Sky-high pillow: the chief domineering substitute bride

Chapter 224 Settle the Female Secretary

Chapter 224 Settle the Female Secretary

The helicopter landed on the top of Haiju Headquarters, making little noise, so when Nangong Toshihiko, Xia Yuan, and An Yichen went from the elevator on the top floor to the chief office on the 30th floor, they still scared the people in the office area on the 30th floor. jumped.

Because none of them thought that the chief would suddenly appear in the office.

Didn't the chief go on vacation?Back so soon?
To end the vacation so quickly, either something happened to the company, or the chief didn't have a good time during the vacation...

All in all, no matter which one it is, it's not normal.

The atmosphere in the office area suddenly became dignified, and of course the dignified was mixed with frenzy: documents to be submitted immediately; coffee that must be at a perfect [-] degrees; arrangements for meetings with important guests...

The entire [-]th floor is Nangong Junyan's office area, and An Yichen occupies a corner in it. Of course, even if it is called a corner, it is definitely much more spacious than the chief office of an ordinary small company.

"Why don't you go to my office to rest first? Shall we have dinner together at night?"

Nangong Toshihiko made the local arrangements directly.

Xia Yuan was stunned for a moment, but seeing him holding her hand all the time, she suddenly understood that Nangong Junyan didn't care about her not being tired, but that he didn't want to be separated from her.

When did this proud guy become so sticky?
Xia Yuan felt sweet in her heart, nodded and said:
"it is good!"

With Xia Yuan's long curly hair disappearing into the chief's office, gossiping whispers sounded outside the door.

"Oh my god, is this the chief's fiancée? Are you sure she has no makeup? She looks so delicate and has good skin!"

"Didn't you see the company's welcome banquet last time? It's her, or the original one! It seems that the chief has really moved this time!"

"That's for sure. Except for us secretaries, no women of unknown background have ever entered the chief's office. Those who can enter the chief's office must be the ones the chief fancy."


Shu Zihan heard that Nangong Junyan was very happy when he came back from vacation, but when he heard his colleagues talk like this again, he couldn't help turning black.

She slammed the folder in her hand on the table with a "slap", and the audience fell silent.

Among the people present, who didn't know that the chief wanted to get engaged back then was her?It's just that no one knows why Shu Zihan turned into the woman who just entered the chief's office in the end.

"Hmph, why are you showing such a face? I have no skills, why can't I let others say a few words?"

Shu Zihan shook his face, but it didn't mean that everyone was afraid of her.

At this moment, Chief Secretary Wang Xiaoyang squeezed out a sentence coldly.Wang Xiaoyang couldn't get used to Shu Zihan for a long time. She acted like a former chief fiancée, picked the lightest ones, and refused to let go of the chance to go to the chief's office.

Who knows what's going on?
Is the chief office accessible to any employee at will?Who wouldn't want to find a chance to show their face?

Leaving aside the matter of showing his face, such a handsome chief, which female secretary can take a look at her for a month?Why let Shu Zihan take over all the good things?

Wang Xiaoyang still took up a few words of the chief secretary, but Shu Zihan snatched away the coffee and documents.

Once or twice is enough, three or five times, or more than a dozen times, Wang Xiaoyang is so depressed that he feels that the chief must have forgotten her.

Seeing Shu Zihan shake his face now, Wang Xiaoyang sarcastically said.Really, who is it, who has disliked her for a long time, and still thinks that she is the chief fiancée?

"Wang Xiaoyang, what did you say?"

Shu Zihan was full of anger and had nowhere to vent his anger, so he bumped into Wang Xiaoyang, and immediately pointed at Wang Xiaoyang's nose to scold him.

"You guys have nothing to do, don't you?"

At this time, a stern voice sounded in the office area.

Everyone looked up, and it was An Yichen with a serious face.

This guy looks decent even if he looks scary.Immediately, the scene became quiet and peaceful.

"An Fawu, I'm sorry."

With the title of "chief" secretary on his head, Wang Xiaoyang suddenly realized how unworthy it was to quarrel with Shu Zihan here at this time, so he hurriedly apologized first.


Shu Zihan was not as sensible as Wang Xiaoyang, instead he snorted coldly from his nostrils.

An Yichen knew that Shu Zihan was upset, so why did he go early?Come to regret now?If Shu Zihan is really engaged to Nangong Junyan, although it is hard to say whether he will marry her in the end, but according to Nangong Junyan's personality, he will definitely arrange her well.

Well now, what about personality, what about being a runaway bride, you will definitely regret it.

An Yichen didn't delve into it, but just asked a question:
"Secretary Shu, do you have any mail packages during my absence?"

"There are several lawsuit letters from the court, and some foreign advertisement delivery slips, etc. are all placed on your desk."

Shu Zihan knew that An Yichen was reminding himself not to forget his current professional duty, so he answered with anger.

But she secretly made up her mind. In the package she received on her behalf, there was a list with Xia Yuan's name on it. It was obviously very important, and it was related to some toy purchases. you.Who made you so awesome all day long?

However, the security guard knew that she had taken it on her behalf, so he had to find a way to eliminate this trace...

"Well, good, take it to my office! I'll see it right away."

Haiju entrepreneurs have a big business, and there are many lawsuits throughout the year, so when he heard that there was a lawsuit letter from the court, An Yichen immediately started working.

Seeing Shu Zihan go to pack An Yichen's letters, Wang Xiaoyang snorted coldly in his heart, picked up the brewed coffee on the table, and walked to the chief's office.

In front of An Legal Affairs, you come to grab it?Grab it...

Sure enough, with An Yichen present, Shu Zihan didn't dare to take Wang Xiaoyang's job, and could only watch helplessly as she delivered the coffee to Nangong Junyan's office.

and also!
Wang Xiaoyang couldn't help giving himself a thumbs up in his heart!
She won this game!

Xia Yuan heard the knock on the office door, and was wondering who it was, when Nangong Toshihiko said:

"Come in!"

"Chief, here is the coffee you want. The ninety degrees are just right. Two cups of Blue Mountain. Here are your documents. At three o'clock in the afternoon, two French guests are coming to discuss the details of the French project..."

Wang Xiaoyang reported in an orderly manner.

Nangong Toshihiko nodded and said:
"I see, you follow the schedule!"

Wang Xiaoyang went out happily.Except that she bowed her head slightly and Xia Yuan smiled when she came in, the rest of the time she was doing work reports in a serious manner, maintaining her role as chief secretary.

Xia Yuan exhaled and said:

"So you're so busy? You haven't rested since you came back, and you're as busy as a spinning top."

"It's not that busy every day. I have been away from work for the past two days, so I have a backlog and seem a bit busy. Can you sleep after drinking coffee?"

Seeing that Xia Yuan picked up the coffee and was about to drink it, Nangong Toshihiko hurriedly asked.

 Recommend friend Hong Xiaodu's work: "Peerless Meng Concubine: Get Her Majesty the Black-bellied Highness" travels through a female special soldier pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger

(End of this chapter)

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