False Naruto of Naruto

Chapter 330 Demon Flame Ghost Girl

Chapter 330 Demon Flame Ghost Girl (1)

Flying in the sky, looking down at thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, looking at the mountains and the forests retreating quickly in front of my eyes, feeling the wind blowing on my face, in this environment, no matter who it is, it should be Feeling refreshed and happy, but Naruto, who is soaring in the sky at this moment, is full of bitterness in his heart. When he sees Qingyin later, he really doesn't know what to say.

Although the time of happiness is always short, such waiting with a little fear is also short. The more I hope that I will fly forever in the air like this, and never reach the destination, but it seems that the more Arriving quickly, feeling the faint fear in his heart, fearing that he didn't know how to face Qingyin, Naruto laughed at himself, when did he become so cowardly?Don't you have any responsibility for yourself?

Looking at the bustling ninja village under his feet, Naruto sighed slightly in his heart, he had to face it, and he would always face it. As soon as it was closed, it slowly landed.

"Ah, there are intruders", looking at Naruto swaggering down from the sky, if the ninjas in the ninja village below can't find it, then there is no need to exist, and they have been wiped out by other ninja villages long ago. As soon as a ninja shouted, dozens of ninjas appeared and surrounded Naruto tightly.

"Who are you!? What are you doing here!?" Dozens of ninjas looked at Naruto warily, and all of them assumed an offensive posture. It seemed that if one of them was wrong, all of them would charge. Coming up, one of the thin Jonin asked Naruto warily.

Gently raising his hands, Naruto showed a harmless smile, and replied: "No, I don't plan to do anything today, I'm here today to find someone."

"Who are you looking for!?" Apparently, the ninjas around would not relax their vigilance just because of Naruto's harmless appearance, but the thin Jonin still asked seriously, and the ninjas around did not show any signs of relaxation.

Seeing them still staring at him warily, Naruto rolled his eyes helplessly, and said, "I'm here to find a girl named Qingyin, I wonder if she's here?"

"Qingyin?" Hearing Naruto's words, a confused and puzzled look flashed across the thin Jonin's face, obviously he didn't know.

Looking at the doubt and confusion on the face of the ninja, Naruto knew what was going on, and hurriedly answered: "Her name is Demon Flame Ghost Girl, you should know it?"

"Oh?" Hearing Naruto's words, the guard on the Jonin's face still did not disappear. He stared at Naruto and said, "Do you know our leader? Then let me inform you, what's your name?"

"En." Naruto nodded lightly, and said, "Just tell her that Uzumaki Naruto has come to find her."

"What!!??" Hearing Naruto's words, the jonin body shook slightly, and then looked Naruto up and down in shock, before he said in disbelief: "You, you Uzumaki Naruto The legendary Uzumaki Naruto. The Uzumaki Naruto who destroyed Yunnin Village".Apparently how surprised this Jonin was, and asked several times in a row.

Nodding his head slightly, Naruto said flatly, "That's right, it's me."

"That's good." After hearing Naruto's acknowledgment, the thin Jonin looked more respectful, nodded and said: "Master Naruto, please wait a moment, I will inform the leader right away." After finishing speaking After that, a few dodges disappeared.

"It seems that the quality of this ninja village is not bad." After looking at the aura and demeanor of the ninjas around him, and then looking up and looking around the ninja village, he nodded secretly in his heart.

A moment later, when Naruto was looking at the ninja village, that ninja and Qingyin walked slowly from the end of the street.

"Naruto? What do you want me to do?" Qingyin came over, wearing a royal robe representing the head of Ninja Village. When he saw Naruto, his eyes flashed, showing a trace of admiration , a trace of guilt, and a trace of resentment, then, returning to his indifferent look, he greeted him lukewarmly.

"Eh." Hearing Qingyin's cold words, Naruto choked and couldn't answer for a while, then, with a helpless smile, said: "Qingyin, come back with me, after you leave, everyone I miss you a lot."

"Really? Everyone?" Hearing Naruto's words, Qingyin's indifferent face lightened slightly, then stared at Naruto with a pair of beautiful eyes, and said, "Are you included?"

He was slightly stunned, then Naruto nodded slowly, and said: "Of course, we are all companions, hurry up and go back with me."

His eyes dimmed slightly, Qing Leng returned to his indifferent look, and said, "Let me go back with you? I did that to Hinata, don't you hate me?"

"What did you do?" Naruto pretended to be stupid and said in a daze: "Why didn't I know?? I forgot it a long time ago. I only know that you are a companion in our funeral organization. Everyone misses you very much after you leave." And you, come back with me quickly."

"Really? Are you in the funeral organization?" Hearing what Naruto said, Qingyin obviously had a little more expectation on his face, and murmured.

However, then he suddenly returned to indifference, and screamed: "Don't lie to me again, I don't believe when I am a member of the funeral organization!? You never told me that you want me to join you You never cared about me at all, you didn't care about me at all, you are all liars, I don't believe it, I don't believe it", said the last Qingyin, the more he talked, the more excited he was, obviously being aroused by the grievances at that time .

With a slight pain in his eyes, Naruto looked at Qingyin guiltily. All of this was caused by his own negligence. Naruto looked guiltily at Qingyin who was excited, and said in a heavy tone: "Qingyin, you and I Go back, everything before was my negligence, and last time I planned to formally invite you into the organization."

"Really?" Qingyin who was screaming was stunned for a while, then stared at Naruto, and asked, "Did you really want to invite me to join the organization last time? Is it true?"

"En." Naruto nodded heavily, and said: "Last time, I talked with Tianyu, and said that as long as I meet you, I will talk to you about this matter."

"Really? Really?" A smile finally appeared on Qingyin's face, and he murmured, "Is there really a decision to pull me into the organization? Really?" There was hope on his face.

"No, you're a liar." Suddenly, Qingyin shouted excitedly again: "Then why didn't you tell me about that earlier? You didn't tell me for so long, but then you said you were lying to me again. You're lying to me again and I don't trust you anymore."I saw Qingyin screaming loudly, hot tears rolled down from the corners of his eyes to the ground.

"No! I'm not lying to you, I'm telling the truth." Qingyin's tears seemed to fall on his own heart, and Naruto also cried out with pain on his face: "I To be honest, at that time I really decided to draw you into the organization."

"No!! I don't want to hear that you're trying to lie to me again." Qingyin covered her ears with her hands and shook her head and shouted loudly: "I don't believe you anymore!! You're trying to lie to me again, I don't want to hear it" .

(End of this chapter)

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