False Naruto of Naruto

Chapter 191 Tianyu VS Angle

Chapter 191 Tianyu VS Angle (3)

Feeling the opponent's heart that had been torn apart by him, Tianyu flicked his right hand, throwing Jiaodu's body down, "It's over".

I saw Tianyu stretched out his hand, and in an instant, countless winds swirled wildly around his arm, and then, the blood on his hand was blown away by the whirling strong wind that appeared out of thin air in the blink of an eye.

"I've been out for so long, Xiaoyuhe should be worried, right?" I saw Tianyu walking towards the distance, and I felt a little worried in my heart, but at this moment, a warning sounded in my heart, thinking I didn't even think about it, Tianyu was just a fast lateral movement.

A bloody light flashed across, although Tianyu avoided the fatal part at the critical moment, a gash was still opened on Tianyu's arm.

Turning around quickly, Tianyu looked at Jiaodu who was slowly getting up from the ground in surprise, "You. What are you doing? Are you getting up again?" Looking at Jiaodu who was slowly getting up, Tianyu felt uncomfortable for a while. I dare to believe that what I felt just now was not wrong, I have definitely torn his heart apart.

"Have you been dodged?" Slowly getting up from the ground, looking at Tianyu who just had a cut in his arm, Jiaodu said with a little disappointment, why did he escape by surprise?But then, he really smiled: "It's just a heart, I can survive without it, hehe".

A weirdo who can survive without a heart?Hearing Jiaodu's words, Tianyu secretly said in shock, but there was no expression on his face, he just looked at Jiaodu who got up from the ground indifferently: "Really? Can you survive without a heart? Then I will take your heart. The body is completely torn apart."

"Are you going to tear my body apart completely?" I saw Kakudo grinning, "Then let's split up into a few more bodies." As he said that, under Tianyu's shocked eyes, there was a strange feeling on Kakudo's body. He squirmed, and saw three figures wearing masks differentiated from his body in an instant. That's right, they were differentiated, not clones.

"En?" Looking at the three masked people and Kakuzu in front of him, a trace of doubt flashed in Tianyu's surprised eyes, and then he suddenly realized and laughed: "So that's all, haha."

"What are you laughing at?" Looking at Tianyu who was laughing wildly, Jiao couldn't help feeling a little angry in his heart, is this looking down on people?
"It turns out that your so-called kerosene-broken heart is what happened." As if he didn't hear Kakudu's slightly angry voice, Tianyu only stopped himself and laughed wildly until he had laughed enough. Pointing at the three masked avatars, he said with a chuckle: "You originally had four masks, but now you can only separate into three avatars, that is to say, I destroyed one of your hearts, So you have a mask that can't be differentiated?"

Hearing Tianyu's words, Jiaodu was silent for a while, and then said: "So what? I will use yours to fill the broken heart."

There was a disdainful arc at the corner of his mouth, and Tianyu said lightly: "Really? Do you want my heart? Then you can get it if you have the ability, but don't pay for the last few hearts instead. ".

"Really?" Jiaodu's eyes narrowed slightly, with a dangerous light shining inside, "If you have the ability, you can destroy it."

I saw the corners of Tianyu's mouth slightly curled up, "Since I can destroy one of you, I can destroy the second, the third, and even the third." Speaking of which, he had a bright smile on his face, but his eyes were twinkling. Cold eyes: "Even the fifth".

"Huh." When Tian Yu said "fifth", his eyes suddenly turned into absolute zero killing intent, as if a gust of wind was blowing up, making Jiao feel an inexplicable chill.

Losing people does not lose power, I saw that although I felt a little bit of chilling in my heart, I couldn't see any traces on Kakuzu's face, "Really?? Want to destroy all five of my hearts? Can you Can it be done?"

"Is it possible to do it? Then how will you know if you don't try? Besides, haven't I already returned one?" Tianyu looked at Jiaodu with the tip of the needle pointing at the wheat, and Tianyu said softly, with a faint murderous look, Appeared slowly, and feeling Tianyu's murderous aura, Jiaodu didn't say anything, and the aura of the two of them slowly increased.

"Earth Dungeon Tangwu!" I saw a clone of Jiaodu wearing a brown mask, and launched the attack first. I saw his hands pressed on the ground, and instantly a wall of earth rose up, forming an upside-down bowl. Yes, they surrounded Tianyu.

Looking at the earth wall that surrounded him menacingly, Tianyu instantly turned into a sharp arrow off the string, and retreated quickly, but at this moment, a clone with a fiery red mask beside him also activated, "The Art of Fire Escape Fire Dragon".There was a sky-shattering dragon chant, and a thick fire dragon roared and rushed towards Tianyu.

"I don't have time to play with you anymore." I saw that Tianyu suddenly thought of something, a trace of anxiety flashed across his originally calm face, and then he saw a pair of blue wings spread out suddenly behind him , is the additional function of the uniform on the Wings of Wind!

I saw the wings on Tianyu's back flicked fiercely, and Tianyu instantly turned into a firework that rose straight to the sky, and flew to the sky in an instant, looking at the Jiaodu below faintly, "Today your heart is soaring!" Store it here first, and if I want it another day, I will come to you to get it."

"What? Do you want to escape?" Although he was shocked by the wings behind Tianyu, how could Jiaodu agree so easily when he saw Tianyu who wanted to leave?Just now he destroyed one of his own hearts.

"Thunder escape and thunder fall", I saw Jiaodu's hand fluttering in a daze, and then, the sky suddenly darkened, a large black cloud that could not be seen appeared out of thin air, covering the area, and then , Countless spherical thunderbolts fell from the sky like rain, and smashed fiercely at Tianyu in the sky.

"Wind escape wind whirl wall protection!" I saw Tianyu pinched his handprints, and suddenly a high-speed rotating wind wall surrounded him, bounced all the thunder balls that fell, and then, slowly in the air Turning around slowly, he looked at Kakuzu impatiently, "What? Are you courting death? I don't have that much time to play with you!"

"Fire escape and fireball technique!" However, what Tianyu answered was a huge fireball, and that huge fireball viciously blasted towards Tianyu who was floating in the sky.

Looking at Jiaodu below angrily, I saw the veins on Tianyu's forehead bursting out of anger, "Since you don't want to live, I will teach you a lesson."With a wave of Tianyu's hand, the huge and menacing fireball disappeared strangely out of thin air.

Uh, here again?what is this?Why is my fire escape ninjutsu, but before I finish thinking about the angle, Tianyu's attack arrives, "wind escape wind strangle".

I saw that Jiaodu felt a burst of hairs standing on end, a warning sounded in his heart, and suddenly retreated like lightning, and in the process of retreating, Jiaodu only saw a strange distortion of the space in front of him, a piece of The leaves blown by the breeze were instantly smashed into pieces, and a chaotic wind of strangling quickly spread out.

"Huh." Seeing Kakuto retreating quickly, Tianyu snorted coldly. He is the nemesis of ninjutsu-type ninjas. If he was not afraid of Xiaoyu waiting for him, he would really have to accompany him today. He was playing, thinking of Xiaoyu, Tianyu's mood became anxious again, this early in the morning, when he woke up, he found that he had disappeared, how anxious should she be?

"Let's come here first today, and the last trick is a super gift bag for you." When Tianyu said this to the corner below, his hands flew quickly: "Feng Dun".

(End of this chapter)

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