Chapter 258
After the call, Xia Mang felt that the emperor's luck in her body had gradually stabilized, and she was relieved a lot.

People's hearts are like this, one is to rely on the strength of the ruler.

Second, rely on one mouth.One mouth can make the hearts of the people join or separate them.

In history, there are many things about turning a deer into a horse, and three people becoming a tiger!It is because the mouth can speak!Coupled with the shock of strength!
After speaking, Xia Mang returned to Tianmang Hall, first discussed with the five gods and true immortals, and then went to Qin Ke.

"Fellow Daoist Qin Ke, can you really confirm the exact location of the headquarters of the Wujian Sect?"

Xia Mang spoke seriously.

"That's natural. If the place where Immortal Baiji was shouting just now was the Wujian City opened by the Wujian Sect in the Great Xia Dynasty, then I can be [-]% sure of his location."

Qin Ke nodded confidently.

Sorry, you can really do whatever you want if you control the power of space!

"So, how far is that place from the imperial city? Fellow Daoist, how long does it take you to go there?"

Xia Mang spoke eagerly.

After careful confirmation, Qin Ke replied: "If it's just going back and forth and doing nothing, it's only six hours."

Six hours, that is, half a day.

This is not surprising. In fact, it was only after Qin Ke came to this world that he remembered that he had lost one of the treasures in the spiritual world - the Starry Sky Realm.

With the Starry Sky Realm, any place in the spiritual world is just a thought, an instant.

Although the world of the Great Xia Dynasty is said to be a vast world, its area is still a bit smaller than the galaxy in the spiritual world.

If Qin Ke had the Starry Sky Realm, such a back and forth would only take a few breaths.

"Six hours?"

Hearing Qin Ke's words, Xia Mang almost yelled loudly.

Six hours is too short!The day is used as the unit of time for any fights between the real immortals!

"I hope Fellow Daoist Qin Ke and others can use your great supernatural powers to go to Wujian City and destroy its space passages! Of course, after finishing all this, I hope Fellow Daoist Qin Ke can come back and continue to help."

Xia Mang spoke with some embarrassment.

Qin Ke smiled slightly, and said calmly: "Emperor Xia is really polite about things that are so easy to do."

Emperor Xia was indeed too enthusiastic during this time.

Basically respond to Qin Ke's needs.

All the materials Qin Ke needed to cultivate the Star Picker's Heavenly God Turn were produced by Xia Mang.

After all, if you want a horse to run, you have to give grass first, right?

Xia Mang naturally hoped that their side would be as strong as possible.

Emperor Xia nodded.

Soon, Xia Mang brought the five gods, tens of thousands of heavenly immortals, and millions of scattered immortals and earth immortals into one of his innate spiritual treasures—Eight Dragon Cloud City.

Although the formations of the Great Xia Imperial City are more stubborn than those of the Innate Lingbao Eight Dragons Cloud City, fighting in the Great Xia Imperial City is really exhausting, and even if you win, you will suffer a bit.

That's why Xia Mang took out the Eight Dragons Cloud City.

Even if the innate spirit treasure of the Eight Dragons Cloud City was destroyed in the end, the victory was worth it.

Qin Ke did not go into the Eight Dragons Cloud City, but quietly left the main force after a period of time.

Although Xia Mang also asked Qin Ke if he needed help, Qin Ke refused.

He is a god, coupled with the strength of the second soul infinitely close to Chunyang Zhenxian, it is more than enough to steal a house.

In order to create more momentum, Baiji Zhenxian must lead people to attack Xia Mang.

Comparing them to the invaders who initiate the war, Xia Mang is the defender.

Although Xia Mang can take the initiative to launch an attack and encirclement, this can greatly boost the morale of the army.

But that would be risky.

Now with Qin Ke's elusive helper, Xia Mang is not in a hurry, but is thinking about how to win the best victory at the lowest price!
Choose a battlefield and wait for the arrival of Baiji Zhenxian.

After Baiji Zhenxian was ready, he also led a million-strong army into the congenital Lingbao Feicheng, which was the same as Xiamang's Eight Dragon Cloud City, to crusade.

Not long after they left, Qin Ke appeared in the sky above Wu Jiang City.

Wujian City is just a small city with a small area.

After Qin Ke's soul power swept casually, he stretched out a hand.

Immediately, the people in the entire Wujiang City suddenly felt that it was getting dark.

Looking up, a huge palm lined up towards them.

They don't know how many people were shot to death by the star pickers before they had time to react, and went directly to the underworld to report.

Qin Ke looked at the teleportation gate that appeared in the Infinite City, took out the Qianniu sword, and manipulated it to stab at the portal.

In such an instant, the portal connecting Wujianjiao's "Fifth World" was directly destroyed by Qin Ke.

"Damn it! You will be hunted down endlessly by the Wujian Sect! Hurry up and mobilize the god puppet!"

Qin Ke's star picker is indeed very strong, but among the guards staying in the Infinite City, although there are no gods, there are hundreds of gods!

Qin Ke's casual blow would definitely not kill everyone.

Some thick-skinned immortals from the monster clan, as well as those immortals with deep strength and some trump cards also recovered half of their lives and survived.

There are about fifteen such people.

Naturally, their fighting power has dropped a lot, and they dare not take the initiative to fight against a god like Qin Ke.

Hastily took out one of Wu Jianjiao's trump cards in the war - the god puppet.

There are three god puppets staying in the base camp!

The three together are more than enough to deal with the gods.

Because the defense of these god puppets is extremely high, comparable to pure yang magic weapons.

This is also the reason why it is called the puppet of the gods.

Because with this puppet, weaker gods can be killed abruptly.

The Wujian Sect has been hiding in various worlds over the years, secretly mining resources to create god puppets, which is their confidence.

Some puppets can no longer be considered god puppets, but Dao ancestor puppets, and their strength is comparable to ordinary Tao ancestors!
However, there is no such puppet in the world of the Great Xia Dynasty, only the Fifth World, the headquarters of Wujianjiao.

"Not bad! Very well made!"

Qin Ke's god-level body naturally has no fear of puppets.

After a head-to-head confrontation, he couldn't help but say, these are indeed good things, their defense power is amazing, and their attack power is even better.


"I'll accept all of these!"

For fun, Qin Ke wanted to study these puppets carefully.

"Don't be ashamed!"

Hearing that Qin Ke wanted to accept the three god puppets, the gods who survived all sneered with disdain.

If the god puppets can be taken away so easily by outsiders, how could Wu Jianjiao work so hard to make the god puppets?
However, within less than a stick of incense, the sarcasm on their faces froze and turned into unbelievable horror.

The three god puppets who were attacking Qin Ke for a moment suddenly stopped in the air, and then turned around slowly, as if aiming at them!

(End of this chapter)

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