Chapter 329

"I'd better talk to Qingyin." Suddenly Naruto raised his head and said to Tianyu, "After all, this happened because of me. Qingyin became like that, and I cannot shirk my responsibility."

"En." Hearing Naruto's words, Tianyu pondered for a while, nodded, and said in agreement: "That's fine, if you go there, at least it's better than no hope, but I want to tell you." Speaking of this, Tianyu looked at Naruto seriously and said: "I think even if you go, it won't have much effect. You'd better be prepared to return without success."

"En." Naruto nodded, and said: "I also know that looking at her like this, her heart has changed a lot, but as long as there is a glimmer of hope, we have to help her, right? Besides, we haven't worked hard yet. If you haven’t worked hard, how do you know you won’t succeed?”

"Well, then you should go there early, here is the address." Speaking of this, Tianyu slowly handed over an information paper, and said: "Also, if you don't have time, you can go directly to Konoha Go to the village to watch a play, Danzo is there, I know you will definitely go, and, last time your teacher Iruka died, Kairen Village was also one of the main culprits."

Speaking of this, Tianyu paused slightly, gave a wry smile, and then said: "We won't pass this time, after all, our strength is far behind yours now, if you can't solve it, it's useless for us to go together , and it will drag down your actions."

"Eh." Hearing Tianyu's words, Naruto was slightly stunned, and then said with a wry smile: "What's the matter? Just you guys, if you just pull one out, you are also a strong man at the top of the Ninja Pyramid."

"I know." Tianyu nodded lightly and said, "But in front of you perverts, we are nothing."

Hearing Tianyu's words, Naruto almost fell to the ground, raised his hand to wipe the sweat that was not there on his forehead, rolled his eyes helplessly, and said, "Are you praising or hurting people?"

"Hey." Seemingly satisfied with Naruto's reaction, Tianyu smiled triumphantly, and said as a matter of course: "Why? You are so strong, it seriously hit our self-confidence, and let me lose a few words. What's the relationship? Let's talk about it." Tianyu twitched his mouth slightly when he said this, and said: "I'm not hurting you at all, I'm just explaining the facts. Tell me yourself, aren't you perverted?"

Hearing Tianyu's words, Naruto originally wanted to repay the past, but thinking about his third-level demon pupil ability, immortality, plus the blood succession limit that can imitate anyone at will, as well as the kaleidoscope and dragon tooth With the increase of the blade, his powerful space ability, no matter which one it is, is a very abnormal power, right?
"How is it? Have you nothing to say?" Seeing Naruto who couldn't find anything to refute, Tianyu smiled evilly, stretched out his hand to hook Naruto's neck, and said jokingly: "Admit it now? Little abnormal!!"

"I'm ready to die now." Hearing Tianyu's words, Naruto said helplessly, rolling his eyes, and then, in Tianyu's triumphant laugh, he changed the subject helplessly and said, "It's not too early Now, I'll go to Qingyin's place first." Speaking of this, Naruto looked pained, and said: "I hope I can save her back."

Hearing Naruto mentioning this matter, Tianyu's expression became serious, but Naruto couldn't find the prank in the depths of his eyes, and said: "Actually, I have a way, I can guarantee that I am absolutely [-]% sure Qingyin changed her mind, do you want to know?"

"Oh?" Hearing what Dai Tianyu said, Naruto's eyes lit up, and he asked in a slightly eager tone: "Really? What can I do?"

"Ah." Hearing Naruto's words, Tianyu did not answer in a hurry, but shook his head first, and said with a sigh: "Heart disease still needs heart medicine, in fact, this heart disease only needs to be treated with the right medicine, so I say ", Speaking of this, Tianyu's eyes flashed a hint of teasing, and said: "As long as you can accept Qingyin, I think she will definitely change her mind."

Being tricked, this is the only thought in Naruto's mind, he looked at Tianyu viciously, and said: "It's up to you to say? The problem is that I can't accept it, otherwise", when Naruto said this, his eyes were full Painful, his voice became stiff and choked with sobs, and he said, "Otherwise, Qingyin wouldn't be like this, and Yakumo wouldn't have died."

Speaking of this, Naruto and Tianyu were silent for a while, and a sad atmosphere spread between them.

"Okay, it's time for me to go." After a long time, Naruto calmed down and said, breaking the sad atmosphere, and said: "Then I will go first, if there is no time, I will go directly to Mu Ye Cun is dead, your injuries are still not healed, pay attention to rest and recuperate."After speaking, the blue wings on the back of Naruto's team uniform spread out and shot towards the sky.

It's not that Naruto doesn't want to use space to move directly there, but that he can fly over like this so that he can look at the scenery along the way, think about things, and reflect on his own soul. In such a world full of killings, this is a must. If you have to use space to move wherever you go and do anything, then your own efficiency in doing things will be too high. High efficiency is a good thing, but if it is too high, people will be too tired, and in this world full of killings, If you can't let yourself be relieved, you will collapse sooner or later.

Just like in the previous life, a very simple mobile phone can make people work and live more efficiently and at a faster pace. However, high-paced work and life will bring about fatigue, whether it is physical or mental exhaustion. , Over time, the human spirit will be distorted or even collapsed.

But Tianyu, looking at Naruto who left far away, sighed inexplicably, then shook his head and walked towards the hall.

When he returned to the hall, it was rare that everyone was not in the brain, but all sat in the hall and practiced quietly. This made Tianyu slightly puzzled: what happened?What day is it today?

After thinking about it, although he couldn't think of what special day today is, Tianyu had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and then smiled wryly, it seems that you are all stimulated by Naruto's perverted strength?But it's normal to think about it, the feeling of being useless like this is really annoying.

"Tianyu, come and meditate with us too." Seeing Tianyu walking in, he greeted with the wind.

"Ah? Oh." Hearing Suifeng's greeting, Tianyu nodded and said, "It seems that everyone was stimulated by Naruto? Are you cultivating so hard?"

"Irritated? Cultivation? What did you say?" However, Suifeng asked in confusion when he heard Tianyu's words.

"Um, don't you all practice so desperately because you were stimulated by Naruto's terrifying strength?" Seeing Suifeng's unclear expression, Tianyu asked blankly.

"What are you talking about?" Suifeng rolled his eyes involuntarily, and said: "It's not because of that, Naruto's pervert, how could we compare ourselves with him? Let alone something exciting, Heming People who are perverted are definitely masochists, and they are purely looking for blows on their own."

"Then what are you?" Tianyu asked with a blank face at the moment.

"We're making a bet to see who can sit in meditation for the longest time, and whoever wins in the end can have our sister wash his clothes for a month." Speaking of this, Suifeng looked happy, and then said anxiously : "Let's not talk about it, you can also participate, I absolutely can't let others win, but my sister has never washed my clothes."

However, before Suifeng finished speaking, he screamed, "Oh, Tianyu, what's wrong with you? Why did you lie down on the ground?"

(End of this chapter)

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