Bandit Camp

Chapter 266 Counterattack

Chapter 266 Counterattack
Three hours later, Xiao Zhonghe led the team to the border of Erlang Mountain smoothly, and merged with the team of the brigade commander of the Yellow River.

Huang He carefully sized up the leaders brought by Xiao Zhonghe, and then asked in doubt: "Where is the sixth master? The master said on the phone that he was here to meet the sixth master? Didn't you tell me that too?" ?"

Only then did Xiao Zhonghe have time to tell Huang He the details.

"Nonsense!" Huang He suddenly felt a sense of being used.

Ye Tufei was kind to him back then, even if Huang He sacrificed his life to save Ye Tufei, Huang He would not hesitate at all.However, it is no wonder that Huang He has no temper when he was asked to run such a long distance with his soldiers just to meet a team controlled by the Communist Party.

"You people! Do you still have morality in your heart? Let the coach cut off the queen for you? You..." Huang He was so angry that he couldn't speak, slammed the door, turned around and left.

How could the leaders bear this humiliation, all of them were filled with righteous indignation, but after a few words of quarrel, they found that what Brigadier Huang said was not wrong at all, and it was really unreasonable to ask the coach to cut off the queen for him!

The pressure suddenly appeared in front of Yan Xiwen again.

The opinions of the brothers are unified, that is to say, they have to go back to help the sixth master, even if the whole army dies in battle, it is better than being a shrinking turtle and being laughed at by others.

Yan Xiwen knew very well that at this moment, everything he said was superfluous.

Back then, when Hu Xiaozhou was dealing with Ye Tufei, neither he nor Peng Youming could protect Ye Tufei. Although the problem was all on Hu Xiaozhou and Peng Youming, he was somewhat affected by this incident, and his prestige among his brothers was frustrated. Not a small degree.If he raises objections at this time, I am afraid that the brothers will naturally relate to the original incident, then he may lose control of this team.

Power doesn't matter to Yan Xiwen, the key is that if he behaves like this, it will probably affect Ye Tufei's overall plan. If Ye Tufei can't be rescued by then, and if he joins the team, it will be a loss of capital.

Yan Xiwen cast his eyes on Xiao Zhonghe for help, hoping that Xiao Zhonghe could stand up and dissuade the brothers at this time.

However, Xiao Zhonghe turned his head to the side, pretending not to see it.

The reason for doing this is because Xiao Zhonghe's thoughts at the moment are completely consistent with everyone's. It's just because of Yan Xiwen's face that he didn't open his mouth to express his opinion.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Huang He suddenly turned back.

"Six Brothers Xiao, who is Officer Yan Xiwen? Our Master Han is looking for his phone number!"

Yan Xiwen stood up with embarrassment.

To say that Huang He didn't know Yan Xiwen is pure nonsense. Yan Xiwen and Han Hongxun were old acquaintances during the Battle of Taierzhuang. Later, Yan Xiwen borrowed troops from Han Hongxun and had a drink with Huang He. After that, Huang He raised his troops to help Erlang Mountain. I had another drink with Yan Xiwen in Erlang Mountain.After meeting so many times, how could Huang He not recognize Yan Xiwen.

But Huang He couldn't bear to hold his breath, so he used this method to express his dissatisfaction with Yan Xiwen and others, and Yan Xiwen naturally had nothing to say.

During the phone call, Han Hongxun told Yan Xiwen that his troops had been fully deployed according to the battle plan. If there was a strong attack, I was afraid that Little Japan would not be able to get satisfactory results if he took precautions. Therefore, he suggested that Yan Xiwen lead his troops as bait to attract the troops through the Erlang Mountain Valley Passage. The Japanese army on the east side entered the ambush circle they had set up.

Yan Xiwen couldn't help being a little hesitant about Han Hongxun's battle plan. He didn't believe that Han Hongxun could mobilize enough troops in such a short period of time to ambush the small Japan with nearly a thousand troops in the east valley.

Han Hongxun laughed loudly on the phone, and said: "Old Yan! You don't believe in my ability to lead troops! I won't say anything else, just talk about this phone call. Can you understand how I put the phone on the phone?" Did you receive it from Brigadier Huang?"

Yan Xiwen was taken aback. Yes, the Yellow River came to meet them. The exit of this secret mountain road is at least [-] miles away from the exit of the valley passage on the east side of Erlang Mountain. How could he, Han Hongxun, move so fast?

Han Hongxun laughed again: "Let me tell you, Ye Tufei told me to do some preparations on the east side of Erlang Mountain. Do not understand?"

Of course, Yan Xiwen could understand that what Han Hongxun meant was that Ye Tufei had anticipated today's situation, so he asked Han Hongxun to carry Erlang Mountain on his back to make some preparations near the east exit a long time ago.However, Yan Xiwen couldn't figure out how Ye Tufei had such great energy to mobilize Han Hongxun.

The two discussed some tactical details on the phone before ending the call.

Putting down the phone, seeing Huang He's expression changed from cloudy to clear: "Brother Yan, it's up to you brothers whether you can introduce Little Japan into the pocket arranged by Mr. Han."

Yan Xiwen nodded solemnly, and said: "Don't worry, Brigadier Huang, according to Master Han's arrangement, you are all responsible for blocking the back of Little Japan, and the burden on you is not light!"

Huang He held Yan Xiwen's hand: "Brother Yan, Huang He is just a martial artist with little education, how offended you were just now!"

Yan Xiwen smiled and said: "I can understand, to be honest, our brothers are all losing their temper at me too! It's all right now, being able to lead the little Japan on the Eastern Front into Mr. Han's pocket is not only able to solve Ye Tufei's Difficulty, maybe we can turn defeat into victory!"

Huang He nodded slightly, and said: "Yes, if this battle can be fought well, Little Japan will have to be honest for at least a year or so."

Time was running out, and it was inconvenient for the two of them to chat more, so Yan Xiwen returned to the brethren.

As soon as Han Hongxun's plan was mentioned, the brothers immediately became excited, and the depression and indignation just now were swept away.

The next step is to discuss what to do to attract Little Japan firmly.

Everyone quickly discussed.However, after all, there will be objections to every approach.

Time is flowing bit by bit, and the timing of action will be affected if this discussion continues. However, if a good solution is not thought of, Little Japan will never be fooled and give up his position and obediently follow them into Han Hongxun's arrangement Under the ambush circle.

At this time, Xiao Zhonghe made a suggestion, which only had three words: "Bandit Camp!"

Bandit camp?
The brothers suddenly felt their eyes brighten!
At this moment, they don't know the situation on Ye Tufei's side. They think that as long as the banner of the bandit camp is raised, Little Japan will think that Ye Tufei is in this team, and Little Japan's strategic thinking is to inherit the Chinese art of war, You must understand the principle of capturing the thief first, then you will spare no effort in chasing them.

Without further ado, Yan Xiwen immediately borrowed fabric and needlework from Huang He. A few seniors spent nearly half an hour clumsily, and finally made a big banner that could be seen clearly.

"Let's go!" Yan Xiwen gave the order, and Brother Qianyu of Erlangshan stepped on the road as a bait.

The pocket arranged by Han Hongxun is in a narrow mountain pass about five miles northwest of the exit of the valley passage on the east side. The strategy of luring the enemy discussed by Yan Xiwen and Han Hongxun is to choose a trail exit known to Little Japan, and to deal with the Japanese troops who are responsible for blocking the exit there. Make a strong attack, attract reinforcements from Little Japan, and then retreat to Han Hongxun's pocket.

The selected exit of the mountain road is not far away, and it is more than ten miles away from Yan Xiwen's current location.

Thousands of brothers were eager to save people, and ran all the way, and it only took more than an hour for more than ten miles of mountain road.

At [-] o'clock in the morning, when the sky was just getting brighter, Yan Xiwen commanded troops to launch a strong attack on the Japanese army that blocked the mountain road.

Although there are not many blockade troops in Little Japan, they are well prepared, their fortifications are solid, and their firepower is strong. They will never be eaten in a short while.

The commander of Little Japan was very calm, directing the battle while observing the enemy's situation.Under the dim morning light, he saw the banner of the enemy's 'Bandit Camp' on the opposite side!

Without hesitation, the commander of Little Japan sent a message for help to the large army, saying that he had encountered a breakout from the main force of Erlang Mountain.

The commander of the Japanese army on the eastern front immediately reported the situation to the supreme commander of the campaign, the commander on the western front.

If there is no gap between the Colonel and Keigo Yamashita, and he can discuss this information with Keigo Yamashita calmly, then the battle situation will be different, because Keigo Yamashita has already confirmed Ye Tufei's location, what he wants is not No matter how many armed men in Erlang Mountain were killed, he only wanted one result, and that was Ye Tufei's life.Therefore, Keigo Yamashita would never make the decision to eat up that group of bandit soldiers who broke through.

However, the Colonel was suffocated because of Yamashita Keigo's arrogance and conceit. Now that he heard the news of the discovery of Erlangshan's main force from the east, he immediately made a decision and unswervingly devoured this group of bandit soldiers. .

Your Majesty's idea is to kick Yamashita Keigo hard when summing up the battle in the future. You Yamashita only cared about personal grievances, and you fought with Ye Tufei. You lost so much, and you still haven't been able to pluck out a handful of Ye Tufei's hairs. But me, talking and laughing, wiped out the main force of Erlang Mountain.

It is clear at a glance who is more credited!
After the Japanese army on the eastern front got the order, they immediately ordered the Japanese army that had exchanged fire with Yan Xiwen and the others to stick to the enemy, and the reinforcements would arrive immediately.

Yan Xiwen and the others feigned an attack for a while, then immediately retracted, creating the illusion that Little Japan was going to find another way to escape. Little Japan didn't know what to do, and hurriedly followed the secret order of Chief Shangfeng to attack and stick to the enemy.

Seeing this, Yan Xiwen breathed a sigh of relief: "Little Japan has been fooled! Brothers, let's retreat as we fight, Master Han must be waiting impatiently."

The Erlangshan heroes who fought and retreated finally led the little Japanese and the nearly thousand Japanese troops who came to support them to Han Hongxun's ambush site.

(End of this chapter)

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