False Naruto of Naruto

Chapter 177 Uchiha Madara

Chapter 177 Uchiha Madara (2)

"Okay, since Jue has found the Qilin, let's set off as soon as possible, and all of you will be dispatched." At this time, Zero didn't have the patience to go on, but just dropped a sentence: "Give you two ten minutes. "Preparation time" and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Let's go." Scorpion said something to Didara lightly, then turned around and left slowly, and Didara also nodded, but murmured: "I don't know what happened this time." Can you give the unicorn to Art? It is really a very challenging task."

Hearing Didara's words, Xie Na couldn't help but froze as he crawled forward, and then walked forward as if nothing had happened, "It depends on your ability, but I don't think there is much hope, I didn't see Zero, Ghost Jiao and Weasel, did they all suffer from that unicorn?"

Hearing Xie's words, Didara tilted his head and thought for a while, then nodded lightly, "That's true, but I will still try my best."

"En." Scorpion nodded, "Just do your best, no matter what you say, you are also a great fighting force that is rare for us."Speaking of this, he paused, and then murmured in the same way: "I wonder if there will be a chance to make that unicorn into a puppet this time." Didara, who was following behind him, almost fell over go down.

As for Itachi, after seeing Zero leaving, he didn't know what expression it was. He just pinched the fingerprint on his hand, and the same disappeared as a gust of wind.

And everyone, one by one, left in various ways.

"Is it in that cave?" Payne looked at the cave lightly, and asked Jue next to him.

"Yes, that's the cave." Hearing Payne's words, a face appeared in the pitcher plant, and Jue nodded lightly and said.

"Okay, let's do it", I saw Payne waved his hand, and I saw only one person in the "Xiao" organization.Standing in a formation, both hands start to seal in sync.

One by one, complex and detailed seals appeared one by one in the hands of the individual, and on the ground, at an unknown time, a pale white formation pattern slowly appeared, exuding a trace of light.

"Buzz." I saw that the light of the magic circle became brighter and brighter, and the nine people became more and more solemn, and their expressions became more and more careful. Finally, after a long time, when everyone was almost exhausted, When everyone was sweating profusely, finally, the strong light disappeared instantly, and then, a faint "seal" flashed in the air, and the magic circle on the ground also disappeared invisible.

"Phew." With the completion of the magic circle, I almost sat down, panting heavily, looking exhausted. It seems that the magic circle just now consumed them a lot, and it can make them The members of the "Xiao" organization are almost out of power, so one can imagine its power.

"Okay, everyone hurry up and adjust your breath, don't expect to recover to the best state in the shortest possible time." After taking a few breaths, Payne threw a Bingliang pill into his mouth, Everyone said, and then sat down cross-legged and adjusted his breath.

Knowing that it was an extraordinary time, everyone just nodded silently, threw a Bingliang pill into their mouths almost at the same time, and then adjusted their breath, while time, like gurgling water, passed by gently.

Feng'er, the casual wanderer here, the blades of grass, chased by the wind, are dancing in the air playfully and laughingly, while the sun gradually rises up, and begins to look at everything below.

And "Xiao" opened his eyes one after another. After looking at each other, they all nodded silently, and then slowly stood up.

"Let me do what attracts the unicorns." At this moment, Xiao Nan suddenly said to Payne.

"You?" Hearing Xiao Nan's words, Payne frowned. Although she was the best candidate, the friendship between Payne and Xiao Nan has been very deep since childhood, and because of this, hearing If Xiao Nan said, Payne would be in trouble. This task is undoubtedly the most dangerous. If it is not done well, it will never come out.

"Don't think about it anymore!" Seeing Payne's furrowed brows, Xiao Nan certainly knew what he was thinking, "You have no choice, I am the most suitable candidate here, and only I have Opportunity can escape." Speaking of this, Xiao Nan pointed to the rest of the people, one by one, "If they go in, there is absolutely no way out."

Following Xiao Nan's fingers, Payne looked over one by one, Jue, Xie, Didara, Fei Duan, Jiaodu, Itachi, Guijiao, none of them are suitable, no matter who goes in, There is absolutely no possibility of surviving. Thinking of this, Payne's company moved away slightly, and then nodded slightly heavily. It took almost all of Payne's strength to move his stiff neck so slightly. A little bit.

"Then I'll go first, and you all get ready." Although the angle of Payne's nod was almost invisible, Xiao Nan, who was staring at Payne, could still see clearly. Then, after nodding, to After everyone said hello, they squeezed their fingerprints, and their bodies instantly turned into countless pieces of paper, and flew into the cave.

Seeing the shreds of paper flying from behind to the cave ahead, a gleam of crystal water appeared in Payne's eyes, maybe, this might be a farewell, after all, that unicorn's ability is too strong , Payne, just stared at the flying pieces of paper, and shouted loudly in his heart: Xiao Nan, you must come back safely, Yahiko has already left, I can't lose you again.

I saw those scraps of paper, turning into little butterflies, flying into the dark cave, making nine twists and eighteen turns, turning countless turns, almost all of them flew into the middle of the mountain. A burst of snoring was heard from far and near.

The flying speed of the pieces of paper is getting slower and slower, and the sound of flying has disappeared. I can only see the pieces of paper suspended in the air, slowly moving forward, almost groping forward, and the thick and thick unicorn The snoring sound became more and more clear.

"Huh?" The moment Xiao Nan entered the cave where Qilin was sleeping, Qilin's snoring suddenly disappeared without any warning. Then, Qilin's eyes suddenly opened, looking angrily The few pieces of paper that came in let out an angry growl.

"Roar." I saw those shreds of paper suddenly turned into pieces of blades, retreating back, but how could the Qilin who was awakened be willing to let go?With a roar, he chased after him.

"The space is shattered!" I saw Qilin uttering words, and after running out of the cave where he slept, he said coldly to the pieces of paper floating forward in front of him.

"Ah!" Only a female voice screamed, and the pieces of paper rushed forward in a panic, but a few drops of bright red blood fell down.

"The space is solidified!" Seeing that the move didn't have much effect, Qilin roared, and suddenly, all the flying pieces of paper stopped, and they were still in the air strangely, but of course, Qilin couldn't just let it go, I saw Qilin said coldly: "The space is cracked".

In the trembling of those pieces of paper, a black lightning bolt slowly appeared in the still space, and it became bigger and bigger. It was a crack in the space, and a trace of suction also emerged from the crack in the space. , Those pieces of paper, affected by the suction, are slowly moving towards the crack in that space.

"No", at this moment, a female voice suddenly sounded desperately in the shredded paper, but it still couldn't change her fate of being sucked into the space crack.

(End of this chapter)

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