False Naruto of Naruto

Chapter 176 Uchiha Madara

Chapter 176 Uchiha Madara (1)

In a dark cave, there was only a figure sitting quietly, and the atmosphere was strange for a while.

"Really? Is that so?" But at this moment, an ethereal voice sounded, slowly echoing in the cave, only the voice was heard, but no person was seen.

"Yes", but the sitting figure was not surprised by the sudden voice, just nodded lightly: "That unicorn is really strong, stronger than we expected, although Last time, only me, Itachi and Guijiao were present, but I think that if we were all dispatched, we would not have much confidence.”

"Oh." And that voice, there was a faint oh, as if he was thinking about something, and then the whole cave fell silent again.

"Let's set out now to find the trace of that unicorn." After an unknown amount of time, the voice sounded faintly again, and said to the black shadow, "No matter what, we must definitely catch that unicorn , not only because its power can replace the tailed beast, but also, with the power of this beast, our probability of success will be greatly increased. Although this unicorn is difficult to deal with, but compared to collecting nine big tailed beasts , this task will not attract too much attention."

"En." I saw the black shadow, nodded as well, and said in agreement: "It's very eye-catching to collect tailed beasts one by one, but if it's just a unicorn, it's a bit more difficult in an instant. However, it is very straightforward, and there is no need to worry about attracting too much attention and causing unnecessary trouble, especially the current situation is so chaotic."

"Then you just arrange it. If you really can't catch it, I will help you." At this time, the ethereal voice said suddenly.

"Oh?" Hearing this, the black shadow's eyes flashed with surprise, and at this moment, he discovered that there were six concentric circles in his eyes, which were the eyes of reincarnation. Then, this The identity of the figure was almost revealed, it was Payne.

"Will you make a move?" Payne nodded slightly, said thoughtfully, and then smiled faintly, "Since you are willing to make a move, the probability of success is very high."

"Well, then you can do it now, and I will take action when necessary."

"That's good." Payne nodded lightly, "Then I will arrange people to investigate the whereabouts of that unicorn now. Speaking of this, Payne disappeared like a breeze in an instant, and the entire cave, It also fell into silence for an instant.

"嗤嗤", I saw a very slight sound of grass leaves, and suddenly a strange face rose from the grass, and I looked at it lightly, but I didn't see anything. Then, the face With a shrink, it disappeared in an instant.

"Hululu", and at this time, in an unknown cave, there was only a black unicorn sleeping soundly, but its sky-shattering purring sound strongly echoed in this cave. middle.

"Chi Chi." Very strangely, a plant suddenly appeared in the originally bare cave, and then, a strange human face rose from the plant, looking in the direction of the snoring, and then , his eyes lit up, "I found it", this person is the absolute best in the "Xiao" organization.

"En?" But at this moment, Qilin's snoring sound disappeared, his eyes slightly opened, and he looked around suspiciously, but he didn't see anything, only a cave. Stones, and an unknown plant, but nothing else.

He scanned with sleepy eyes, but still found nothing, only Qilin was talking in his mouth with unknown dreams, then he lay his head on the ground, fell asleep again, and then slowly, the snoring also slowed down. It rang slowly.

"Huh, it's so dangerous", I saw Jue at this time, but his face was covered with cold sweat. If he hadn't reacted quickly just now, he would have been torn to pieces by now, right?He definitely didn't think that if he was discovered, he might escape from Qilin's grasp.

"It's too dangerous." Hiding among the plants, through the gaps between the leaves, Jue glanced at the unicorn again in fear, and then the whole plant slowly disappeared on the ground.

"En?" Not long after Jue left, the Qilin who was lying on the ground suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the place where Jue was hiding just now. The plant that had just grown had disappeared. .

"Really?" Looking at the empty place, Qilin looked annoyed, "Why didn't I think of it just now? How could there be plants in this dark cave? Didn't think of it? But, no matter how much Qilin blamed himself, it is gone now, because Jue has escaped.

"Why do you always like to be so sneaky? Is it that damn desire again?" At this time, Qilin couldn't help but said angrily: "I always like to provoke me, why? Could it be that my methods are not bloody enough? Unexpectedly, three It is really unforgivable to disturb my sleep again and again."

But at this time, in the small cave where "Xiao" organized the party, everyone has arrived at this time, except for one person.

"Chi Chi", only heard the sound of grass blades rubbing against each other, and saw that the last one in the "Xiao" organization, Jue, finally arrived.

"How is it? Jue? Have you found it?" Zero, standing at the top, looked at Jue slowly appearing below, and asked indifferently.

"En", upon hearing Ling's words, Jue nodded lightly, "I found it!"

"Oh?" Hearing what he said, everyone present couldn't help being surprised, "Did you really find it? Where is it?" Zero asked Jue in a slightly anxious tone.

"In a cave on a small mountain in the Land of Thunder." He only heard Jue, and he replied slowly, and then, with a fright on his face, "That unicorn is really strong, I just hid far away from the pig I just glanced at it in the cage grass, and then woke it up, so vigilant."

"Huh?" Hearing Jue's words, Weasel and Guijiao were startled: Didn't expect Jue to be so strong?It was not discovered? ; Qilin's ability, except for Payne, no one knows better than them, it is absolutely unfathomable, but, unexpectedly found Qilin, and it has not been discovered yet?From this alone, we can see how strong Jue's ability is. It seems that no one in "Xiao" is mediocre.

But Didara said with a little disdain: "Is that unicorn really that strong? It scares you."

"Didara." And following Didara's words, Zero was born slowly, looking at Didara firmly, "Don't underestimate the power of that beast, that power is definitely not tail Beasts can be compared, even the strongest Nine-Tails, can't compare to that Qilin, and it's still far behind, you'd better pay attention to me in the future, don't know how to die by then."

It is undeniable that among the people here, Zero is definitely the strongest, otherwise he would not be the leader, and hearing Zero say this, Didara couldn't help but put away his contempt for them, since they are so If you say it, there is definitely a reason for them to say that.

(End of this chapter)

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