Chapter 259 Sudden Attack
"how can that be!"

The immortals on the side of Wujianjiao were immediately stunned.

How did the god puppet be countered by Qin Ke in such a short time?This is not logical!
"Nothing is impossible, kill them."

Qin Ke didn't explain too much.

He has mastered the supreme secret technique of the soul clan, the profound meaning of living soul, and can even divide souls.

These god puppets can be controlled casually.

I won't say much about it, it's a series of massacres carried out by the puppets of the gods.

None of the remaining angels survived.

Qin Ke did not pretend to be generous, taking away all the Immortal Houses in the Palm of the Immortals in the dead zone.

Although these Immortal Mansions are not comparable to the Great Thousand World, they are completely counted as one of the Small Thousand Worlds.

Qin Ke holds it in his hand, so it has its own use.

After cleaning up the booty, Qin Ke calmly left this place, traveled through space, and prepared to meet Xia Mang.

At this time, Xia Mang had already confronted the Immortal Baiji of the Wujian Sect.

Both sides were extremely well prepared, and for a while, neither side could show an absolute stance to overwhelm them.

Without a period of confrontation, it is extremely difficult to tell the winner.

The Wujianjiao was naturally busy with confronting Xia Mang, so they didn't notice that there were three more god puppets in their camp!
After all, the god puppets are unique to Wujianjiao, and the people of Wujianjiao didn't pay much attention to them.

And the gods and true immortals who know how many god puppets are on their side now naturally focus on the gods and true immortals on the opposite side.

It's a pity that it was their negligence that eventually led to a catastrophe!
Qin Ke used the hands of the god puppets to divide his soul step by step to control other god puppets.

In the end, after mastering the nine god puppets, Qin Ke's spirit reached its limit.

This is why he took away the soul power of his subordinates.

Otherwise, relying on the power of his soul, being able to control four or five is already the limit.

Qin Ke used the secret technique of the soul clan to extract the soul power of his soul slaves for his own use temporarily.

After it was almost over, Qin Ke naturally stabbed Wu Jianjiao in the back suddenly.

With the help of the nine celestial puppets, Qin Ke and his second soul both killed a strong celestial being from Wujianjiao with one move.

The killing power of the second soul naturally smashed the body of the god who was seriously injured after being attacked by five god puppets, completely annihilating it!

Qin Ke relied on pure physical strength.

After all, at the level of the gods, Qin Ke's physical strength is definitely the first, and it is not an exaggeration to call it No. 1 under the true god!

It is undoubtedly great news for Xia Mang that the opponent has lost two masters at the level of gods!
"Damn it! Poison Que Heavenly God be careful!"

After Qin Ke killed the two gods, he didn't stop there.

Instead, he set his sights on Du Que Tianshen who was still in the melee.

His deity, the second soul, and nine god puppets were dispatched together.

He vowed to kill him with one blow before giving up.

The four gods and gods, Baiji Zhenxian, Huoyun Tianshen, Qinghu sect master and other four gods and immortals who were watching Xia Mang covetously at the side, all spoke out to remind them.

Huoyun Tianshen and Qinghu sect master are even more ready to rescue.

But Xia Mang's side naturally couldn't just let the two gods join the battle.

Hastily stepped forward and stopped the two gods who were about to help.

Du Que Heavenly God was already fighting with Xia Mang's army of one thousand Celestial Immortals and one hundred thousand Sanxian Immortals and Earth Immortals, so he had no time to clone himself.

Facing the menacing Qin Ke and the others, Du Que God had only one thought in his mind, and that was—my life is over!
Qin Ke showed no mercy and attacked with all his strength.

Du Que Tianshen actually suffered the killing sword of the second soul.

The Sword of Slaughter did not kill the Duque God, who was still in a perfect state. After all, Qin Ke's second soul had not yet reached the realm of the Pure Yang True Immortal, and it was still a bit short of killing the God in seconds.

However, what he lacked, Qin Ke's Star Picker directly made up for it.

The dignified Poison Que God was caught in Qin Ke's hands like a chicken, and was crushed lightly.

No matter how you say it, the Star Picker is a famous peerless supernatural power in the Three Realms, how can its power be underestimated.

"Warriors of Great Xia! Kill these intruders!"

The other party lost three gods and true immortals one after another, and lost a lot of troublesome god puppets. Xia Mang's confidence doubled and he didn't care about other things.

The Emperor's Sword pointed forward in his hand, launching the final onslaught.

"Get out!"

Seeing the resignation on Baiji Zhenxian's face, the head of the Qinghu sect also spoke helplessly.

Obviously, their side has been completely at a disadvantage. If they continue to fight like this, they will only be wiped out!
At that time, even if they can return to the Fifth World alive, the God King will not let them go!
True Immortal Baiji was really not reconciled, after all he had been "humiliated" by Xia Mang before, and finally took refuge in the Wujian Sect, and got into the position of a small boss. He thought he could defeat Xia Mang and make a good comeback.

Unexpectedly, it ended in failure in the end!

Thinking of the cruelty of the god king, Baiji Zhenxian couldn't help but tremble, and finally ordered to retreat!
"Withdraw? Where are you going? The teleportation array leading to the fifth world has been destroyed by me, please tell me honestly here!"

Qin Ke naturally took away the relics of the three gods.

Of course, if there were relics of other fallen people nearby, Qin Ke would mercilessly collect them no matter which camp they belonged to.

After all, he was still a "poor man" not long after he came to this world.

In the future, if the second soul wants to stay here to practice, no matter what, you have to prepare some wealth for him, right?

Regarding Qin Ke's small gesture, no one said that he "saw" it.

Weak people dare not tell the truth, gods and the like naturally turn a blind eye because of Qin Ke's record just now.

"What! How is this possible!"

Qin Ke's words stunned Baiji Zhenxian immediately.

He couldn't believe that their passage to the Fifth World had been destroyed.

Without further ado, he drove Wujianjiao's Xiantian Lingbao to Feicheng and walked out of Wujian City.

Xia Mang said so when she saw Qin Ke, so she naturally believed that Qin Ke had destroyed Baiji Zhenxian's retreat.

"The whole army! Come with me... to catch a turtle in the urn!"

After Xia Mang waited for his army of millions of immortals to enter the Eight Dragons Cloud City, he immediately started chasing Baiji True Immortal.

Three hours later, True Immortal Baiji came to Wujian City with the defeated soldiers.

Seeing the ruins of Wujian City in a mess, Immortal Baiji froze in place.


Xia Mang didn't give Baiji Zhenxian time to react, and commanded the army to move forward swiftly.

Immortal Baiji and the others lost several gods and puppets of gods because of the company.

Coupled with the fact that the back road is cut off, it can be said that they have no fighting spirit. This time the battle is directly one-sided.

Seeing that something was wrong, the remaining four gods and immortals immediately began to flee in all directions.

Not to mention other gods, it is impossible for Baiji True Immortal Xia Mang to let her go!

So Xia Mang followed Immortal Baiji closely.

After thinking about it for a while, Qin Ke decided to help Xia Mang and take advantage of his speed. No matter which direction True Immortal Baiji ran, Qin Ke would be able to run in front of him in time, waiting for True Immortal Baiji to arrive .

After running in three directions and finding that he couldn't escape, True Immortal Baiji gave up.

"Xia Mang! Let's have a good fight today, let's go together!"

True Immortal Baiji saw that he couldn't escape, so he didn't plan to escape.

He is going to die.

(End of this chapter)

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