Chapter 220
"No need... Limu Lulu, hurry... go to bed!"

Within a few seconds, Nakolulu stopped her voice.

But this voice sounds weird, Na Ke Lulu is usually careless, and she speaks very simply.

But now I feel a little hesitant, the words are unclear, and it seems to be accompanied by some other noises.

Limu Lulu didn't care about these things at this time either.

She is really too sleepy now.

But the opposite side is so noisy, she can't sleep well!
However, her older sister had spoken, and as a well-behaved and obedient younger sister, Lim Lulu naturally followed suit.

Covering herself in the quilt, after an unknown period of time, she finally fell asleep.

The next day, Limu Lulu came out with dark circles under her eyes, with a gloomy and resentful expression on her face.

She carried a weight she shouldn't have at her age.

After she glanced at her sister Na Ke Lulu, she couldn't accept it immediately.

Although she couldn't tell when she fell asleep last night, her sister would definitely not go to bed earlier than herself.

No matter what I said, I fell asleep because they stopped arguing.

But why does my sister not only have no dark circles or anything, but her face is radiant and she seems to be more energetic.

This made Limu Lulu really unable to understand.

Is this treated differently by God?This is too unfair!
Of course, what Limu Lulu didn't know was that since Nako Lulu and Qin Ke hadn't seen each other for a long time, they had been talking freely around five o'clock.

Nako Lulu only slept for more than two hours.

Don't worry too much about these little things.

Lim Lulu was also quickly compensated.

Qin Ke and Na Kelu went out to play, but she can sleep at home for a while.

Although she said she was curious about where her sister would go with Qin Ke, she wanted to follow her to see.

But the body really doesn't allow it, so I stay at home and watch the door.

Na Ke Lulu walked on the street with Qin Ke in her arms.

People around looked at him in surprise.

They also couldn't imagine how the notoriously irritable Nakolulu could be so well-behaved?
And it was still in front of a man.

You know, before that, Nako Lulu was "a man's nightmare".

Any man who wants to get close to her will be cleaned up by her.

But now...

Alas, there are indeed too many unsolved mysteries in this world, especially women's hearts should not be guessed.

To be honest, Qin Ke was really comfortable in winning glory for the country yesterday.

The girls in this country are really extraordinary.

However, there will be some small problems after the glory, and this is really not easy to deal with.

Like those flowers and plants in cf, put them in the original world?

Not very good, she is alone in this world, and this world is too boring, it is a sin to leave her here alone, and Qin Ke can't bear it.

Therefore, after pondering for a while, Qin Ke decided to take her to his fairy mansion.

As for Limu Lulu, they must be together.

Without Nako Lulu's care, Limu Lulu would be eaten to the brim in this world.

Naturally, Qin Ke couldn't let him happen.

Qin Ke followed Na Kelu out this time, and there was only one thing to do.

That is to solve the big boss of this world.

This is his responsibility as a "hero".

With Qin Ke's current strength, it is not too easy to deal with the boss of this world.

Bosses of this level can be killed in one blow.

"You... It seems that you have developed very well these years. No wonder you wanted to leave us at the beginning. It turned out to be the case, and that's right. If you stayed here, how could you have the current strength?"

After killing the Great Demon King, Qin Ke and Na Ke Lulu stood on top of a mountain.

Looking down from the top of the mountain, Na Ke Lulu was silent for a long time, and the smile at the beginning did not appear on her face, she seemed a little hesitant, and spoke sullenly.

Qin Ke's performance is so excellent, but she is indeed so mediocre.

In this country, men still dominate.

Especially a man with high martial arts skills who can be regarded as a samurai.

They have the power of life and death over women and even ordinary people, and they can kill at will.

Originally, Nako Lulu should also be reduced to a vassal.

However, Na Ke Lulu is powerful, and ordinary people naturally can't control her.

And it's not easy for a powerful warrior to fight with a woman, so Nako Lulu's little life is going well.

Although Qin Ke is not a murderous person.

But Qin Ke, who was too good, made Na Ke Lulu feel a little unworthy.

Different from other women, compared to the current Qin Ke, Na Ke Lulu still prefers the one who picked her feet and was bullied by her every day in the beginning.

Well, she bullied him during the day, and changed it at night.

"If I stay here, let alone more than ten years, even if it is a lifetime, I may not have this strength."

Qin Ke didn't deny Na Ke Lulu's words, but answered very seriously.

Na Ke Lulu's words are correct, Qin Ke's strength at this time has already exceeded the setting of this game world.

"Then... do you have... a lot of women on your side, will you abandon me?"

After being silent for several more breaths, Nako Lulu finally mustered up the courage to ask this question.

When asking this question, Nako Lulu was very nervous.

In her opinion, if she didn't ask this question, she might be able to continue to have fun with Qin Ke for a while, until Qin Ke got bored and abandoned her, leaving secretly alone.

And if she asked that question, it might be...

Although it is not that she cannot accept the result of being abandoned.

Well, she is the stupid woman who still wants to fuck even though she knows it won't work out.

However, she still wanted to hear Qin Ke's truth.

"What are you worried about? If I want to leave, I will naturally take the two of you with me. "

Qin Ke smiled.

Qin Ke couldn't do that kind of ruthless thing like pulling birds, and he wouldn't do it.

"Even if you lie to me, I will believe it."

Hearing Qin Ke's words, Na Ke Lulu hid directly into Qin Ke's arms like a bird.

Well, this girl who likes to play with eagles eventually turned into a bird.

However, she has already forgotten, and it seems that she has not got the answer to Qin Ke's question that there are not many women...

Qin Ke didn't make any jokes, he could do what he said, and of course he would take it away if he asked.

After only staying in this world for a week, Qin Ke left.

After all, the world is too small.

Moreover, this is Qin Ke's second visit, and the time ratio in this world is almost the same as that in Qianyu Continent.

It was indeed not convenient for Qin Ke to stay for a long time.

What's more, Qin Ke still has a world of Yaoshenji that he hasn't visited for aftertaste.

In that world, there might be one or two or three obedient apprentices talking about themselves, and they need to be educated by themselves as masters.

To be honest, the master Qin Ke was really incompetent.

Teaching apprentices, in addition to giving them "initiative education", has not fulfilled the responsibility of being a teacher, it is really a sin!

Qin Ke took the two sisters Lulu back, ignored the gazes of the others, and insisted on not explaining anything.

It's true that Qin Ke's head is still a bit hard now, and his face is even more thick-skinned.

In this family, it is naturally up to him to be the master of the family.

(End of this chapter)

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