Douluo: My martial soul connects all worlds

Chapter 110 Killing the Double Kings

Chapter 110 Killing the Double Kings
Yue Mei was just about to take the snake girls out of here.

Uninvited guests have arrived.

The two fighting kings came flapping their little wings.

The two fighting kings inspected with the power of their souls, and naturally found the wind mouse that had just been beaten to death.

"Old style!"

After discovering Feng Mouse, the two fighting kings rushed to Feng Mouse's body.

After looking at it, he furiously said to Yue Mei: "Did you kill Lao Feng?"

Here, there is only Yue Mei, the fighting king!
Then, the one most likely to kill Lao Feng is naturally Yue Mei!
Lao Feng is their brother, and they have been fighting together since they were fighting masters, and finally the three of them became fighting kings!
The three fighting kings formed a group, and even the giants of the Jia Ma Empire would not dare to provoke them easily.

Who knew that a person would be lost today.

"I killed it. What's the matter? Is there any problem? No, the ring is still in my hand!"

At this time, it is impossible for Qin Ke to dump the blame on a woman.

Stand up and speak up.

He also tossed the ring.

It was the Najie of the Douwang strongman who was killed by him.

"Go to hell! Rockburst!"

The first to do it is the one who cares most about the wind mouse.

He is an extremely burly man, and he is practicing earth attribute exercises.

"Rock burst!"

He also has the worst temper. When he saw his old buddy's ring in Qin Ke's hands, he didn't care whether Qin Ke killed his brother or not, so he did it directly!

Qin Ke retracted his ground-splitting knife and stepped forward a few steps.

The boulder released by the big man was directly split into pieces.

One blow failed, and the fighting spirit wings of the earth attribute fighting king were reinserted on his back, and he waved his big fist to give Qin Ke a little love.

Coincidentally, Qin Ke just likes to fight in front of him.

After the earth attribute fighting king approached Qin Ke, Qin Ke threw out a punch.

The soul of the ground tiger was shot out again.

Facing this huge monster that suddenly appeared, the Dou Wang's whole body was condensed out of his body.

A suit of armor is created.

No matter how powerful the Soul of the Earth Tiger is, he is an earth attribute fighting king with outstanding defense.

The fighting king of this world already has the power to split mountains.


After the earth attribute fighting king retreated, another fighting king came bravely.

He is good at electricity!

"Your opponent is me!"

Yue Mei has just become a Dou Wang powerhouse, so she can come to test her own strength.

The two fighting kings in front of me, the snake people know something about them.

After all, these fighting kings are all living in the desert, and the snake people must do a good job in intelligence investigation no matter what.

They are just low-level fighting kings, and the strongest is no more than three stars, and they have already been killed by Qin Ke.

These two are just two-star fighting kings!

Although she said she was only one star, she could still fight!
The thunder attribute fighting king was entangled by Yue Mei, and Qin Ke was able to have a good time with this fighting king.

Strong defense?Qin Ke can take his time.

If one knife is not enough, then two, three knife!

Qin Ke swung the ground-splitting knife and slashed at him.

This earth attribute fighting king can only defend passively.

During the battle, Qin Ke suddenly thought that he could use illusion.

So, inadvertently, Qin Ke used Tiangong Phantom.

"Good boy, you still have this hand! It's a pity that your soul power is too weak!"

After Qin Ke used Tiangong Phantom on the Dou Wang, the Dou Wang was only in a daze for a moment, and Qin Ke came to his senses before he could do anything.

Dou Wang is not a rookie, although it is only for a short moment, but this Dou Wang also knows what Qin Ke has done to him.

Soul Attack!

What a pity, Qin Ke's soul is too weak!

Although it is said that Qin Ke's soul power has reached the soul master.

But this is the fighting king!The soul will not dissipate directly after death, but the fighting king who can keep the soul!
Qin Ke's current soul power, using Tiangong Phantom, has no effect even on the Dou Wang who is not proficient in soul power.

If it is at the Douwang level and is proficient in refining medicine, it will be useless at all.

"Boy, the donkey is out of skills? When my brothers get rid of that snake girl, then I can kill you! But I have to say, a snake girl at the level of a fighting king is really valuable! Hahahaha!"

Seeing that Qin Ke couldn't do anything to him at all, the fighting king laughed loudly.

His defensive power, even if it is a middle-ranked Douwang.It is not easy to break through!

"If that's the case, then I'm not being polite anymore! Die to me!"

Under the eyes of the Dou Wang, Qin Ke's shirt changed color again, this time it turned red.

This made the fighting king wonder if his eyes were blurred.

However, he didn't care. Could it be that after changing a suit of clothes, he could defeat himself?
Seeing that the Dou Wang didn't take him seriously, Qin Ke showed a smile instead.

Cut off with a knife!

The hell dragon gallops out.

The Dou Wang's face changed drastically, and he quickly turned his fighting spirit into Kai to resist!
But this time, the magic dragon directly shattered his invincible defense.

Qin Ke took advantage of the victory to pursue him and chopped off his head with a single blow.

This time, even the soul was not left behind.

Although Dou Wang said that a soul can be born after death, he is extremely weak and will not stay in this world for long.

How powerful it is, it can even directly obliterate the soul.

"Old Rock!"

Seeing that his other partner also died, the thunder attribute fighting king was furious.

But there are two fighting kings on the opposite side, what can he do?
Taking advantage of the time when the thunder attribute fighting king lost his mind, Yue Mei's snake spirit bit his hand.

Strong snake venom began to invade his body.


The thunder attribute fighting king let out a scream, used his fighting energy to suppress the snake poison, and then looked for an opportunity to detoxify.

He was ready to run away.

However, Qin Ke understands the principle of cutting grass and roots.

want to run?This is impossible, let's stay here obediently!
Qin Ke ran wildly in pursuit, just when the Dou Wang spread his wings and was about to rush into the embrace of the sky.

Qin Ke slashed directly from the back.

This fighting king will never be able to go to the sky in this life.

Qin Ke took off the rings of the two fighting kings.

These are his trophies, and he will naturally not let them go.

After all, Qin Ke is a newcomer in this world, and he is still poor.

If you can make money, you have to make good money.

"You have also taken revenge. They are just these three fighting kings. Go back to your tribe! Don't kill innocent people indiscriminately. You can kill those who should be killed, and don't move innocent people."

After putting away the ring, Qin Ke spoke to Yue Mei.

After listening to Qin Ke's words, Yue Mei glanced at Qin Ke a few times, but finally did not speak.

"What about you? Do you want to follow them back to the snake people?"

Qin Ke didn't ride camels anymore.

Because there was a carriage in the team just now, Qin Ke was going to take the carriage at this time.

After getting into the car, Qin Ke asked the snake girl who followed him at first.

"I... I'll go with you, wait for me..."

The snake girl ran over quickly.

For some reason, her instinct told her that she could not return to the snake-human race.

Under the watchful eyes of Yue Mei and other female snake men, the carriage driven by Qin Ke slowly disappeared into the vast desert.

(End of this chapter)

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