Chapter 111 Queen Medusa ([-]th update)

"You drive the car, I'll go to sleep, I'm exhausted."

After the snake girl got into the car, Qin Ke directly gave her the horse rope and said.

He was indeed tired after fighting for so long and killing three fighting kings.

Moreover, at this time, he can also take a good look at the net worth of these three fighting kings, and take a rest by the way.

"What! Let others do coolies!"

After what happened just now, Qin Ke naturally became taller and taller in the eyes of the snake girl.

Of course, Snake also felt that Qin Ke was getting more and more approachable.

Coupled with her exposed nature, she dared to play a joke with Qin Ke and act like a baby.

Needless to say, she drifted away.

However, Qin Ke didn't care so much, he was just wading in the carriage anyway.

And at this time, Yue Mei's side.

Yue Mei led the team to the snake-human tribe.

And not long after, the "official army" of the snake people appeared in front of them.

The leader is actually "Mebas", one of the eight famous leaders of the snake people, a rare fighting king among the snake people.

"Have you seen this snake man!"

Although he is said to be of the same clan, but he is a fighting king, with incomparable arrogance.

He didn't care about the snake girls in front of him.

Instead, he took out a picture scroll, unfolded it, and questioned these people.

This painting shows a female snake-man, who was captured by the snake-human queen and several elders personally!

If Qin Ke were here again, he would naturally recognize that the woman in this painting was exactly the follower who followed him.

After seeing the woman in this painting, the expressions of these snake people are very strange.

Because they only saw it about an hour ago!

"We haven't seen it!"

Just when the other snake girls were about to tell the story, Yue Mei spoke first.

Not to mention Qin Ke's kindness to her, just say that she is also a snake girl, and she doesn't think that the very ordinary-looking snake girl will do anything to endanger the tribe.

Therefore, she chose to lie!
"Did you really not see it?"

Mobas naturally noticed the expressions of the other snake girls.

He felt that the snake girl in front of him was duplicity, so he couldn't help but increase the volume.

Yue Mei was unmoved, while the other snake girls began to look at each other, their faces full of confusion.

This made Mobas even more convinced that there was a ghost in it!

"This woman was arrested by the Queen herself! If you dare to deceive, you should know what kind of crime and punishment you will receive!"

Mobas smiled coldly.

He couldn't believe what he said, these snake girls are still stable!

The majesty of the queen is deeply rooted in the hearts of the snake people!
"I've seen it before, what can you do to me? The queen personally ordered, if the queen really wants to punish, I will admit it! What can you do to me?"

At this time, Yue Mei burst out her aura.

Dou Wang's aura made the expression on Mo Bas's face serious.

Yue Mei's words, of course, directly proved that they had seen that snake girl before, maybe in a very short time.

But the opponent is also the King of Fighters!This made him a little uncertain.

Although he is also a fighting king, his level is not very high, and he is no more than a five-star fighting king now.

The gap between Dou Wang is not too big, he needs a lot of hard work if he wants to win Yue Mei!

"Stubborn, isn't it? Then let the queen decide!"

Seeing Yue Mei being so tough, Mobas smiled coldly.

Immediately released a unique signal belonging to the snake-human race.

Not long after, an extremely terrifying breath descended.

This breath made Yue Mei, who had just been promoted to Douwang, feel out of breath.

Not to mention those ordinary snake girls, they just lay on the ground.

"Mobas, have you found the target?"

Medusa, the queen of the snake-human race, spoke coldly.

"Queen Qi, the snake girls in front of me have seen traitors, but the leader refused to cooperate because of his cultivation as a fighting king!"

Mobas lowered his head belonging to the Dou Wang powerhouse to the queen, and spoke with great respect.

So what if he is the fighting king?The woman in front of me is the Dou Huang!And it's still a high-ranking Douhuang!

If you want to kill him, there are a few tricks!
However, because Mobas lowered his head, he didn't see a trace of displeasure on the queen's veiled face when he said the traitor.

"Oh? Which tribe are you from? As a fighting king, I have never seen you before?"

Seeing Yue Mei, Medusa was also a little curious.

There are not many fighting kings of the snake people, no more than ten, including the hidden strongmen of the snake people.

These are all the leaders of a tribe, or the elders who live in seclusion behind the scenes.

And there are fewer female fighting kings, only two or three.

Yue Mei, she has never seen it before.

"Queen Qi, I am the new fighting king!"

Yue Mei also had incomparable respect for the queen, so she answered adoringly.

This answer made Medusa frown a little.

There are not many fighting spirits in the snake-human race, and there are only a few high-level fighting spirits. She has seen all of these, and there is no such person as Yue Mei.

Of course, Medusa never imagined that the fighting king in front of her rose directly from a fighting master.

Medusa didn't delve into this issue, although Dou Wang said it was very important to the snake people.

But compared to that younger sister of hers, it was nothing worth mentioning.

"Tell me! When did you meet that snake girl?"

Soon, Medusa gets right to the point.

At this time, Yue Mei couldn't hide it anymore, so she told about Qin Ke.

After Yue Mei finished speaking, Medusa looked at the other snake girls.

After seeing the queen staring at them, those snake girls were all terrified.

After confirming that Yuemei was not lying, Medusa nodded to Mobas, and said: "You take them back to the snake-human race, and as for Yuemei, report to the elders and arrange duties for her. I will personally deal with the snake girl. go!"

Medusa naturally cherished her sister very much in her heart, otherwise she would not have offered such a high price that the three fighting kings would be tempted to buy or Snake Girl, just for her sister.

With her trail now, she didn't want to be forced to kill her own sister.

So, she plans to go alone.

Mebas is the most loyal supporter of Medusa. Of course, there are also reasons why this guy wants to be the queen's guest, so it is natural to obey the queen's words.

The queen disappeared immediately and went to the direction Yue Mei and the others pointed.

"Okay, let's go back!"

After watching the queen leave, Mobas looked at Yuemei and her party, and said calmly.

Yue Mei always felt that something bad would happen, and finally said: "I'll go back later, you guys go first!"

After finishing speaking, he also manipulated his fighting spirit wings to chase the Queen's direction.

"Damn guy! Come back to me!"

Seeing Yuemei disobeying the queen's order, Mobas was furious.

Let his subordinates take those snake girls back, and he also chased them.

(End of this chapter)

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