on his intuition up.

But this intuition is based on theoretical analysis. Xiao Zhonghe closed his eyes, brought the topography of Erlang Mountain to the fore, and carefully analyzed the places where Yan Xiwen was most likely to lose his way.

Choosing the most likely one, Xiao Zhonghe immediately adjusted his direction and ran over.

Xiao Zhonghe's estimation was correct. It was because Yan Xiwen and the others lost their way in the mountains that they couldn't go out of the mountain for a long time. However, the place where he lost his way was not the most likely place analyzed by Xiao Zhonghe.

This is not the main problem.

Although Yan Xiwen and the others lost their way, they did not give up their efforts to continue finding their way. That is to say, what Xiao Zhonghe was looking for was a dynamic target, but this target turned back and forth within a radius of several miles, leaving behind The traces are all messy.

Even so, Xiao Zhonghe still displayed his powerful tracking ability.Three hours later, when the sky was getting dark, he finally found the troops led by Yan Xiwen.

Before he had time to say a few words, he heard a huge rumbling sound of explosions coming from the direction of the cave.

This kind of movement is obviously different from the explosion of artillery fire. The brothers couldn't figure out what happened to Ye Liuye, and one of the brothers said something extra: "Could it be that the cave was blown down by the little Japanese?"

Although this possibility is very small, all the brothers are concerned about Liu Ye's safety, so this small possibility is infinitely magnified.

"Commissioner Yan, Liu Ye and the others must have been sealed in a cave!"

"Commissioner Yan, let us go back and save Master Liu!"


For a moment, the brothers forgot the joy of being found by Xiao Zhonghe, and all of them were worried.

Why is Yan Xiwen not worried about Ye Tufei's safety, and why does Yan Xiwen not want to go back to save Ye Tufei.However, he kept Ye Tufei's instructions in mind, and must lead his brothers over Mount Erlang and jump out of the siege of Little Japan.

Yan Xiwen knew very well that if he went back now, he would be besieged by Little Japan together with Ye Tufei, and Ye Tufei might be dragged down.Only by completely jumping out of the siege of Little Japan and being able to move freely outside the encirclement of Little Japan can it pose a real threat to Little Japan and be a real help to Ye Tufei and others.

But how should he explain this truth to his brothers?
When Ye Tufei came back this time, the hearts of the entire team were united. If he ignored Ye Tufei's safety at this time, what would the brothers think?
Fortunately, Xiao Zhonghe still maintains a clear mind. Fortunately, brothers all know that he, Xiao Lao Liu, has been by Ye Liuye's side during this time, and he can basically represent Ye Liuye when he speaks.

"Brothers! Is our sixth master so easy to deal with? Why did the sixth master ask us to withdraw from Erlang Mountain first? To put it nicely, it is the sixth master who is saving us. To put it bluntly, it is the sixth master who is idle about us Too much, it will hold him back! Brothers, will you obediently obey Liu Ye's words and follow me out of the mountain, or do you have to go back stubbornly and hold Liu Ye back?"

Xiao Zhonghe's voice is not loud, and his speech speed is not too fast, but every word Xiao Zhonghe said is beating the hearts of his brothers.

Don't listen to Liu Ye's words, go back and hold back Liu Ye, who would be willing to do this!

(End of this chapter)

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