Douluo: My martial soul connects all worlds

Chapter 221 The Goddess' Helplessness

Chapter 221 The Goddess' Helplessness

The next day, Qin Ke went to the Little Delicate World in The Story of the Demon God.

However, he did not find the person he was looking for.

Through some information, Qin Ke learned that Xiao Ning'er and the others had gone to another world, namely "Dragon Void Realm".

Anyway, she also holds the book of time and space demon spirits.

If Qin Ke went to look for it, he would definitely be able to enter the Longxu Realm, but it was unnecessary.

Qin Ke didn't want to be contaminated with the cultivation system of this world.

Therefore, he did not go to the Dragon Void Realm, but returned directly.

All of a sudden, Qin Ke also took a trip to the world that had something to do with Qin Ke, and felt a lot more at ease.

In the Hall of Stars, he devoured and absorbed the God Seed of Destruction.

However, Qin Ke swallowed the power of destruction, not the main body.

Because Qin Ke's body has already mastered the five elements and life.

At the beginning, Qin Ke also planned to use his own body to devour and destroy the gods.

No one would despise their own ability is too strong.

Had to give up after trying.

Several forces are mutually exclusive and incompatible at all.

In desperation, Qin Ke naturally had no choice but to give up.At this time, he still doesn't have the power to allow life and destruction to exist at the same time.

It just so happened that the second soul had also reached the realm of a Taoist soul, and was already preparing to break through to the Void Returning Earth Immortal.

Therefore, Qin Ke asked him to refine the God Seed of Destruction to increase his strength.

Anyway, the second soul can be regarded as Qin Ke.

Qin Ke can use the power of his second soul at any time.

The effect of devouring them is almost the same.

In fact, this is not bad, if he is devoured by himself, it is difficult to hide it, and it is difficult to explain the God of Life's inquiries.

For the second soul, it is almost the same.

Now, Qin Ke has understood nine of the ten great ways of heaven in the Manghuang Ji.

It is only a matter of time before Qin Ke comprehends the last chaotic way of heaven.

It can be said that no matter how mediocre Qin Ke's talent is, as long as he breaks through to the realm of the true god, with hundreds of millions of years, he can still break through in cultivation if he endures slowly.

As for whether the world in the Manghuangji will be enslaved by the foreign supreme.

I don't know how many chaotic epochs have passed...

And even if he is enslaved, it doesn't have much to do with Qin Ke. Qin Ke can jump into the world of stars to live his own life.

emmm, I feel a little cheap.

Qin Ke's little life is going well, but the God of Life is very distressed.

Because the God Realm needs people to manage it.

This period of time is managed by the main god Shura.

After Lord Shura was suppressed, he could only ask other people to help.

Before that, when it was the God of Life's turn to be on duty, the Lord God of Destruction would take over for her, and she usually didn't care about things.

But now, the main god of Shura is gone, and even the main god of destruction is gone, and he doesn't even know whether he is dead or alive!
As for the good and the evil, they don't care about the world.

That is because the goodness and evil are ignored, so the Lord God Shura wants to find someone to replace him.

There is no way, the frequency of this shift change is too high, many times he is doing a thing seriously, and he has to give up halfway to be on duty before finishing it.

The God of Life can only stand up and manage this mess at this time.

"Where did Destroy go? If he doesn't come back, wouldn't I also fall into this mess?"

The God of Life naturally sent many gods out to find the Lord God of Destruction during this period of time.

She herself was looking around.

But after all, there was still no news, and the God of Destruction seemed to have evaporated from the world.

This made the God of Life extremely uncomfortable, and his mood couldn't get better.

Before, she always had a smile on her face.

But now his face is full of sorrow all the time.

"Do you want to bring Qin Ke in?"

Among the five main gods, three couldn't be contacted, and one knew where it was but couldn't help.

The God of Life can only pull strong men.

For other people, maybe no one will be convinced.

After all, the gods are also divided into factions.

If someone from one faction is chosen to be the master, the other factions will definitely not be convinced.

Before this, there were several gods in the God Realm, so naturally they were not afraid of all of them.

But now she is alone, unable to support herself, she has to be more cautious.

After all, it is not an ordinary person who can become a god.

They are all the most geniuses in the world, and they all have their own arrogance.

If they provoke them to some extent, the God Realm will definitely fall into chaos.

Therefore, this is also the reason why the five main gods can only manage the God Realm, not rule the world.

All gods have tempers, and the main god is strong and manageable, so it’s no problem to be their leader.

But if you want to be the "king" who rules them, then it's embarrassing.

They also fought against "local tyrants" in the lower realm, and they don't mind a war like this in the god realm.

Therefore, the main god can only manage them.

But the first-level god wants to manage them all, which is impossible, especially the gods who still have some grievances with each other, it is even more impossible to agree.

At this time, it seems that Qin Ke can only be used.

Qin Ke has the means to make the main god a headache, and the ordinary gods are naturally even less likely to mess around easily.

The God of Life did not ask Qin Ke to manage the God Realm well.

At least until the other main gods return, it is enough to ensure that the God Realm is not chaotic.

For others, we can wait for her to contact other main gods, maybe a hundred years later, the main god Shura will also come out and discuss together.

Thinking of this, the God of Life felt more and more that this method was good.

Qin Ke holds a magic weapon that can subdue others.

And the Vulcan and the Wrath God who had tasted the power of the magic weapon happened to be from two different factions.

They can pass on the power of that magic weapon to their brothers and sisters.

Therefore, after they learned that Qin Ke would take over from Lord Shura to manage them for a period of time.

Even if they are not convinced, they have to hold back honestly!

So, the God of Life came to visit again in person and told Qin Ke about it.

"Well, my lord goddess, I am a person who really has no intention of power. You also know that even in the Douluo Continent, I am not the one who rules the world, but the Angel God and the Raksha God."

After Qin Ke knew the purpose of the God of Life's visit, his face looked very flat.

He will go to other places to strengthen himself in the future.

Who will run the world.

Qin Ke really wanted to rule the God Realm.

But domination is not the same as management.

"I know this, but I do have very important things to do now, and I can't leave alone, right? And there is no one more suitable than you now, I hope you can help me, I beg Please, just help me take care of the God Realm for 99 years, so that the God Realm will not fall into chaos, I believe you have that strength."

In the tone of the God of Life, there was a trace of prayer.

At this time, the God of Life dispelled Qin Ke's suspicion of being a "conspirator".

Since they don't care much about power, it's impossible for them to do anything outrageous.

At the beginning, Qin Ke planned to make up his mind and let the God of Life say that he would not agree to anything.

However, the God of Life's sentence "inseparable from the body" immediately woke him up.

He felt that he was a little confused. He obviously had a doppelganger, but he stayed at home to sleep?

This time he can come in handy!
"This...well...since you have said so, Goddess, then I agree. I won't say anything else, I guarantee that those guys will be honest in the God Realm."

Qin Ke reluctantly nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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