Chapter 223
"Thank you so much Wu Zuxin!"

Xia Yuan sighed softly, and returned the phone to Nangong Junyan with confidence.

"Thank you Wu Zuxin?" Nangong Junyan raised his handsome eyebrows.No matter whether Xia Yuan praised or derogated, hearing her say this name made him uncomfortable.

"Thanks to his sleazy makeup artist for putting on so much makeup, my mother wouldn't even recognize it was me."

Xia Yuan looked smug.

"It's just that you have a good mental quality! If I don't come, are you really married to him?"

Although Nangong Toshihiko knew that this question was stupid, he couldn't help but ask.

"I never thought about you not coming. I think you will definitely come. Falling from the sky, stepping on colorful auspicious clouds!"

Xia Yuan responded with a smile, the plate in her hand was already full of delicious food that Nangong Toshihiko brought her.


Nangong Toshihiko only responded softly, but the smile on his face was much more relaxed.

"I don't like to eat chicken feet, give it to you, don't waste it!"

Xia Yuan used her own chopsticks to hold the chicken feet into Nangong Junyan's bowl.

When An Yichen walked into the restaurant, he happened to see this scene, and he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Then, a strange scene appeared that made his mouth open in an O shape. Nangong Junyan actually picked up the phoenix claw that Xia Yuan gave him, with great relish. ate up.

Uh, is this still the aloof Chief Nangong?
Nangong Toshihiko, who was with Xia Yuan, refreshed his cognition again and again.

Nangong Toshihiko has a few hobbies, and the Seven Brothers entrepreneurial team knows that he doesn't eat animal offal, including chicken and duck feet, and he doesn't eat things caught by other people's chopsticks...

But this time, Xia Yuan broke all his limits.

An Yichen was speechless.

Does love change people so much?

Love is such a troublesome and terrible thing!
Thinking of the bet to find a girlfriend within three weeks, An Yichen scratched his head helplessly.

At this time, Xia Yuan had already seen him, and quickly waved to him, motioning for him to come over.

An Yichen sat across from Xia Yuan who was piled up with food plates, and felt that he couldn't see Xia Yuan through the food. He watched Nangong Junyan destroy the chicken claws that Xia Yuan handed over, and felt in his heart. Continuing to be amazed, she asked Xia Yuan:

"You can finish all these?"

It's not that An Yichen is not polite, it's just that so much food really shocked him.Usually he is considered a big eater, so he can't eat that much, okay?
"I let her eat it. For three days and two nights, she must be scared and hungry. You can see that she has lost weight, so she needs to make up for it!"

Nangong Toshihiko calmly spat out the last bone of the chicken claw in his mouth, speaking leisurely.I thought to myself, it seems that chicken feet are not so unpalatable, no wonder it will become a long-lasting delicacy.

"She lost weight? She still lost weight?"

An Yichen looked at Xia Yuan in the bright sunlight, and saw that her skin was rosy, showing a healthy baby fat. Is this thin?
Hey, it turns out that love can make people criticize others!

"I'm really a little skinny!"

Xia Yuan touched her face, she was very cooperative with Nangong Junyan.

In fact, overeating is of course not good, and she doesn't want to be fed into a big fat man, but she is born with a physique that does not get fat, no matter how much she eats, it is nothing more than making her body stronger. With this natural advantage, Of course she was happy to let go of her appetite.

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore, you are in the same group, I was defeated."

An Yichen picked up the plate to pick out food.

Before he knew it, he actually picked out a few more, and when he put them on the dining table, he realized that the food he had brought was no less than Xia Yuan's.

"That's why I said, appreciation of food will be influenced by each other."

Nangong Junyan glanced at An Yichen's food, and said leisurely.

"Hi, good morning everyone!"

Li Hui unexpectedly appeared at this time Shi Shiran.

Xia Yuan felt calm now. It turned out that everyone slept so late, and she was afraid of being late.

"How's it going, are you resting well? We're leaving home today, Rie, this time you've worked the hardest. Why, didn't you sleep well?"

Seeing Rie sitting down, Nangong Toshihiko fixed his eyes on her, and found that her eyes were a little dark and black, so he couldn't help being a little surprised.

Rie has received strict training, no matter what harsh environment she is in, she can fall asleep immediately, er, the environment of this five-star hotel is not bad, right?
"I am a hard-working person. I slept very comfortably in the barren mountains and fields, but when I got to the big bed with warm mattresses, I couldn't sleep well."

In Li Hui's smile, there was a sassy taste, which made Xia Yuan yearn for it.

If she was someone like Li Hui, Xie Shaojun and Qin Rui wouldn't have dared to bully her in their previous lives, right?

"Rie, thank you for your hard work."

Xia Yuan intends to make friends with her.

"It's nothing, the boss calls at any time, and we will arrive right away."

Li Hui said lightly, but revealed the meaning of not accepting Xia Yuan's love.

This is Nangong Junyan's face, you don't have to thank me.The subtext should be like this!
Xia Yuan suddenly understood.

Uh, Toshihiko Nangong, is he still in demand?

But judging by the expression on his face when he was talking with Rie, there wasn't any strange or abnormal kiss.

Xia Yuan didn't feel uncomfortable in her heart, but she also grasped the proper way to get along with Rie.

Xia Yuan smiled and nodded with Rie, and continued to concentrate on eating.

The handsome men and beauties at this table, together with their expensive attire and distinctive and noble demeanor, attracted the attention of many diners in the restaurant.

Fortunately, this is a five-star hotel, and everyone understands the rules. No one will take out their mobile phones to take random pictures, otherwise, once their photos are posted on the Internet, they will win a lot of hits.

After breakfast and a short rest, they set off on their way home.

Nangong Toshihiko said apologetically to Xia Yuan:
"There is still business in the country, the next replay is a big holiday, and I will take you out for a relaxing holiday."

Xia Yuan nodded, it really doesn't matter whether she is on vacation or not, as long as she is with Nangong Toshihiko, even if it is not a luxurious hotel or a modern city, but deep mountains, old forests and simple cabins, she is just as willing. It's like Yi.

The helicopter lifted off slowly, and Rie handsomely adjusted the instrument panel of the helicopter. Her long hair was tied up, and a few strands of hair flew up behind her ears from time to time, giving her a different kind of softness.

Xia Yuan looked at her from behind, and felt that compared with her, she had no advantages. She wondered why Nangong Junyan was so kind to her?
Perhaps, this is the unexplainable fate!

In any case, this experience allowed Xia Yuan to see a completely different side of Nangong Toshihiko besides the chief commercial officer.His handsome and heroic, and his completely unimaginable past life, all revealed the tip of the iceberg in front of Xia Yuan's eyes, arousing her desire to explore his past.

After the helicopter slowly landed on the landing pad on the top floor of Haiju, Li Hui flew away without stopping to talk to them again.

But it's no wonder that she interrupted the training to fight for the task this time. After the task was completed, she naturally had to hurry back to the unfinished training.

(End of this chapter)

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