False Naruto of Naruto

Chapter 190 Tianyu VS Angle

Chapter 190 Tianyu VS Angle (2)

In the flash movie, I saw two figures rushing out of the small town like black lightning, which startled a wave of wild animals in the small town.

Coming out of the small town, the tens of miles of road was completed in almost an instant under the mutual pursuit of Jiaodu and Tianyu.

I saw that on a wide grassland, the angle in front of me suddenly stopped without warning, and then Tianyu also stopped. After looking around, I nodded secretly in my heart. It's not bad to come to fight, and it's sparsely populated.

I saw Koto, who was wearing a robe with a black background and red clouds in front of him, turned around slowly, and looked up and down Tianyu with a little surprise. This is what Payne said that the strength will not be lower than ours person?No matter how you look at it, you are just a young man, "You must be a member of the 'Bury' organization, right?" Surprise is nothing but surprise, but Jiaodu still asked calmly.

Without a trace, he glanced at Jiaodu's robe, but Tianyu didn't answer, he folded his hands on his chest, raised his brows slightly, and with a half-smile expression on his face, he also asked lightly: "I think you also It must be a member of the 'Xiao' organization."

Hearing what Tianyu said was not a denial, Jiao Du pondered for a while, and then resolutely took the shot. At his age, he was only a young man in his twenties, how could he have power comparable to his own?Based on such doubts, Jiaodu decided to prove it.

I saw a strange squirm on Jiaodu's body, and four masks appeared on his body in an instant. From a distance, it looked like a person with five faces, which was indescribably weird and beautiful.nausea.

"Wind escape breakthrough!" I saw one of the masks opened its mouth, and suddenly a powerful wind escape ninjutsu took shape, and blasted fiercely towards Tianyu.

Looking at the Fengdun Ninjutsu that was fiercely blasting towards him, Tianyu did not have the slightest dignified expression, as if he hadn't seen this menacing and powerful ninjutsu at all. Picking, looking funny at the wind-dun ninjutsu blasting over, "Is it a ninja using Fengdun?" He raised his right hand slightly as he spoke.

In Kakuzu's shocked eyes, his powerful wind escape ninjutsu disappeared strangely when the other party raised his hand.

Seeing that there were almost no signs, his big breakthrough was strangely cracked by the other party. Kakuzuna, who had a slight disbelief in Payne's words, disappeared immediately, watching vigilantly with a nonchalant expression on his face. Tianyu's eyes froze, and he shot again, but this time it was replaced with another mask.

"Fireball Fireball Art", I saw the red mask opened its mouth, and suddenly a huge fireball appeared. The fireball with a diameter of more than three meters was more than one meter taller than Tianyu's height. Like a big meteorite, it slammed over fiercely. Following the menacing fireball, a deep mark was plowed on the ground, and there was a burst of blue smoke.

However, under Jiaodu's staring gaze, Tianyu slowly raised his hand again, and then, his menacing fireball became smaller and smaller, and when it reached Tianyu's front , only the size of a thumb, and then dissipated with a soft "pop".

Lifting his face slightly, there was a strong contrast between the teasing expression on Tianyu's face and the solemn expression on Jiaodu's face, and he smiled lightly, "Is that all? Is this the power of 'Xiao'? Disappointed", at the end, Tianyu shook his head gently and said.

However, facing Tianyu's sarcasm, Jiaodu was not angry. The situation just now was too weird. Before everything was clear, Jiaodu was also in a state of ups and downs.

"Thunder escapes pseudo-darkness!" "Water escape, water dragon bullet technique!" "Earth escape, ground thrust!" I saw that Jiaodu really couldn't think of any way, and testing was still necessary. I saw the other two masks, plus myself The three mouths suddenly opened, and two powerful ninjutsu took shape instantly, blasting towards Tianyu.

I saw Tianyu made a slight wrong step, his body flashed, and he quickly retreated more than ten meters, dodging the sudden stab that came out of the ground without warning, and then raised his hand slightly, only to see the false darkness of Jiaodu. , also disappeared strangely.

"Huh?" Seeing that only two of his three ninjutsu were activated, and seeing Tianyu's movements, Jiaodu raised his eyebrows in surprise. His water escape ninjutsu failed?Then I felt it, and I was shocked, there is no water element in the air?How is this possible?Could it be.

Is this the other party's trick?This is the only explanation. Looking at Tianyu vigilantly, it is indeed worthy of the strength that Payne said can be compared with us. It is really strong. It can only shield the water element in the air. In this way, In front of him, the ninja who escaped by water is almost like a tiger whose teeth have been pulled out.

Fire escape ninjutsu is invalid, water escape ninjutsu cannot be activated, wind escape ninjutsu and thunder escape ninjutsu are also invalid, it seems that only earth escape ninjutsu can be used?Gazing slightly at the calm Tianyu, Kakudo quickly analyzed in his heart.

Alright, that's it. Not long after, Kakuzu's eyes froze, "Huo Dun is working hard!" "Wind Dun's breakthrough", I saw the two masks on Kakutsu's body opening their mouths at the same time, "Compound Ninja Fire Cloud Storm" .

"Huh", I saw the fire escape ninjutsu and wind escape ninjutsu appearing at the same time, turning into a red scorching wind, spreading towards Tianyu, the seemingly slow spreading speed, but strangely, it reached Tianyu almost instantly.This is not just the fire mixed with the wind, but the product of the qualitative change between the chakra of the wind attribute and the chakra of the fire attribute.

"Oh? Have you finally used compound ninjutsu?" Looking at Kakuzu's move, Tianyu also became slightly serious, and flipped his hands, "Wind escapes the wall of wind!" Although the wall of wind is just an ordinary A Super ninjutsu, but after being used by Tianyu, the defensive power of this Fengdun has been greatly improved.

I saw that at the moment when Tianyu's wall of wind quickly formed, that piece of fire cloud enveloped Tianyu. However, Jiaodu's move is not just that, the fire cloud storm, now only sees the fire It's just a cloud.

I saw Jiaodu's originally open right hand, facing Tianyu's direction, with a firm grip: "Storm".

"Boom", I saw that the originally docile fire cloud surrounding Tianyu instantly rioted as if a few drops of clear water were sprinkled in a large area of ​​concentrated sulfuric acid, and then, there was a huge explosion sound.It exploded violently. It seems that the so-called storm does not mean a strong wind at all, but refers to the wind of the explosion.

"Ah." Amidst Jiaodu's sneer, Tianyu's wind wall instantly shattered, and there was a loud scream from inside.

"Huh! Has it been solved?" Looking at the slowly dissipating fire cloud, Jiaodu secretly said coldly, this trick of his own is because he was caught off guard. Although the fire cloud is strong, ordinary powerful people can Resisting, but just when the other party breathed a sigh of relief, a strong explosion occurred in that instant, which was an invitation to the god of death. Jiao used this trick, and he did not know how many strong people were solved.It works almost every time.

However, before Kakudo could heave a sigh of relief, Kakudo's eyes shook, his hair stood up for a while, his figure flashed in an instant, and he dodged in the distance, but it was too late.

At the moment when Jiaodu wanted to avoid it, a figure suddenly sprang up from the ground like lightning, and a high-speed spinning wind ball in his hand slammed down on him fiercely. The tricks simulated by the blueprint.Although Helixwan is very complicated and not easy to learn, Tianyu, who is the darling of Fengshen, learned Fengdun's ninjutsu, which has a multiplier effect with half the effort.

I saw the high-speed rotating wind, like a compressed rotating tiny blade, instantly crushing the flesh and blood blocking in front of me. Amidst a shrill scream, I saw Tianyu's hand, from the corner Inserted from the back of Du, protruded from the chest, passed through the chest, Tianyu clearly felt that Jiaodu's heart had been shattered by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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