Douluo: My martial soul connects all worlds

Chapter 109: Snake Girl Moon Charm

Chapter 109
The snake girl gave Qin Ke a grateful look.

Although she didn't know the snake girls who were caught.

But after all, they belong to the same race, and she also wants to save them.

By doing this, Qin Ke obviously intended to let them go.

After she picked up the ground-splitting knife with both hands, she went to split the cage that trapped the rest of the snake girls.

It's also strange that the snake girl seems to be able to pick up the earth-splitting knife that weighs nearly a hundred catties with ease.

Soon, more than a dozen snake girls captured by the skinny Dou Wang were released.

Qin Ke learned that there was actually a snake girl with the cultivation base of a Dou Shi!
This snake girl, named Yue Mei, with a five-star Doushi cultivation base, was originally a moderate leader.

However, she could only be ruthlessly suppressed when she encountered a human being at the Douwang level.

"Moon Mei?"

After Qin Ke heard the snake girl who followed him at the beginning, his expression was a little dazed.

This seems to be one of the eight leaders of the snake people, right?
But in the original book, her first appearance seems to be the cultivation level of Dou Ling, right?Why are you only a Dou Shi at this time?

Could it be said that he came to the time years or even decades before the plot?


Snake nodded.

Qin Ke looked at the snake girl named Yue Mei.

First of all...beautiful is quite beautiful, but it is not as good as the one who followed me first.

Qin Ke felt that he had good luck, and the snake girl who fell on his head was definitely a top-notch beauty, and he had never seen anyone who could compare with her.

This is also the reason why Qin Ke acquiesced that she was by his side. Among other things, it was okay to be seductive.

What a pity, what a pity...

It's like a fisherman caught a mermaid, only to be able to let her go.

Why did you let it go?

A: This fisherman is very kind.

C: Mermaid meat cannot be eaten.

D: Catching mermaids is a crime.

There is no reason why mermaids are ugly. After all, they are all called mermaids, can they be ugly?
Now everyone knows why the fisherman let the mermaid go?

Qin Ke is also facing such helplessness now.

At this moment, Yue Mei had an extremely hateful expression on her face.

Not hatred for Qin Ke, but hatred for other humans.

She is extremely proud in her heart, and has been working hard for the leadership of the snake-human race.

Who knew that she was captured by a shameful human being, this is a shame to her!

"What? You want revenge?"

After Qin Ke looked at Yue Mei, he opened his mouth and said.

The murderous aura on Yue Mei's body is very heavy!

It was Qin Ke who asked himself when he saw it.

No matter how angry Yue Mei was in her heart, she suppressed Qin Ke and spoke lightly when facing Qin Ke.

No matter what Qin Ke said, he was considered her savior.

Although the Snake Race is said to be enemies with humans and the Jia Ma Empire.

But the grievances are still clear.

Of course, this is limited to female snake people and strong snake people.

Those humble and lowly scum male snake people are not included in this list. They are as greedy and lustful as human beings, despicable and shameless.

"I can give you this opportunity to improve your cultivation a lot, do you want it?"

After Qin Ke thought about it, he made a decision in his mind.

Supernatural beasts are already useless in this world.

Even the last ultimate supernatural beast is extremely ordinary in this world.

Not to mention the Dou Di powerhouse, even Dou Sheng doesn't know how many ultimate supernatural beasts can be killed with a slap...

Of course, that is also placed in the environment of Dou Qi Continent.

In a small place like the Jia Ma Empire, supernatural beasts are still of great use.

However, Qin Ke also wanted to have a better understanding of the strength of the supernatural beast.

Low-end supernatural beasts may be about the strength of a great fighter.

After all, the Great Doushi can let go of his fighting spirit, not to mention splitting mountains, he still has the strength to smash rocks, and it is not impossible to kill supernatural beasts.

"What chance? As long as it makes me stronger! I can try it!"

Without even thinking about it, Yue Mei spoke directly.

The snake people are also the most powerful!

"Okay! If that's the case, then, I will give you great strength!"

Since Yue Mei wants to take the initiative to be her guinea pig, Qin Ke should stop putting on a show.

Take out the top five Realm King Beasts among the magic stickers.

The strength of the Realm King Beast shouldn't be any worse than the four ancient beasts!
And Yue Mei is a snake person, and she also has the blood of a snake!
It just fits the king beast!

The magic spirit stone belonging to the king beast is integrated into Yue Mei's body.

It may be that the power of the Realm King Beast is too strong, and Yuemei's screams and changes during fusion are much more violent than other people's fusion before!
Seeing his partner's appearance, the other snake girls who were rescued by Qin Ke couldn't help but retreat a little.

At this time, in their eyes, Qin Ke was no longer that "tall" lifesaver".

They felt that Qin Ke was gradually becoming the human beings who caught them...

A few minutes later, the black air surrounding Yue Mei's body disappeared.

Yue Mei looked up to the sky and let out a long cry.

Suddenly, a powerful wave of energy spread from Yue Mei's body.

There was a gust of wind and sand, and the snake girls couldn't help but hide their faces.

After the wind and sand subsided, the snake girls looked at Yue Mei.

At this time, above Yue Mei's body, a huge cobra snake spirit was churning.

"This... Refining the snake spirit... seems to require the cultivation of Dou Ling to do it..."

After seeing this scene, the snake girl couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

The strong of the snake-human race will refine the soul of a high-level snake-like beast, making it their own snake spirit to accompany them.

It can be said that the snake spirit should be the strongest trump card of the strong snake people.

Now, this Yuemei has a snake spirit?

That is to say, Yue Mei went directly from a five-star fighter to a powerhouse above Spirit Fighting?'s simply terrifying!

At this time, they had deep envy in their hearts.

It would be great if they were the ones who accepted the mysterious power just now!
"I am now... One Star Fighting King!"

Hearing what the snake girl said, Yue Mei opened her mouth in shock.

In an instant, becoming a fighting king directly, even if it is only a one-star fighting king, is extremely terrifying.

In the Jia Ma Empire, Yue Mei's strength has already been ranked among the top thirty.

This is not too strange, after all, a mortal body of the Realm King can defeat several armors by absorbing the power of the Realm King Beast...

This world also has it. For example, Xiao Yan was forced to absorb the Fallen Heart Flame and directly changed from a one-star fighting spirit to a nine-star fighting king.

"Thank you! Your Excellency, I am very grateful!"

Immediately, Yue Mei bowed down to Qin Ke and thanked him.

If it weren't for the fact that the snake people have no feet, only tails.

Maybe Yue Mei knelt down.

After all, first it was the grace of saving lives, and then this... the grace of teaching, it can be regarded as teaching.

Yue Mei didn't know how to repay her.


Qin Ke wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Also, if Yue Mei becomes the fighting king, then her status in the snake-human clan will definitely be greatly improved.

It shouldn't be a problem to ask her for some high-level martial arts and fighting skills after a while.

Moreover, it seems that the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire under the desert has not been obtained by Xiao Yan.

With Yue Mei's help, the possibility of getting it is not low.

(End of this chapter)

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